Same shaders behaving differently on Nvidia and ATI cards - c++

Me and a friend are developing an editor (CAD-like) to use in our future game.
We are using the Qt framework and OpenGL.
The problem we are encountering is that on his laptop with an integrated nVidia card, the shading is working as expected and renders well. On my laptop with an integrated ATI card, as well as on my desktop with Radeon HD5850, the phong lighting is behaving slightly differently. There are more bright spots and dark spots and the image doesn't look good. Also, we are using a toon shader to draw a silhouette around the edges and to limit the amount of shades a color can have.
The toon shader uses 2-pass rendering - first pass renders the object in black, slightly larger than original (shifting each vertex in its normals direction slightly) to make the silhouette and then the second pass renders the object normally (only limiting the shade spectrum, so it looks more comic-like).
The images are of the same thing on our 2 computers. The first difference I mentioned above, the second is that the silhouette is stretched out as it should be on my friends computer, so it makes an even silhouette around the object, but is moved slightly up on my computer, making a thick line on the top and no line on the bottom.
The other thing is the phong lighting, illuminating the cube within which the object is edited. Again, rendering well on my friends computer, but being almost all-black or all-white on mine.
First image (nVidia card):
Second image (ATI cards):
I understand that the code is long and maybe the problem lays in some Qt settings, not in the shaders, but if you see anything that strikes you as bad practice, please answer.
Code for the phong shading follows
#version 400
in vec4 aVertex;
in vec4 aNormal;
in vec2 aTexCoord;
uniform mat4 uPVM;
uniform mat4 uViewModel;
uniform mat4 uNormal;
uniform int uLightsOn;
out vec2 vTexCoord;
out vec3 vNormal;
flat out vec3 mEye;
flat out vec3 mLightDirection;
flat out vec4 mAxisColor;
void main(void)
if(uLightsOn == 1) {
mEye = (uViewModel * aVertex).xyz;
mLightDirection = vec4(2.0,-2.0,1.0,0.0).xyz;
vNormal = (uNormal * aNormal).xyz;
gl_Position = uPVM * aVertex;
vTexCoord = aTexCoord;
mAxisColor = aNormal;
The phong fragment shader :
#version 400
uniform sampler2D uTexture0;
uniform int uLightsOn;
uniform vec3 uHighlightColor;
uniform int uTextured;
uniform int uAxisRender;
in vec2 vTexCoord;
in vec3 vNormal;
flat in vec3 mEye;
flat in vec3 mLightDirection;
out vec4 fragColor;
flat in vec4 mAxisColor;
struct TMaterial {
vec4 diffuse;
vec4 ambient;
vec4 specular;
float shininess;
TMaterial material;
void setup() {
// setupMaterials
material.ambient = vec4(0.4);
material.diffuse = vec4(0.9);
material.specular = vec4(0.0);
material.shininess = 0.3;
void main(void)
vec3 finalHighlightColor = uHighlightColor;
if(finalHighlightColor.x <= 0.0) finalHighlightColor.x = 0.1;
if(finalHighlightColor.y <= 0.0) finalHighlightColor.y = 0.1;
if(finalHighlightColor.z <= 0.0) finalHighlightColor.z = 0.1;
if(uLightsOn == 0) {
if(uAxisRender == 1) fragColor = mAxisColor;
else fragColor = vec4(finalHighlightColor,1.0);
vec4 diffuse;
vec4 spec = vec4(0.0);
vec4 ambient;
vec3 L = normalize(mLightDirection - mEye);
vec3 E = normalize(-mEye);
vec3 R = normalize(reflect(-L,vNormal));
ambient = material.ambient;
float intens = max(dot(vNormal,L), 0.0);
diffuse = clamp( material.diffuse * intens , 0.0, 1.0 );
if(intens > 0.0) spec = clamp ( material.specular * pow(max(dot(R,E),0.0),material.shininess) , 0.0, 1.0 );
if(uTextured == 1) fragColor = (ambient + diffuse + spec) * texture(uTexture0,vTexCoord);
else fragColor = (ambient + diffuse + spec) * vec4(finalHighlightColor,1.0);
And the toon shaders :
#version 400
in vec4 aVertex;
in vec4 aNormal;
in vec2 aTexCoord;
uniform mat4 uPV;
uniform mat4 uM;
uniform mat4 uN;
uniform vec3 uLightPosition;
uniform vec3 uCameraPosition;
uniform int uSilhouetteMode;
uniform float uOffset;
// if this uniform is passed, all the toon rendering is going off and only simple axis are rendered
// last data in aNormal are colors of those axis if everything was ser properly.
uniform int uAxisRendering;
flat out vec4 fAxisColor;
out vec4 vNormal;
out vec2 vTexCoord;
out vec3 vDirectionToCamera;
out vec3 vDirectionToLight;
void silhouetteMode() {
gl_Position = uPV * uM * vec4( + * uOffset,1.0f);
void toonMode() {
vec4 worldPosition = uM * aVertex;
vDirectionToCamera = uCameraPosition -;
vDirectionToLight = uLightPosition -;
vNormal = uN * aNormal;
gl_Position = uPV * worldPosition;
void axisMode() {
fAxisColor = aNormal;
gl_Position = uPV * uM * aVertex;
void main(void)
vTexCoord = aTexCoord;
if(uSilhouetteMode == 1) {
} else {
if(uAxisRendering == 1) axisMode();
else toonMode();
and the fragment shader
#version 400
uniform sampler2D uTexture;
uniform vec3 uBaseColor;
uniform float uNumShades;
uniform int uSilhouetteMode;
uniform int uAxisRendering;
flat in vec4 fAxisColor;
in vec4 vNormal;
in vec2 vTexCoord;
in vec3 vDirectionToCamera;
in vec3 vDirectionToLight;
out vec4 outFragColor;
void main(void)
if(uSilhouetteMode == 1) {
outFragColor = vec4(uBaseColor,1.0);
if(uAxisRendering == 1) {
outFragColor = fAxisColor;
float l_ambient = 0.1;
float l_diffuse = clamp(dot(vDirectionToLight,,0.0,1.0);
float l_specular;
vec3 halfVector = normalize(vDirectionToCamera + vDirectionToLight);
if(dot(vDirectionToLight, > 0.0) {
l_specular = pow(clamp(dot(halfVector,,0.0,1.0),64.0);
} else {
l_specular = 0.0;
float intensity = l_ambient + l_diffuse + l_specular;
float shadeIntesity = ceil(intensity * uNumShades)/ uNumShades;
outFragColor = vec4(texture(uTexture,vTexCoord).xyz * shadeIntesity * uBaseColor,1.0);
And finally, our OpenGLWindow initialization (in Qt)
OpenGLWindow::OpenGLWindow(QWindow *parent) :
QWindow(parent),m_animating(false), m_initialized(false), m_animationTimer(NULL)
QSurfaceFormat format;
format.setDepthBufferSize( 24 );
format.setMajorVersion( 4 );
format.setMinorVersion( 0 );
format.setSamples( 4 );
format.setProfile( QSurfaceFormat::CoreProfile );
setFormat( format );
if(!m_context) {
m_context = new QOpenGLContext(this);
m_animationTimer = new QTimer(this);
connect(m_animationTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(renderer()));

To my eyes the nVidia image seems to be using alpha whereas the AMD one is not. I also can't see a
in your Qt setup so may be that.


How to fix improperly distributed lighting projected onto a model in OpenGL?

I've been trying to implement the Blinn-Phong lighting model to project lighting onto an imported Wavefront OBJ model through Assimp(github link).
The model seems to be loaded correctly, however, there seems to be a point where the lighting appears to be "cut off" near the middle of the model.
Image of the imported model with and without lighting enabled.
As you can see on the left of the image above, there is a region in the middle of the model where the light effectively gets "split up" which is not what is intended. It can be seen that there is a sort of discrepancy where the side facing towards the light source appears brighter than normal and the side away from the light source appears darker than normal without any sort of easing in between the two sides.
I believe there might be something wrong with how I've implemented the lighting model in the fragment shader but I cannot say for sure as to why this is happening.
Vertex shader:
#version 330 core
layout (location = 0) in vec3 vertPos;
layout (location = 1) in vec3 vertNormal;
layout (location = 2) in vec2 vertTexCoords;
out vec3 fragPos;
out vec3 fragNormal;
out vec2 fragTexCoords;
uniform mat4 proj, view, model;
uniform mat3 normalMat;
void main() {
fragPos = vec3(model * vec4(vertPos, 1));
gl_Position = proj * view * vec4(fragPos, 1);
fragTexCoords = vertTexCoords;
fragNormal = normalMat * vertNormal;
Fragment shader:
#version 330 core
in vec3 fragPos;
in vec3 fragNormal;
in vec2 fragTexCoords;
out vec4 FragColor;
const int noOfDiffuseMaps = 1;
const int noOfSpecularMaps = 1;
struct Material {
sampler2D diffuseMaps[noOfDiffuseMaps], specularMaps[noOfSpecularMaps];
float shininess;
struct Light {
vec3 direction;
vec3 ambient, diffuse, specular;
uniform Material material;
uniform Light light;
uniform vec3 viewPos;
const float pi = 3.14159265;
uniform float gamma = 2.2;
float near = 0.1;
float far = 100;
float LinearizeDepth(float depth)
float z = depth * 2 - 1;
return (2 * near * far) / (far + near - z * (far - near));
void main() {
vec3 normal = normalize(fragNormal);
vec3 calculatedColor = vec3(0);
for (int i = 0; i < noOfDiffuseMaps; i++) {
vec3 diffuseTexel = texture(material.diffuseMaps[i], fragTexCoords).rgb;
// Ambient lighting
vec3 ambient = diffuseTexel * light.ambient;
// Diffuse lighting
float diff = max(dot(light.direction, normal), 0);
vec3 diffuse = diffuseTexel * light.diffuse * diff;
calculatedColor += ambient + diffuse;
for (int i = 0; i < noOfSpecularMaps; i++) {
vec3 specularTexel = texture(material.specularMaps[0], fragTexCoords).rgb;
vec3 viewDir = normalize(viewPos - fragPos);
vec3 halfWayDir = normalize(viewDir + light.direction);
float energyConservation = (8 + material.shininess) / (8 * pi);
// Specular lighting
float spec = pow(max(dot(halfWayDir, normal), 0), material.shininess);
vec3 specular = specularTexel * light.specular * spec * energyConservation;
calculatedColor += specular;
float depthColor = 1 - LinearizeDepth(gl_FragCoord.z) / far;
FragColor = vec4(pow(calculatedColor, vec3(1 / gamma)) * depthColor, 1);
Make sure your texture and colors are also linear(it is a simple pow 2.2) because you are doing gamma encoding at the end.
Also note, it is expected to have a harsh terminator.
Beyond that, if you expect soft falloffs, it must be coming from an area light. For that you can implement wrap lighting or area lights.

Problems with water shader (don't want to refract object above water)

I have created a water shader which has a problem with refraction. It's not only refracting object under water (which it should) - it's also refracting object which is not in water.
Here is the full source of the fragment shader.
varying vec2 v_UV1;
uniform sampler2D u_Scene;
uniform sampler2D u_Depth;
uniform sampler2D u_WaterDUDV;
uniform vec2 u_ViewSize;
uniform float u_Time;
uniform vec3 u_Color;
uniform float u_Transparency;
void main() {
float transparency = u_Transparency;
vec4 waterColor = vec4(u_Color, 1.0);
vec2 uv = v_UV1 + vec2(0.3, 0.1) * u_Time;
vec2 dudv = texture2D(u_WaterDUDV, uv).rg * 2.0 - 1.0;
vec2 finalSceneUV = gl_FragCoord.xy / u_ViewSize;
vec2 sceneUV = gl_FragCoord.xy / u_ViewSize;
vec2 sceneOffsetUV = sceneUV + dudv * 0.007;
float sceneDepth = texture2D(u_Depth, sceneUV).r;
float sceneOffsetDepth = texture2D(u_Depth, sceneOffsetUV).r;
if (sceneDepth < gl_FragCoord.z) {
transparency = 0.0;
} else {
// The cube is viewed though water.
finalSceneUV = sceneOffsetUV;
vec4 sceneColor = texture2D(u_Scene, finalSceneUV);
vec4 finalColor = mix(sceneColor, waterColor, transparency);
gl_FragColor = finalColor;
Any ideas how this could be fixed?

How can I make a smoother my heightmap? (Perlin noise, openGL)

I generate 2D perlin noise and I'm doing it terrain. But I have a problem with this. It's too gradual.
I tried x,z coordinates are divided or multiplied but doesn't work. How can I solve this problem without tessellation shader?
fragment shader code:
#version 430
in vec3 pos;
in vec2 text;
in vec3 norm;
layout(binding=3) uniform sampler2D texture_1;
layout(binding=4) uniform sampler2D texture_2;
layout(binding=5) uniform sampler2D texture_3;
vec3 lightPosition = vec3(-200, 700, 50);
vec3 lightAmbient = vec3(0,0,0);
vec3 lightDiffuse = vec3(1,1,1);
vec3 lightSpecular = vec3(1,1,1);
out vec4 fragColor;
vec4 theColor;
void main()
vec3 lightVector = normalize(lightPosition) - normalize(pos);
float cosTheta = clamp(dot(normalize(lightVector), normalize(norm)), 0.5, 1.0);
if(pos.y <= 120){
fragColor = texture2D(texture_2, text*0.05) * cosTheta;
if(pos.y > 120 && pos.y < 150){
fragColor = (texture2D(texture_2, text*0.05) * (1 - (pos.y-120)/30) + texture2D(texture_3, text*0.05) * ((pos.y-120)/30))*cosTheta;
if(pos.y >= 150)
fragColor = texture2D(texture_3, text*0.05) * cosTheta;
vertex shader code:
#version 430
in layout(location=0) vec3 position;
in layout(location=1) vec2 textCoord;
in layout(location=2) vec3 normal;
out vec3 pos;
out vec2 text;
out vec3 norm;
uniform mat4 transformation;
void main()
gl_Position = transformation * vec4(position, 1.0);
norm = normal;
pos = position;
text = position.xz;
It looks like you're using an 8bit heightmap which only gives you 256 different elevations. You could try using 16bit greyscale or encode the height in rgb.

Two shaders on one object

I have problem with multiply shaders on my one object.
That's my render code:
#include "MeshRenderer.h"
ForwardAmbient* shader1;
ForwardDirectional* shader2;
MeshRenderer::MeshRenderer(Obj& obj) :
shader1 = new ForwardAmbient(vec3(1, 1, 1));
shader2 = new ForwardDirectional(vec3(1, 0, 0), vec3(1, 1, 1));
void MeshRenderer::Render(RenderingCore* rc)
//for (Shader* shader : meshObject.shaders)
shader1->UpdateShader(rc, transform, meshObject.material);
shader2->UpdateShader(rc, transform, meshObject.material);
meshObject.shader->UpdateShader(rc, transform, meshObject.material);
ambient light.vs:
#version 120
attribute vec3 position;
attribute vec2 texCoord;
attribute vec3 normal;
varying vec2 texCoord0;
uniform mat4 transform;
uniform mat4 projection;
void main()
gl_Position = (projection * transform) * vec4(position, 1);
texCoord0 = texCoord;
ambient light.fs:
#version 120
varying vec2 texCoord0;
uniform vec3 ambientLight;
uniform float alpha;
uniform sampler2D sampler;
void main()
gl_FragColor = texture2D(sampler, texCoord0.xy) * vec4(ambientLight, alpha);
directional light.vs
#version 120
attribute vec3 position;
attribute vec2 texCoord;
attribute vec3 normal;
varying vec2 texCoord0;
varying vec3 normal0;
varying vec3 worldPos0;
uniform mat4 transform;
uniform mat4 projection;
void main()
gl_Position = (projection * transform) * vec4(position, 1);
texCoord0 = texCoord;
normal0 = (transform * vec4(normal, 0)).xyz;
worldPos0 = (transform * vec4(position, 1)).xyz;
directional light.fs
#version 120
varying vec2 texCoord0;
varying vec3 normal0;
varying vec3 worldPos0;
uniform vec3 color;
uniform float alpha;
uniform vec3 direction;
uniform float specularIntensity;
uniform float specularPower;
uniform vec3 eyePosition;
uniform sampler2D sampler;
vec4 calcLight(vec3 color, float alpha, vec3 direction, vec3 normal)
float diffuseFactor = dot(normal, -direction);
vec4 diffuseColor = vec4(0,0,0,0);
vec4 specularColor = vec4(0,0,0,0);
if(diffuseFactor > 0)
diffuseColor = vec4(color, 1.0) * diffuseFactor;
vec3 directionToEye = normalize(eyePosition - worldPos0);
vec3 reflectDirection = normalize(reflect(direction, normal));
float specularFactor = dot(directionToEye, reflectDirection);
specularFactor = pow(specularFactor, specularPower);
if(specularFactor > 0)
specularColor = vec4(color, 1.0) * specularIntensity * specularFactor;
return diffuseColor + specularColor;
vec4 calcDirectionalLight(vec3 color, float alpha, vec3 direction, vec3 normal)
return calcLight(color, alpha, -direction, normal);
void main()
gl_FragColor = texture2D(sampler, texCoord0.xy) * calcDirectionalLight(color, 1, direction, normalize(normal0));
Here is the result:
Only ambient light is render, directional light no
Your problem is this:
shader1->UpdateShader(rc, transform, meshObject.material);
shader2->UpdateShader(rc, transform, meshObject.material);
OpenGL doesn't know what "object" are. It just draws points, lines and triangles, one at a time. To sort out depth overlap the depth buffer method is used. When you use exactly the same drawing call (meshObject.mesh->Render) with all the same vertex setup and depth testing enabled then one of the two draw calls will win over the other.
Also, more importantly, drawing calls don't "stack". You simply can not combine shaders simply by drawing the same thing multiple times; it may sort of work for additive processes. But that's barking up the wrong tree: Instead of saving additional work, you're duplicating the amount of work to be done.
What you should do instead is merging the two shaders into single one and draw the geometry only once, with the merged shader.

GLSL Parallax mapping issue

I wrote parallax mapping shader in GLSL but it is working wrong. In some places it shows correct image with good bump but in other positions it becomes flat. It's became most flat when I moving camera father than platform(forward)
#version 120
varying vec3 pos;
varying vec3 normal;
varying vec2 tc;
varying vec3 color;
uniform vec3 camera;
void main(void)
pos = ( + camera);
tc = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;
normal = normalize(gl_Normal);
color =;
gl_Position = ftransform();
#version 120
uniform sampler2D normal_map;
uniform sampler2D diffuse_map;
uniform sampler2D displacement;
uniform float mode;
varying vec2 tc;
varying vec3 pos;
void main(void)
vec3 lightPos = vec3( 0.0, -45.0, -40.0);
vec4 color;
if (mode > 1)
vec3 eyeVec = normalize(pos);
vec2 eyeProj = normalize(eyeVec.xz);
float curHeight = texture2D(displacement, tc).r - 0.5;
vec2 trTc = tc - (eyeProj) * curHeight * 0.035;
vec3 normal = normalize(texture2D(normal_map, trTc).xzy*2.0 - 1.0);
color = texture2D(diffuse_map, trTc) * dot( normalize(pos - lightPos), normal) * 1.0;
color.w = 1.0;
vec3 normal = normalize(texture2D(normal_map, tc).xzy*2.0 - 1.0);
color = texture2D(diffuse_map, tc) * dot( normalize(pos - lightPos), normal) * 1.0;
gl_FragColor = color;
I can't even imagine where can be mistake. I was experimenting with camera and vertex values but it is not help;