Django database not always available - django

I have specified multiple databases in One of the databases is a local Oracle database which is only available on my computer at work. So when I open my site on a computer which does not have access to this Oracle database, I see the error A server error occurred. Please contact the administrator..
So my code works as it should when I'm on my work computer, but fails when I use my page online from another computer which does not have access to the local Oracle database.
I don't want to access the local database remotely. I just want to ignore the error when I don't have access to the local Oracle database.

You can use a file in your settings module that is unique for the environment you're working on. Given a settings module, you can put the following in your
import .local
except ImportError:
Then on the machine where the Oracle database is available, set the right settings in the local settings file, but don't check it in to your version control system (e.g. put it in .gitignore).
Also watch for the order in your settings, after you import your local settings, you shouldn't override them if you want to keep the changes. You can move the import down in the file, or just add the settings to the existing dict.

You can use if statements in your, since it's just a Python script. So you can add a function to detect whether you are at work, and then use that function to decide whether the at work-only database should be added to the DATABASES variable.
# in
def at_work():
'Determines whether the project runs at work'
if at_work():
Of course, if your models depend on the database that is only available at work, you will need to add a mock database to enable use of the models elsewhere, even if there is no data available.


set a global setting during django startup

The figure shows my django structure. I don't have a django app according to django glossary.
When django starts, I want to load a system configuration (I know how to run a Linux command) and save the result to a place where can access. How would I implement it?
I tried the following options:
First, I looked at Django settings, but it discourages altering values in at runtime. Second, from what I understand, Django Applications is saying I need to have a django app in order to use AppConfig.ready() which sets something global settings. Unless my folder structure is horribly wrong, I don't want to change it or switch to a django app.
I'm using django 3.1 on Linux.
You could alter django settings at runtime like this however it is discouraged.
from django.conf import settings
settings.CUSTOM_KEY = True

django: Use different configuration for test database?

Can I specific a different configuration for the test database? Or alternatives simply use a different user in production?(how to manage that as settings file needs to be updated as well?) The testing requirements for postgresql require in my opinion too many privs like create DB and in my case I also need to create an extension upon db creation which means superuser privileges.
This is very messy, but a valid workaround nonetheless. We use a snippet of code like this in to run tests using a local sqlite3 database.
import sys
if 'test' in sys.argv or 'test_coverage' in sys.argv:
DATABASES['default']['ENGINE'] = 'django.db.backends.sqlite3'
DATABASES['default']['NAME'] = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3')

Connect to databases dynamically in Django

I'm new to Django.
My project database architecture is like
Having 'Auth_DB' contains all the users login details.
Once user logged in, then in need to fetch the details from the other DB. Here i have databases for each user individually, like:
Can any one please help how can i achieve this.
Thanks in Advance.
Followed Django multiple and dynamic databases
In summary, this is the process:
Add the new database to settings (at runtime)
Create a file to store these settings for reloading when the server is restarted (at runtime)
Run a script which loads the saved settings files (whenever the server is restarted)

Django unittests - ImproperlyConfigured error

Im trying to write tests for my module. When i run:
python test my_module
Im getting message:
django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Please fill out the database NAME in the settings module before using the database.
I dont have any test yet, just BaseTest where im creating users, groups and assigning permissions.
Where could be the problem? Server normally works, configuration seems to be good. Do i need to define settings for test?
Ok. I think i know what was the problem :] I had lists with permissions stored in other module. So i were writting from module.perms import perms (normal python list). Its seems, that python is doing something more than just import that list from other module to my module. And that was the cause of failing.
Surround code after list definition with:
if __name__ == "__main__":
Then everything should be working good.
Ok. I think i know what was the problem :] I had lists with permissions stored in other module. So i were writting from module.perms import perms (normal python list). Its seems, that python is doing something more than just import that list from other module to my module. And that was the cause of failing.
Solution: Surround code after list definition with:
if __name__ == "__main__":
Then everything should be working good.
You need to have your DATABASE setting in place in, and your app needs to be in installed apps. For example:
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
'NAME': 'database.sqlite',
python test doesn't use the NAME database defined in DATABASES. From the docs -
Tests that require a database (namely, model tests) will not use your
"real" (production) database. Separate, blank databases are created
for the tests.
Regardless of whether the tests pass or fail, the test databases are
destroyed when all the tests have been executed.
By default the test databases get their names by prepending test_ to
the value of the NAME settings for the databases defined in DATABASES.
When using the SQLite database engine the tests will by default use an
in-memory database (i.e., the database will be created in memory,
bypassing the filesystem entirely!). If you want to use a different
database name, specify TEST_NAME in the dictionary for any given
database in DATABASES.
To answer your question. You can define a test database with the TEST_NAME setting. But you shouldn't have to.
Here's another potential solution for people finding this through search:
I was trying to define my own TestRunner class inside my settings file, which meant it had to import DjangoTestSuiteRunner. This import at the top of the file caused the ImproperlyConfigured error. Moving the custom TestRunner class to a separate file resolved the issue.

How to alter django settings based on current request?

I'm running multiple sites from a single django instance, and expect the framework to eventually serve several hundred sites from one or several installations.
I need to patch some django settings based on the current request. I've written some middleware to monkey patch the settings, but I need these settings to be patched before the middleware gets invoked because other apps aren't taking the monkey-patched changes (i.e. apps get run then middleware gets run so the apps don't use the monkey-patched settings).
I should also add this is mainly for the benefit of third-party apps that I haven't written, so I don't want to go round adding decorators or anything like that because that would mess up my upgrade path.
How can I get access to the current request in an app's file?
Will an app's get called once per request or only once? If it's only once, how else could I do this so I can manipulate the settings once per request?
Is it safe to do this kind of monkey patching? I know it makes code a bit more opaque, but I don't want to use different wsgi files per site because I want to allow users to edit some of these settings and have my monkey patching come from the database.
Is there a better solution that would allow certain settings to be stored in the database?
This module - django-tupperware does what you are asking about:
Give it a try.
Never ever ever change settings on the fly. You cannot predict how the application may one day be deployed, and in most of them the project will fail in.. interesting ways.
If you really want to have hundreds of sites which will be dynamically reconfigured all the time, you might try to Djangos django/conf/ which is used to supply the settings to the rest of the framework. You might be able to alter it in a way it depends on the request and it's Host field. Or you'll get many interesting failures at the very least.
My solution to this problem is to give each request, ALL the settings and update them on the fly with a middleware, how do i do this?
Is rather simple:
This is the middleware that does it all
from django.conf import settings
class DumpObject: pass
class Settings(object):
def process_request(self,request):
request.settings = DumpObject()
for setting in dir(settings):
if not setting.startswith('__'):
setattr(request.settings, setting, getattr(settings,setting))
The DumpObject is just there so i can use the notation, it could have been a dictionary, but i wanted to keep some similarity in the syntax.
This assumes that none of your settings name starts with __ which is a fair assumption.
So if i want to override a particular setting, i don't keep a settings file i do it in this middleware. like this:
class Settings(object):
def process_request(self,request):
request.settings = DumpObject()
for setting in dir(settings):
if not setting.startswith('__'):
setattr(request.settings, setting, getattr(settings,setting))
if 'mydomain' in str( #this is thanks to django-hosts project
request.settings.GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID = '89298393-238'
Of course this doesnt take into account the problem of accessing the settings the old way
from django.conf import settings
settings.GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID = 'the value in'
But it really doesn't matter because you will probably only want to change the settings on the context of having a request object, available.