MFC logo in a MFC application - c++

I have an MFC application. When the application is launched, I see it is represented on the taskbar using the MFC logo. Also, the application Window Menu Bar has the MFC icon.
How can I replace these with custom made logos?

The icons are in the .ico file that is part of your project. Usually in the /res directory. You can edit them or replace them with files you generate.

The icon file is stored with your project files.
Go to <Projects Folder>\SOLUTIONNAME\PROJECTNAME\res. When you locate this folder, there should be a PROJECTNAME.ico file. rename the ico file you created to PROJECTNAME.ico. Next time you build your project, the MFC icon should be replaced with your custom icon.

I recommend going to this site mostly because it does not require any registration and its 100% free.
You can then fine a suitable icon for your program bu searching keywords.
Then select the .ICO type and download.
Copy the .ico file to your “res” folder.
Then delete the .ico file and rename the downloaded file to .ico.


How to change icon in .exe (App Wxwidgets with C++)

I have build an app with Code::Block, C++ and wxWidgets. I have changed icon for frame successfully, but icon of .exe file is still there default.
how to change icon of .exe file?
Edit .rc file (i.e. resource.rc) and set your icon where you find aaaa ICON.

exe icon is changing automatically when build the application in visual studio

I want to change my application exe icon from default. Now when I copied the new icon with same name as default icon had in "res" folder of application. when I compiled it's exe came with new icon.
But at the same time when I copied another icon with another name in "res" folder and include it in my project. Now rese folder has two icons(one icon is for application's icon). Now when I compiled my application that time exe come with new icon. But it should come with old icon as IDR_MAINFRAME holds.
Please help me out.
Thank You
you have to edit the .rc icon file directly. I think it's already write in duplicate post.

How to set/change the application icon?

I'm Confused about set the application icon.
I have seen many explanations about set the application icon, but I'm still not understand.
Please I want a simple explanation, but step by step to understand it
What I have done:
I have created a Qt resource file(.qrc).
Then, I have added a prefix, then I have added the Icon file.
Then, from design mode and from property block I have changed the a property called windowIcon.
Then I have selected the Icon which I added before in the .qrc file.
Notice: I'm use Qt5.3 and windows 7.
Now, Please what is the right steps to set the application icon ?
You have done the right thing to set the main window icon. Just setting windowIcon property in the designer will set an icon for the application window.
For setting an icon to the application executable file there is an automated process In Qt 5.
You can just add the following to the .pro file:
win32: RC_ICONS = myIcon.ico
Also store the .ico file in your application's source code directory.
Note that this is only for Windows. There are other ways to set application icon in Linux and Mac.

Cocos2d icons for universal app

How to add icons for iphone and ipad in cocos2d for universal app?
If you put an icon file in your resources folder in xcode and name it icon.png then that will be the icon that will appear for the user to select to run your application on the iphone/ipod/ipad.
Same goes if you put another file in the resources folder and name it default.png then it will show up as the splash screen that appears while your application is being loaded.
Note: If you are working with a template it will probably already have canned files with these names. Just remove them from the resource folder in xcode and add the new ones. To add the files to your project, drag them into the resource folder within xcode and select the check box for: "Copy items into destination group's folder (if needed)", as well as, make sure in add targets section only the check box for your application name is checked and the radio button "Recursively create groups for any added folders" is selected. This will copy the file(s) into your project directory and they will also appear in the resources folder in xcode. You can then click on them in xcode to see that they are correct.
As a bonus here is a link for a post talking about good places for icons and sounds too:
link text
When you create a new Cocos2d Application from the "Cocos2d Template". it has Icon files (e.g. Icon.png,Icon-72.png etc). If you replace them with your icons, you are well to go.

How to change the default *.exe icon in C/C++?

I want to change the default .exe icon to some other icon in C/C++. Does anybody know how to do that?
Already answered.
Change app icon in Visual Studio 2005?
You have to place your .ico file in the resources folder first of course.
Use this one:
Since you specified that you are using VS2008 I can point you here: How do I set the icon for my application in visual studio 2008? (duplicate question)
On Windows, if the executable contains many icons, the 1st of them will be the default.
If you have icons resource in your programming environment, place the icon you want first in the list.
Edit: since you created an empty project, to add an icon, follow these instructions:
(as I said in my comment, I don't have VS2008, but the steps should be the same)
Menu: Insert -> Resource -> Import
Select "Icon", press the import button and select your icon file.
Now, close the icon editor, and save the resource script in the project folder.
Select "Files View" and add the resource script file in the "Resource Files".
That's it.
if you are using any ide like dev c++, then you can specify the icon you want to appear on your file in project options