Redirect opened TCP connection - c++

Is it possible to redirect an opened TCP connection to a third device?
For example I have two clients which are both connected to a central server. Both initiated the communication. They cannot accept any connections from outside the internet because the router's firewall is blocking them.
What if they want to connect to each other: is it possible to redirect the two connections with the server to become one peer-to-peer connection between the clients? (I have a feeling that this is not possible) My program allows that both devices can work as a TCP server, just firewalls are blocking them.
Currently I am using two solutions to communicate between the two clients. One is using UPnP port mappings, the other that messages sent to server are repeated and transmitted to the clients.
Is there any other solution? I am especially interested in methods which are using C++, Qt and Linux.

You cannot redirect already opened TCP connections to another device, because in this case the endpoints of the connection would need to change - but the endpoint (ip+port) is an essential part of the connection. So you could only transfer the data you received at the server from one connection to the other and back, or you could try to make the two parties connect directly to each other from start with TCP hole punching like mentioned in a comment already. But this will only work for simple NAT setups.
Simple port forwarding at the server will not work for already established connections, because you would have to rewrite not only sender and receiver of all packets (e.g. NAT) but also rewrite the sequence numbers etc so they match the other established connection. So you would need to do the forwarding in user space or inside the kernel at the connection level and not the packet level with techniques like socket splicing.


Establish peer-to-peer connection from behind NAT

I need to make some general way for my own peer-to-peer UDP or TCP communication between my own clients over internet, without creating own server.
I cannot just use XMPP for the communication because file transmit are necessary.
Do I understand the possible sequence of actions correctly?
Connect to some (or any?) XMPP server, using prepared existing XMPP account
Search for another my own client connected to XMPP and connect to it.
Resolve an unique public global internet (IP?) address or ID for each client (how?)
Exchange these addresses between clients
Make direct connection possible by some actions with clients' NATs
Connect clients directly p2p to each other using received unique addresses
Disconnect from XMPP server
Communicate via my own p2p connection
If the sequence is correctly, what specific actions do I need to do to resolve unique addresses, and to make an UDP or TCP connection then? How that can be done on c++?
I've found nice answer here: Programming P2P application
Your situation is close to WebRTC: peers need a way to 1) discover each other ("signaling"), 2) set up a direct connection through NAT if needed. (STUN/TURN)
See this WebRTC infrastructure overview for a start, and ask more specific follow-up questions later.

Uniquely Identify UDP Connection - Multiple Connections from same IP

I'll start by saying that currently my server identifies based on sender IP, that is the IP of the client.
Now I am programming a game server (just for practice) and this got me thinking how do I uniquely identify a client if they are on the same IP. (Two players open a connection on the same machine / same network so the outward IP is the same).
I've searched for an answer both on google and here and but am unable to find what I am looking for, likely because I do not know the correct terms to query for.
Any guidance on this would be appreciated, especially in regards to efficiency and best practice.
There is no "connection" term in all stuff related to UDP, but it is common that an application that initiates a UDP socket maintains the same source port over the time, so you could identify it by source IP-port.
There is some stuff related to maintain communication between a client inside a NAT router (in NAT-UDP the client is the first host that send a UDP datagram to another host and trigger a new connection tracking entry) and a server.
This "connection tracking" is only for allow traffic from outside to inside, making a "temporal" relationship (with a timeout), that probably will not be used anymore (only once) sometimes.
If the server doesn't use the same destination port in outcoming datagram as source port in incoming one, the router won't send the datagram to the host inside NAT.
Best regards.

Sharing sockets (WINSOCK) by sending them to each other between 2 servers

I am trying to write a distributed server system (consisting of server 1="main", and server 2="replacement" for now). Don't mind some dirty methods, it's just to achieve a basic function a distributed server would achive.
Currently I have both servers running via SO_REUSEADDR and a TCP Socket (maybe UDP will solve my problem, but I wanna try it either way with TCP first) on the same machine.
Main server sends establishes a connection with the Replacement server and clients connecting to it.
Now what I want to achieve: The main server should send the socket of the connecting clients to the replacement server, so in case the main server can't work anymore (timeout or what ever) the replacement server can work with the clients and send/recv with them.
The socket I send from main to the replacement server is the one I get with ClientSocket = ::accept(ListenSocket, NULL, NULL); where ClientSocket is a SOCKET (UINT_PTR).
The replacement server can't send/recv to the clients even though the main server gets terminated midway.
Is that because each server, even though they run on the same port, need to be connected via a ::connect from the clients?
EDIT: If my theory is true, this should be solved by using UDP instead of TCP as well, no?
EDIT2: With distributed server I mean a server which in case of a failure will be replaced by another without the clients task getting interrupted.
EDIT3: If there is a better and more simple way to do this, I'd like to know about that as well. I'm not too fond of sockets and server communication as of now that's how I came up with my idea to solve it.
You cannot send a socket between machines. A socket is an OS concept. It represents (in this case) a connection between the server and a client. This connection cannot be resumed on a different machine that has a different IP address because a TCP connection is defined to be established between a pair of addresses and a pair of ports.
The UINT_PTR on one machine means nothing to another machine. It is an opaque value. It is an OS handle.
UDP does not solve the problem since the client needs to notice that the IP address is is communicating with has changed.
Even if you manage that you have the problem that a server failure kills all data on that server. The other server cannot resume with the exact same data. This is a basic problem of distributed computing. You cannot keep the state of all three machines completely in sync.
Make the clients tolerate interruptions by retrying. Make the servers stateless and put all data into a database.
This is a very hard problem to solve. Seek off-the-shelve solutions.

TCP three way handshake fails

I have a C++ application which accepts TCP connections and then reads the traffic sent to it. It has worked very well until I moved it to a new machine. It seems like winsock never accepts the inbound tcp connection. In my code it never returns from the select statement. I can see using netstat/tcpview that the application is listening on port 14005.
I can connect to this port if I just telnet in locally. However, when someone tries to connect in via an outside IP address the TCP 3 way handshake never finishes. I can see the inbound SYN packet in wireshark. It is going to the correct port, 14005. However my system never sends the SYN-ACK back. This is just something that winsock is suppose to handle right? The machine does have multiple NIC cards, but I'm binding with INADDR_ANY so this shouldn't matter. Is there some way I can dig deeper to see why this handshake never takes place?
per ways to dig deeper: nothing more than wireshark / tshark (which you already use, however if you want to play with packets, look at scapy)
what happens if you reduce headache - only use one nic and network, put the client on the same network (ie, no router or smart switch between), (last resort) disable unneeded network services.

UDP hole Punching

I've got some questions regarding hole punching with UDP. Based on the wiki
1) To set up a UDP session between two parties (the client which is behind NAT, server which is non-NAT) does the client simply have to send a packet to the server and then the session is allowed both ways (send & receieve) through the firewall? Meaning the client can receive too from the server.
2) UDP Hole punching: Two clients first conenct to the server, then the server gives a client port / ip on to other clients, so the clients send packets to each other on those ports. Is this coorrect?
3) if #2 is true, Why would firewalls allow data to be received from another IP than the one used in making the connection on that very port? Sounds like a big security hole that should easly be filtered? I understand that source IP spoofing would trick it, but this?
Thanks in advance,
1) Yes, with most reasonable firewalls, unless you configure it in extremely paranoid mode.
2) Not exactly. This article explains it in more detail, but the idea is that one of the clients first sends a datagram to the other's public IP. Then this datagram is discarded, but the other client knows that it was sent because the first one told it through the server. Then the other client sends a datagram back to the first one to the same port from which the first datagram originated. Since NAT at the first client remembers that there was a packet from that port, it considers the incoming datagram to be a reply to the first one. The problem here is to figure out which public port NAT will choose to send the first datagram, but most NATs do it in a predictable way so it almost always works fine, sometimes just not from the first try.
1) Yes. However, you don't need hole punching if you're contacting a non-NATted server. Your client application just behaves normally.
2) Yes.
3) Some NATs do indeed restrict a public port to just one sender-receiver pair. If you need to hole-punch in such a scenario, your only chance is to guess the public port the NAT will choose for the direct connection.
However, NAT is not a security feature. Therefore, accepting any packets to the public port is not a security hole as there is no difference to the simple case of a client directly connected to the internet.