How to write safe and user friendly c/c++ #define macros - c++

I have been thinking about how macros can be written to be safe, readable and intuitive. Proper use of them should be understood by the looks of them and when used incorrectly the compiler should tell you, and not let you introduce an obscure bug.
When writing multiple line define macros I usually find myself constructing them like this to fullfill the desired criteria:
#define macro(x) do{ \
... some code line ; \
... some code line ; \
This way you can both...
if (a)
if (a)
A nice feature of this is that if you use them incorrectly you will get a compiler error. This will not compile for example:
if (a)
However, I have seen SW developers read this kind of macro construct and getting quite perplexed by it. Can you think of alternative ways to write macros that will not deceive the user in a way where they do something other than expected, and still are quite understandable when browsing a new piece of code?
Also, can you find any problems with the do {} while(0) method? It could for example be a situation where you would expect the macro to behave a certain way and where this is not the case.
The reason why i am not completely convinced the do {} while(0) method is good practice is that the macros themselves look a bit weird and take some explaining to anyone (some at least) who has not seen the construct before.
Here is an example from one of the links in the comments (thanks!) that i like. It's quite readable I think:
#define MYMACRO(a,b) \
if (xyzzy) asdf(); \
else (void)0
Is it possible to break it?

A common approach when you want your macro to do nothing, and toggle this behavior with the preprocessor, is to use the void(0) operation.
#define macro(x) do{ \
... some code line ; \
... some code line ; \
#define macro(x) ((void)(0))
This way you won't break compilation whenever nulling out macro operations


Asserts and unused variables in Visual Studio 2010 SP1

I use the code below for assert in "release", have for some time with no issues ever.
Then along came Visual Studio 2010 Pro SP1, and things went south, as also happened to mr. Krunthar.
Problem is, when I have a piece of code in which I do sanity checks like this:
#define ASSERT(condition, msg) do { (void)sizeof(condition); } while (0,0)
// Note: (0,0) is to avoid warning C4127: conditional expression is constant
int result = CallMeOnce(); // its side effects are the important stuff
// perform additional sanity checks in debug
ASSERT(result >= 0, "too low");
ASSERT(result <= 100, "too high");
ASSERT(!isPrime(result), "too prime");
VS2010 spits out a warning C4189: 'result' : local variable is initialized but not referenced
I am at a loss on how to fix that:
Code like (void)(condition) will execute any expression passed as condition, which is a no no
Putting CallMeOnce() inside the ASSERT expression is impossible
Refactoring all the different CallMeOnce()s is NOT an option
I'd rather not have to write scaffolding code like (void)result, if (result == result) {} or UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(result) (or equivalent) outside the macro just to avoid the warning as it makes the code even harder to read (pollution), and is easy to forget while writing code in Debug. Also: in lots of places!
I'm considering creating another macro (ASSERTU?) just for variables, but it feels so... quirky!
Has anyone found a better way out?
Thanks a lot!
Edit: Clarified preference for the variable handling at caller's level
in your assert macro you have
presumably this code was written by someone else, so, explanation:
the rôle of the (void) cast is to tell the compiler that you really intended this do-nothing expression statement to do nothing.
now do the same for your result
that was easy, wasn't it? sometimes solution is just staring you in the face. ;-)
by the way, when this construct is used to suppress warnings about unused formal arguments, you might want to add a redefinition of the name, like
(void) unusedArg; struct unusedArg;
this prevents inadvertently using the argument with later maintenance of the code
however, the error generated by visual c++ is not exactly informative
there are umpteen level of sophistication that can be added, but i think even the name redefinition is perhaps going too far – the cost greater than the advantage, perhaps
You can use the UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER macro.
It seems I got somewhere!
#define ASSERT(condition, msg) \
do { \
if (0,0) { \
(void)(condition); \
} \
} while (0,0)
Mandatory explanation:
(void)(condition); will suppress C4189, but will execute any expression or function call passed in.
However, if (false) {...} will make sure that whatever (valid expression) "..." may be, it will not be executed. Code optimization phase will see it as dead code and throw it away (no code generated at all for the block in my tests!).
Finally, the owl trick (0,0) will prevent C4127, which seems a quite useless warning in the first place but hey, less clutter in the compilation output!
The only weakness I could find to this solution is that condition needs to be compilable code, so if you #ifdef-ed out part of the expression, it will raise an error. It might be that it's also compiling (though not calling) the code for the called functions; more research would be useful.
This is much nicer. Also: an expression instead of a statement
#define ASSERT(condition, msg) ( false ? (void)(condition) : (void)0 )
though you might want both debug and release versions of your assert to have the same semantic, so a do {...} while (0,0) around it might be appropriate.
You can use pairs of __pragma(warning(push)) __pragma(warning(disable: 4127)) and __pragma(warning(pop)) to silence C4127 just for the ASSERT line.
Then (void)(true ? (void)0 : ((void)(expression))) silences C4189.
This is an excerpt from my own implementation of an assertion macro.
The PPK_ASSERT(expression) macro will ultimately expand to PPK_ASSERT_3(level, expression) or PPK_ASSERT_UNUSED(expression) depending on whether assertions are enabled or disabled.
#define PPK_ASSERT_3(level, expression, ...)\
__pragma(warning(disable: 4127))\
static bool _ignore = false;\
if (PPK_ASSERT_LIKELY(expression) || _ignore || pempek::assert::implementation::ignoreAllAsserts());\
if (pempek::assert::implementation::handleAssert(PPK_ASSERT_FILE, PPK_ASSERT_LINE, PPK_ASSERT_FUNCTION, #expression, level, _ignore, __VA_ARGS__) == pempek::assert::implementation::AssertAction::Break)\
while (false)\
#define PPK_ASSERT_UNUSED(expression) (void)(true ? (void)0 : ((void)(expression)))

Whats meaning of this rsAssert macro?

i found this code from here
#if 1
#define rsAssert(v) do {if(!(v)) LOGE("rsAssert failed: %s, in %s at %i", #v, __FILE__, __LINE__);} while(0)
#define rsAssert(v) while(0)
Question 1:
Here i am not getting why do and while is used here? Is there any special reason for using this?
Question 2:
What is the purpose of doing this all in macro. Why just one dont use assert() ?
i think perhaps there is a valid reason for this..
Your first question about why there's a do/while "loop" is covered here: What's the use of do while(0) when we define a macro?
The answer to the second question could be better answered by the code's author, but I guess they wanted to use their own logging system when an assert failed rather than the default one.
The do/while is a well-known trick for turning a block of statements into something that syntactically acts like a single statement. It allows use in places like:
if (whatever)
// ...
whereas, most alternatives would produce a syntax error in this case.
As for why using it at all: because it writes output with LOGE instead of printing to stderr, and (unless LOGE does so) this doesn't seem to abort the program like assert will.
As asked many times before, the reason a do-while loop is use is for syntactic sugar:
// this line would be valid if a simple if was used:
// with a do-while, however, this is now invalid:
// so, that means you have to add the ';' to make it look like a function call:

#define (CLASS) in c++

I was looking at some coding done in a header file of a program installed on my PC & i found this :
# define A( CLASS ) \
void *D(const C*to);
can anybody tell me what this means?
what are those slashes for & why hasnt all of this written in 1 line?
what does (CLASS) mean over here?
& why is there so much spacing done?
The \ just append the statements on two different lines.
It is essential same as:
#define A(CLASS) B(CLASS) void *D(const C*to);
This is done probably just for better readability.
The backslashes are there to "protect" the newline -- the preprocessor will throw away both the \ and the newline when reading in the file, putting the entire thing on one logical line. (Well, it'll also emit #line markups so the compiler can generate decent error messages too.)
Someone thought that layout was more legible than this:
#define A(CLASS) B(CLASS) void *D(const C*to);
If you imagine that B, D, and C are probably replaced with something else in the file, it'll look a bit like this in the output:
Monkey(Simian) void *Bananas(const sticks *to);
It must have made more sense to them, as they wrote the macro, to instead "see" it like this:
void *Bananas(const sticks *to);
I'm not sure it is an improvement (and I think I hate the style), but hopefully it makes sense now.
The slashes \ means the definition of the macro continues on the next line. In the absense of \, the next line would not be considered as a part of the macro, because by default macro considers only one line on which #define is written.
It is analogous to [contd...] which many people often use in English language (especially on online forums), to indicate continuation.

How to separate logging logic from business logic in a C program? And in a C++ one?

I am currently coding in C and I have lots of printfs so that I can track, at some times, the flow of my application. The problem is that some times I want more detail than others, so I usually spend my time commenting/uncommenting my C code, so I can get the appropriate output.
When using Java or C#, I can generally separate both my implementation code from the logging logic by using Aspects.
Is there any similar technique you use in C to get around this problem?
I know I could put a flag called DEBUG that could be either on or off, so I wouldn't have to go all around and comment/uncomment my whole code every time I want to either show or hide the printfs. The question is I'd like to also get rid of the logging logic in my code.
If instead of C I was coding in C++, would it be any better?
It seems there is an AspectC++, so for C++ there seems to be a solution. What about C?
IME you cannot really separate logging from the algorithms that you want to log about. Placing logging statements strategically takes time and experience. Usually, the code keeps assembling logging statements over its entire lifetime (though it's asymptotic). Usually, the logging evolves with the code. If the algorithm changes often, so will usually the logging code.
What you can do is make logging as unobtrusive as possible. That is, make sure logging statements always are one-liners that do not disrupt reading the algorithm, make it so others can insert additional logging statements into an existing algorithm without having to fully understand your logging lib, etc.
In short, treat logging like you treat string handling: Wrap it in a nice little lib that will be included and used just about everywhere, make that lib fast, and make it easy to use.
Not really.
If you have variadic macros available, you can easily play games like this:
#ifdef NDEBUG
#define log(...) (void)0
#define log(...) do {printf("%s:%d: ", __FILE__, __LINE__); printf(__VA_ARGS__);} while(0)
You can also have logging that's turn-off-and-onable at a finer granularity:
#define LOG_FLAGS <something>;
#define maybe_log(FLAG, ...) do { if (FLAG&LOG_FLAGS) printf(__VA_ARGS__);} while(0)
int some_function(int x, int y) {
maybe_log(FUNCTION_ENTRY, "x=%d;y=%d\n", x, y);
... do something ...
maybe_log(FUNCTION_EXIT, "result=%d\n", result);
return result;
Obviously this can be a bit tedious with only allowing a single return from each function, since you can't directly get at the function return.
Any of those macros and calls to printf could be replaced with something (other macros, or variadic function calls) that allows the actual logging format and target to be separated from the business logic, but the fact of some kind of logging being done can't be, really. does claim to offer a C and C++ compiler with language extensions supporting AOP. I have no idea what state it's in, and if you use it then of course you're not really writing C (or C++) any more.
Remember that C++ has multiple inheritance, which is sometimes helpful with cross-cutting concerns. With enough templates you can do remarkable things, perhaps even implementing your own method dispatch system that allows some sort of join points, but it's a big thing to take on.
On GCC you could use variadic macros: . It makes possible to define dprintf() with any number of parameters.
Using additional hidden verbose_level parameter you can filter the messages.
In this case the logging loggic will only contain
dprintf_cond(flags_or_verbose_level, msg, param1, param2);
and there will be no need in separating it from the rest of code.
A flag and proper logic is probably the safer way to do it, but you could do the same at compile type. Ie. Use #define and #ifdef to include/exclude the printfs.
Hmm, this sounds similar to a problem I encountered when working on a C++ project last summer. It was a distributed app which had to be absolutely bulletproof and this resulted in a load of annoying exception handling bloat. A 10 line function would double in size by the time you added an exception or two, because each one involved building a stringstream from a looong exception string plus any relevant parameters, and then actually throwing the exception maybe five lines later.
So I ended up building a mini exception handling framework which meant I could centralise all my exception messages inside one class. I would initialise that class with my (possibly parameterised) messages on startup, and this allowed me to write things like throw CommunicationException(28, param1, param2) (variadic arguments). I think I'll catch a bit of flak for that, but it made the code infinitely more readable. The only danger, for example, was that you could inadvertently throw that exception with message #27 rather than #28.
#ifndef DEBUG_OUT
# define DBG_MGS(level, format, ...)
# define DBG_SET_LEVEL(x) do{}while(0)
extern int dbg_level;
# define DBG_MSG(level, format, ...) \
do { \
if ((level) >= dbg_level) { \
fprintf(stderr, (format), ## __VA_ARGS__); \
} \
} while (0)
# define DBG_SET_LEVEL(X) do { dbg_level = (X); } while (0)
The ## before __VA_ARGS__ is a GCC specific thing that makes , __VA_ARGS__ actually turn into the right code when there are no actual extra arguments.
The do { ... } while (0) stuff is just to make you put ; after the statements when you use them, like you do when you call regular functions.
If you don't want to get as fancy you can do away with the debug level part. That just makes it so that if you want you can alter the level of debugging/tracing date you want.
You could turn the entire print statement into a separate function (either inline or a regular one) that would be called regardless of the debug level, and would make the decision as to printing or not internally.
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int dbg_level = 0;
void DBG_MGS(int level, const char *format, ...) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
if (level >= dbg_level) {
vfprintf(stderr, format, ap);
If you are using a *nix system then you should have a look at syslog.
You might also want to search for some tracing libraries. There are a few that do similar things to what I have outlined.

Over reliance on macros

I feel, every time I read a C or C++ program, that half or more of it is just macros. I understand that macros can be cool but they are hard to track, debug, etc. Not to mention that most programming languages do not even define something like macros (although Perl6 will have something of the sort).
I personally always have found a way to write my code without using macros, whether it be with templates, multiple inheritance, etc. I have even felt I am not a good programmer because all the pros use macros and I try to avoid them as much as I can.
The question is, are there problems which cannot be solved without macros? Are macros ultimately a good/bad practice? When should I consider using a macro?
Yes, here's one. When you need to add tracing code to your program in such a way that one configuration contains it and the other completely omits you have to use macros.
Something like:
#define LOG( x ) DoLog( x )
#define LOG( x )
now you use it this way:
LOG( L"Calling blahblahblah with " + getSomeStringHardToCompute() );
and in the configuration with WITH_LOGGING you have that code and otherwise it is completely omitted - not even present in the binary, and therefore
it doesn't help others analyze your program
you get a smaller binary
the program doesn't waste time fo logging at all
the compiler can produce better optimized code.
You've been looking at some bad C++ code. The places I use macros are limited to:
header guards
very occasional conditional compilation
a general exception throwing macro
a general debugging/logging output macro
I don't think those four can be avoided.
Straight from Scott Myer's Effective C++ -> 1
Given the availability of consts and inlines, your need for the preprocessor is reduced, but it's not completely eliminated. The day is far from near when you can abandon #include, and #ifdef/#ifndef continue to play important roles in controlling compilation. It's not yet time to retire the preprocessor, but you should definitely plan to start giving it longer and more frequent vacations.
Debug behaviour may be controlled with constant flags or debug functions. So here is my list of unavoidables:
Multiple inclusion protection.
Macros are the only way of symbol stringification. assert macro, compact realization of const string & stringify(enum category value);
const char* stringify(enum category value)
#define c(x) case x: return #x;
switch(value) {
default: return "UNKNOWN";
#undef c // the most important part
Macros, of course, are also useful when you want to generate code during preprocessing. While this can be avoided using templates (see this SO question and discussion - Are C++ Templates just Macros in disguise?), you can use macros if it makes the life of your users easier - see how the 'googletest' project ( uses macros effectively. You obviously don't want to use macros to generate code that needs debugging, use templates instead.
I think that C++'s templates and inline functions make macros pretty much avoidable.
The ubiquitousness of macros is probably due to the fact that there are many C++ programmers that used to be C programmers. Such people will probably be proficient at using macros (because it sometimes really is the best or only solution in pure C) and might not see any point in learning the more complicated C++ features if they already know how to solve the problem. At least in the open source world, there are many C converts, so you naturally meet C paradigms. I don't think that you're a bad programmer if you avoid such a feature, many people do, just like GOTOs.
C (and therefore C++) is an extremely flexible programming language. This is great, because everyone can develop his own distinct style and solve most problems in several different ways. This, however, can also be considered a problem. In my opinion not a problem that should be solved by the language but by establishing conventions.
There are many features in C++ that can be safely ignored. Maybe there are weird special occasions where such a feature would really be the best approach, but in most cases, you can live without:
Friend classes
And more.
IMO, a senior C++ programmer should be able to at least read them all fluently - yet I expect a good programmer to consider carefully when and if to use an infamous feature.
There are many problems that I can't solve without macros.
For instance, serialization/deserialization of some structs
#define STRUCT_DESCRIPTION structname(MyStruct) member(int,a) member(double,b) member(long, c)
#include "declare_serializable_struct.h" // declares struct itself and generates serialization/deserializaton code
( BOOST_PP_SEQUENCE may also be used)
Another example - dispatching a messages using message map, i.e. generating switch like this:
case msg1: on_msg1(msg); break;
case msg2: on_msg2(msg); break;
and generate handler method declarations on_msgX(msg) in the same time using some message description table ("map")
Personally, I try to avoiod macros when possible, but I didn't succeed in this way.
However, lambdas in c++0x allows to inline arbitrary code into "user-or-library-defined languge statements" such a foreach loops, so macro realm lose a significant part :)
Macros are a solution for conditional compiling (by ifdef and ifndef). Here is the examples:
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define BEGIN extern "C" {
#define END }
#define NULL (0);
#define BEGIN
#define END
#define NULL ((void*)0);
void my_function(char* str);
void my_function(char* str)
if(str != NULL)
But inline functions and templates replaces other usages of macros in C++.
I tend to avoid using macros as much as possible because of their obvious safety / debugging issues, however there are times when macros offer something that no other facility within the language does as elegantly, in which case I prefer to use a macro just because it makes my life (and those of my fellow developers) easier.
For example, I have created an Enum class, which wraps an enum in a struct (scope) and adds some functionality:
possibility of iteration (which implies an order of the values)
conversion to / from string (handy to read/write to a file, write to logs)
In order to create the enum, I use a macro which will automatically generate the converter (to and from) and the vector for iteration.
Of course I could do without one, after all the macro is only for code generation. But doing without one would mean violating DRY, and in my little own preferences "DRY" > "Don't use macros". Because once debugged the macro is safe, whereas a DRY violation is a nightmare for maintenance.
Now, I am all for ditching this macro as soon as I find how not to violate DRY. Ideas are obviously welcome... and an external script is NOT better ;)
My 2 cents.
I try to avoid macros too, but to expand on the debugging, I have not found a way to print file name, function name, and line number when debugging.
I typically have a header file called DebugLog.h with the following Macro
#define DEBUG(debugMessage) \
printf("%s | %s [%d] - %s\n", __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION___, debugMessage);
will output something like:
main.cpp | foo(void)[20] - Test
You can adjust the macro for C++, and other debugging statements. It's also possible to modify the macro to send the resulting string to a logger.
I've started working at a telecom company. The product code base is about 20 years old, and has to support many legacy products, while also trying to avoid duplicate code. the language used is C++03. I find lots of contstructs similar to the following
// Common code
#if defined(PRODUCT_A) || defined(PRODUCT_B)
// Code for Product A or Product B
#elif defined(PRODUCT_C)
// Code for product C
// Common code
Horrible stuff, I agree. So far, we haven't been able to find a better solution. At least with this approach, we can understand what the code is supposed to do by simple code-reading.
The question is, are there problems which cannot be solved without macros?
are macros ultimately a good/back practice? When should I consider to use a macro?
In languages which don't support or honor the inline keyword, macros are a great way to re-use code, but at the same time avoid the overhead of a function call in any code that is tightly looped enough for that to make a huge difference.
Your rant about code being littered with macros is probably justified. There are indeed hard to debug and in some cases to read. But they do come in useful in the very small number of cases where optimisation like this is truly warranted.
Note that as of C99, C can now do explicit inline functions using the inline keyword, which reduces the need for macros and even has advantages over using macros.
Programming language macros are good for what all macros are good for: avoiding typing the same things over and over again. So if you find yourself writing same pieces of code in many places, why not make a macro out of it? Especially if you're writing a library, using macros can make life easier for someone trying to use that library. Take a look at almost any GUI toolkit (Qt being one example). They all make extensive use of macros.