c++ class circular reference? - c++

I am working on a little game engine but I got stuck at something. Explanation : I have two classes, cEntity And ObjectFactory :
class cEntity:public cEntityProperty
Vector2 position;
Vector2 scale;
cEntity(const cEntity&);
void init();
void render();
void update();
void release();
#include "cEntity.h"
#include <vector>
class ObjectFactory
static std::vector<cEntity> *entityList;
static int i, j;
static void addEntity(cEntity entity) {
std::vector<cEntity> *ObjectFactory::entityList = new std::vector<cEntity>();
Now I am adding new cEnity to ObjectFactory in cEntity constructor but facing an error related to circular references: for using ObjectFactor::addEntity() I need to define the ObjectFactory.h in cEntity class but it creates a circular reference.

I think your code might have an underlying architectural issue given how you have described the problem.
Your ObjectFactory should be handling the cEntities, which in turn should be unaware of the "level above". From the description of the problem you are having, it implies that you're not sure what class is in charge of what job.
Your cEntitys should expose an interface (i.e. all the stuff marked "public" in a class) that other bits of code interact with. Your ObjectFactory (which is a bit badly named if doing this job, but whatever) should in turn use that interface. The cEntitys shouldn't care who is using the interface: they have one job to do, and they do it. The ObjectFactory should have one job to do that requires it to keep a list of cEntitys around. You don't edit std::string when you use it elsewhere: why is your class any different?
That being said, there's two parts to resolving circular dependencies (beyond "Don't create code that has circular dependencies in the first place" - see the first part to this answer. That's the best way to avoid this sort of problem in my opinion)
1) Include guards. Do something like this to each header (.h) file:
#ifndef CENTITY_H
#define CENTITY_H
class cEntity:public cEntityProperty
Vector2 position;
Vector2 scale;
cEntity(const cEntity&);
void init();
void render();
void update();
void release();
What this does:
The first time your file is included, CENTITY_H is not defined. The ifndef macro is thus true, and moves to the next line (defining CENTITY_H), before it moves onto the rest of your header.
The second time (and all future times), CENTITY_H is defined, so the ifndef macro skips straight to the endif, skipping your header. Subsequently, your header code only ever ends up in your compiled program once. If you want more details, try looking up how the Linker process.
2) Forward-declaration of your classes.
If ClassA needs a member of type ClassB, and ClassB needs a member of type ClassA you have a problem: neither class knows how much memory it needs to be allocated because it's dependant on another class containing itself.
The solution is that you have a pointer to the other class. Pointers are a fixed and known size by the compiler, so we don't have a problem. We do, however, need to tell the compiler to not worry too much if it runs into a symbol (class name) that we haven't previously defined yet, so we just add class Whatever; before we start using it.
In your case, change cEntity instances to pointers, and forward-declare the class at the start. You are now able to freely use ObjectFactory in cEntity.
#include "cEntity.h"
#include <vector>
class cEntity; // Compiler knows that we'll totally define this later, if we haven't already
class ObjectFactory
static std::vector<cEntity*> *entityList; // vector of pointers
static int i, j;
static void addEntity(cEntity* entity) {
// Equally valid would be:
// static void addEntity(cEntity entity) {
// entityList->push_back(&entity);}
// (in both cases, you're pushing an address onto the vector.)
// Function arguments don't matter when the class is trying to work out how big it is in memory
std::vector<cEntity*> *ObjectFactory::entityList = new std::vector<cEntity*>();


How can I connect two classes (which don't know eachother) through public interface (C++)

I'm currently working on a project where everything is horribly mixed with everything. Every file include some others etc..
I want to focus a separating part of this spaghetti code into a library which has to be completely independent from the rest of the code.
The current problem is that some functions FunctionInternal of my library use some functions FunctionExternal declared somewhere else, hence my library is including some other files contained in the project, which is not conform with the requirement "independent from the rest of the code".
It goes without saying that I can't move FunctionExternal in my library.
My first idea to tackle this problem was to implement a public interface such as described bellow :
But I can't get it to work. Is my global pattern a way I could implement it or is there another way, if possible, to interface two functions without including one file in another causing an unwanted dependency.
How could I abstract my ExternalClass so my library would still be independent of the rest of my code ?
Edit 1:
#include "lib/InterfaceInternal.h"
class External : public InterfaceInternal {
void ExternalFunction() {};
virtual void InterfaceInternal_foo() override {
#pragma once
#include "InterfaceInternal.h"
class Internal {
// how can i received there the InterfaceInternal_foo overrided in External.h ?
#pragma once
class InterfaceInternal {
virtual void InterfaceInternal_foo() = 0;
You can do like you suggested, override the internal interface in your external code. Then
// how can i received there the InterfaceInternal_foo overrided in External.h ?
just pass a pointer/reference to your class External that extends class InterfaceInternal. Of course your class Internal needs to have methods that accept InterfaceInternal*.
Or you can just pass the function to your internal interface as an argument. Something around:
class InterfaceInternal {
void InterfaceInternal_foo(std::function<void()> f);
or more generic:
class InterfaceInternal {
template <typename F> // + maybe some SFINAE magic, or C++20 concept to make sure it's actually callable
void InterfaceInternal_foo(F f);

How to declare a class member that may be one of two classes

I am working with a project that is largely not of my creation, but am tasked with adding in some functionality to it. Currently, there is a device class that has a member variable that is responsible for storing information about a storage location, setup like this:
class device {
// Stuff
// Stuff
StorageInfo storage_info_;
// Even more stuff
class StorageInfo {
void initializeStorage();
void updateStorageInfo();
int popLocation();
int peakLocation();
uint16_t totalSize();
uint16_t remainingSize();
// More declarations here
//Even more stuff here
I am tasked with implementing a different storage option so that the two can be switched between. The information functions that this new storage option has would be the same as the initial storage option, but the implementation in retrieving that information is vastly different. In order to keep things clean and make it easier to maintain this application for years to come, they really need to be defined in two different files. However, this creates an issue inside of device.cpp, and in every single other file that calls the StorageInfo class. If I create two separate member variables, one for each type of storage, then not only will I need to insert a million different ifelse statements, but I have the potential to run into initialization issues in the constructors. What I would instead like to do is have one member variable that has the potential to hold either storage option class. Something like this:
class StorageInfoA: StorageInfo {
void initializeStorage();
void updateStorageInfo();
int popLocation();
int peakLocation();
uint16_t totalSize();
uint16_t remainingSize();
// More declarations here
//Even more stuff here
class StorageInfoB: StorageInfo {
void initializeStorage();
void updateStorageInfo();
int popLocation();
int peakLocation();
uint16_t totalSize();
uint16_t remainingSize();
// More declarations here
//Even more stuff here
class device {
// Stuff
// Stuff
StorageInfo storage_info_;
// Even more stuff
//Somewhere in the constructor of device.cpp
storage_info_ = StorageInfoA();
} else {
storage_info_ = StorageInfoB();
// Then, these types of calls would return the correct implementation without further ifelse calls
However, I know that cpp absolutely hates anything with dynamic typing, so I don't really know how to implement this. Is this kind of thing even possible? If not, does anyone know of a similar way to implement this that does work with cpp's typing rules?
You are on the right track, but you have to learn how to use polymorphism. In your example, you need the following fixes:
In the base class, make all functions virtual, and add a virtual
class StorageInfo {
virtual ~StorageInfo(){}
virtual void initializeStorage();
Make your inheritance public:
class StorageInfoA: public StorageInfo {
Instead of holding StorageInfo by value, hold it in a smart pointer:
class device {
std::unique_ptr<StorageInfo> storage_info_;
device constructor will look like
//Somewhere in the constructor of device.cpp
storage_info_ = std::make_unique<StorageInfoA>();
} else {
storage_info_ = std::make_unique<StorageInfoB>();
Finally, you will use it like an ordinary pointer:

Using an object outside of its declaration file (C++)

(it is be possible that this question has been asked very often already and i am sorry about this repost, but anything i found just didnt help me, since i am relatively a beginner at c++)
so here is an example to show my problem
i have the class monster
class Monster{
void attack();
int _health;
int _damage;
and i have the class Level
class Level{
i have created the object "snake" from the class Monster in my "main.cpp"
#include "Monster.h"
int main(){
Monster snake;
now what do i do if i want to use "snake" in my "Level" class? if i want to do "snake.attack();" inside of "Level.cpp" for example?
If i declare it again in "Level.cpp" it will be a seperate object with its own attributes wont it?
i have always been making the member functions of my classes static until now, so i could do "Monster::attack();" anywhere in my program but with this tachnique i cant have multiple objects doing different things depending on their attributes (snake1, snake2, bat1, etc...)
thanks for the help in advance!
(and sorry for the possibly reoccuring question)
Presuming those snips are your .h files.
Your level.cpp should something like this:
#include "level.h" // its own header
#include "monster.h" // header with Monster::attack() declaration
Level::DoAttack(Monster& monster) { // using snake as parameter.
health = health - monster.attack(); // monster hits us, subtract health.
monster.h would be
class Monster{
void attack();
int _health;
int _damage;
and monster.cpp
Monster::attack() {
// code to calculate the attack
I could not completely understand your questions.But from what I understood.I think you want to access a Monster object instantiated in main() to be used inside level.So,here is what you can do.Add a constructor inside the level class which takes a monster object as an argument.Then instantiate a level object and pass the monster object in it.Like this,
Level l=new Level(snake);
By declaring a class you're not creating any objects. You normally declare a class by including the corresponding header file.
So, in Level.h you'd #include <Monster.h>, then you can reference it inside Level.
But seriously, you can't write much C++ code without understanding the basic things such as declaration vs. definition, header files (.h), classes vs. objects, pointers and references, etc. It would be best to invest in a book or at least to read some tutorials online.

Nested classes definition and initiation through files

I'm trying to make class functions I can tack on to other classes, like with nested classes. I'm still fairly new to C++, so I may not actually be trying to use nested classes, but to the best of my knowledge that's where I'm at.
Now, I've just written this in Chrome, so it has no real use, but I wanted to keep the code short.
I'm compiling on Windows 7, using Visual Studio 2015.
I have two classes in file_1.h:
#pragma once
#include "file_2.h"
class magic_beans{
int getTotal();
double total[2]; //they have magic fractions
class magic_box{
magic_box(); //initiate
~magic_box(); //make sure all objects have been executed
void update();
magic_beans beans; //works fine
magic_apples apples; //does not work
int true_rand; //because it's magic
... And I have one class in file_2.h:
#pragma once
#include "file_1.h"
class magic_apples{
int getTotal();
double total[2];
Now, I've found that I can simply change:
magic_apples apples;
class magic_apples *apples;
And in my constructor I add:
apples = new magic_apples;
And in my destructor, before you ask:
delete apples;
Why must I refer to a class defined in an external file using pointers, whereas one locally defined is fine?
Ideally I would like to be able to define magic_apples the same way I can define magic_beans. I'm not against using pointers but to keep my code fairly uniform I'm interested in finding an alternative definition method.
I have tried a few alternative defines of magic_apples within my magic_box class in file_1.h but I have been unable to get anything else to work.
You have a circular dependency, file_1.h depends on file_2.h which depends on file_1.h etc. No amount of header include guards or pragmas can solve that problem.
There are two ways of solving the problem, and one way is by using forward declarations and pointers. Pointers solve it because using a pointer you don't need a complete type.
The other way to solve it is to break the circular dependency. By looking at your structures that you show, it seems magic_apples doesn't need the magic_beans type, so you can break the circle by simply not includeing file_1.h. So file_2.h should look like
#pragma once
// Note no include file here!
class magic_apples{
int getTotal();
double total[2];

Hiding private members of c++ library

I have written a library (doesn't matter what it does), which obviously has its header file. Now, I want to hide private elements of that header file, so if I provide my library to somebody, he/she should only see public members (preferably no class definition, nothing other than function definitions). One way would be creating C-style header, which will contain some kind of "init" method which will be used to create an instance of the actual class of library and the user will have to pass a pointer of that object to every function to do the job.
Is it a good practice?
Are there any other publicly accepted ways of doing something like that?
Thanks in advance.
In addition to the Factory pattern (which, in my opinion, can become unwieldy), you can also hide your private members behind a PIMPL (Pointer to IMPLementation):
// Interface.hpp
class Implementation;
class Interface {
Interface() : pimpl(new Implementation()) {}
void publicMethod();
std::unique_ptr<Implementation> pimpl;
// Interface.cpp
class Implementation {
void PrivateMember();
void Interface::publicMethod() { pimpl->PrivateMember(); }
This has the advantage of hiding implementation, at the cost of a single pointer indirection, not much different from the typical inheritance-based Factory pattern.
This can also be ABI stable. Changes to your implementation won't affect linkage, since no changes will ever be visible to the rest of the program. This is a good pattern to use when implementing shared objects, for example.
It's also a common C++ idiom, so other C++ programmers will recognize it without question.
In the case of a class which will follow the Singleton pattern, you can avoid exposing the PIMPL at all, and simply write the entire implementation in an anonymous namespace in your .cpp file, where you can put as much state and private functions as you wish, without even hinting at it in your interface.
You can create a publicly-visible interface. Create an abstract class with the functions you want to expose, then have your implementation extend it.
For example, an interface:
class Interface {
virtual void publicMethod() = 0;
And the implementation:
class Implementation : Interface {
virtual void publicMethod();
int hiddenMethod();
Then you only export the symbols for Interface. Now, in order for the user of the library to get instances of Interface which are actually Implementations, you need to provide a factory:
class Factory {
//can create and return an Implementation pointer, but caller will get an Interface pointer
std::shared_ptr<Interface> getImplementationInstance();
Base on Eric Finn's answer, you can just declare an interface class to hold all your public methods which considered to be your API, and hide all implementations and private members/methods in implementation class which inherits interface class, here's the example:
Your header file: my_api.h
// your API in header file
// my_api.h
class interface {
static interface* CreateInstance();
virtual void draw() = 0;
virtual void set(int) = 0;
your implementation(shared library): my_api.cpp (users won't see this when you make it a shared library)
So you can hide all your implementation and private methods/members here
#include "my_api.h"
// implementation -> in .cc file
class implementation : public interface {
int private_int_;
void ReportValue_();
void draw();
void set(int new_int);
implementation::implementation() {
// your actual constructor goes here
void implementation::draw() {
cout << "Implementation class draws something" << endl;
void implementation::ReportValue_() {
cout << "Private value is: " << private_int_ << endl;
void implementation::set(int new_int) {
private_int_ = new_int;
interface* interface::CreateInstance() {
return new implementation;
How user uses your API:
#include <iostream>
#include "my_api.h"
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
using namespace std;
interface* a; interface* b;
a = interface::CreateInstance();
b = interface::CreateInstance();
return 0;
Implementation class draws
Private int is: 2
Implementation class draws
Private int is: 1
In this pattern, your api is just an abstract class which works like a factory, you can also implement the virtual method in different classes and specify which instance you would like to call.
I think you need to create Dynamic Link Library (dll).
Please take a quick look at this link:
You might want to take a look at the envelope/letter idiom, bridge design pattern, or proxy pattern. Basically, you would create an outer (public) class that would just forward your public method calls to the inner (private) class. Your InnerClass.h header only needs to be visible/known to your OuterClass.cpp and InnerClass.cpp source files.
Each of these patterns provides a mechanism of separating the implementation from the interface so that the caller is not coupled to the implementation. Sometimes this is desired to reduce compiler dependencies on large C++ projects. Another common reason for wanting to do this is just when you want to hide the implementation details so that the caller only sees a single opaque pointer.
======= OuterClass.h =====
class InnerClass; // forward declaration is all that's needed
class OuterClass {
InnerClass *pInner;
bool doSomething();
======= OuterClass.cpp ======
#include "OuterClass.h"
#include "InnerClass.h"
OuterClass::OuterClass() :
pInner(new InnerClass())
bool OuterClass::doSomething()
return pInner->doSomething();
There actually is a way to do this without having to use classes. I had the same issue and here is a very simple solution:
Just put your private things into the .cpp file. Your header file will look something like this:
// These will be visible to everyone using this library
void function();
int someNumber = 2;
and your .cpp file:
void function() {
// whatever this function does
// This will be only visible to the library itself
static void secretFunction() {
static int PIN = 1234;
// Okay, if you write this Number into your library and expect it to be safe,
// then screw you, but at least no one will be able to access it with code
When calling the "public" functions from outside you now don't need any instance of that class anymore: Just place the library in the correct directory and include it, but you probably have already taken care of that) and call the functions by their names in the Lib.h file. In the instance of this example it would look something like this:
#include "Lib.h"
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
return 0;
Thanks to Edgar Bonet for helping me find this solution on the Arduino Stackexchange!