std::string::clear() vs using another string [closed] - c++

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need a temporary string to append and modify pre-existing strings so that i can use with DrawText. That temporary string needs to change inside a function so I have 2 options:
-Use std::string::clear()
-Initialize another temporary string.
I can use and understand both methods but I'm wondering, which one is better?
Edit: To the function in question, having low running-time is essential

Whichever one more clearly reflects the intent of the code is better. The one you would use if you didn't stop to think which was "better" is better.

If (and only if) profiling reveals a performance problem in your function then you might save tiny amounts of time by reusing an existing string.
The memory of the existing string is already allocated. No new memory allocation needs to be made unless the string exceeds the size of the memory allocation.
On the other hand, if you create and destroy a lot of strings, the allocation time can start to add up.
I have some code where std::string allocation and copying dominates the profile. To fix it sometime in the future, we're going to have to implement string pooling, custom allocators and use string_ref instead of string.
So yes, it can be a problem. But measure to find out before trying to fix it.


C++ : Use case / real world application of using the heap memory [closed]

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Closed 2 months ago.
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I am trying to code a relatively simple program to understand in which scenarios it would be more efficient and useful to use the heap.
I first read that you better store large objects on the heap.
So I created a std::vector on the heap and filled it with an insane amount of bytes, something like 18Gb. At some point, it threw a std::bad_alloc exception, then my OS (Linux mint) killed the process after the swap was full. But the result was the same with the stack, so I don't understand how it's better on the heap.
Maybe I lack creativity, but I cannot think of a design where I would absolutely need to use the heap, I can always pass a reference of my object on the stack and achieve the same memory usage efficiency. For every program I wrote, it was always more efficient to use the stack speed wise and was the same for memory usage.
So, in what scenario is it useful to use the heap regarding memory usage efficiency or speed?
You use the heap whenever you need more flexibility than the stack provides. If you need to allocate memory to return something from a function, then it can't be on the stack, because it would be freed when the function returned. And it can't be global, because you might call the same function more than once.
In C++, you might not always realize that you are using the heap, because classes like std::vector and std::string use the heap internally. You don't always have to write new yourself to use the heap.

I wanted to use Smart Pointers, but not sure where to use and when to use [closed]

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Closed 11 months ago.
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The stack class will maintain a dynamically allocated internal buffer of type unsigned long* which will be created in the constructor and is used to store the elements. This internal buffer must be wrapped in a smart pointer. The buffer is always increased or decreased in blocks and not with each element that comes in or goes out. The increment/decrement block size is passed as a parameter in the constructor.
If you want to learn how to use smart pointers then forget this code for a moment. Start a new small program that just makes sure you understand how they work.
Define a test class with just a string and an int in it. Make them public
Add a constructor so you can see when its created.
Add a Destructor so you can see when its deleted.
Create an instance using std::make_unique
Set things in the instance, write a function that accepts the unique_ptr as an argument and cout the fields in the test object
repeat with std::shared_ptr
Make sure you understand what is going on, dont just try to blindly nail stuff into your stack implementation. If you get stuck post a new question just on this.
The code above has so many other errors in it you will not get a clean set of answers to your specific 'smart pointers' question. Plus you wont be able to make it work reliably

C++: Is it alright to keep creating new variables? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am new to C++ and I have a general question. In order to solve any question in the exercises of the book I am learning from, while I am able to successfully solve the questions, I usually end up creating a lot of new variables within functions in addition to the ones that I have already initialised. For some reason, this worries me because I feel that I am writing inefficient code that might hog resources if I follow this practice for more complex programmes. Am I wrong in thinking this way? Are there any best practices regarding initialising and declaring new variables?
EDIT: I forgot to add, before resolving any question, I tend to convert the solution into plain English and then attempt to draw the program structure.
Normally compilers do liveness analysis of variables during the compilation of your code. Variables are considered live only starting from their assignment till their last use - optimizing compilers are capable of reducing the amount of local storage on the stack that is required by sequentially used variables (sometimes they even can eliminate their use entirely or keep them in registers only for a short period of time).

Why would you use pointers for Low Memory Allocation? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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So I was looking at the source code of unreal engine and I came across this:
class USphereComponent* CollectionSphere;
There are using pointer for something that is going to be initialized and spawned once when the game begins and some objects will be overlapping it,I thought pointers are mainly used for more mid-high memory allocation purposes
So why are they using it now?
Keep in mind Im not really good at pointers so Im just trying learn and gather some information about it.
Whether to use pointers or not has almost nothing to do with "low" or "mid-high memory allocation purposes".
You use a pointer when you need a pointer, and often that's when the pointee (the thing being pointed to) will live for longer than an "automatic" object would in any of the program's existing, conveniently-accessible scopes.
Basically, *CollectionSphere will be a global (or something similar), but we can't construct it right away. The author has decided that they need fine control over the lifetime of the object. So, they have created a pointer to point to that object when the time comes.

When to allocate memory in C++? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Generally when do you allocate memory in C++, you have new/delete and virtualalloc, amongst a few other API calls, is the generally for dynamic allocation, but then we have vector and such so what are the common uses for allocating memory?
If you don't know, at compilation time, how many items you will need, your best option is to use dynamic allocation.
That way you can (hopefully) deal with all the input without wasting memory by reserving an humongous space with a big array.
// ...
int humongous[10000]; // I only expect 10 items, so this should be enough for creative users
// ...
If you want to deal with large memory (i.e memory that can't be allocated on stack) then you can use dynamic allocation.
As a general answer: "there may be cases where the memory needs of a program can only be determined during runtime. For example, when the memory needed depends on user input. On these cases, programs need to dynamically allocate memory, for which the C++ language integrates the operators new and delete."