linking to cfml code ala jsfiddle - coldfusion

ok so i'm working on a new version of and one of the features is to link to code.
I am using as my inspiration for the new site.
Now with jsfiddle all the code runs in the client, so it is not a problem for other people to edit it.
But with CFML obviously the files need to be saved on the server first, which means the original file would get overwritten if anyone makes any changes, which is obviously going to be problematic as the original author may not want his files to get edited, so I am looking for some feedback/suggestions on what would be the best way to handle this.
My best idea so far is.
All files are stored in a unique folder using a JsessionID
e.g. anonymous files
or user files
the original author marks the files as editable or not. You must register and be logged in to have this control.
Files created anonymously (not logged in) can be edited as default.
If the file is editable then it can be edited, otherwise it gets duplicated for each new session.
Anonymous sessions get deleted if they have not been access for 90 days.


Can I write a file to a linux directory specifying file permissions in cfscript?

I have a function which writes a coldfusion query result as file to the temp directory. It works fine, and saves having to run the query so often.
However, I want to write a git hook to delete these cached files as when we push new code the data may have become stale and so should be replaced. The files are created by the apache user in 644 mode. The git user is in the same group as the apache user, so for the git user to be able to delete the files, I want to either create them in, or subsequently set them to 664 mode.
Initially I added fileSetAccessMode after the objectSave I was using:
objectSave( data, filepath );
fileSetAccessMode( filepath, '664' )
However this didn't seem to have any effect, so tried
fileWrite( filepath, data, '664' );
which also seems to write the file fine, but not set the the permissions.
I note that the Adobe Docs for fileWrite don't specify a parameter for mode, so I guess that's why that doesn't work. I much prefer in general but I was quite confused by their take on the cfscript versions of cffile, as it wasn't obvious which functions used which parameters.
After some more googling, I found this cftag style function which I guess I could borrow and reference in cfscript but I don't really want to have to do that.
What I really want to know is, can I achieve this purely in cfscript or is there a genuine difference in API functionality between script and tag? (I'm pretty sure this is the case in other instances).
Very grateful for any input.
After taking a break and coming back to this, I discovered that I can use
fileSetAccessMode( file, '664' );
In cfscript, and embarrassingly I had it in the wrong place in my code. However, it is still necessary to do that separately having created the file previously because
fileWrite( file, content );
doesn't support the "mode" parameter as in
<cffile action="write" file="file" output="content" mode="664">
having consulted with some wiser members of the community, I have filed this as a bug with Adobe.

Can't refresh CFC CF9 when using an application.cfm

I was charged with making some modification to an old application, and I created a new page which was being passed a URL parameter page_name, which is a you guessed it a name of a page with .cfm appended. So, in my haste, I continued using it, and was building out my CFC and using the page_name as the identifier for a record. Then I realized that there is a possibility of that name being duplicated in the table, and changed that url parameter to use the page_id, which is unique. I modified my CFC to use the new key, and nothing worked. So I started going through my code and figured I made a typo, started commenting things out, and finally dumped out my CFC object and voila, none of the edits I made were actually being used. This was fairly obvious, since page_name was a string, and page_id was numeric.
So I started googling,The first thing I saw as adjust things in the CFAdmin. I don't have access to it, and restarting the server isn't an option since I'm using an RDS to live code. The next thing I tried was to add applicationStop(), onApplicationStart(), to my Application.cfc. Well the problem is that the Application.cfc, is actually an Application.cfm. So after fiddling with the <cfapplication ... > tag, and nothing being updated, I'm here asking for help.
So is there a quick fix for this? Should I go ahead and create an application.cfc? I hope I explained myself, and sorry for all the text.
Confirm that your cfc is bound to either the session or application scope.
If it is, then you can rename the application in application.cfm and it will reset the object.
If your cfc is NOT bound to session or application scope, you have a cacheing issue. You need to go the the CF admin -> Server Settings -> Cache tab and uncheck component cache and possibly some others.
For further recommendations, ColdFusion Components Inheriting Functions Of Others
Sounds like you have been painted into a corner. Last option IF you have access the the server it self and can get into the C:\ or whatever drive that ColdFusion have been installed on, you can just manually delete the generated Java Class files that the server is using that has the old code. When ColdFusion sees there is no Class file it will recompile the newly changed file and whoa black betty go bam-a-lam your changes will be in production.
For more information here is an posting you can read up on:

Coldfusion CFC Mapping to external directories with CFCs that reference other folders

I've done some poking around and trial and error but I'm not coming up for a solution to this problem I have.
I have a folder structure like this (example)
I have one site that points to the API folder ( and another that points to the overall root (
From Api\Resource\index.cfm. I'm trying to createObject() on Objects\Object.cfc. I set up a mapping, either in CF Admin, or API\Application.cfc with this.mappings["/SiteRoot"] = "C:\wwwroot". Inside the index.cfm I do createObject("component","SiteRoot.Objects.Object"). This correctly access the Object.cfc.
The issue I'm having is that it fails because Object.cfc instantiates the Utilities\Util.cfc just by createObject("component","Utilities.Util"). The error is that Utilities.Util cannot be found.
There are other files in the very bottom root that can obviously call Object.cfc with no problems since it just goes into the Utilities folder naturally.
Any suggestions Or do I really need to just break the API Folder out of this root entirely?
It's not letting me answer my own question just yet but I wanted to post here before others chimed in.
Despite reiniting the application and restarting the application server, once or twice it wasn't working. Then suddenly, it just went and worked as I would have expected. Object.cfc could find Util.cfc correctly based on it's relative path.
I gave upvotes to those who responded as they were perfectly viable alternatives and solutions and would have gone with one of them had this not just started working. Demons, I tell you. Demons.
I think I would change your second create object call (the utilities one) to createObject("SiteRoot.Utilities.Util") ? Making sure that one mapping "governs" the starting point for all the objects no matter where instantiated.
If you really cannot change your code then just create a ColdFusion mapping called Utilities pointed at the Utilities folder.

Moving files in a verity collection

I have a collection of files which have been added to a verity collection. The filename, with complete path, has been used as the key.
I would like to move the location of the files on disk, but I am concerned that I will end up with duplicate entries (when I update the same file, the path to the file will be different, so I'll have an entry for the old file and an entry for the new one).
I wasn't involved with the original application setup, and I don't know much about verity or coldfusion (the rest of the app is in PHP). Can anyone suggest how I can go about running some sort of regex replace on each key in a verity collection, or possibly suggest another approach?
I would recommend to create new collection, adjust to your new specs (at least new path in your case) and swich to it in the application code (replace the collection name in cfindex/cfsearch).
After making sure it works properly you are free to delete the old one.
If you can not create collection for some reason, you can simply purge the collection, switch the path and re-index it.
Please note that you can do all of this directly from the application (maybe temporarily script) using cfcollection tag, and using CF Admin (see Verity Collections in menu) too.

Is there a way to make cffile.oldFileSize return a correct value?

When working with cffile in ColdFusion, after an upload of a file to a webserver, the cffile structure is created that is supposed to have a value in it called "oldFileSize". Every time I do an upload and examine that value, it has the new file's size, not the overwritten file's size. Is there some setting somewhere to correct that or is this a bug in cffile in cf8?
Clarification: If you use the cffile command to upload a file to a server, it will attempt to store that file in the location you tell it in the command. If the destination already has a file there with the same name and path, then one of the options in your cffile command can bet to overwrite any existing file. If you do that, a structure is returned called cffile with an attribute called "oldFileSize". The documentation states that oldFileSize should be the size of the file that was overwritten. Instead, it's returning the size of the file being uploaded.
If the oldfilesize attribute is not returning correctly, I would use nameconflict=unique to preserve the old file. Then, you can use cfdirectory to check the old filesize, and cffile action="delete" and action="rename" to replace the old file, so that you have essentially overwritten the old file, only manually.
A bit of work, but if you need the information....
Ben Doom is correct about the work-around to the problem, but if you're not seeing the documented behavior, that's a bug and you should report it! Currently, there is no public bug tracker you can submit to (although there is a push for one and we should probably see it soon-ish), so the defacto standard is to post it as a comment on the documentation page.
Adobe staff does read and respond to comments and they will likely either respond that it will be fixed, or acknowledge that it is a bug but indicate there is no plan to fix it at this time. Either way, the responsible thing to do is to report the bug.
What overwritten file? It seems you are talking about two files when you only refer to one.