I followed the following steps:-
1. Calculated dft of image
2. Calculated dft of kernel (but 1st padded it to size of image)
3. Multiplied real and imaginary parts of both dft individually
4. Calculated inverse dft
I tried to display the images in each intermediate step but the final image comes out to be almost black except in corners.
Image fourier transform output after multiplication and its inverse dft output
input image
enter code here
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <stdio.h>
int r=100;
#define SIGMA_CLIP 6.0f
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
void updateResult(Mat complex)
Mat work;
idft(complex, work);
Mat planes[] = {Mat::zeros(complex.size(), CV_32F), Mat::zeros(complex.size(), CV_32F)};
split(work, planes); // planes[0] = Re(DFT(I)), planes[1] = Im(DFT(I))
magnitude(planes[0], planes[1], work); // === sqrt(Re(DFT(I))^2 + Im(DFT(I))^2)
normalize(work, work, 0, 1, NORM_MINMAX);
imshow("result", work);
void shift(Mat magI) {
// crop if it has an odd number of rows or columns
magI = magI(Rect(0, 0, magI.cols & -2, magI.rows & -2));
int cx = magI.cols/2;
int cy = magI.rows/2;
Mat q0(magI, Rect(0, 0, cx, cy)); // Top-Left - Create a ROI per quadrant
Mat q1(magI, Rect(cx, 0, cx, cy)); // Top-Right
Mat q2(magI, Rect(0, cy, cx, cy)); // Bottom-Left
Mat q3(magI, Rect(cx, cy, cx, cy)); // Bottom-Right
Mat tmp; // swap quadrants (Top-Left with Bottom-Right)
q1.copyTo(tmp); // swap quadrant (Top-Right with Bottom-Left)
Mat updateMag(Mat complex )
Mat magI;
Mat planes[] = {Mat::zeros(complex.size(), CV_32F), Mat::zeros(complex.size(), CV_32F)};
split(complex, planes); // planes[0] = Re(DFT(I)), planes[1] = Im(DFT(I))
magnitude(planes[0], planes[1], magI); // sqrt(Re(DFT(I))^2 + Im(DFT(I))^2)
// switch to logarithmic scale: log(1 + magnitude)
magI += Scalar::all(1);
log(magI, magI);
normalize(magI, magI, 1, 0, NORM_INF); // Transform the matrix with float values into a
return magI; // viewable image form (float between values 0 and 1).
//imshow("spectrum", magI);
Mat createGausFilterMask(Size imsize, int radius) {
// call openCV gaussian kernel generator
double sigma = (r/SIGMA_CLIP+0.5f);
Mat kernelX = getGaussianKernel(2*radius+1, sigma, CV_32F);
Mat kernelY = getGaussianKernel(2*radius+1, sigma, CV_32F);
// create 2d gaus
Mat kernel = kernelX * kernelY.t();
int w = imsize.width-kernel.cols;
int h = imsize.height-kernel.rows;
int r = w/2;
int l = imsize.width-kernel.cols -r;
int b = h/2;
int t = imsize.height-kernel.rows -b;
Mat ret;
return ret;
//code reference
int main( int argc, char** argv )
String file;
file = "lena.png";
Mat image = imread(file, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
Mat padded;
int m = getOptimalDFTSize( image.rows );
int n = getOptimalDFTSize( image.cols );
copyMakeBorder(image, padded, 0, m - image.rows, 0, n -image.cols, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar::all(0));//expand input image to optimal size , on the border add zero values
Mat planes[] = {Mat_<float>(padded), Mat::zeros(padded.size(), CV_32F)};
Mat complexI;
merge(planes, 2, complexI);
dft(complexI, complexI); //computing dft
split(complexI, planes); //image converted to complex and real dft here
Mat mask = createGausFilterMask(padded.size(),r ); // Forming the gaussian filter
Mat mplane[] = {Mat_<float>(mask), Mat::zeros(mask.size(), CV_32F)};
Mat kernelcomplex;
merge(mplane, 2, kernelcomplex);
dft(kernelcomplex, kernelcomplex);
split(kernelcomplex, mplane);// splitting the dft of kernel to real and complex
mplane[1]=mplane[0]; //overwriting imaginary values with real values of kernel dft
Mat kernel_spec;
merge(mplane, 2, kernel_spec);
mulSpectrums(complexI, kernel_spec, complexI, DFT_ROWS);
Mat magI=updateMag(complexI);
namedWindow( "image fourier", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
imshow("spectrum magnitude", magI);
updateResult(complexI); //converting to viewable form, computing idft
return 0;
Which step is going wrong? Or am i missing on to some concept?
Edited the code with help of Cris and it now works perfectly.
There are two immediately apparent issues:
The Gaussian is real-valued and symmetric. Its Fourier transform should be too. If the DFT of your kernel has a non-zero imaginary component, you're doing something wrong.
Likely, what you are doing wrong is that your kernel has its origin in the middle of the image, rather than at the top-left sample. This is the same issue as in this other question. The solution is to use the equivalent of MATLAB's ifftshift, an implementation of which is shown in the OpenCV documentation ("step 6, Crop and rearrange").
To apply the convolution, you need to multiply the two DFTs together, not the real parts and imaginary parts of the DFTs. Multiplying two complex numbers a+ib and c+id results in ac-bd+iad+ibc, not ac+ibd.
But since the DFT of your kernel should be real-valued only, you can simply multiply the real component of the kernel with both the real and imaginary components of the image: (a+ib)c = ac+ibc.
It seems very roundabout what you are doing with the complex-valued images. Why not let OpenCV handle all of that for you? You can probably* just do something like this:
Mat image = imread(file, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
// Expand input image to optimal size, on the border add zero values
Mat padded;
int m = getOptimalDFTSize(image.rows);
int n = getOptimalDFTSize(image.cols);
copyMakeBorder(image, padded, 0, m - image.rows, 0, n -image.cols, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar::all(0));
// Computing DFT
Mat DFTimage;
dft(padded, DFTimage);
// Forming the Gaussian filter
Mat kernel = createGausFilterMask(padded.size(), r);
Mat DFTkernel;
dft(kernel, DFTkernel);
// Convolution
mulSpectrums(DFTimage, DFTkernel, DFTimage, DFT_ROWS);
// Display Fourier-domain result
Mat magI = updateMag(DFTimage);
imshow("spectrum magnitude", magI);
Mat work;
idft(complex, work); // <- NOTE! Don't inverse transform log-transformed magnitude image!
Note that the Fourier-Domain result is actually a special representation of the complex-conjugate symmetric DFT, intended to save space and computations. To compute the full complex output, add the DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT to the call to dft, and DFT_REAL_OUTPUT to the call to idft (this latter then assumes symmetry, and produces a real-valued output, saving you the hassle of computing the magnitude).
* I say probably because I haven't compiled any of this... If there's something wrong, please let me know, or edit the answer and fix it.
I aim to get the DFT of an image in OpenCV.
Using dft function, I'm able to calculate it, and then paint it by calculating its magnitude (then, apply the log and finally normalize it in order to paint values between 0 and 1).
My result is, for the following image, the result I show you (with swap in order to have lower frequencies in the center of the image):
However, if I compare it to the result I obtain using other tools like Halcon, It seems incorrect to my since It seems to have really "high" values (the OpenCV DFT magnitude I mean):
I thought it might be for these reasons:
The difference between DFT (at OpenCV) and FFT (Halcon)
The operations I'm performing in order to show the magnitude in OpenCV.
The first one have as problem that it's quite hard for me to analyze, and OpenCV doesn't have a FFT function, as well as Halcon doesn't have a DFT function (if I'm not wrong of course), so I can't compare it directly.
The second one is in which I've been working the most time, but I still don't find the reason if it's there.
There's the code I'm using to paint the magnitude of img (which is my DFT image):
// 1.- To split the image in Re | Im values
Mat planes[] = {Mat_<float>(img), Mat::zeros(img.size(), CV_32F)};
// 2.- To magnitude + phase
split(img, planes);
// Calculate magnitude. I overwrite it, I know, but this is inside a function so it will be never used again, doesn't matter
magnitude(planes[0], planes[1], planes[0]);
// Magnitude Mat
Mat magI = planes[0];
// 3.- We add 1 to all them in order to perform the log
magI += Scalar::all(1); // switch to logarithmic scale
log(magI, magI);
// 4.- Swap the quadrants to center frequency
magI = magI(Rect(0, 0, magI.cols & -2, magI.rows & -2));
int cx = magI.cols/2;
int cy = magI.rows/2;
Mat q0(magI, Rect(0, 0, cx, cy)); // Top-Left - Create a ROI per quadrant
Mat q1(magI, Rect(cx, 0, cx, cy)); // Top-Right
Mat q2(magI, Rect(0, cy, cx, cy)); // Bottom-Left
Mat q3(magI, Rect(cx, cy, cx, cy)); // Bottom-Right
// swap quadrants (Top-Left with Bottom-Right)
Mat tmp;
// swap quadrant (Top-Right with Bottom-Left)
// 5.- Normalize
// Transform the matrix with float values into a
// viewable image form (float between values 0 and 1).
normalize(magI, magI, 0, 1, CV_MINMAX);
// Paint it
imshow( "Magnitud DFT", magI);
So summarizing: any idea about why do I have this difference between these two magnitudes?
I'll summarize my comments into an answer.
When one thinks of doing a Fourier transform to work in the inverse domain, the assumption is that doing the inverse transform will return the same function/vector/whatever. In other words, we assume
This is the case with many programs and libraries (e.g. Mathematica, Matlab/octave, Eigen/unsupported/FFT, etc.). However, with many libraries (FFTW, KissFFT, etc.) this is not the case and there tends to be a scale
where s is usually the number of elements (m) in the array to the power of something (should be 1 if not scaled in a mismatched fashion in both the transform and the inverse). This is done in order to refrain from iterating over all m elements multiplying by a scale, which is often not important.
That being said, when looking at the scale in the inverse domain, various libraries that do scale the transforms have the liberty to use different scales for the transform and inverse transform. Common scaling pairs for the transform/inverse include {m^-1, m} and {m^-0.5, m^0.5}. Therefore, when comparing results from different libraries, we should be prepared to factors of m (scaled by m^-1 vs. not scaled), m^0.5 (scaled by m^-0.5 vs. not scaled and scaled by m^-1 vs. scaled by m^-0.5) or even other scales if other scaling factors were used.
Note: This scaling factor is not related to normalizing an array, such that all values are [0,1] or that the norm of the array is equal to 1.
I have a tight loop, where I get a camera image, undistort it and also transform it according to some transformation (e.g. a perspective transform). I already figured out to use cv::remap(...) for each operation, which is already much more efficient than using plain matrix operations.
In my understanding it should be possible to combine the lookup maps into one and call remap just once in every loop iteration. Is there a canonical way to do this? I would prefer not to implement all the interpolation stuff myself.
Note: The procedure should work with differently sized maps. In my particular case the undistortion preserves the image dimensions, while the other transformation scales the image to a different size.
Code for illustration:
// input arguments
const cv::Mat_<math::flt> intrinsic = getIntrinsic();
const cv::Mat_<math::flt> distortion = getDistortion();
const cv::Mat mNewCameraMatrix = cv::getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(intrinsic, distortion, myImageSize, 0);
// output arguments
cv::Mat undistortMapX;
cv::Mat undistortMapY;
// computes undistortion maps
cv::initUndistortRectifyMap(intrinsic, distortion, cv::Mat(),
newCameraMatrix, myImageSize, CV_16SC2,
undistortMapX, undistortMapY);
// computes undistortion maps
// ...computation of mapX and mapY omitted
cv::convertMaps(mapX, mapY, skewMapX, skewMapY, CV_16SC2);
for(;;) {
cv::Mat originalImage = getNewImage();
cv::Mat undistortedImage;
cv::remap(originalImage, undistortedImage, undistortMapX, undistortMapY, cv::INTER_LINEAR);
cv::Mat skewedImage;
cv::remap(undistortedImage, skewedImage, skewMapX, skewMapY, cv::INTER_LINEAR);
You can apply remap on undistortMapX and undistortMapY.
cv::remap(undistortMapX, undistrtSkewX, skewMapX, skewMapY, cv::INTER_LINEAR);
cv::remap(undistortMapY, undistrtSkewY, skewMapX, skewMapY, cv::INTER_LINEAR);
Than you can use:
cv::remap(originalImage , skewedImage, undistrtSkewX, undistrtSkewY, cv::INTER_LINEAR);
It works because skewMaps and undistortMaps are arrays of coordinates in image, so it should be similar to taking location of location...
Edit (answer to comments):
I think I need to make some clarification. remap() function calculates pixels in new image from pixels of old image. In case of linear interpolation each pixel in new image is a weighted average of 4 pixels from the old image. The weights differ from pixel to pixel according to values from provided maps. If the value is more or less integer, then most of the weight is taken from single pixel. As a result new image will be as sharp is original image. On the other hand, if the value is far from being integer (i.e. integer + 0.5) then the weights are similar. This will create smoothing effect. To get a feeling of what I am talking about, look at the undistorted image. You will see that some parts of the image are sharper/smoother than other parts.
Now back to the explanation about what happened when you combined two remap operations into one. The coordinates in combined maps are correct, i.e. pixel in skewedImage is calculated from correct 4 pixels of originalImage with correct weights. But it is not identical to result of two remap operations. Each pixel in undistortedImage is a weighted average of 4 pixels from originalImage. This means that each pixel of skewedImage would be a weighted average of 9-16 pixels from orginalImage. Conclusion: using single remap() can NOT possibly give result that is identical to two usages of remap().
Discussion about which of the two possible images (single remap() vs double remap()) is better is quite complicated. Normally it is good to make as little interpolations as possible, because each interpolation introduces different artifacts. Especially if the artifacts are not uniform in the image (some regions became more smooth than others). In some cases those artifacts may have good visual effect on the image - like reducing some of the jitter. But if this is what you want, you can achieve this in cheaper and more consistent ways. For example by smoothing original image prior to remaping.
In the case of two general mappings, there is no choice but to use the approach suggested by #MichaelBurdinov.
However, in the special case of two mappings with known inverse mappings, an alternative approach is to compute the maps manually. This manual approach is more accurate than the double remap one, since it does not involve interpolation of coordinate maps.
In practice, most of the interesting applications match this special case. It does too in your case because your first map corresponds to image undistortion (whose inverse operation is image distortion, which is associated to a well known analytical model) and your second map corresponds to a perspective transform (whose inverse can be expressed analytically).
Computing the maps manually is actually quite easy. As stated in the documentation (link) these maps contain, for each pixel in the destination image, the (x,y) coordinates where to find the appropriate intensity in the source image. The following code snippet shows how to compute the maps manually in your case:
int dst_width=...,dst_height=...; // Initialize the size of the output image
cv::Mat Hinv=H.inv(), Kinv=K.inv(); // Precompute the inverse perspective matrix and the inverse camera matrix
cv::Mat map_undist_warped_x32f(dst_height,dst_width,CV_32F); // Allocate the x map to the correct size (n.b. the data type used is float)
cv::Mat map_undist_warped_y32f(dst_height,dst_width,CV_32F); // Allocate the y map to the correct size (n.b. the data type used is float)
// Loop on the rows of the output image
for(int y=0; y<dst_height; ++y) {
std::vector<cv::Point3f> pts_undist_norm(dst_width);
// For each pixel on the current row, first use the inverse perspective mapping, then multiply by the
// inverse camera matrix (i.e. map from pixels to normalized coordinates to prepare use of projectPoints function)
for(int x=0; x<dst_width; ++x) {
cv::Mat_<float> pt(3,1); pt << x,y,1;
pt = Kinv*Hinv*pt;
pts_undist_norm[x].x = pt(0)/pt(2);
pts_undist_norm[x].y = pt(1)/pt(2);
pts_undist_norm[x].z = 1;
// For each pixel on the current row, compose with the inverse undistortion mapping (i.e. the distortion
// mapping) using projectPoints function
std::vector<cv::Point2f> pts_dist;
// Store the result in the appropriate pixel of the output maps
for(int x=0; x<dst_width; ++x) {<float>(y,x) = pts_dist[x].x;<float>(y,x) = pts_dist[x].y;
// Finally, convert the float maps to signed-integer maps for best efficiency of the remap function
cv::Mat map_undist_warped_x16s,map_undist_warped_y16s;
Note: H above is your perspective transform while Kshould be the camera matrix associated with the undistorted image, so it should be what in your code is called newCameraMatrix (which BTW is not an output argument of initUndistortRectifyMap). Depending on your specific data, there might also be some additional cases to handle (e.g. division by pt(2) when it might be zero, etc).
I found this question when looking to combine dewarping (undistortion) and projection tranforms in python, but there is no direct python answer.
Here is an direct conversion of BConic's answer in python
import numpy as np
import cv2
dst_width = ...
dst_height = ...
h_inv = np.linalg.inv(h)
k_inv = np.linalg.inv(new_camera_matrix)
map_x = np.zeros((dst_height, dst_width), dtype=np.float32)
map_y = np.zeros((dst_height, dst_width), dtype=np.float32)
for y in range(dst_height):
pts_undist_norm = np.zeros((dst_width, 3, 1))
for x in range(dst_width):
pt = np.array([x, y, 1]).reshape(3,1)
pt2 = k_inv # h_inv # pt
pts_undist_norm[x][0] = pt2[0]/pt2[2]
pts_undist_norm[x][1] = pt2[1]/pt2[2]
pts_undist_norm[x][2] = 1
r_vec = np.zeros((3,1))
t_vec = np.zeros((3,1))
pts_dist, _ = cv2.projectPoints(pts_undist_norm, r_vec, t_vec, intrinsic, distortion)
pts_dist = pts_dist.squeeze()
for x2 in range(dst_width):
map_x[y][x2] = pts_dist[x2][0]
map_y[y][x2] = pts_dist[x2][1]
# using CV_16SC2 introduced substantial image artifacts for me
map_x_final, map_y_final = cv2.convertMaps(map_x, map_y, cv2.CV_32FC1, cv2.CV_32FC1)
This is obviously really slow since it is using a double for loop and iterating through every pixel, so you can do it much faster using numpy. You should be able to do something similar in C++ to eliminate the for loops and do a single matrix multiplication.
import numpy as np
import cv2
dst_width = ...
dst_height = ...
h_inv = np.linalg.inv(h)
k_inv = np.linalg.inv(new_camera_matrix)
m_grid = np.mgrid[0:dst_width, 0:dst_height].reshape(2, dst_height*dst_width)
m_grid = np.insert(m_grid, 2, 1, axis=0)
m_grid_result = k_inv # h_inv # m_grid
pts_undist_norm = m_grid_result[:2, :] / m_grid_result[2, :]
pts_undist_norm = np.insert(pts_undist_norm, 2, 1, axis=0)
r_vec = np.zeros((3,1))
t_vec = np.zeros((3,1))
pts_dist = cv2.projectPoints(pts_undist_norm, r_vec, t_vec, intrinsic, distortion)
pts_dist = pts_dist.squeeze().astype(np.float32)
map_x = pts_dist[:, 0].reshape(dst_width, dst_height).swapaxes(0,1)
map_y = pts_dist[:, 1].reshape(dst_width, dst_height).swapaxes(0,1)
# using CV_16SC2 introduced substantial image artifacts for me
map_x_final, map_y_final = cv2.convertMaps(map_x, map_y, cv2.CV_32FC1, cv2.CV_32FC1)
This numpy implementation is roughly 25-75x faster than the first method.
I came across the same problem. I tried to implement AldurDisciple's answer. Instead of calculating transformation in a loop. I'm having a mat with <Vec2f>(x,y)=Vec2f(x,y) and applying perspectiveTransform to this mat. Add a 3rd channel of "1" to the result mat and apply projectPoints.
Here is my code
Mat xy(2000, 2500, CV_32FC2);
float *pxy = (float*);
for (int y = 0; y < 2000; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < 2500; x++)
*pxy++ = x;
*pxy++ = y;
// perspective transformation of coordinates of destination image,
// which generates the map from destination image to norm points
Mat pts_undist_norm(2000, 2500, CV_32FC2);
Mat matPerspective =transRot3x3;
perspectiveTransform(xy, pts_undist_norm, matPerspective);
//add 3rd channel of 1
vector<Mat> channels;
split(pts_undist_norm, channels);
Mat channel3(2000, 2500, CV_32FC1, cv::Scalar(float(1.0)));
Mat pts_undist_norm_3D(2000, 2500, CV_32FC3);
merge(channels, pts_undist_norm_3D);
//projectPoints to extend the map from norm points back to the original captured image
pts_undist_norm_3D = pts_undist_norm_3D.reshape(0, 5000000);
Mat pts_dist(5000000, 1, CV_32FC2);
projectPoints(pts_undist_norm_3D, Mat::zeros(3, 1, CV_64F), Mat::zeros(3, 1, CV_64F), intrinsic, distCoeffs, pts_dist);
Mat maps[2];
pts_dist = pts_dist.reshape(0, 2000);
split(pts_dist, maps);
// apply map
remap(originalImage, skewedImage, maps[0], maps[1], INTER_LINEAR);
The transformation matrix used to map to norm points is a bit different from the one used in AldurDisciple's answer. transRot3x3 is composed from tvec and rvec generated by calibrateCamera.
double transData[] = { 0, 0, tvecs[0].at<double>(0), 0, 0,
tvecs[0].at<double>(1), 0, 0, tvecs[0].at<double>(2) };
Mat translate3x3(3, 3, CV_64F, transData);
Mat rotation3x3;
Rodrigues(rvecs[0], rotation3x3);
Mat transRot3x3(3, 3, CV_64F);
I realized if the only needed map is the final map why not just use projectPoints to a mat with,y)=Vec2f(x,y,0) .
//generate a 3-channel mat with each entry containing it's own coordinates
Mat xyz(2000, 2500, CV_32FC3);
float *pxyz = (float*);
for (int y = 0; y < 2000; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < 2500; x++)
*pxyz++ = x;
*pxyz++ = y;
*pxyz++ = 0;
// project coordinates of destination image,
// which generates the map from destination image to source image directly
xyz=xyz.reshape(0, 5000000);
Mat pts_dist(5000000, 1, CV_32FC2);
projectPoints(xyz, rvecs[0], tvecs[0], intrinsic, distCoeffs, pts_dist);
Mat maps[2];
pts_dist = pts_dist.reshape(0, 2000);
split(pts_dist, maps);
//apply map
remap(originalImage, skewedImage, maps[0], maps[1], INTER_LINEAR);
i want to use a homomorphic filter to work on underwater image. I tried to code it with the codes found on the internet but i have always a black image... I tried to normalized my result but didn't work.
Here my functions :
void HomomorphicFilter::butterworth_homomorphic_filter(Mat &dft_Filter, int D, int n, float high_h_v_TB, float low_h_v_TB)
Mat single(dft_Filter.rows, dft_Filter.cols, CV_32F);
Point centre = Point(dft_Filter.rows/2, dft_Filter.cols/2);
double radius;
float upper = (high_h_v_TB * 0.01);
float lower = (low_h_v_TB * 0.01);
//create essentially create a butterworth highpass filter
//with additional scaling and offset
for(int i = 0; i < dft_Filter.rows; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < dft_Filter.cols; j++)
radius = (double) sqrt(pow((i - centre.x), 2.0) + pow((double) (j - centre.y), 2.0));<float>(i,j) =((upper - lower) * (1/(1 + pow((double) (D/radius), (double) (2*n))))) + lower;
//normalize(single, single, 0, 1, CV_MINMAX);
//Apply filter
mulSpectrums( dft_Filter, single, dft_Filter, 0);
void HomomorphicFilter::Shifting_DFT(Mat &fImage)
//For visualization purposes we may also rearrange the quadrants of the result, so that the origin (0,0), corresponds to the image center.
Mat tmp, q0, q1, q2, q3;
/*First crop the image, if it has an odd number of rows or columns.
Operator & bit to bit by -2 (two's complement : -2 = 111111111....10) to eliminate the first bit 2^0 (In case of odd number on row or col, we take the even number in below)*/
fImage = fImage(Rect(0, 0, fImage.cols & -2, fImage.rows & -2));
int cx = fImage.cols/2;
int cy = fImage.rows/2;
/*Rearrange the quadrants of Fourier image so that the origin is at the image center*/
q0 = fImage(Rect(0, 0, cx, cy));
q1 = fImage(Rect(cx, 0, cx, cy));
q2 = fImage(Rect(0, cy, cx, cy));
q3 = fImage(Rect(cx, cy, cx, cy));
/*We reverse each quadrant of the frame with its other quadrant diagonally opposite*/
/*We reverse q0 and q3*/
/*We reverse q1 and q2*/
void HomomorphicFilter::Fourier_Transform(Mat frame_bw, Mat &image_phase, Mat &image_mag)
Mat frame_log;
frame_bw.convertTo(frame_log, CV_32F);
/*Take the natural log of the input (compute log(1 + Mag)*/
frame_log += 1;
log( frame_log, frame_log); // log(1 + Mag)
/*2. Expand the image to an optimal size
The performance of the DFT depends of the image size. It tends to be the fastest for image sizes that are multiple of 2, 3 or 5.
We can use the copyMakeBorder() function to expand the borders of an image.*/
Mat padded;
int M = getOptimalDFTSize(frame_log.rows);
int N = getOptimalDFTSize(frame_log.cols);
copyMakeBorder(frame_log, padded, 0, M - frame_log.rows, 0, N - frame_log.cols, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar::all(0));
/*Make place for both the complex and real values
The result of the DFT is a complex. Then the result is 2 images (Imaginary + Real), and the frequency domains range is much larger than the spatial one. Therefore we need to store in float !
That's why we will convert our input image "padded" to float and expand it to another channel to hold the complex values.
Planes is an arrow of 2 matrix (planes[0] = Real part, planes[1] = Imaginary part)*/
Mat image_planes[] = {Mat_<float>(padded), Mat::zeros(padded.size(), CV_32F)};
Mat image_complex;
/*Creates one multichannel array out of several single-channel ones.*/
merge(image_planes, 2, image_complex);
/*Make the DFT
The result of thee DFT is a complex image : "image_complex"*/
dft(image_complex, image_complex);
//Create spectrum magnitude//
/*Transform the real and complex values to magnitude
NB: We separe Real part to Imaginary part*/
split(image_complex, image_planes);
//Starting with this part we have the real part of the image in planes[0] and the imaginary in planes[1]
phase(image_planes[0], image_planes[1], image_phase);
magnitude(image_planes[0], image_planes[1], image_mag);
void HomomorphicFilter::Inv_Fourier_Transform(Mat image_phase, Mat image_mag, Mat &inverseTransform)
/*Calculates x and y coordinates of 2D vectors from their magnitude and angle.*/
Mat result_planes[2];
polarToCart(image_mag, image_phase, result_planes[0], result_planes[1]);
/*Creates one multichannel array out of several single-channel ones.*/
Mat result_complex;
merge(result_planes, 2, result_complex);
/*Make the IDFT*/
dft(result_complex, inverseTransform, DFT_INVERSE|DFT_REAL_OUTPUT);
/*Take the exponential*/
exp(inverseTransform, inverseTransform);
and here my main code :
/****Homomorphic filter****/
//Getting the frequency and magnitude of image//
Mat image_phase, image_mag;
HomomorphicFilter().Fourier_Transform(frame_bw, image_phase, image_mag);
//Shifting the DFT//
//Butterworth homomorphic filter//
int high_h_v_TB = 101;
int low_h_v_TB = 99;
int D = 10;// radius of band pass filter parameter
int order = 2;// order of band pass filter parameter
HomomorphicFilter().butterworth_homomorphic_filter(image_mag, D, order, high_h_v_TB, low_h_v_TB);
//Shifting the DFT//
//Inv Discret Fourier Transform//
Mat inverseTransform;
HomomorphicFilter().Inv_Fourier_Transform(image_phase, image_mag, inverseTransform);
imshow("Result", inverseTransform);
If someone can explain me my mistakes, I would appreciate a lot :). Thank you and sorry for my poor english.
EDIT : Now, i have something but it's not perfect ... I modified 2 things in my code.
I applied log(mag + 1) after dft and not on the input image.
I removed exp() after idft.
here the results (i can post only 2 links ...) :
my input image :
final result :
after having seen several topics, i find similar results on my butterworth filter and on my magnitude after dft/shifting.
Unfortunately, my final result isn't very good. Why i have so much "noise" ?
I was doing this method to balance illumination when camera was changed caused the Image waw dark!
I tried to FFT to the frequency to filter the image! it's work.but use too much time.(2750*3680RGB image).so I do it in Spatial domain.
here is my code!
//IplImage *imgSrcI=cvLoadImage("E:\\lean.jpg",-1);
Mat imgSrcM(imgSrc,true);
Mat imgDstM;
Mat imgGray;
Mat imgHls;
vector<Mat> vHls;
Mat imgTemp1=Mat::zeros(imgSrcM.size(),CV_64FC1);
Mat imgTemp2=Mat::zeros(imgSrcM.size(),CV_64FC1);
else if (imgSrcM.channels()==3)
cvtColor(imgSrcM, imgHls, CV_BGR2HLS);
split(imgHls, vHls);;
return -1;
GaussianBlur(imgTemp1, imgTemp2, Size(21, 21), 0.1, 0.1, BORDER_DEFAULT);//imgTemp2是低通滤波的结果
imgTemp1 = (imgTemp1 - imgTemp2);//imgTemp1是对数减低通的高通
addWeighted(imgTemp2, 0.7, imgTemp1, 1.4, 1, imgTemp1, -1);//imgTemp1是压制低频增强高频的结构
imgTemp1.convertTo(imgGray, CV_8UC1);
if (imgSrcM.channels()==3)
cvtColor(imgHls, imgDstM, CV_HLS2BGR);
else if (imgSrcM.channels()==1)
return 0;
I took your code corrected it at a few places and got decent results as the homographic filter output.
Here are the corrections that I made.
Instead of working just on the image_mag, work on the full output of the FFT.
your filter values of high_h_v_TB = 101 and low_h_v_TB = 99 virtually made little effect in filtering.
Here are the values I used.
int high_h_v_TB = 100;
int low_h_v_TB = 20;
int D = 10;// radius of band pass filter parameter
int order = 4;
Here is my main code
//float_img == grayscale image in 0-1 scale
Mat log_img;
log(float_img, log_img);
Mat fft_phase, fft_mag;
Mat fft_complex;
HomomorphicFilter::Fourier_Transform(log_img, fft_complex);
int high_h_v_TB = 100;
int low_h_v_TB = 30;
int D = 10;// radius of band pass filter parameter
int order = 4;
//get a butterworth filter of same image size as the input image
//dont call mulSpectrums yet, just get the filter of correct size
Mat butterWorthFreqDomain;
HomomorphicFilter::ButterworthFilter(fft_complex.size(), butterWorthFreqDomain, D, order, high_h_v_TB, low_h_v_TB);
//this should match fft_complex in size and type
//and is what we will be using for 'mulSpectrums' call
Mat butterworth_complex;
//make two channels to match fft_complex
Mat butterworth_channels[] = {Mat_<float>(butterWorthFreqDomain.size()), Mat::zeros(butterWorthFreqDomain.size(), CV_32F)};
merge(butterworth_channels, 2, butterworth_complex);
//do mulSpectrums on the full fft
mulSpectrums(fft_complex, butterworth_complex, fft_complex, 0);
//shift back the output
Mat log_img_out;
HomomorphicFilter::Inv_Fourier_Transform(fft_complex, log_img_out);
Mat float_img_out;
exp(log_img_out, float_img_out);
//float_img_out is gray in 0-1 range
Here is my output.
Is there a way of doing deconvolution with OpenCV?
I'm just impressed by the improvement shown here
and would like to add this feature also to my software.
EDIT (Additional information for bounty.)
I still have not figured out how to implement the deconvolution.
This code helps me to sharpen the image, but I think the deconvolution could do it better.
void ImageProcessing::sharpen(QImage & img)
IplImage* cvimg = createGreyFromQImage( img );
if ( !cvimg ) return;
IplImage* gsimg = cvCloneImage(cvimg );
IplImage* dimg = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(cvimg), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
IplImage* outgreen = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(cvimg), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 );
IplImage* zeroChan = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(cvimg), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
cv::Mat smat( gsimg, false );
cv::Mat dmat( dimg, false );
cv::GaussianBlur(smat, dmat, cv::Size(0, 0), 3);
cv::addWeighted(smat, 1.5, dmat, -0.5 ,0, dmat);
cvMerge( zeroChan, dimg, zeroChan, NULL, outgreen);
img = IplImage2QImage( outgreen );
cvReleaseImage( &gsimg );
cvReleaseImage( &cvimg );
cvReleaseImage( &dimg );
cvReleaseImage( &outgreen );
cvReleaseImage( &zeroChan );
Hoping for helpful hints!
Sure, you can write a deconvolution Code using OpenCV. But there are no ready to use Functions (yet).
To get started you can look at this Example that shows the implementation of Wiener Deconvolution in Python using OpenCV.
Here is another Example using C, but this is from 2012, so maybe it is outdated.
Nearest neighbor deconvolution is a technique which is used typically on a stack of images in the Z plane in optical microscopy. This review paper: Jean-Baptiste Sibarita. Deconvolution Microscopy. Adv Biochem Engin/Biotechnol (2005) 95: 201–243 covers quite a lot of the techniques used, including the one you are interested in. This is also a nice intro:
This numpy+scipy python example shows how it works:
from pylab import *
import numpy
import scipy.ndimage
width = 100
height = 100
depth = 10
imgs = zeros((height, width, depth))
# prepare test input, a stack of images which is zero except for a point which has been blurred by a 3D gaussian
#sigma = 3
#imgs[height/2,width/2,depth/2] = 1
#imgs = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(imgs, sigma)
# read real input from stack of images img_0000.png, img_0001.png, ... (total number = depth)
# these must have the same dimensions equal to width x height above
# if imread reads them as having more than one channel, they need to be converted to one channel
for k in range(depth):
imgs[:,:,k] = scipy.ndimage.imread( "img_%04d.png" % (k) )
# prepare output array, top and bottom image in stack don't get filtered
out_imgs = zeros_like(imgs)
out_imgs[:,:,0] = imgs[:,:,0]
out_imgs[:,:,-1] = imgs[:,:,-1]
# apply nearest neighbor deconvolution
alpha = 0.4 # adjustabe parameter, strength of filter
sigma_estimate = 3 # estimate, just happens to be same as the actual
for k in range(1, depth-1):
# subtract blurred neighboring planes in the stack from current plane
# doesn't have to be gaussian, any other kind of blur may be used: this should approximate PSF
out_imgs[:,:,k] = (1+alpha) * imgs[:,:,k] \
- (alpha/2) * scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(imgs[:,:,k-1], sigma_estimate) \
- (alpha/2) * scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(imgs[:,:,k+1], sigma_estimate)
# show result, original on left, filtered on right
compare_img = copy(out_imgs[:,:,depth/2])
compare_img[:,:width/2] = imgs[:,:width/2,depth/2]
The sample image you provided actually is a very good example of Lucy-Richardson deconvolution. There is not a built-in function in OpenCV libraries for this deconvolution method. In Matlab, you may use the deconvolution with "deconvlucy.m" function. Actually, you can see the source code for some of the functions in Matlab by typing "open " or "edit ".
Below, I tried to simplify the Matlab code in OpenCV.
// Lucy-Richardson Deconvolution Function
// input-1 img: NxM matrix image
// input-2 num_iterations: number of iterations
// input-3 sigma: sigma of point spread function (PSF)
// output result: deconvolution result
// Window size of PSF
int winSize = 10 * sigmaG + 1 ;
// Initializations
Mat Y = img.clone();
Mat J1 = img.clone();
Mat J2 = img.clone();
Mat wI = img.clone();
Mat imR = img.clone();
Mat reBlurred = img.clone();
Mat T1, T2, tmpMat1, tmpMat2;
T1 = Mat(img.rows,img.cols, CV_64F, 0.0);
T2 = Mat(img.rows,img.cols, CV_64F, 0.0);
// Lucy-Rich. Deconvolution CORE
double lambda = 0;
for(int j = 0; j < num_iterations; j++)
if (j>1) {
// calculation of lambda
multiply(T1, T2, tmpMat1);
multiply(T2, T2, tmpMat2);
lambda=sum(tmpMat1)[0] / (sum( tmpMat2)[0]+EPSILON);
// calculation of lambda
Y = J1 + lambda * (J1-J2);
Y.setTo(0, Y < 0);
// 1)
GaussianBlur( Y, reBlurred, Size(winSize,winSize), sigmaG, sigmaG );//applying Gaussian filter
reBlurred.setTo(EPSILON , reBlurred <= 0);
// 2)
divide(wI, reBlurred, imR);
imR = imR + EPSILON;
// 3)
GaussianBlur( imR, imR, Size(winSize,winSize), sigmaG, sigmaG );//applying Gaussian filter
// 4)
J2 = J1.clone();
multiply(Y, imR, J1);
T2 = T1.clone();
T1 = J1 - Y;
// output
result = J1.clone();
Here are some examples and results.
Example results with Lucy-Richardson deconvolution
Visit my blog Here where you may access the whole code.
I'm not sure you understand what deconvolution is. The idea behind deconvolution is to remove the detector response from the image. This is commonly done in astronomy.
For instance, if you have a CCD mounted to a telescope, then any image you take is a convolution of what you are looking at in the sky and the response of the optical system. The telescope (or camera lens or whatever) will have some point spread function (PSF). That is, if you look at a point source that is very far away, like a star, when you take an image of it, the star will be blurred over several pixels. This blurring -- the point spread -- is what you would like to remove. If you know the point spread function of your optical system very well, then you can deconvolve the PSF from your image and obtain a sharper image.
Unless you happen to know the PSF of your optics (nontrivial to measure!), you should seek out some other option for sharpening your image. I doubt OpenCV has anything like a Richardson-Lucy algorithm built-in.