Animated 3D model libraries [closed] - c++

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Hello fellow programmers. I've been to school and learned various things about graphics programming. But one thing we didn't learn, was which libraries were aviable. We mostly looked at OpenGL so that's what I've been doing the last weeks. Learning the modern version.
The thing is that I've come to think that OpenGL doesn't offer the easiest way of loading 3d animated models. And everything seem very, from the ground up... But I guess that is to expect, as OpenGL is a very low end library.
But I'm looking for a library that can load 3d models easily. As I've tried setting up my own, and it's not having the best of progress. And I'm willing to bet that someone else have already made an easy solution that beats my work by a long shot. I tried looking at the wiki page for 3d libraries. But there are so many to choose from... Any reccomandations?

You can use Lib3ds.
Also GLM can be used to load models.
My recommendation would be to use some scenegraph like OpenSceneGraph if you are looking for some serious application development in OpenGl. OpenSceneGraph supports wide array of formats through plugins.


What would be a good library to draw to the screen in c++? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am creating simulation that models how an gas behaves in a container. I have collision checking set up, however I would like to draw the data on screen to make sure it is working correctly
All I need is a simple way to draw simple shapes such as circles to the screen using c++. these shapes do not have to look great, just function.
I may want to move my simulation from 2D to 3D in the future as well - so a library that has 3D capabilities would be good.
Remember I will be looping through and drawing several hundred gas molecules, so fast would also be good.
I am fairly new to c++ as a language so go easy. My IDE/compiler is VS 2010 Professional.
I have already used google - but I can not find any good installation guide for installing the library. So an installation guide would be a big plus
Look at SDL with SDL_gfx. You can then switch to SDL/OpenGL to do 3D.
I would recommend OpenGL, it's easy to use for your task. Also it's cross-platform and you can easily switch to 3D.
OpenGL is one possibility, though there are also other libraries built on top of OpenGL that might be useful as well.
Edit: OpenGL itself is installed as part of the OS. Headers and libraries for OpenGL 1.1 are included with VS 2010, so if you don't need newer features, you're already set. If you want to use newer functions, you probably want to use GLEW or GLEE.

Stable Fluids in 3D Example [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Has anyone run across or have an example of Jos Stam's Stable Fluids but in 3D? I need to pursue a 3D version of this in openGL but have been having a terrible time doing so. Is there an example of this preferably in openGL/C/C++?
This is the best information I found about solving the Navier Stokes equitation (searched about 6 month ago): link text. It explains every part of the equitation solver in the most easy way that I have ever found. I haven't looked intensively into Jos Stam's paper, but it seems to be based on this equitation.
However the link I posted is also in 2D, but as the code is so easy, it should be no problem to add one (or even more xD) additional dimension.
Edit:I just realized that the talk that I have linked was held by Jos Stam :). Its a small world. Nevertheless the talk is better documented then the pdf, so I hope it helps.
Although this answer comes a few years late, it might still be useful:
3D implementation here:
Another 3D implementation:
Also, this thesis has source code at the end (Bongart, Robert)

3D modeling using camera [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm looking for a sample code.
It's 3D modeling using camera.
like this:
Hopefully, I want to use c or c++.
openCv is probably the easiest place to start.
There are a few chapters about creatign scenes from stereo pairs (which is a bit easier) in the opencv book otherwise 3d models from image understanding is still possible - but a lot harder mathematically.
You may want to check out OpenCV for computer vision functionality and OpenGL for 3D graphics. Both are widely used APIs with plenty of online documentation and examples, both official and third-party.
You could try contacting the author of the paper to see if he's willing to release his source code to you. It looks like he used CGAL (for the Delauny Tetrahedralisation) so if you go that route, you'll need to get a copy of that.

Is there a faster and object orientated alternative to SDL for C++? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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The current version of libsdl (1.2.x branch) is very, very slow with blending and per pixel alpha (as it uses software blending). Is there any other good alternative to it?
SFML is exactly what you need:
Skim through the tutorials, you'll see that it's way easier and more powerful than SDL.
There is SFML :
Or... just use OpenGL on top of SDL.
GLFW. It only tries to do one thing (window creation/input handling). It is C based and pretty easy to use provides bindings for several languages.
SFML does all that and also provides an API for audio, fonts, and networking. It's nativity a C++ API but provides bindings for several languages.
There are other thousands of options: SDL (older), Unity and UDK if you want to create a game, ...

simple c++, opengl game engine for linux? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I was wondering if anyone knew of a simple opengl game engine for linux where the source is available to read.
I basically want to read the source to get a better idea of how things are put together without worrying about the code being cross platform or having fancy particle effects or anything.
You may be interested in Irrlicht
Have a look at DevMaster, a website with a lot of information about game programming and a 3D Engines Database.
You might want to check Ogre
SDL supports OpenGL, is open source, and you can port your game to Windows if you want. I've used it to write a Tetris program. It supports C and C++.
A simple engine for beginners, written in C++, contains samples to start with and sample game project to study:
D'Enfent Engine