interface is down but netstat still shows the connection established? [duplicate] - c++

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Java socket API: How to tell if a connection has been closed?
(9 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
When I'm using e.g. PuTTY and my connection gets lost (or when I do a manual ipconfig /release on Windows), it responds directly and notifies my connection was lost.
I want to create a Java program which monitors my Internet connection (to some reliable server), to log the date/times when my internet fails.
I tried use the Socket.isConnected() method but that will just forever return "true". How can I do this in Java?

Well, the best way to tell if your connection is interrupted is to try to read/write from the socket. If the operation fails, then you have lost your connection sometime.
So, all you need to do is to try reading at some interval, and if the read fails try reconnecting.
The important events for you will be when a read fails - you lost connection, and when a new socket is connected - you regained connection.
That way you can keep track of up time and down time.

Even though TCP/IP is "connection oriented" protocol, normally no data is sent over an idle connection. You can have a socket open for a year without a single bit sent over it by the IP stack. In order to notice that a connection is lost, you have to send some data on the application level.(*) You can try this out by unplugging the phone cable from your ADSL modem. All connections in your PC should stay up, unless the applications have some kind of application level keepalive mechanism.
So the only way to notice lost connection is to open TCP connection to some server and read some data from it. Maybe the most simple way could be to connect to some FTP server and fetch a small file - or directory listing - once in a while. I have never seen a generic server which was really meant to be used for this case, and owners of the FTP server may not like clients doing this.
(*) There is also a mechanism called TCP keepalive but in many OS's you have to activate it for all applications, and it is not really practical to use if you want to notice loss of connection quickly

If the client disconnects properly, a read() will return -1, readLine() returns null, readXXX() for any other X throws EOFException. The only reliable way to detect a lost TCP connection is to write to it. Eventually this will throw an IOException 'connection reset', but it takes at least two writes due to buffering.

Why not use the isReachable() method of the class?
How this works is JVM implementation specific but:
A typical implementation will use ICMP ECHO REQUESTs if the privilege can be obtained, otherwise it will try to establish a TCP connection on port 7 (Echo) of the destination host.
If you want to keep a connection open continually so you can see when that fails you could connect to server running the ECHO protocol yourself rather than having isReachable() do it for you and read and write data and wait for it to fail.

You might want to try looking at the socket timeout interval. With a short timeout (I believe the default is 'infinite timeout') then you might be able to trap an exception or something when the host becomes unreachable.

Okay so I finally got it working with
Socket s = new Socket("",80);
DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(s.getOutputStream());
DataInputStream is = new DataInputStream(s.getInputStream());
while (true)
os.writeBytes("GET /index.html HTTP/1.0\n\n");
catch (IOException e)
System.out.println("connection probably lost");
Not as clean as I hoped but it's not working if I leave out the os.writeBytes().

You could ping a machine every number of seconds, and this would be pretty accurate. Be careful that you don't DOS it.
Another alternative would be run a small server on a remote machine and keep a connection to it.

Its probably simpler to connect to yahoo/google or somewhere like this.
URL yahoo = new URL("");
URLConnection yc = yahoo.openConnection();
int dataLen = yc.getContentLength() ;

The isConnected()method inside class is a little misleading. It does not tell you if the socket is currently connected to a remote host (like if it is unclosed). Instead, it tells you whether the socket has ever been connected to a remote host. If the socket was able to connect to the remote host at all, this method returns true, even after that socket has been closed. To tell if a socket is currently open, you need to check that isConnected() returns true and isClosed() returns false.
For example:
boolean connected = socket.isConnected() && !socket.isClosed();


How to fix the local side port# when making a socket with Boost Asio?

I'm trying to use Boost Asio to make some code that talks to a remote system over UDP. The remote system in question is a bit of a pain in that once you connect to it once, if you close the connection (like you end your program) and then try to connect again, if it doesn't see the same port# used on my end of that connection it will refuse it.
I'm trying to figure out how I can specify the port that gets used on my side of the connection, but nothing I'm trying seems to work and I'm getting a bit frustrated. I have no control over the remote endpoint, so I really need to get this working on my end.
Here's the relevant code I'm using to try to make the connection and send my data over:
boost::asio::io_service io_context;
socket= new udp::socket(io_context);
remoteendpoint = boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint(
ip::address::from_string(remoteipaddress_), 50200);
localendpoint = boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint(
ip::address::from_string(localipaddress_), 50103);
int sent = socket->send_to(boost::asio::buffer(buf, len),remoteendpoint, 0, ec);
When I go run my code, the remote side is reporting back that it's seeing the connection coming in from a different port# (on my side, which I'm trying to set to 50103) every time I run. I really need it to ALWAYS see it as 50103.
ie: How do I ensure that the socket is ALWAYS (every time I run my program):
LocalIP:50103 <------> RemoteIP:50200
Ideas??? I'm stumped...
Ok, I THINK I fixed it. Needed to do the bind() call AFTER the socket->open(). Remote side now consistently is reporting that my side is coming from port 50103 which is what I wanted.
Seems a bit weird that you have to open before binding, but ok.

How to use ConnectEx/DisconnectEx pointer on Windows?

I got connectex/disconnectex working I tested they work but how do I reuse socket with them? I saw Reusing socket descriptor on connection failure but they say to loop the whole socket again and I don't want that (they say to go back to creating socket)? I just want to make a new socket once recv fails because host is offline (I'm doing a tcp client).
Thank you.

C++/Qt: QTcpSocket won't write after reading

I am creating a network client application that sends requests to a server using a QTcpSocket and expects responses in return. No higher protocol involved (HTTP, etc.), they just exchange somewhat simple custom strings.
In order to test, I have created a TCP server in Python that listens on a socket and logs the strings it receives and those it sends back.
I can send the first request OK and get the expected response. However, when I send the second request, it does not seem to get written to the network.
I have attached debug slots to the QTcpSocket's notification signals, such as bytesWritten(...), connected(), error(), stateChanged(...), etc. and I see the connection being established, the first request sent, the first response processed, the number of bytes written - it all adds up...
Only the second request never seems to get sent :-(
After attempting to send it, the socket sends an error(RemoteHostClosedError) signal followed by ClosingState and UnconnectedState state change signals.
Before I go any deeper into this, a couple of (probably really basic) questions:
do I need to "clear" the underlying socket in any way after reading ?
is it possible / probable that not reading all the data the server has sent me prevents me from writing ?
why does the server close the connection ? Does it always do that so quickly or could that be a sign that something is not right ? I tried setting LowDelay and KeepAlive socket options, but that didn't change anything. I've also checked the socket's state() and isValid() and they're good - although the latter also returns true when unconnected...
In an earlier version of the application, I closed and re-opened the connection before sending a request. This worked ok. I would prefer keeping the connection open though. Is that not a reasonable approach ? What is the 'canonical' way to to implement TCP network communication ? Just read/write or re-open every time ?
Does the way I read from the socket have any impact on how I can write to it ? Most sample code uses readAll(...) to get all available data; I read piece by piece as I need it and << to a QTextStream when writing...
Could this possibly be a bug in the Qt event loop ? I have observed that the output in the Qt Creator console created with QDebug() << ... almost always gets cut short, i.e. just stops. Sometimes some more output is printed when I shut down the application.
This is with the latest Qt 5.4.1 on Mac OS X 10.8, but the issue also occurs on Windows 7.
Update after the first answer and comments:
The test server is dead simple and was taken from the official Python SocketServer.TCPServer Example:
import SocketServer
class MyTCPHandler(SocketServer.StreamRequestHandler):
def handle(self):
request = self.rfile.readline().strip()
print "RX [%s]: %s" % (self.client_address[0], request)
response = self.processRequest(request)
print "TX [%s]: %s" % (self.client_address[0], response)
def processRequest(self, message):
if message == 'request type 01':
return 'response type 01'
elif message == 'request type 02':
return 'response type 02'
if __name__ == "__main__":
server = SocketServer.TCPServer(('localhost', 12345), MyTCPHandler)
The output I get is
RX []: request type 01
TX []: response type 01
Also, nothing happens when I re-send any message after this - which is not surprising as the socket was closed. Guess I'll have to figure out why it is closed...
Next update:
I've captured the network traffic using Wireshark and while all the network stuff doesn't really tell me a lot, I do see the first request and the response. Right after the client [ACK]nowledges the response, the server sends a Connection finish (FIN). I don't see the second request anywhere.
Last update:
I have posted a follow-up question at Python: SocketServer closes TCP connection unexpectedly.
Only the second request never seems to get sent :-(
I highly recommend running a program like WireShark and seeing what packets are actually getting sent and received across the network. (As it is, you can't know for sure whether the bug is on the client side or in the server, and that is the first thing you need to figure out)
do I need to "clear" the underlying socket in any way after reading ?
is it possible / probable that not reading all the data the server has
sent me prevents me from writing ?
why does the server close the connection ?
It's impossible to say without looking at the server's code.
Does it always do that so quickly or could that be a sign that
something is not right ?
Again, this would depend on how the server was written.
This worked ok. I would prefer keeping the connection open though. Is
that not a reasonable approach ?
Keeping the connection open is definitely a reasonable approach.
What is the 'canonical' way to to implement TCP network communication
? Just read/write or re-open every time ?
Neither was is canonical; it depends on what you are attempting to accomplish.
Does the way I read from the socket have any impact on how I can write
to it ?
Could this possibly be a bug in the Qt event loop ?
That's extremely unlikely. The Qt code has been used for years by tens of thousands of programs, so any bug that serious would almost certainly have been found and fixed long ago. It's much more likely that either there is a bug in your client, or a bug in your server, or a mismatch between how you expect some API call to behave and how it actually behaves.

Ensuring data is being read with async_read

I am currently testing my network application in very low bandwidth environments. I currently have code that attempts to ensure that the connection is good by making sure I am still receiving information.
Traditionally I have done this by recording the timestamp in my ReadHandler function so that each time it gets called I know I have received data on the socket. With very low bandwidths this isn't sufficient because my ReadHandler is not getting called frequently enough.
I was toying around with the idea of writing my own completion condition function (right now I am using tranfer_at_least(1)) thinking it would get called more frequently and I could record my timestamp there, but I was wondering if there wasn't some other more standard way to go about this.
We had a similar issue in production: some of our connections may be idle for days, but we must detect if the remote is dead ASAP.
We solved it by enabling the TCP_KEEPALIVE option:
boost::asio::socket_base::keep_alive option(true);
which had to be accompanied by new startup script that writes sensible values to /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_* which have very long timeouts by default (on LInux)
You can use the read_some method to get partial reads, and deal with the book keeping. This is more efficient than transfer_at_least(1), but you still have to keep track of what is going on.
However, a cleaner approach is just to use a concurrent deadline_timer. If the timer goes off before you are finished, then is taking too long and cancel whatever is going on. If not, just stop the timer and continue. Something like:
boost::asio::deadline_timer t;
t.async_wait(bind(&Class::timed_out, this, _1));
// Do stuff.
if (!t.cancel()) {
// Timer went off, abort
// And the timeout method
void Class::timed_out(error_code const& error)
if (error == boost::asio::error::operation_aborted) return;
// Deal with the timeout, close the socket, etc.
I don't know how to handle low latency of network from within application. Can you be sure if it's network latency, or if peer server or peer application busy and react slowly. Does it matter if it network/server/application quilt?
Even if you can discover network latency and find it's big, what are you going to do?
You can not improve the situation.
Consider other critical case which is a subset of what you're trying to handle - network is down (e.g. you disconnect cable from your machine). Since it a subset of your problem you want to handle it too.
Let's examine the network down effect on active TCP connection.How can you discover your active TCP connection is still alive? Calling send() will success, but it merely says that the message queued in TCP outgoing queue in kernel. TCP stack will try to send it, but since TCP ACK won't be sent back, TCP stack on your side will try to resend it again and again. You can see your message in netstat output (Send-Q column).
I'm aware of the following ways to deal with it:
One standard way is TCP keep alive proposed #Cubby.
Another way is to implement Keep Alive mechanism. Send Keep Alive req message and peer is obligated to send back Keep Alive ack message.
If you don't receive ack message after predefined timeout, try to send Keep Alive req N more times (e.g. N=2). If still no success, close the socket and open it again. If peer server is not available you'll not be abable to open connection, since TCP 3 way handshake requires peer to respond.

Reconnect a socket with Boost asio in Windows

I'm having trouble when connecting a socket to an endpoint after being connected to another.
This is the situation:
a) The boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket is connected to a remote host (say
b) The transmission ends, and the socket is closed:
socket_.shutdown(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_both, error);
Then, when trying to connect to another host (say using the same process that in a), the proccess returns without error, but the socket remains closed.
Note that when using as the first connection, the things run Ok, and the same problem arises if try to connect to after closing.
In both situations there are not pending processes in the attached io_service.
The questions are:
Is that reconnection admissible?
Is that the supposed correct process?
Thanks in advance.
I tried to open the socket before the reconnection, but the result remains the same. That is, the result is the same if after closing the previous connection with.
is used;
socket_.async_connect( ... );
or just
socket_.async_connect( ... );
A final thought:
After spent some time on the problem, and do some debug with MS Visual Studio, I think that simply that is not possible, at least in Asio v. 1.45.0; Windows 32 and VC++.
Perhaps the question is that here -at Boost librarys- all people think in and use objects, and if sometime need reconnect, simply delete the apropriate object, and do a new connection... creating a new object!
That was the solution that I do in my application with good results, athought with some extra code.
HTH to some else.
Is that reconnection admissible?
Is that the supposed correct process?
yes and no. If you aren't opening the socket for subsequent connections after you close it for the previous one, you'll need to do that. Ex:;
socket_.async_connect( ... );