Ember.js View without Wrapping Div? - ember.js

I have a 3 column layout in my app. I'm using Semantic UI. So, the layout is:
<div class='ui celled grid'>
<div class='left column'>...</div>
<div class='middle column'>...</div>
<div class='right column'>...</div>
So, straightforward.
In my application.hbs it is simply:
<div class='ui celled grid'>
<div class='left column'><!-- menu --></div>
And the other 2 columns are in my sub-controller/templates. And this works fine until I need a View. If I need a View, then Ember makes the HTML layout become:
<div class='ui celled grid'>
<div class='left column'><!-- menu --></div>
<div class='ember-view'>
<div class='middle column'><!-- content --></div>
<div class='right column'><!-- content --></div>
And the wrapping <div class='ember-view'> breaks my layout. Because I don't always need a View I need a way to make the HTML the same for with or without a View.
At this point, I see 2 solutions. I'll either have to rework my layout in some way (that I'm yet to work out). Or I can get rid of the wrapping div.
But is it possible to get rid of the wrapping div? I tried this:
export default Ember.View.extend({
tagName: null
But that doesn't work. I also tried a span, but that still breaks my layout.
Any ideas?

Try using
The empty string as the tagName's value on your view.
When I brought this to the attention of ember.js contributors, they suggested inheriting the view from


ember vertical collection rendering only when clicked

When I use the ember vertical collection from https://github.com/html-next/vertical-collection, it only renders new components when clicked on the screen, it does not render new components while scrolling. Here is the code below
{{#vertical-collection model estimateHeight=90 bufferSize=5 staticHeight=true lastReached="loadBelow" as |item|}}
Check the container selector on which the scroll event is added. Faced a similar issue. The issue was that I had a parent container div which grows (flex-grow:1) and I passed the containerSelector as the child element which contained the vertical-collection component. Replaced it with the parent div selector and it works normal now.
<div class="inline-slider-header"></div>
<div class="inline-slider-body"> <!-- Has a styling of flex-grow:1 -->
<div class="list-container">
{{#vertical-collection this.items
as |item index|
<div class="item">
<div class="inline-slider-footer"></div>

Ember handlebars How can I make an Ajax or jquery call for an handlebar file?

<div class="ui form segment">
<div class="field">
<div class="ui selection dropdown" tabindex="0">
<div class="default text">
<i class="dropdown icon"></i><input name="hidden-field" type="hidden">
<div class="menu" tabindex="-1">
<div class="item" data-value="1">
Choice 1
<div class="item" data-value="2">
Choice 2
this code is written inside a template.hbs(handlebar) file.
I want to initialise the drop down with the following command
where could I write the second code?
if it was an html/php file I could write inside the template
Short answer, you don't.
Long answer:
If you are developer who takes any pride in his work and doesn't want the next maintainer to fantasize about drowning you in dirty toilet water, you should create a dropdown component. This component seems small in scope and would look something like this:
{{dropdown-list options=listOfOptions onOptionSelect=(action "someAction")}}
You pass in the options, convert:
<div class="menu" tabindex="-1">
<div class="item" data-value="1">
Choice 1
<div class="item" data-value="2">
Choice 2
<div class="menu" tabindex="-1">
#{{each options as |option|}}
<div class="item" data-value="{{option.value}}">
where each options is [{displayName: "Option 1", value: 1}...]
Inside of the javascript part of the component, simply execute the above code from within didInsertElement which the docs describe:
After a component successfully renders its backing HTML element into the DOM, it will trigger its didInsertElement() hook.
Lastly, inside of the component, bind listeners to the dropdowns native events. One such function, the one for the dropdown's select action, should call this.onOptionSelect(whateverTheSelectedValueIs). This allows you to define actions differently for each dropdown.
I highly recommend you take a moment to read this section of the docs
Writing Ember requires a different mindset than writing backend rendered html + jquery style applications. You want to really decouple your javascript code from the DOM as much as possible and focus on values + data down/actions up. Components are the correct place to bind to native javascript events and integrate with 3rd party addons. Doing so effectively isolates the DOM interactions and provides a nicer api to the rest of your application. If you were to just use the routes renderTemplate hook to execute the .dropdown() call, you require every developer to remember to call dropdown any time you want to use a dropdown and have done absolutely nothing for reusability and just hacked your way to a solution. Don't be that guy, do it right :)

Partial views in Sitefinity

Is there a way of having partial views that does not reload when I change click a link in Sitefinity?
I have this template and I want to keep header, menu and footer and change only the content.
<div class="sfPublicWrapper" id="header">
<div class="sfPublicWrapper" id="menu">
<div class="sfPublicWrapper" id="content">
<div class="sfPublicWrapper" id="footer">
Any idea how to achive this?
After trying different template setups I came into the conclusion it´s not possible with the MVC based templates to have fixed parts of the page that will not re-render after clicking on the menu. There are some implementations that can optimize how the page render and how the cache is managed.
Template best pratices
bundling and minification

Ember view with dynamic class names

Considering the following:
Parent template:
{{view App.SomeView id="42" panelClass="default"}}
View template:
<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6">
<div class="panel panel-{{panelClass}}">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h3 class="panel-title">
<div class="panel-body">
View JS:
App.SomeView = Ember.View.extend({
templateName: 'views/some-view'
How can I achieve output HTML where the panel class gets set properly? At the moment it doesn't work because it wants to bind, so it inserts the ember metamorph script tags, instead of just plain text for the panel class.
Also, the template is wrapped in an extra div. How would I modify it so that the ember-view wrapping div is actually the first div in the template (the one with col-md-3 col-sm-6)?
The bind-attr helper exists for that reason. Here's the guide entry.
<div {{bind-attr class=":panel panelClass"}}></div>
Also, not sure if you can use a prefix on panelClass in the template. If might be easier just to use a computed property to add the panel- beforehand.
I'm sorry, I didn't see your second question about the extra div. The guide explains here how to extend the element.
App.SomeView = Ember.View.extend({
classNames: ['col-md-3', 'col-sm-6']

Ember.js binding a css style in a template

This is solved since Ember 1.8 with the HTMLBars engine.
I would like to bind a css style in a template. What would be the
solution ?
I tried this:
<div class="bar" style="width:{{barWidth}}px"></div>
but DOM element look like this after its been rendered:
<div class="bar" style="width:<script id='metamorph-28-start' type='text/x-placeholder'></script>5.000000000000002<script
id='metamorph-28-end' type='text/x-placeholder'>px">
Obviously here we can see that the tag for metamorph was
added within the style attribute...
I'm wondering what is the best way to achieve such things with
There is something i don't get yet.
I have a template as follow:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="listTemplate">
<ul id="list">
{{#each App.list}}
<li {{bindAttr data-item-id="itemId"}}>
<span class="label">{{itemName}}</span>
<div class="barContainer">
<div class="bar" {{bindAttr style="barWidth"}}></div>
<div class="barCap"></div>
i'm in a for each loop that loops thru my ArrayProxy content... and the bar width vary depending of the value of each item in the list. Your solution here will not work as the view is the UL and i need a barWidth per model item. and I do not want to polute my Model with css related things like "width: ###px"
Is there any other elegant way to solve what i try to do ? maybe it would be radically different. I'm very new to ember.js and try to discover the best-practices yet:)
Set a string on your view that looks like "width: 100px" and then bind it to your div with the bind-attr helper like so: <div {{bind-attr style="divStyle"}}>Test</div>
To simplify all that, I created a tiny handlebars helper for emberjs that allows you to bind any style properties. You can look at https://github.com/yderidde/bindstyle-ember-helper
Add unbound:
<div class="bar" style="width:{{unbound barWidth}}px"></div>
In Ember 2.0:
<div class="bar" style="width:{{barWidth}}px"></div>
will just work.