Switch ribbon category for the user - c++

I have a program written in C++ using MFC. It has a ribbon UI, Office style.
I would like to achieve the following - Suppose the user has highlighted category A of the ribbon, and clicks a button in that category, I would like my program to switch to category B and highlight it for him in response to that click.
This might sound strange, but I really have a use case where the user might not realize that he needs to switch categories, so I would like to do it for him automatically.
Can this be done?

Perhaps you're looking for CMFCRibbonBar::SetActiveCategory.
There is a similar question on CodeProject that includes a sample function for programmatically selecting a category by name. Reproduced below for information:
int CYourClassName::ActivateCategoryByName( CString strCategoryName)
// Grab Pointer to MainFrame
CMainFrame* pMainFrame = ( CMainFrame*) AfxGetMainWnd();
// Grab Pointer to RibbonBar
CMFCRibbonBar* pmrb = &pMainFrame->m_wndRibbonBar;
// Get Category Count
int nCategoryCount = pmrb->GetCategoryCount();
// Scan Category
for ( int nCategoryNdx = 0; nCategoryNdx < nCategoryCount; nCategoryNdx++)
// Grab Pointer to Category
CMFCRibbonCategory* pmrc = pmrb->GetCategory( nCategoryNdx);
// Get Category Name
CString strName = pmrc->GetName();
// Check for Requested Category
if ( strName == strCategoryName)
pmrb->ShowCategory( nCategoryNdx, TRUE);
pmrb->SetActiveCategory( pmrc, TRUE);
return nCategoryNdx;
return -1;


MFC/C++ ComboBox: disable drawing of Dropdown closing & opening (UI freeze)

I've just added an Item-Filter-Feature to a CComboBox derived class called
ComboBoxFbp in an old MFC application.
BOOL CComboBoxFbp::OnEditChange()
CString csText;
if (m_wFbpMode & _FbpMode_UserTextFiltersList) {
// This makes the DropDown "flicker"
// ShowDropDown(false);
// Just insert items that match
// Open DropDown (does nothing if already open)
return FALSE; // Notification weiterleiten
void CComboBoxFbp::FilterItems(CString csFilterText)
CString csCurText;
int nCurItem;
DWORD wCurCursor;
// Text/selection/cursos restore
nCurItem = GetCurSel();
if (nCurItem != CB_ERR && nCurItem >= 0 && nCurItem < GetCount()) {
CString csCurItemText;
GetLBText(nCurItem, csCurItemText);
if (csCurItemText == csCurText) csCurText = csCurItemText;
else nCurItem = CB_ERR;
} else {
nCurItem = CB_ERR;
wCurCursor = GetEditSel();
// Delete all items
// Add just the items (from the vector of all possibles) that fit
for (auto item : m_vItems)
CString csItemText = item.first;
if (!csFilterText.IsEmpty() && csItemText.Find(csFilterText) < 0)
const int i = AddString(item.first);
SetItemData(i, item.second);
// Text/selection/cursos restore
if (nCurItem != CB_ERR) SelectString(-1, csCurText);
else SetWindowText(csCurText);
SetEditSel(LOWORD(wCurCursor), HIWORD(wCurCursor));
So when the user types, the long list of items in the DropDown gets filtered accordingly. Everything's fine so far.
The size/height of the ListBox/DropDown doesn't change once its open. It does change accordingly when die DropDown opens. Meaning if there are only 2 items the DropDown is only 2 items high.
My issue
When the user enters a text where just one item fits the DropDown is only 1 item in height (this happens with some user workflows, i.e. user manually closes & opens the DropDown).
Now when the user now changes the text so multiple items are fitting the height stays 1 item and it looks weird as even the scrollbar doesn't look correct as it doesn't fit.
What I've tried so far
I cannot use CComboBox::SetMinVisibleItems (or the MSG behind it) as it only works in a Unicode CharacterSet (which I'm not able to change in this old application) and from WinVista onwards (app runs on WinXP).
The only other option is to close and open the DropDown so it gets redrawn correctly with the correct height (see // This makes the DropDown "flicker" in Source Code above).
Now going with option 2 I don't want the user to see the closing and opening ("flicker") of the DropDown after every key he is pressing.
To prevent this I've tried a couple of solutions I've found but none works in my case with a ComboBox-DropDown. Here's a list of methods I've put just before the ShowDropDown(false) and just after the ShowDropDown(true).
With all three calls I still see the DropDown closing/opening.
Do you guys have other ideas how I can prevent this flicker?
Thanks in advance
This is an XY question.
It should be easier to use the following approach to adjust the height of the ComboBox
Use GetComboBoxInfo to get the handle of the list control.
Use OnChildNotify or ON_CONTROL_REFLECT and capture CBN_DROPDOWN.
In the handler of the message resize the window as needed Use SetWindowPos and just change the size.

Changing color of a specific character in an item in CListCtrl in MFC

I have a CListCtrl and I need to change the color of A SPECIFIC character/set of characters (which I choose by comparison) from the text of every cell in the list.
I know how to change the color of the entire text of the cell when I find the character/set of characters (by using 'strstr' command), but I can't find an example which shows how to change ONLY the character/set of characters.
Here is a sample of my code:
void Agenda::OnCustomdrawMyList( NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult )
if (CDDS_PREPAINT == pLVCD->nmcd.dwDrawStage)
}else if (CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT == pLVCD->nmcd.dwDrawStage)
}else if ( (CDDS_SUBITEM | CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT) == pLVCD->nmcd.dwDrawStage )
// So right now I am in the stage where a SUBITEM is PREPAINTED
int nItem = pLVCD->nmcd.dwItemSpec;
int nSubItem = pLVCD->iSubItem;
char a[100];
COLORREF textColorFound, textColorDefault;
textColorDefault = RGB(0,0,0);
pLVCD->clrText = textColorDefault;
char* startingFrom;
if( (startingFrom = strstr(a,filterText)) != NULL ) {
// Could I set a pointer here or something like that so
// the coloring could start only from 'startingFrom'
// and stop at 'strlen(filterText)' characters?
textColorFound = RGB(205,92,92);
pLVCD->clrText = textColorFound;
listControl is the variable for my CListCtrl
the other things are pretty self-explanatory
No, you cannot do this. What you will have to do is custom-draw the text in question. This will be tricky because you will have to do it with two different calls, between which you will have to manually adjust the color and the drawing location to account for the intercharacter spacing etc. And you better hope that you don't need to do multi-line output.
Take a look at the article Neat Stuff to Do in List Controls Using Custom Draw by Michael Dunn on CodeProject to get some ideas on how to proceed.
Alternatively, if you can use the Toolkit Pro toolkit from CodeJock you can leverage their "XAML" support (I use quotes because it's not really XAML, but their own implementation of a subset of XAML) and let them do all the hard work.
Digging on the same issue; But I wouldn't go so far as modifying/adding to the default Windows behaviour for painting strings... apparently that would be the endpoint of having it owner-drawn.(aici am murit si eu :).

MFC - Printing - Changing page orientation from a custom pagesetup dialog

I am developing a custom print dialog and page setup using MFC and VS2008 for my Win32 program. Since the code is legacy, I can't take much advantage from MFC view/doc architecture. As a result, I wrote a printing code completely from scratch.
I setup CPrintInfo, instantiate my custom print dialog box and hook this dialog box to the CPrintInfo I just created. When my custom print dialog is up, I have a radio button to let a user toggles the page orientation. For some reasons, I couldn't modify the current DEVMODE at the run-time. As a result, every page I print will end up as a portrait.
Even if I manually set pDevMode->dmOrientation to DMORIENT_LANDSCAPE from the event handler of the custom print dialog, the printing result is still ended up as portrait. I am really not sure why this is happening and how to modify the DevMode after the print dialog is up.
Thank you in advance for any help.
Here is the code I have:
void PrintSomething(CWnd* currentWnd) {
// Create CPrintInfo
CPrintInfo* pPrintInfo = new CPrintInfo;
SetupPrintInfo(pPrintInfo); // simply setup some member variables of CPrintInfo
// Create a custom print dialog
if ( AfxGetApp()->DoPrintDialog(pCustomPrtDlg) == IDOK ) {
... // proceed a print loop
Code for setting up the custom print dialog:
void SetupPrintDialog(CPrintInfo* pPrintInfo,CustomPrintDlg* pCustomPrtDlg) {
delete pInfo->m_pPD;
pInfo->m_pPD = pCustomPrtDlg;
pInfo->m_pPD->m_pd.hInstance = AfxGetInstanceHandle();
pInfo->m_pPD->m_pd.lpPrintTemplateName = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_CUSTOM_PRTDLG);
// Set the Flags of the PRINTDLG structure as shown, else the
// changes will have no effect.
pInfo>m_pPD->m_pd.Flags |= PD_ENABLEPRINTTEMPLATE;
// Set the page range.
pInfo>m_pPD->m_pd.nMinPage = 1; // one based page numbers.
pInfo>m_pPD->m_pd.nMaxPage = 0xffff; // how many pages is unknown.
When a user toggles the radio button to Landscape, this function will be invoked:
void CustomPrintDlg::OnLandscapeChecked() {
// set the current Devmode to landscape
LPDEVMODE pDevMode = GetDevMode();
pDevMode->dmOrientation = DMORIENT_LANDSCAPE;
A pseucode for the custom print dialog class:
class CustomPrintDlg: public CPrintDialog {
... // just override some methods from CPrintDialog
Thanks again,
I figured out the solution:
All I need is to call GlobalLock to obtain a pointer to the Devmode before changing the current DevMode.
void CustomPrintDlg::OnLandscapeChecked()
// set the current Devmode to landscape
LPDEVMODE pDevMode = GetDevMode();
pDevMode->dmOrientation = DMORIENT_LANDSCAPE;
Thanks again for helping me.
Nowhere in your example code do you show how you're creating the DC for printing. When you call CreateDC, you must pass a pointer to a DEVMODE structure; this defines whether the printing will be portrait or landscape.

Get ID of excel worksheet in focus using OLE

Using C++ and OLE, how might I go about obtaining the ID of the worksheet that is currently in focus?
For example, I have the following code:
Variant excelSheets;
Variant excelSheet;
excelSheet= excelSheets.OlePropertyGet("Item", 1);
I would like to add a sheet and then get the sheet that was just added so that I may add content. The above code only works if the user doesn't shift focus away from the sheet which is at the far left.
I ended up using OlePropertyGet( "ActiveSheet" ); because when you add a sheet it becomes the ActiveSheet and you can work with it from there. I put an example of what I did below:
Variant excelApp;
Variant excelBooks;
Variant excelWorkBook;
Variant excelSheet;
Variant excelSheets;
mExcelApp = Variant::GetActiveObject("Excel.Application");
catch(EOleSysError& e)
mExcelApp = Variant::CreateObject("Excel.Application"); //open excel
mExcelApp.OlePropertySet("ScreenUpdating", true);
excelBooks = mExcelApp.OlePropertyGet("Workbooks");
excelWorkBook = excelBooks.OlePropertyGet("Item",1);
// a worksheet is added which becomes the active sheet
excelSheets.OleProcedure( "Add" );
excelSheet = excelWorkBook.OlePropertyGet( "ActiveSheet" );

Changing image of a menu button in a CMFCToolbar

I have a menu button inside a CMFCToolbar and I would like to replace the bitmap of the button each time a different entry is selected in the menu as each entry has its own icon.
I succeed in changing the icon using CMFCToolBarMenuButton::SetImage but it changes the icon in the menu entry too. Too bad.
alt text http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/137269b0f2.jpg alt text http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/879d03843a.jpg
Here is a sample of code:
if ( (pToolbar != NULL) && (idBase != 0) )
int ixButtonToReplace = pToolbar->CommandToIndex(idBase);
CMFCToolBarMenuButton* pBtnToReplace = dynamic_cast<CMFCToolBarMenuButton*>
if ( pBtnToReplace )
const CObList& listCommands = pBtnToReplace->GetCommands();
POSITION pos = listCommands.GetHeadPosition();
while ( pos != NULL )
CMFCToolBarMenuButton* pItem = (CMFCToolBarMenuButton*) listCommands.GetNext(pos);
if ( pItem && (pItem->m_nID == idButtonToReplaceWith) )
Any ideas? Thank you.
It works out-of-box. The only you need is to call CMFCToolBar::AddToolBarForImageCollection so MFC could know which images to use.
Not sure what you mean by the menu button is changed too?
If another button is changed with the single setImage call to the obvious indication is they share a resource ID of some sort, the only solution would be to ensure they have different ID's (which would require making sure both resources are handled separately).
But it's a long time since I messed in MFC resource files to confirm this.