GCC: Use -Werror but downgrade a specific error to a warning (in command-line) - c++

An example: I'm using -Wall -Werror and -Werror. This means unused static functions break the build. Clearly (?) unused functions are Bad, but if I'm working on code and it's in an intermediate state, want to be able to leave unused code in there. I can turn off the error with -Wno-unused-function, but then there's a risk that I'll finish what I'm working on, commit the code, and forget to remove the now-unused function.
How can I set all warnings to errors with -Wall, but downgrade specific errors to warnings, without disabling them completely?

Use the -Wno-error= flags. In the example, the required flag would be -Wno-error=unused-function.
PS: There are also pragmas for this purpose: http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Warning-Options.html (my original question was "How can I do what these pragmas do, but in the command-line flags?" but I worked it out as I was asking it).


Clang: Override all warning and warning-as-error flags specified earlier on the command line

With gcc I can throw a bunch of -Wsome-issue and -Werror=other-issue flags on the command line and the later cancel them all with a single -w flag somewhere near the end.
This doesn't appear to be the case with clang. A trailing -w suppresses some warnings, but not others. See here for an example. I know I can manually disable each warning individually via -Wno-some-issue and -Wno-error=other-issue, but that's a real pain to manage in the long term.
Am I missing something? Is there a way to cancel all earlier warning flags? Is there a reason why -w can suppress some warnings but not others?
Background: My specific use case is a library containing a mix of source files. Some new and some ancient, semi-third-party stuff that we never want to look at, let alone edit. The project has some semi-strict warning flags set globally, but for these few files I'd like to override the global flags and disable all warnings and warnings-as-werrors. In CMake this is done by settings the COMPILE_OPTIONS property for those files, which appends the given flags after the global flags. With gcc this works just fine, but with clang it's proving to be a headache.
(And yes I know I could reorganise the project to force those files to be compiled into a separate target, but I was hoping to avoid that.)
The flag you need is -Wno-everything.
Godbolt: https://godbolt.org/g/33uABD

Silence the warning: `Non-conforming tab character` in gfortran

I usually run my code with ifort, but during implementation, I prefer compiling and testing with gfortran as I find it to be a lot stricter than its intel counterpart.
While turning on compiling options such as -Wall, I get the following warning:
Warning: Nonconforming tab character at (1)
Is there a way to silence this one particular warning while using the same compiling options? Note that I do NOT want to replace tabs with space characters. If there is no way to resolve this issue, then the answer "No it's not possible" would suffice.
Warning: the below answer I originally wrote only applies to gfortran 4.x. The behaviour has been reversed in version 5.x, see the answer by DrOli.
What have you tried so far? Does -Wtabs help? From man gfortran:
By default, tabs are accepted as whitespace, but tabs are not members of the Fortran Character Set. For continuation lines, a tab followed by a digit between 1 and 9 is supported. -Wno-tabs
will cause a warning to be issued if a tab is encountered. Note, -Wno-tabs is active for -pedantic, -std=f95, -std=f2003, -std=f2008 and -Wall.
And -Wall sets -Wno-tabs.
If it doesn't help, it could still be that -Wall overwrites this option. Then you can try manually setting -Wall without the tabs part:
Enables commonly used warning options pertaining to usage that we recommend avoiding and that we believe are easy to avoid. This currently includes -Waliasing, -Wampersand, -Wconversion,
-Wsurprising, -Wc-binding-type, -Wintrinsics-std, -Wno-tabs, -Wintrinsic-shadow, -Wline-truncation, -Wtarget-lifetime, -Wreal-q-constant and -Wunused.
UPDATE: With GCC/gFortran 5xx (I noticed with 5.3.0), the -Wtabs usage has been "reversed", and as they say, "made more sensible".
See here (https://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-5/changes.html)
Now -Wtabs DOES give the nonconforming warning, whereas -Wno-tabs TURNS OFF the warning (i.e. the opposite of the previous usage).
The easiest way of getting rid of the warning in gfortran versions 4.x is to overwrite the -Wno-tabs flag that the -Wall flag sets. So first include -Wall and then -Wtabs
-Wall -Wtabs

how can I check a particular gcc feature in configure.ac

For example, gcc 4.7 has a new feature -Wnarrowing. In configure.ac, how can I test where a feature is supported by the current gcc or not?
There's a file in gnulibc, but doesn't make much sense to me.
Both gcc and clang support -W[no-]narrowing and -W[no-]error=narrowing options.
With -std=c++11, gcc emits a warning by default, and clang emits an error by default. Even though you only mention gcc, I think you could extend the functionality check to compilers like clang that attempt to provide the same options and extensions. That might include Intel's icc too.
Let's assume you've selected the C++ compiler with AC_PROG_CXX, and have ensured that it's using the C++11 standard.
CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -Werror -Wno-error=narrowing"
[[int i {1.0}; (void) i;]])],
[ac_cxx_warn_narrowing=1], [ac_cxx_warn_narrowing=0])
AS_IF([test $ac_cxx_warn_narrowing -ne 0],
[AC_MSG_RESULT(['$CXX' supports -Wnarrowing])])
Compilation will only succeed if: 1) the compiler supports -Wnarrowing related options, which implies it supports -Werror, and: 2) recognizes C++11 initialization syntax.
Normally, configure.ac scripts and flags passed to configure should avoid -Werror, as it breaks too many internal tests. In this context, we ensure there are no other warnings besides the narrowing, which is why (void) i; is needed to prevent a warning about unused variables.
The logic behind this should probably be:
Create a correct file that should get a warning with -Wnarrowing. Verify that it gets compiled correctly. This is a sanity check.
Then compile that same file with -Wnarrowing, and verify that it still gets compiled correctly. This makes sure you detect compilers that don't support -Wnarrowing as an option, and don't attempt to pass bogus options to them.
Finally, compile that same file with -Werror=narrowing, and verify that it now does not get compiled correctly. If it now fails, you can be fairly certain that the compiler does indeed support -Wnarrowing. This last check is useful to detect compilers that do accept -Wnarrowing/-Werror=narrowing, but spit out a warning "ignoring unknown option -Wnarrowing". In that case, you shouldn't be passing -Wnarrowing.
Optionally, you may also want to compile a file that shouldn't get a warning with -Wnarrowing with -Werror=narrowing, in case you find a compiler where -Wnarrowing is useless and -Werror=narrowing is a hard error. I cannot think of a compiler where this would be required, though.
Translating this to a configure check should be trivial.
See http://code.google.com/p/opendoom/source/browse/trunk/VisualC8/autotools/ac_c_compile_flags.m4 for an example test of this sort - this tries to compile a trivial program with the given compiler flag, and adds it to CFLAGS if it works.

max number of allowable warnings while compiling

Is it possible to 'tell' compiler that if total number of warnings (while compiling a C++ program) are more than say 10 then stop compiling further, and emit an error?
Or is it possible to hack a compiler like clang to provide this functionality.
GCC has two options together would achieve this, from gnu online docs:
Make all warnings into errors.
Limits the maximum number of error messages to n, at which point GCC bails out rather than attempting to continue processing the source
This would make a build with any warnings fail though, the options just define when to stop parsing.
I haven't seen this kind of feature in gcc or clang. You can certainly try to patch it into either of them, both are open source. There is also -Werror (accepted by both compilers) which simply treats warnings as errors.
How about using -Werror to make warnings into errors and -fmax-errors=n to set the limit.
(Also, perhaps making your code completely warning free would be a good thing).

How can I disable -Wc++0x-compat when using -Wall?

The -Wall flag in g++ includes the flag -Wc++0x-compat, which checks for all sorts of problems that may (will) appear if the code is compiled against the new c++11 standard. But I'd like to disable that warning so that current warnings are not lost in the barrage of compatibility warnings. I haven't found anything useful in the man page, nor with Google. There doesn't seem to be a disabling flag like there is for e.g. -Wunused-variable.
Any ideas?