Writing a Parser for a programming language: Output [closed] - c++

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I'm trying to write a simple interpreted programming language in C++. I've read that a lot of people use tools such Lex/Flex Bison to avoid "reinventing the wheel", but since my goal is to understand how these little beasts work improving my knowledge, i've decided to write the Lexer and the Parser from scratch. At the moment i'm working on the parser (the lexer is complete) and i was asking myself what should be its output. A tree? A linear vector of statements with a "depth" or "shift" parameter? How should i manage loops and if statements? Should i replace them with invisible goto statements?

A parser should almost always output an AST. An AST is simply, in the broadest sense, a tree representation of the syntactical structure of the program. A Function becomes an AST node containing the AST of the function body. An if becomes an AST node containing the AST of the condition and the body. A use of an operator becomes an AST node containing the AST of each operand. Integer literals, variable names, and so on become leaf AST nodes. Operator precedence and such is implicit in the relationship of the nodes: Both 1 * 2 + 3 and (1 * 2) + 3 are represented as Add(Mul(Int(1), Int(2)), Int(3)).
Many details of what's in the AST depend on your language (obviously) and what you want to do with the tree. If you want to analyze and transform the program (i.e. split out altered source code at the end), you might preserve comments. If you want detailed error messages, you might add source locations (as in, this integer literal was on line 5 column 12).
A compiler will proceed to turn the AST into a different format (e.g. a linear IR with gotos, or data flow graphs). Going through the AST is still a good idea, because a well-designed AST has a good balance of being syntax-oriented but only storing what's important for understanding the program. The parser can focus on parsing while the later transformations are protected from irrelevant details such as the amount of white space and operator precedence. Note that such a "compiler" might also output bytecode that's later interpreted (the reference implementation of Python does this).
A relatively pure interpreter might instead interpret the AST. Much has been written about this; it is about the easiest way to execute the parser's output. This strategy benefits from the AST in much the same way as a compiler; in particular most interpretation is simply top-down traversal of the AST.

The formal and most properly correct answer is going to be that you should return an Abstract Syntax Tree. But that is simultaneously the tip of an iceberg and no answer at all.
An AST is simply a structure of nodes describing the parse; a visualization of the paths your parse took thru the token/state machine.
Each node represents a path or description. For example, you would have nodes which represents language statements, nodes which represent compiler directives and nodes which represent data.
Consider a node which describes a variable, and lets say your language supports variables of int and string and the notion of "const". You may well choose to make the type a direct property of the Variable node struct/class, but typically in an AST you make properties - like constness - a "mutator", which is itself some form of node linked to the Variable node.
You could implement the C++ concept of "scope" by having locally-scoped variables as mutations of a BlockStatement node; the constraints of a "Loop" node (for, do, while, etc) as mutators.
When you closely tie your parser/tokenizer to your language implementation, it can become a nightmare making even small changes.
While this is true, if you actually want to understand how these things work, it is worth going through at least one first implementation where you begin to implement your runtime system (vm, interpreter, etc) and have your parser target it directly. (The alternative is, e.g., to buy a copy of the "Dragon Book" and read how it's supposed to be done, but it sounds like you are actually wanting to have the full understanding that comes from having worked thru the problem yourself).
The trouble with being told to return an AST is that an AST actually needs a form of parsing.
struct Node
enum class Type {
Node* m_parent;
Node* m_next;
Node* m_child;
Type m_type;
string m_file;
size_t m_lineNo;
struct VariableMutatorNode : public Node
enum class Mutation {
Mutation m_mutation;
// ...
struct VariableNode
VariableMutatorNode* m_mutators;
// ...
Node* ast; // Top level node in the AST.
This sort of AST is probably OK for a compiler that is independent of its runtime, but you'd need to tighten it up a lot for a complex, performance sensitive language down the (at which point there is less 'A' in 'AST').
The way you walk this tree is to start with the first node of 'ast' and act acording to it. If you're writing in C++, you can do this by attaching behaviors to each node type. But again, that's not so "abstract", is it?
Alternatively, you have to write something which works its way thru the tree.
switch (node->m_type) {
case Node::Type::Variable:
case Node::Type::Condition:
case Node::Type::Statement:
And as you write this, you'll find yourself thinking "wait, why didn't the parser do this for me?" because processing an AST often feels a lot like you did a crap job of implementing the AST :)
There are times when you can skip the AST and go straight to some form of final representation, and (rare) times when that is desirable; then there are times when you could go straight to some form of final representation but now you have to change the language and that decision will cost you a lot of reimplementation and headaches.
This is also generally the meat of building your compiler - the lexer and parser are generally the lesser parts of such an under taking. Working with the abstract/post-parse representation is a much more significant part of the work.
That's why people often go straight to flex/bison or antlr or some such.
And if that's what you want to do, looking at .NET or LLVM/Clang can be a good option, but you can also fairly easily bootstrap yourself with something like this: http://gnuu.org/2009/09/18/writing-your-own-toy-compiler/4/
Best of luck :)

I would build a tree of statements. After that, yes the goto statements are how the majority of it works (jumps and calls). Are you translating to a low level like assembly?

The output of the parser should be an abstract syntax tree, unless you know enough about writing compilers to directly produce byte-code, if that's your target language. It can be done in one pass but you need to know what you're doing. The AST expresses loops and ifs directly: you're not concerned with translating them yet. That comes under code generation.

People don't use lex/yacc to avoid re-inventing the wheel, the use it to build a more robust compiler prototype more quickly, with less effort, and to focus on the language, and avoid getting bogged down in other details. From personal experience with several VM projects, compilers and assemblers, I suggest if you want to learn how to build a language, do just that -- focus on building a language (first).
Don't get distracted with:
Writing your own VM or runtime
Writing your own parser generator
Writing your own intermediate language or assembler
You can do these later.
This is a common thing I see when a bright young computer scientist first catches the "language fever" (and its good thing to catch), but you need to be careful and focus your energy on the one thing you want to do well, and make use of other robust, mature technologies like parser generators, lexers, and runtime platforms. You can always circle back later, when you have slain the compiler dragon first.
Just spend your energy learning how a LALR grammar works, write your language grammar in Bison or Yacc++ if you can still find it, don't get distracted by people who say you should be using ANTLR or whatever else, that isn't the goal early on. Early on, you need to focus on crafting your language, removing ambiguities, creating a proper AST (maybe the most important skillset), semantic checking, symbol resolution, type resolution, type inference, implicit casting, tree rewriting, and of course, end program generation. There is enough to be done making a proper language that you don't need to be learning multiple other areas of research that some people spend their whole careers mastering.
I recommend you target an existing runtime like the CLR (.NET). It is one of the best runtimes for crafting a hobby language. Get your project off the ground using a textual output to IL, and assemble with ilasm. ilasm is relatively easy to debug, assuming you put some time into learning it. Once you get a prototype going, you can then start thinking about other things like an alternate output to your own interpreter, in case you have language features that are too dynamic for the CLR (then look at the DLR). The main point here is that CLR provides a good intermediate representation to output to. Don't listen to anyone that tells you you should be directly outputting bytecode. Text is king for learning in the early stages and allows you to plug and play with different languages / tools. A good book is by the author John Gough, titled Compiling for the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) and he takes you through the implementation of the Gardens Point Pascal Compiler, but it isn't a book about Pascal, it is a book about how to build a real compiler on the CLR. It will answer many of your questions on implementing loops and other high level constructs.
Related to this, a great tool for learning is to use Visual Studio and ildasm (the disassembler) and .NET Reflector. All available for free. You can write small code samples, compile them, then disassemble them to see how they map to a stack based IL.
If you aren't interested in the CLR for whatever reason, there are other options out there. You will probably run across llvm, Mono, NekoVM, and Parrot (all good things to learn) in your searches. I was an original Parrot VM / Perl 6 developer, and wrote the Perl Intermediate Representation language and imcc compiler (which is quite a terrible piece of code I might add) and the first prototype Perl 6 compiler. I suggest you stay away from Parrot and stick with something easier like .NET CLR, you'll get much further. If, however, you want to build a real dynamic language, and want to use Parrot for its continuations and other dynamic features, see the O'Reilly Books Perl and Parrot Essentials (there are several editions), the chapters on PIR/IMCC are about my stuff, and are useful. If your language isn't dynamic, then stay far away from Parrot.
If you are bent on writing your own VM, let me suggest you prototype the VM in Perl, Python or Ruby. I have done this a couple of times with success. It allows you to avoid too much implementation early, until your language starts to mature. Perl+Regex are easy to tweak. An intermediate language assembler in Perl or Python takes a few days to write. Later, you can rewrite the 2nd version in C++ if you still feel like it.
All this I can sum up with: avoid premature optimizations, and avoid trying to do everything at once.

First you need to get a good book. So I refer you to the book by John Gough in my other answer, but emphasize, focus on learning to implement an AST for a single, existing platform first. It will help you learn about AST implementation.
How to implement a loop?
Your language parser should return a tree node during the reduce step for the WHILE statement. You might name your AST class WhileStatement, and the WhileStatement has, as members, ConditionExpression and BlockStatement and several labels (also inheritable but I added inline for clarity).
Grammar pseudocode below, shows the how the reduce creates a new object of WhileStatement from a typical shift-reduce parser reduction.
How does a shift-reduce parser work?
WHILE ( ConditionExpression )
$$ = new WhileStatement($3, $5);
statementList.Add($$); // this is your statement list (AST nodes), not the parse stack
As your parser sees "WHILE", it shifts the token on the stack. And so forth.
The instance of WhileStatement is a node in a linear statement list. So behind the scenes, the "$$ =" represents a parse reduce (though if you want to be pedantic, $$ = ... is user-code, and the parser is doing its own reductions implicitly, regardless). The reduce can be thought of as popping off the tokens on the right side of the production, and replacing with the single token on the left side, reducing the stack:
// shift-reduce
parseStack.pop_n(5); // pop off the top 5 tokens ($1 = WHILE, $2 = (, $3 = ConditionExpression, etc.)
parseStack.push(currToken); // replace with the current $$ token
You still need to add your own code to add statements to a linked list, with something like "statements.add(whileStatement)" so you can traverse this later. The parser has no such data structure, and its stacks are only transient.
During parse, synthesize a WhileStatement instance with its appropriate members.
In latter phase, implement the visitor pattern to visit each statement and resolve symbols and generate code. So a while loop might be implemented with the following AST C++ class:
class WhileStatement : public CompoundStatement {
ConditionExpression * condExpression; // this is the conditional check
Label * startLabel; // Label can simply be a Symbol
Label * redoLabel; // Label can simply be a Symbol
Label * endLabel; // Label can simply be a Symbol
BlockStatement * loopStatement; // this is the loop code
bool ResolveSymbolsAndTypes();
bool SemanticCheck();
bool Emit(); // emit code
Your code generator needs to have a function that generates sequential labels for your assembler. A simple implementation is a function to return a string with a static int that increments, and returns LBL1, LBL2, LBL3, etc. Your labels can be symbols, or you might get fancy with a Label class, and use a constructor for new Labels:
class Label : public Symbol {
public Label() {
this.name = newLabel(); // incrementing LBL1, LBL2, LBL3
A loop is implemented by generating the code for condExpression, then the redoLabel, then the blockStatement, and at the end of blockStatement, then goto to redoLabel.
A sample from one of my compilers to generate code for the CLR.
// Generate code for .NET CLR for While statement
void WhileStatement::clr_emit(AST *ctx)
redoLabel = compiler->mkLabelSym();
startLabel = compiler->mkLabelSym();
endLabel = compiler->mkLabelSym();
// Emit the redo label which is the beginning of each loop
compiler->out("%s:\n", redoLabel->getName());
if(condExpr) {
condExpr->clr_emit_fetch(this, t_bool);
// Test the condition, if false, branch to endLabel, else fall through
compiler->out("brfalse %s\n", endLabel->getName());
// The body of the loop
compiler->out("%s:\n", startLabel->getName()); // start label only for clarity
loopStmt->clr_emit(this); // generate code for the block
// End label, jump out of loop
compiler->out("br %s\n", redoLabel->getName()); // goto redoLabel
compiler->out("%s:\n", endLabel->getName()); // endLabel for goto out of loop


How do I associate changed lines with functions in a git repository of C code?

I'm attempting to construct a “heatmap” from a multi-year history stored in a git repository where the unit of granularity is individual functions. Functions should grow hotter as they change more times, more frequently, and with more non-blank lines changed.
As a start, I examined the output of
git log --patch -M --find-renames --find-copies-harder --function-context -- *.c
I looked at using Language.C from Hackage, but it seems to want a complete translation unit—expanded headers and all—rather being able to cope with a source fragment.
The --function-context option is new since version 1.7.8. The foundation of the implementation in v1.7.9.4 is a regex:
/* Jump targets or access declarations */
"!^[ \t]*[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*:.*$\n"
/* C/++ functions/methods at top level */
"^([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*([ \t*]+[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*([ \t]*::[ \t]*[^[:space:]]+)?){1,}[ \t]*\\([^;]*)$\n"
/* compound type at top level */
/* -- */
This seems to recognize boundaries reasonably well but doesn’t always leave the function as the first line of the diff hunk, e.g., with #include directives at the top or with a hunk that contains multiple function definitions. An option to tell diff to emit separate hunks for each function changed would be really useful.
This isn’t safety-critical, so I can tolerate some misses. Does that mean I likely have Zawinski’s “two problems”?
I realise this suggestion is a bit tangential, but it may help in order to clarify and rank requirements. This would work for C or C++ ...
Instead of trying to find text blocks which are functions and comparing them, use the compiler to make binary blocks. Specifically, for every C/C++ source file in a change set, compile it to an object. Then use the object code as a basis for comparisons.
This might not be feasible for you, but IIRC there is an option on gcc to compile so that each function is compiled to an 'independent chunk' within the generated object code file. The linker can pull each 'chunk' into a program. (It is getting pretty late here, so I will look this up in the morning, if you are interested in the idea. )
So, assuming we can do this, you'll have lots of functions defined by chunks of binary code, so a simple 'heat' comparison is 'how much longer or shorter is the code between versions for any function?'
I am also thinking it might be practical to use objdump to reconstitute the assembler for the functions. I might use some regular expressions at this stage to trim off the register names, so that changes to register allocation don't cause too many false positive (changes).
I might even try to sort the assembler instructions in the function bodies, and diff them to get a pattern of "removed" vs "added" between two function implementations. This would give a measure of change which is pretty much independent of layout, and even somewhat independent of the order of some of the source.
So it might be interesting to see if two alternative implementations of the same function (i.e. from different a change set) are the same instructions :-)
This approach should also work for C++ because all names have been appropriately mangled, which should guarantee the same functions are being compared.
So, the regular expressions might be kept very simple :-)
Assuming all of this is straightforward, what might this approach fail to give you?
Side Note: This basic strategy could work for any language which targets machine code, as well as VM instruction sets like the Java VM Bytecode, .NET CLR code, etc too.
It might be worth considering building a simple parser, using one of the common tools, rather than just using regular expressions. Clearly it is better to choose something you are familiar with, or which your organisation already uses.
For this problem, a parser doesn't actually need to validate the code (I assume it is valid when it is checked in), and it doesn't need to understand the code, so it might be quite dumb.
It might throw away comments (retaining new lines), ignore the contents of text strings, and treat program text in a very simple way. It mainly needs to keep track of balanced '{' '}', balanced '(' ')' and all the other valid program text is just individual tokens which can be passed 'straight through'.
It's output might be a separate file/function to make tracking easier.
If the language is C or C++, and the developers are reasonably disciplined, they might never use 'non-syntactic macros'. If that is the case, then the files don't need to be preprocessed.
Then a parser is mostly just looking for a the function name (an identifier) at file scope followed by ( parameter-list ) { ... code ... }
I'd SWAG it would be a few days work using yacc & lex / flex & bison, and it might be so simple that their is no need for the parser generator.
If the code is Java, then ANTLR is a possible, and I think there was a simple Java parser example.
If Haskell is your focus, their may be student projects published which have made a reasonable stab at a parser.

How to store parsed function expressions for plugging-in many times?

As the topic indicates, my program needs to read several function expressions and plug-in different variables many times. Parsing the whole expression again every time I need to plug-in a new value is definitely way too ugly, so I need a way to store parsed expression.
The expression may look like 2x + sin(tan(5x)) + x^2. Oh, and the very important point -- I'm using C++.
Currently I have three ideas on it, but all not very elegant:
Storing the S-expression as a tree; evaluate it by recurring. It may
be the old-school way to handle this, but it's ugly, and I would
have to handle with different number of parameters (like + vs. sin).
Composing anonymous functions with boost::lambda. It may work nice,
but personally I don't like boost.
Writing a small python/lisp script, use its native lambda
expression and call it with IPC... Well, this is crazy.
So, any ideas?
I did not try to implement support for parenthesis and functions with only one parameter, like sin().
I tried the second way first; but I did not use boost::lambda, but a feature of gcc which could be used to create (fake) anonymous functions I found from here. The resulting code has 340 lines, and not working correctly because of scoping and a subtle issue with stack.
Using lambda could not make it better; and I don't know if it could handle with scoping correctly. So sorry for not testing boost::lambda.
Storing the parsed string as S-expressions would definitely work, but the implementation would be even longer -- maybe ~500 lines? My project is not that kind of gigantic projects with tens of thousands lines of code, so devoting so much energy on maintaining that kind of twisted code which would not be used very often seems not a nice idea.
So finally I tried the third method -- it's awesome! The Python script has only 50 lines, pretty neat and easy to read. But, on the other hand, it would also make python a prerequisite of my program. It's not that bad on *nix machines, but on windows... I guess it would be very painful for the non-programmers to install Python. So is lisp.
However, my final solution is opening bc as a subprocess. Maybe it's a bad choice for most situations, however, it fits me well.
On the other hand, for projects work only under *nix or already have python as a prerequisite, personally I recommend the third way if the expression is simple enough to be parsed with hand-written parser. If it's very complicated, like Hurkyl said, you could consider creating a mini-language.
Why not use a scripting language designed for exactly this kind of purpose? There are several such languages floating around, but my experience is with lua.
I use lua to do this kind of thing "all the time". The code to embed and parse an expression like that is very small. It would look something like this (untested):
std::string my_expression = "2*x + math.sin( math.tan( x ) ) + x * x";
//Initialise lua and load the basic math library.
lua_State * L = lua_open();
//Create your function and load it into lua
std::string fn = "function myfunction(x) return "+my_expression+"end";
luaL_dostring( L, fn.c_str(), fn.size() );
//Use your function
for(int i=0; i<10; ++i)
// add the function to the stack
lua_getfield(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, "myfunction");
// add the argument to the stack
lua_pushnumber(L, i);
// Make the call, using one argument and expecting one result.
// stack looks like this : FN ARG
// stack looks like this now : RESULT
// so get the result and print it
double result = lua_getnumber(L,-1);
std::cout<<i<<" : "<<result<<std::endl;
// The result is still on the stack, so clean it up.

Embedding other language in Flex/Bison

The bottom line:
If you would like to add one, very small feature into C++ using Flex/Bison, how would you do that? For example, ability to declare void xxx() functions with syntax: foo%%: xxx?
The whole story:
Once I have coded a custom shader processing program that built ready-to-use Cg/GLSL pixel and vertex shaders from a number of blocks. I've added few features, mostly related to static compilation (something like a "better preprocessor").
For example, something that would look like
float lightStrength = dot(N, normalize(pos - lightPos));
float lightStrength = dot(N, lightDir);
with pure macros, looks like
[LightType = Point]
[Require: pos, lightPos]
float LightStrength()
!let %N Normal
return dot(%N, normalize(pos - lightPos));
in my "language". As you can see, "functions" can be provided for variable light/material types. There is also a possibility to "call" other function and to mark what uniform/varying attributes are required for specific shader.
Why all this effort? Because (especially in early cards like SM 2.0) there were numerous limitations of attributes, and my "compiler" produced ready-to-use shader with list of required attributes/variables, managed parameters between pixel and vertex shaders, optimized some static stuff (just for readability, as Cg compiler would optimize it later anyway).
OK, but I am not writing all of this to praise myself or something.
I've written this "compiler" in C# and it initially was a very small program. But as time passed, many features were added and now the program is a complete mess with no options of refactoring. Also, being coded in C# means I cannot embed this compiler directly in C++ game, forcing me to spawn processes to compile shaders (this takes a lot of time).
I would like to rewrite my language/compiler using C++ and Flex/Bison toolkit. I've already coded efficient math parser in Flex/Bison so I am somewhat experienced in this matter. However there is one thing that I cannot resolve myself and this is a very topic of my question.
How can I possibly embed GLSL into my language? In C# compiler, I've just went line-by-line and checked if line starts with special characters (like % or [) and later did many tricks&hacks using string_replace and/or regexes.
Now I would like to write down a clean Bison grammar and do it properly. But including whole syntax of GLSL scares me. It is quite a big and complicated language, constantly evolving. And most I would do would be to pass-through all this GLSL code anyway.
If you are not experienced with GLSL/Cg/graphics programming at all, this is not quite important. The question can be rewritten into the "bottom line".
So, if you would like to add one, very small feature into C++ using Flex/Bison, how would you do that? For example, ability to declare void xxx() functions with syntax: foo%%: xxx?
I added multithreading mechanisms to pascal for a school project once, so I've had to deal with this. What I did was I found a BNF definition of pascal and copied that, mainly making my tokens equal to the text in 99% of the cases, and adding the new intermediate language code in the 1% of new tokens I added. Pascal is simple, so the BNF definition is relatively simple. C++, not so much.
The C++ Programming Language by Stroustroup has the language grammar that is practically parser-ready, but that's a lot of code to copy by hand. Maybe a certain website can help you find a bison/lex set for "standard" C++, and then you can modify that.
I found my yacc files, so here's a small example from my pascal code
procheader: PROCEDURE ID paramslist ';'{thread::inLocalDecl=true; $$="procedure "+$2+$3+";\n";}
| FUNCTION ID paramslist ':' ID ';'{thread::inLocalDecl=true; $$="function "+$2+$3+":"+$5+";\n";}
| THREAD {thread::inThreadDecl=true;
ID {thread::curName=$3;} paramslist { thread::inArgDecl=false;} ';'
/*a lot of code to transform this custom construct into standard pascal*/
the first two elements were just standard pascal: I copied the input tokens into the output strings verbatim (ie I didn't actually modify anything from the input file).
the third element(my THREAD keyword) was, obviously, not standard pascal. So I transformed the output into something that I could actually compile in standard pascal.
Basically to compile my "threaded" pascal, I had to take my source file, pass it through my parser, then compile the output.

Is it feasible to ascribe pronunciations to distinct source code concepts?

I frequently tutor fellow students in programming, most often in C++ or Java.
It is uniquely aggravating to try to verbally convey the essential syntax of a C++ expression. The speaker must give either an idiomatic translation into English, or a full specification of the code in verbal longhand, using explicit yet slow terms such as "opening parenthesis", "bitwise and", et cetera. Neither of these solutions is optimal.
In C++, there is a finite set of keywords—63—and operators—54, discounting named operators and treating compound assignment operators and prefix versus postfix auto-increment and decrement as distinct. There are just a few types of literal, a similar number of grouping symbols, and the semicolon. Unless I'm utterly mistaken, that's about it.
Would it not then be feasible to ascribe a concise, unique pronunciation to each of these distinct concepts (including one for whitespace, where it is required) and go from there? Programming languages are far more regular than natural languages, so the pronunciation could be standardised.
Instead of creating new "words" to describe them, for things such as "include" you could simply prefix it with "keyword" when saying it aloud. You could use words/phrases commonly known to say other parts as well. As with any new programmer, you have to literally describe everything anyway, so I don't think that requires special attention. I think creating new words is the harder method...
So, for example:
#include <iostream>;
int main()
if (1 < 2)
return 1;
return 0;
Could be read out as:
(keyword) include iostream new-line
(keyword) int main no params start
block if number 1 (operator) less than
number 2 new-line (keyword) return
number 1 new-line (keyword) else
new-line (keyword) return number 0 end
Treat words in () as optional descriptive words, most likely to be used in more complex code. You could use the word 'literal' if you want them to actually write the descriptive word. For example
(keyword) if literal number (operator)
less than literal keyword
if (number < keyword)
Other words could be given defined meanings as well, such as 'split-line' when you want them to continue on the next line, without closing any currently open parenthesis, etc.
I personally find this method quite simple to use and easy to teach. YMMV, as always.
Of course, this doesn't solve the internationalisation issue, but at worst, would result in 'new words' being used in the non-English languages, which is no worse than the proposed solution you offered.
As a blind developer, programming since I was 13, I found this question really interesting. First of all, as mentioned by other peple, learning a new language to be able to understand code is not a practical solution, as it would probably take longer to learn the spoken utterances as it would to learn the actual programming language.
Reading the question/answers two further points occured to me:
Firstly, you'd be surprised how important "thinking time" is. I have previously programmed in C/C++/Java and now use C# as my primary language, and consider myself very competant. But when I did a couple of projects in Python, I found the reduced punctuation robbed me of my "thinking time" - subconsciously, I was using the punctuation to digest what I'd just heard - fascinating... However, the situation is a bit different when it comes to identifiers, as these aren't well known by the listener - I personally find it hard to listen to code with acronym variables (RGXRatio, RGVRatio) as I don't have time to figure out what it means. On the flip side, hungarian notation and initial underscores makes code hard to listen to as the length of the variables (in terms of time taken to speak) is much longer than the more important operations being performed on those variables.
Another thing to consider is that the length of the audio stream is an end result, but not the root cause. The reason the audio is so long is because audio is a one-dimensional medium, whereas reading text is a 2d medium with the ability to jump around and skip past irelevant/familiar text. It wouldn't work for a face-to-face lecture, but what if there were keyboard commands for controlling the speech. In text documents my screen reader lets me jump to the next line, but what if this were adapted to the semantics of a programming language. some research, such as by T V Raman at Google, includes using different voices for syntax highlighting, and audio cues to mark metadata like capitals.
I know the original question specifically related to a lecture given to a class, but if like myself you have to listen to entire files of source code , I also find the structure of the code makes a huge difference. I personally read code like a story - left to right, top to bottom. so it's very hard to trace through unfamiliar code when it's written bottom-up.
So would it not then be feasible to simply ascribe a concise, unique pronunciation to each of these distinct concepts (including one for whitespace, where it is required) and go from there? Programming languages are far more regular than natural languages, so the pronunciation could be standardised
Perhaps, but you've lost sight of your goal. The premise was that the person listening did not already know the language. If he does, we can simply say "include iostream" when we mean #include <iostream>, or "vector of int" when we mean std::vector<int>.
Your premise was that the person listening is not familiar enough with the language to understand what you read out loud unless you read out exactly what it says.
Now, inventing a whole new language just to describe the primitives that occur in your source code doesn't solve the problem. Instead, you still have to read out every syntactic token (with simpler, more "standardized" pronunciations, yes, but they still have to be read out loud), and the person listening still won't understand you, because if they don't know C++ well enough to understand "include iostream", they won't understand your standardized pronunciation either. And if you're going to teach them your pronunciation, why bother, when you could've just taught them to understand C++ syntax directly instead?
There's also the root problem that C++ code tends to consist of a lot of syntactic tokens. Take a line as simple as this:
std::vector<int> v;
I count 9 tokens. Not one of them can be omitted. If the person listening does not understand the code and syntax well enough to understand a high-level description such as "declare a vector of int, named v", then you'll have to read out all 9 tokens in some form. Even if you come up with simpler names than "namespace resolution operator" and "less than sign", you still have to list 9 token names. Which is a lot of work.
In short, no, I don't think it'd work. First, it's still too cumbersome, and second, it's presuming prior knowledge on the part of the person listening, when the motivation for this was that the person listening was a student without the prior knowledge that made it possible to understand a high-level description of the code.

Expression Evaluation in C++

I'm writing some excel-like C++ console app for homework.
My app should be able to accept formulas for it's cells, for example it should evaluate something like this:
Sum(tablename\fieldname[recordnumber], fieldname[recordnumber], ...)
tablename\fieldname[recordnumber] points to a cell in another table,
fieldname[recordnumber] points to a cell in current table
"10" // (simply a number)
something like that.
functions are Sum, Ave, Sin, Cos, Tan, Cot, Mul, Div, Pow, Log (10), Ln, Mod
It's pathetic, I know, but it's my homework :'(
So does anyone know a trick to evaluate something like this?
Ok, nice homework question by the way.
It really depends on how heavy you want this to be. You can create a full expression parser (which is fun but also time consuming).
In order to do that, you need to describe the full grammar and write a frontend (have a look at lex and yacc or flexx and bison.
But as I see your question you can limit yourself to three subcases:
a simple value
a lookup (possibly to an other table)
a function which inputs are lookups
I think a little OO design can helps you out here.
I'm not sure if you have to deal with real time refresh and circular dependency checks. Else they can be tricky too.
For the parsing, I'd look at Recursive descent parsing. Then have a table that maps all possible function names to function pointers:
struct FunctionTableEntry {
string name;
double (*f)(double);
You should write a parser. Parser should take the expression i.e., each line and should identify the command and construct the parse tree. This is the first phase. In the second phase you can evaluate the tree by substituting the data for each elements of the command.
Previous responders have hit it on the head: you need to parse the cell contents, and interpret them.
StackOverflow already has a whole slew of questions on building compilers and interperters where you can find pointers to resources. Some of them are:
Learning to write a compiler (#1669 people!)
Learning Resources on Parsers, Interpreters, and Compilers
What are good resources on compilation?
References Needed for Implementing an Interpreter in C/C++
and so on.
Aside: I never have the energy to link them all together, or even try to build a comprehensive list.
I guess you cannot use yacc/lex (or the like) so you have to parse "manually":
Iterate over the string and divide it into its parts. What a part is depends on you grammar (syntax). That way you can find the function names and the parameters. The difficulty of this depends on the complexity of your syntax.
Maybe you should read a bit about lexical analysis.