Using Clojurescript with Light Table - clojure

I have been trying to use Clojure Script with Light Table and lein-cljs without much success.
The main problem seems to be with dependencies. It seems like evaluating a cljs (ctrl-shift-enter) page does not recursively evaluate the dependencies. The result of this is that I have to manually evaluate each dependent file. If I refresh the HTML page, or make a change I have to do this all over again. Other times evaluating a page doesn't work, and just gives me good not found error.
Clearly this is not usable. Am I doing something wrong? For Clojure it seems to work just fine.

Stack Overflow is probably a bad place to learn more about Light Table. I'd drop into the Light Table channel at #lighttable on Somebody can help you there!


How to approach reading a large codebase

I've moved to a larger organization where there's lots of existing code(mainly SAS - the WPS version).
This is the first time I'm using the language, and I'm having trouble understanding the code, I'm not able to figure out how to approach understanding the large codebase.
P.S : Existing questions were not SAS-specific, I posted so people with SAS experience could help
I have converted 1000's of line of code from SAS to Teradata SQL and this are my learnings. if you have basic SAS knowledge, you should be fine.
It can be complex too, once I had issue with very complex regex code, which was difficult for me at that point of time. following two steps helped me out.
Read the code step by step and if you are not clear than run the code step by step in
development area, make sure you are not overwriting permanent tables. This will help understand what is happening in each step. Write comments for yourselves at each step, so that you can understand better.
If you are assigned for rewrite then run original code(step by step) and rewritten code step by step and compare results (do not overwrite permanent datasets). Also compare final resultant sets too.

Strange ColdFusion path issue (ExpandPath resultant)

Hoping someone on here knows ColdFusion, and further, may know what is going on.
WriteOutput(sz_test1&"<br />");
WriteOutput(sz_test2&"<br />");
Simple code, simply outputting ExpandPath() results.
Website running ColdFusion 11 prints out an image to a page based on time of day.
Simple page, if it's in afternoon, you get afternoon.jpg, otherwise morning.jpg.
ExpandPath is required since we actually output the page contents to a pdf (cfdocument + cfimage), which isn't important for purpose of this question. But letting you know so no one suggests not using ExpandPath as a resolution..
Somehow on this page, just 5 minutes ago, the resultant for variable sz_test1 would come back with the ColdFusion path. Not the web root path.
whereas sz_test2 would give:
So naturally the file doesn't exist in the first case.
But now, suddenly, ColdFusion is no longer doing that. Both tests return the exact same result. This has been consistently happening (consistently inconsistent results) for a few weeks.
Anyone know what would cause the ExpandPath() function to:
Return inconsistent results when prefixed with a slash
Return different results suddenly without any change to the code (or environment) whatsoever.
You might want to try using
thisPath=getDirectoryFromPath (getCurrentTemplatePath);
It's a little bulky but might get rid of the inconsistent behavior.

sketch flow -- how do we rename .xaml and .cs files without breaking sketchflow map?

how do we rename .xaml and .cs files?
would like to be able to keep development in synch with the original sketchflow. i.e. sketchflow has features such as the ability to collect client feedback on a per screen basis, etc.
... I kind of answered my own question here, so I'll post it as a follow up. Asked the original question 9 hours ago on the MS site without response... still trying to work out where the best place is to talk to the community, so sorry for the duplicate.
Context: Sketchflow is a prototyping tool. In large teams possibly you want to keep the prototype seperate from the finished version, or there's a large prototyping phase.
My view is that I really like Sketchflow. It's one of the coolest things I've seen for a while (well done Microsoft).
... so for me, I want the prototype to become a the finished product. I want the designers to step in and make transitions whenever they want. I want the designers to kick the process off, and the developers to put in the detail. I'd like our customers to be able to post feedback at any time during the build process. btw: get your developers to check out MVVM. It's very cool.
My bet is that the feedback could get lost if you make a breaking change (a file rename) -- so just beware of that. That wont be a problem for us. We'll get our file names to make sense and then mostly leave it alone. Of course MS could fix this this by creating a globally unique id (Guid) for each screen that is created. Perhaps they've done this already. If someone from MS reads this, please put this on your requested features list.
So here is the answer that works for me:
don't try to hand-edit the xaml / cs, as all the cross referencing that you might be doing with behaviors will break if you aren't really careful. Typical files that need to be modified: .csproj, Sketch.Flow, xxxx.xaml, and xxxx.cs.
To auto do it, download a tool like Ultraedit. Alternatively, you might be able to just use VS 2010 (untested).
Steps with ultraedit:
Search/Replace In Files...
Find in files... "Screen_1_19"
Replace with... "Welcome"
In Files/Types... "."
Match Whole Word Only
Hit "Start"
follow the prompts
rename the files (.xaml & .cs) to be Welcome.???? (where ???? is .xaml or .cs) . Since I use SVN, this step gets done for me in one step (no big deal).
If using VS2010 for steps 1 through 8, be careful do longer string replacements first e.g. Screen_1_19 before Screen_1. I think VS treats _ as a word break. On ultraedit you'll be fine.
If there's interest, in the spare time that I don't currently have, I could release a quick tool to do this on codeplex.
** note: because we are working with XML and XML is very particular about being correct, I close expression blend down, and then reopen it again after the replace/rename to see if I was successful + my screen map still has all the flow lines still drawn in.
answer is above in the body of the question.

Why does a long cfc file work in CF8, but not CF9? Getting "Branch target offset too large for short" error

I have a fairly long cfc file, about 1800 lines long, that worked fine in ColdFusion 8, but after upgrading my development system to ColdFusion 9 and doing some testing I get a compile error for a cfc and the message says "Branch target offset too large for short". I modified the file to eliminate some unused functions and consolidated one to make it shorter and this resolved the problem to get it to work. But still, why did it die on me now when I upgraded to CF9? Anyone else run into this problem in previous or the current version of ColdFusion? Are there any solutions other than modifying the cfc file such as upgrading the jvm?
If you have an answer to the questions I have, great! Post that, but don't waste time telling me something that I already know. If you are going to post a response, please read the question carefully and answer only if you know the answer. Don't do a google search and post crap that I already know and utilized to get the code to work. The question is, why did it work in CF8 and now not in CF9? Are there other solutions besides what I did?
This is a problem inherent with the JVM as you already know, CF9 has likely added more innate functions to a component and if the methods are all referenced via a giant switch statement with a short being used as the offset, we have less offset pointer space to work with each successive version. People moving from CF7 to CF8 also had the same problems.
So short answer is no.
Most recommendations you find basically tell you to split a large method into a smaller method and several helper methods. The first time I ran into an issue this worked for a large cfc I had. But then as it got bigger no number of helper functions would fix it. Eventually it had to be split into multiple cfcs.
PS: This guy said removing a transaction helped (CF7), there are none wrapping my calls though, so it's not a guaranteed fix I guess
Looks like my previous issue was a different function being too large, splitting the CFC into multiple CFCs was in error. I've since split that problem method into smaller methods, and have been able to consolidate all the functions in one CFC. So that is the solution it seems.
If you haven't already, try running the Code Analyzer in the CFAdmin page, "Debugging & Logging > Code Analyzer". This is a useful tool to find some changes which were made in the language between CF8 and CF9.
We had to change several variable names and function names as CF added them in 9.
Also check here:
CF version: 10
OS: Linux CentOS 6.0
Did face a similar issue where I had 1300+ lines of code in my cfc and one fine day I get the "Branch Target offset.." error. I tried
Code Analyser to find any loopholes of legacy- DID NOT FIX
Edited the cfc to trim down any last bit of redundant code or comments - reduced around 20+ lines of code - DID NOT FIX
I split the code into 2 cfc and extended one to the other- DID NOT FIX
I removed any unwanted dump of queries and arrays (part of testing) : THIS WORKED
so I would suggest ensure you don't have any dumps of large data content. Hope this helps.

ColdFusion Error: coldfusion.compiler.FactoredNodeAggregation cannot be cast to coldfusion.compiler.ASTfunctionDefinition

coldfusion.compiler.FactoredNodeAggregation cannot be cast to coldfusion.compiler.ASTfunctionDefinition
I get the above error when attempting to replace a really, really old legacy custom tag with a new custom tag that has some substantial workflow improvements. I only have one idea on how to debug this: comment out different parts of the code (binary search style) until it will compile, narrowing my search until I find the problem code.
Has anyone else ever seen this error before? Any idea what it could possibly be? Contextually, it sounds like I'm trying to use ... something... as a function that isn't defined as a function. That doesn't ring a bell so I'm going to try the binary search idea.
Update: It's running on CF 8.0.1, and doesn't use any <cfscript> blocks at all. Using the binary search of commenting out, I've narrowed it down to a CFThread that starts a background thread that never re-joins the page (by design).
If I comment out the entire contents of the thread, the error goes away (so the cfthread tag itself doesn't appear to have problems on its own...). If I copy the contents of the thread to its own template, that template will compile fine (so the thread contents doesn't appear to have problems on its own...)... so... in theory it should work? I don't know. This is me with my arms up in the air. (WTF?)
I think I've already disproven this idea by un-commenting a small section without the error coming back, but a CFThread should have access to local custom tags that the template creating the thread would have, right? so if there's foo.cfm, it could be accessed from the page as <cf_foo>, and the thread could do the same?
In the last week I've been in contact with the ColdFusion Engineering team at Adobe about this issue and they confirmed for me that this is a bug in ColdFusion.
Specifically, if the number of lines of code inside the thread tag body was too large, it would cause a compile error. The work-around, which I discovered a day or two before I got my answer, is to use a <cfinclude /> to import your thread contents from another file; or to put the code into a method somewhere and call that method from inside the thread body. (Presumably, a custom tag or other clever methods of encapsulation would also work.)
That explains the part of the whole thing that was driving me absolutely insane: that commenting out various parts of the thread body would sometimes make it compile... and now I know it was because enough of the thread body was commented out.
They report that they have fixed the bug, so I assume it will be fixed in the next cumulative hot-fix (if there is one), and in ColdFusion 9.
Since I can't comment yet, Adam, is it really a bug with CF or with the JVM? There's a similar limit on how many lines of code can be compiled within a CFFUNCTION, but the limit is really in the JVM, not the CF tag.
Oooh, that's one I've not seen before.
Depending on what the custom tag does, rather than commenting out different parts, you could try using cfabort - same technique, but only one line to change rather than uncommenting and re-commenting (which can be fiddly and time-consuming).
Also, are you able to test the custom tag in isolation, with completely simplified arguments/etc?
If you're able to post the code, there might be something odd that jumps out at a fresh pair of eyes?
that error usually comes up when you have a function that is set to remote. kinda funny that your getting it with a custom tag though. are you sure that the custom tag doesn't have any functions in it? can you post the code?
Strange that it is a compilation error. If the code base is not too huge I would make sure all variables in the thread and called udfs are explicitly scoped.
Next I would move as much externally referenced data into the thread arguments scope to isolate the interactions with the page.
Finally if that does not clear it up I would try mangling the names of every variable, function and udf the thread accesses a bit with some test prefix just to make sure that you have not hit a bug where one of your vars or funcs is causing a namespace collision in the jvm in the context of the original page.
Tricky problem.
Have you deleted the compiled class files and saved the original source to a new file just in case something weird occurred during a save?
Have you tried reinstalling CF8.01? Maybe some files got corrupted?