C++ data structure design: children with different fields and function - c++

I just started learning C++ and I'm used to Java paradigms, so I'm not sure how this should be done:
I need to represent a vector of products of two different types: packaged and fresh food. They have some common fields with a single implementation (availability, re-stock quantity etc), but they have also different fields and functions with different return types.
I.E: fresh foods may have a boolean field needsRefrigeration, other
products may have an integer representing a category (food, cleaning,
bricolage, forniture...).
In Java I would create a Product object with the common fields and a PackagedProduct (extending Product) plus a FreshProduct (also extending Product) with their particular fields. Then I'd place every product in a vector and accessed as Product when I need the common fields, safely-casted (with instanceof) to the right class when I need to access the child's fields.
I know this is not the right way in C++ and I don't want to force java programming paradigms to C++.
I can imagine:
create all the functions required by all the cildren as virtual in the parent and add a field in the parent representing the type of the cild, so it can safely casted
create a wrapper object containing two different vectors, each one of the type of a child object and return the values in the correct order, eventually using a third int vector.
I think these solutions are really bad, and I'm almost sure there must be a better way, but I can't imagine it. Can you help me?
What's the right way to do this?

I need to represent a vector of products of two different types: packaged and fresh food.
Do you really need both types of product in the same vector? Can't you have two vectors?
std::vector<PackagedProduct> packaged;
std::vector<FreshProduct> fresh;
packaged.emplace_back(1, 2, 3);
fresh.emplace_back(4, 5, 6);
This will be by far the most efficient solution. (Less indirections keep the prefetcher happy.)
If you absolutely need both kinds of products in the same vector, you must use indirection:
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Product>> products;
products.push_back(std::make_unique<PackagedProduct>(1, 2, 3));
products.push_back(std::make_unique<FreshProduct>(4, 5, 6));
Instead of checking the dynamic type at runtime and downcast, you should read up on virtual methods.

The basic idea is the same as in Java: Use inheritance to create a class hierarchy:
class Product { public: virtual ~Product(); ... };
class PackagedProduct : public Product { ... };
class FreshProduct : public Product { ... };
In Java, the vector (or list, container, ...) stores by-reference, not by-value. That's the crucial difference. In C++, this means using a smart pointer:
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Product > > v;
v.push_back( std::make_shared< FreshProduct >( some args... ) );
You can use dynamic_pointer_cast once you retrieved the pointer back from the vector to check what object it is, but other options are available.
This is, of course, just a rough idea and you'll need to learn a lot about the details, shared_ptr, etc. but I hope you have enough keywords and ideas to google now :)

Create a Product object with the common fields and a PackagedProduct (extending Product) plus a FreshProduct (also extending Product) with their particular fields. Then store smart pointers to them in:
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Product> > Vec;

If FredOverflow's suggestion of using two vectors doesn't suit your needs, an alternative could be to make a variant of the two types and keep a vector of variants. This is fairly easy to do using boost::variant. You can wrap the functionality you need in free functions or you can wrap the variant in a class. Here's an example
#include <boost/variant/variant.hpp>
#include <boost/variant/apply_visitor.hpp>
#include <boost/variant/static_visitor.hpp>
struct FreshProduct
double price;
bool needsRefrigeration;
struct PackagedProduct
double price;
struct VariantProduct
VariantProduct(const FreshProduct& p) : product(p) {}
VariantProduct(const PackagedProduct& p) : product(p) {}
double getPrice() const;
bool needsRefrigeration() const
struct helper : public boost::static_visitor<bool>
bool operator ()(const FreshProduct& product) const
return product.needsRefrigeration;
bool operator ()(...) const
return false;
return boost::apply_visitor(helper(), product);
boost::variant<FreshProduct, PackagedProduct> product;
// in cpp
namespace {
struct GetPrice : public boost::static_visitor<double>
template <class T>
double operator ()(const T& product) const
return product.price;
} // anonymous namespace
double VariantProduct::getPrice() const
return boost::apply_visitor(GetPrice(), product);
The advantage of this approach is that you don't need to use dynamic allocation in order to keep a collection of fresh or packaged products. The downside is that it is not so easy to extend the types supported in the variant as when using inheritance.


Mapping data members of a class

I am trying to design a data stuctures, which would enhance/supplement an existing one by storing some additional data about it's members.
Let's say we have:
class A {
int x;
string y;
And we want to have a GUI component associated with it, so the data members have corresponding GUI elements. I'd like to map the members to their respective components. Something like
class GuiA {
int x;
string y;
map<MemberHandle, GuiElement*> guiHandles;
I don't have any restrictions, but I'd like the result to be easily convertible to the original type.
I am aware, that I could introduce a template e.g. GuiElementMember holding original data plus the GuiElement pointer, and swap class member for their decorated counterparts, so it would look like:
class GuiA {
GuiElementMember<int> x;
GuiElementMember<string> y;
but I'd like to avoid it, as it completely changes access patterns to data members and bloats it. I.e. it results with data members interleaved with pointers, that are not easy to strip out.
Ideally it would be possible to write GuiA as a derived class of A, or as a composition of A and something additional.
I was thinking about something like a template that class could produce the map. I could yield to write a custom class per component, but I don't think there is an easy way to map data members, so on the clients side it would look like getGuiMember(GuiA::x). The pointer to data member contains the member original type. I don't think it is possible to have something like "type-erased pointer to member" that could serve as a MemberHandle type.
The only thing that comes to my mind is a custom enum per component which would enumerate data members and serve as key type for a map (or a vector in this case), but it seems as an awful lot of information duplication and maintenance.
Is there some technique that allows mapping data members?
I don't really care about the implementational complexity as long as the interface is easy. I welcome boost or template magic. I also don't care about the performance of additional data access, it's extra stuff, but the plain class usage should not be impacted, so introduction of indirection that cannot be optimized is less welcomed.
EDIT: Please don't hinge on GUI thing it's an example. I am only concerned about storing some additional data per member without composing it with the member.
You can use BOOST_FUSION_DEFINE_STRUCT to define your structures that can be iterated over with a for_each loop:
#include <boost/fusion/include/define_struct.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/for_each.hpp>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>
#include <cstdint>
(demo), employee,
(std::string, name)
(int, age)
struct GuiElement;
GuiElement* createGuiElement(char const* name);
using Mapping = std::unordered_map<size_t, GuiElement*>;
template<class T>
Mapping create_mapping(T&& t) {
Mapping mapping;
boost::fusion::for_each(t, [&](auto& member) {
auto offset = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&member) - reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&t);
return mapping;
template<class T, class M>
GuiElement*& get_mapping_element(Mapping& mapping, T const& t, M const& member) {
auto offset = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&member) - reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&t);
auto found = mapping.find(offset);
if(found == mapping.end())
return found->second;
int main() {
auto employee_mapping = create_mapping(demo::employee{});
demo::employee e1;
get_mapping_element(employee_mapping, e1, e1.name) = createGuiElement("name");
get_mapping_element(employee_mapping, e1, e1.age) = createGuiElement("age");
In the code there is a Mapping, one per class. Each member is identified by its offset from the beginning of its enclosing class.
In general, you use macros for such purposes. They can generate any kind of code/wrappers that you'd like, letting you have the usual access to your data, but also adding stuff you want/need. It ain't pretty, but it works.
There are some template libraries that can help here, like Boost.Fusion or Boost.Hana, but, you can also roll your own here if you don't have a use for their advanced features (which come with the long compilation price tag).
Also, if you can focus on a particular GUI framework, they have some support for such things. For example, Qt has its own "meta object" compiler.
You could try a template for this?
template <typename T>
class GuiItem : public T {
map<MemberHandle, GuiElement*> guiHandles;
GuiItem<A> guiA;
guiA.x = 123;
guiA.y = "y";
guiA.guiHandles[handle] = element;
I'm not sure I understand the other requirements so this way may not work for you.

What is the "correct OOP" way to deal with a storage pool of items of mixed types?

This was inspired by a comment to my other question here:
How do you "not repeat yourself" when giving a class an accessible "name" in C++?
nvoight: "RTTI is bad because it's a hint you are not doing good OOP. Doing your own homebrew RTTI does not make it better OOP, it just means you are reinventing the wheel on top of bad OOP."
So what is the "good OOP" solution here? The problem is this. The program is in C++, so there are also C++ specific details mentioned below. I have a "component" class (actually, a struct), which is subclassed into a number of different derived classes containing different kinds of component data. It's part of an "entity component system" design for a game. I'm wondering about the storage of the components. In particular, the current storage system has:
a "component manager" which stores an array, actually a hash map, of a single type of component. The hash map allows for lookup of a component by the entity ID of the entity it belongs to. This component manager is a template which inherits from a base, and the template parameter is the type of component to manage.
a full storage pack which is a collection of these component managers, implemented as an array of pointers to the component manager base class. This has methods to insert and extract an entity (on insertion, the components are taken out and put into the managers, on removal, they are extracted and collected into a new entity object), as well as ones to add new component managers, so if we want to add a new component type to the game, all we have to do is put another command to insert a component manager for it.
It's the full storage pack that prompted this. In particular, it offers no way of accessing a particular type of component. All the components are stored as base class pointers with no type information. What I thought of was using some kind of RTTI and storing the component managers in a map which maps type names and thus allows for lookup and then the proper downcasting of the base class pointer to the appropriate derived class (the user would call a template member on the entity storage pool to do this).
But if this RTTI means bad OOP, what would be the correct way to design this system so no RTTI is required?
Disclaimer/resources: my BCS thesis was about the design and implementation of a C++14 library for compile-time Entity-Component-System pattern generation. You can find the library here on GitHub.
This answer is meant to give you a broad overview of some techniques/ideas you can apply to implement the Entity-Component-System pattern depending on whether or not component/system types are known at compile-time.
If you want to see implementation details, I suggest you to check out my library (linked above) for an entirely compile-time based approach. diana is a very nice C library that can give you an idea of a run-time based approach.
You have several approaches, depending on the scope/scale of your project and on the nature of your entities/components/systems.
All component types and system types are known at compile-time.
This is the case analyzed in my BCS thesis - what you can do is use advanced metaprogramming techniques (e.g. using Boost.Hana) to put all component types and system types in compile-time lists and create data structures that link everything together at compile time. Pseudocode example:
namespace c
struct position { vec2f _v };
struct velocity { vec2f _v };
struct acceleration { vec2f _v };
struct render { sprite _s; };
constexpr auto component_types = type_list
After defining your components, you can define your systems and tell them "what components to use":
namespace s
struct movement
template <typename TData>
void process(TData& data, float ft)
data.for_entities([&](auto eid)
auto& p = data.get(eid, component_type<c::position>)._v;
auto& v = data.get(eid, component_type<c::velocity>)._v;
auto& a = data.get(eid, component_type<c::acceleration>)._v;
v += a * ft;
p += v * ft;
struct render
template <typename TData>
void process(TData& data)
data.for_entities([&](auto eid)
auto& p = data.get(eid, component_type<c::position>)._v;
auto& s = data.get(eid, component_type<c::render>)._s;
constexpr auto system_types = type_list
All that's left is using some sort of context object and lambda overloading to visit the systems and call their processing methods:
[ft](auto& data, s::movement& s)
s.process(data, ft);
[](auto& data, s::render& s)
You can use all the compile-time knowledge to generate appropriate data structures for components and systems inside the context object.
This is the approach I used in my thesis and library - I talked about it at C++Now 2016: "Implementation of a multithreaded compile-time ECS in C++14".
All component types and systems types are known at run-time.
This is a completely different situation - you need to use some sort of type-erasure technique to dynamically deal with components and systems. A suitable solution is using a scripting language such as LUA to deal with system logic and/or component structure (a more efficient simple component definition language can also be handwritten, so that it maps one-to-one to C++ types or to your engine's types).
You need some sort of context object where you can register component types and system types at run-time. I suggest either using unique incrementing IDs or some sort of UUIDs to identify component/system types. After mapping system logic and component structures to IDs, you can pass those around in your ECS implementation to retrieve data and process entities. You can store component data in generic resizable buffers (or associative maps, for big containers) that can be modified at run-time thanks to component structure knowledge - here's an example of what I mean:
auto c_position_id = ctx.register_component_type("./c_position.txt");
// ...
auto context::register_component_type(const std::string& path)
auto& storage = this->component_storage.create_buffer();
auto file_contents = get_contents_from_path(path);
for_parsed_lines_in(file_contents, [&](auto line)
if(line.type == "int")
else if(line.type == "float")
return next_unique_component_type_id++;
Some component types and system types are known at compile-time, others are known at run-time.
Use approach (1), and create some sort of "bridge" component and system types that implements any type-erasure technique in order to access component structure or system logic at run-time. An std::map<runtime_system_id, std::function<...>> can work for run-time system logic processing. An std::unique_ptr<runtime_component_data> or an std::aligned_storage_t<some_reasonable_size> can work for run-time component structure.
To answer your question:
But if this RTTI means bad OOP, what would be the correct way to design this system so no RTTI is required?
You need a way of mapping types to values that you can use at run-time: RTTI is an appropriate way of doing that.
If you do not want to use RTTI and you still want to use polymorphic inheritance to define your component types, you need to implement a way to retrieve some sort of run-time type ID from a derived component type. Here's a primitive way of doing that:
namespace impl
auto get_next_type_id()
static std::size_t next_type_id{0};
return next_type_id++;
template <typename T>
struct type_id_storage
static const std::size_t id;
template <typename T>
const std::size_t type_id_storage<T>::id{get_next_type_id()};
template <typename T>
auto get_type_id()
return impl::type_id_storage<T>::id;
Explanation: get_next_type_id is a non-static function (shared between translation units) that stores a static incremental counter of type IDs. To retrieve the unique type ID that matches a specific component type you can call:
auto position_id = get_type_id<position_component>();
The get_type_id "public" function will retrieve the unique ID from the corresponding instantiation of impl::type_id_storage, that calls get_next_type_id() on construction, which in turn returns its current next_type_id counter value and increments it for the next type.
Particular care for this kind of approach needs to be taken to make sure it behaves correctly over multiple translation units and to avoid race conditions (in case your ECS is multithreaded). (More info here.)
Now, to solve your issue:
It's the full storage pack that prompted this. In particular, it offers no way of accessing a particular type of component.
// Executes `f` on every component of type `T`.
template <typename T, typename TF>
void storage_pack::for_components(TF&& f)
auto& data = this->_component_map[get_type_id<T>()];
for(component_base* cb : data)
You can see this pattern in use in my old and abandoned SSVEntitySystem library. You can see an RTTI-based approach in my old and outdated “Implementation of a component-based entity system in modern C++” CppCon 2015 talk.
Despite the good and long answer by #VittorioRomeo, I'd like to show another possible approach to the problem.
Basic concepts involved here are type erasure and double dispatching.
The one below is a minimal, working example:
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
struct base_component {
static std::size_t next() noexcept {
static std::size_t v = 0;
return v++;
template<typename D>
struct component: base_component {
static std::size_t type() noexcept {
static const std::size_t t = base_component::next();
return t;
struct component_x: component<component_x> { };
struct component_y: component<component_y> { };
struct systems {
void elaborate(std::size_t id, component_x &) { std::cout << id << ": x" << std::endl; }
void elaborate(std::size_t id, component_y &) { std::cout << id << ": y" << std::endl; }
template<typename C>
struct component_manager {
std::map<std::size_t, C> id_component;
struct pack {
struct base_handler {
virtual void accept(systems *) = 0;
template<typename C>
struct handler: base_handler {
void accept(systems *s) {
for(auto &&el: manager.id_component) s->elaborate(el.first, el.second);
component_manager<C> manager;
template<typename C>
void add(std::size_t id) {
if(handlers.find(C::type()) == handlers.cend()) {
handlers[C::type()] = std::make_unique<handler<C>>();
handler<C> &h = static_cast<handler<C>&>(*handlers[C::type()].get());
h.manager.id_component[id] = C{};
template<typename C>
void walk(systems *s) {
if(handlers.find(C::type()) != handlers.cend()) {
std::map<std::size_t, std::unique_ptr<base_handler>> handlers;
int main() {
pack coll;
systems sys;
I tried to be true to the few points mentioned by the OP, so as to provide a solution that fits the real problem.
Let me know with a comment if the example is clear enough for itself or if a few more details are required to fully explain how and why it works actually.
If I understand correctly, you want a collection, such as a map, where the values are of different type, and you want to know what type is each value (so you can downcast it).
Now, a "good OOP" is a design which you don't need to downcast. You just call the mothods (which are common to the base class and the deriveratives) and the derived class performs a different operation than its parent for the same method.
If this is not the case, for example, where you need to use some other data from the child and thus you want to downcast, it means, in most cases, you didn't work hard enough on the design. I don't say it's always possible, but you need to design it in such a way the polymorphism is your only tool. That's a "good OOP".
Anyway, if you really need to downcast, you don't have to use RTTI. You can use a common field (string) in the base class, that marks the class type.

Handling derived class creation using mappers in C++

I'm reading through Martin Fowler's PoEAA right now on object-relational structural patterns. As a project to do while learning them, I thought I'd build a mini eCommerce system in C++. I'm having trouble figuring out how to return the objects from the mapper.
I have a Product base class, which has derived classes Hat and Shirt. Products have a type member to identify which derived class they are. I also have a ProductMapper class, with derived classes HatMapper and ShirtMapper, all of which implement a bunch of finder methods which let me try and retrieve certain hats and shirts.
class Product
unsigned long long int id;
std::string name;
unsigned int type;
// Derived classes don't necessarily have the same members.
class Hat : public Product
unsigned char fitted;
unsigned char color;
unsigned char style;
class Shirt : public Product
unsigned char size;
In the logic part of my application where I'd instantiate these mappers and retrieve products is where I'm having trouble. I can instantiate a HatMapper and pull back Hat objects without any problem, same with a ShirtMapper and Shirt objects. The patterns work great in these cases (in particular I'm using class table inheritance, i.e. one product table with product data, one table for hats with hat-specific data, and one table for shirts with shirt-specific data).
My problem is, what do I do if I want to retrieve all products, both hats and shirts? I can instantiate a ProductMapper and fetch all of the product data, but that seems like the wrong approach since I'd have to loop through all the Products I retrieve and build up Hats and Shirts based on their type in my logic portion of the program. Additionally, I'd have to modify any code that handles the situation this way when I add new product types. Seems bad.
The Fowler book has examples of the mappers with the base mapper using the derived mappers which seems completely wrong to me (have to modify the base mapper every time I add a new product, not great). Here's a quick example of how it's done there:
class ProductMapper
unsigned long long int productId;
unsigned long long int productType;
HatMapper * hm;
ShirtMapper * sm;
Product * FindById(unsigned long long int id)
// Query database for data.
if (this->productType == PRODUCT_TYPE_HAT)
return hm->FindById(id); // Hat object.
else if (this->productType == PRODUCT_TYPE_SHIRT)
return sm->FindById(id); // Shirt object.
return NULL;
Here's how I'd use this in the logic part of my program. Examples of this aren't provided in the book:
ProductMapper * pm = new ProductMapper();
Product * p = pm->FindById(1); // It's a Product, but a Hat or Shirt?
// Have to check type since a Product was returned.
switch (p->type)
Hat * h = (Hat) p;
// Etc. Modify this every time a new product type is added or removed.
This will introduce circular dependencies. Additionally, assuming I somehow eliminate the circular dependencies, the result of the HatMapper and ShirtMapper classes are Hat objects and Shirt objects. Thus when I return from the ProductMapper, I'll be downcasting, so I'd have to again manipulate the result in my logic, which again introduces the issue of modifying code when I introduce new product types.
I'm at a loss for what to do. In a perfect world, I'd like to have a Product class and a ProductMapper class, both of which I can extend quickly, introducing new product types without having to modify existing code (at least too much).
I would like to be able to use these patterns from PoEAA, they do seem nice and useful, but I'm not sure if it's just something I can't do in C++ or I'm missing something that's preventing me from doing it. Alternative patterns and approaches are also really welcomed.
It feels like the Type Object pattern could help in this case, I know the link is about game programming but it is sufficient to apply the pattern to other domains.
The problem right now is that if you want to add products you have to add several classes, which can become hard to maintain as you noticed.
Edit: Maybe you could use something like that (code is C++11 to simplify the example):
class ProductProperty
typedef std::map<std::string, unsigned char> PropertyMap;
PropertyMap properties;
ProductProperty(std::initializer_list<PropertyMap::value_type> il):
// Use of at() is intended to only deal with the defined properties
const PropertyMap::value_type::second_type&
get(const PropertyMap::value_type::first_type& prop) const
return properties.at(prop);
get(const PropertyMap::value_type::first_type& prop)
return properties.at(prop);
// Some helpers to illustrate
std::shared_ptr<ProductProperty> makeHatProperty()
return std::make_shared<ProductProperty>(
{"fitted", ***whatever**},
{"color", ***whatever**},
{"style", ***whatever**}
std::shared_ptr<ProductProperty> makeShirtProperty()
return std::make_shared<ProductProperty>(
ProductProperty{{"size", ***whatever**}}
class Product
unsigned long long int id;
std::string name;
unsigned int type;
std::shared_ptr<ProductProperty> properties;
Product(std::shared_ptr<ProductProperty> props):
// Whatever function you need to get/set/check properties

c++ composition (has-a) issue

One important and essential rule I have learnt as a C++ programmer is the preference of Composition over Inheritance (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Composition_over_inheritance).
I totally agree with this rule which mostly makes things much more simple than It would be if we used Inheritance.
I have a problem which should be solved using Composition but I'm really struggling to do so.
Suppose you have a Vendor Machine, and you have two types of products:
Discrete product - like a snack.
Fluid product - like a drink.
These two types of products will need to be represented in a class called VendorCell which contains the cell content.
These two products share some identical attributes(dm) as Price, Quantity and so on...BUT also contain some different attributes.
Therefore using Composition here might lead for the following result:
class VendorCell {
private : // default access modifier
int price;
int quantity;
// int firstProductAttributeOnly
// char secondProductAttributeOnly
As you can see the commented lines show that for a single VendorCell depending on the product it containing, only one of these two commented lines will be significant and useable (the other one is only relevant for the other type - fluid for example).
Therefore I might have a VendorCell with a snack inside and its secondProductAttributeOnly is not needed.
Is composition (for the VendorCell) is the right solution? is It seems proper to you guys that someone will determine the VendorCell type via a constructor and one DM (the DM dedicated for the other type) will not be used at all (mark it as -1 for example) ?>
Thanks you all!
Your general rule of favoring composition over inheritance is right. The problem here is that you want a container of polymorphic objects, not a giant aggregate class that can hold all possible products. However, because of the slicing problem, you can't hold polymorphic objects directly, but you need to hold them by (preferably smart) pointer. You can hold them directly by (smart) pointer such as
class AbstractProduct { /* price, quauntity interface */ };
class AbstractSnack: public AbstractProduct { /* extended interface */ };
class AbstractDrink: public AbstractProduct { /* extended interface */ };
typedef std::unique_ptr<AbstractProduct> VendorCell;
typedef std::vector< VendorCell > VendorMachine;
You simply define your snacks/drinks by deriving from AbstractSnack/AbstractDrink
class SnickersBar: public AbstractSnack { /* your implementation */ };
class CocaColaBottle: public AbstractDrink { /* your implementation */ };
and then you can insert or extract products like this:
// fill the machine
VendorMachine my_machine;
my_machine.emplace_back(new SnickersBar());
my_machine.emplace_back(new CocaColaBottle());
my_snack = my_machine[0]; // get a Snickers bar
my_drink = my_machine[1]; // get a Coca Cola bottle;
There are also other solutions such as Boost.Any that uses a wrapper class that internally holds a pointer to a polymorphic object. You could also refactor this code by replacing the typedef with a separate class VendorMachine that holds a std::vector< VendorCell >, so that you can get a nicer interface (with money exchange functionality e.g.)
You inherit in order to be re-used.
You compose in order to re-use.
If you have different attributes then you probably want to inherit, otherwise compose.
Some variation:
class ProductVariety {
virtual void display(Screen& screen) = 0;
An implementation:
class Liquid : public ProductVariety {
virtual void display(Screen& screen) {
Composing variation:
class Product
int price;
int quantity;
unique_ptr<ProductVariety> variety;

C++ Binary Search Tree - Complex Types

I need to implement a BST for 2 types of objects; accounts and customers. Both these types have a pk (both called "id").
When I google / reseach for a solution, I can find loads of BST solutions, but they all seem to work with simple types, e.g. the BST solution can sort integers like {1,2,3,4,99,...999} - but I want the BST solution to sort complex types / classes, based on their pk. Is this possible / any tips? Thanks.
The logic used to build a binary search tree of integers should immediately be generalizable to other data types. Instead of storing an integer as a key in each node, instead store your customer and account names in each field, but when doing lookups only compare the primary key. It really should be that simple.
That said, unless this is for a homework assignment, you should just use std::map, which has all the same complexity guarantees of a binary search tree but is already written for you, widely available, and heavily tested.
Hope this helps!
One way is to modify you node definition, adding a reference to the object you want to store and set an index (pk in your case), to sort the notes. On using different types, templates might solve:
class Account
Account(int k) : pk(k) {};
int pk;
/* ... */
template<typename T>
class TreeNode
TreeNode(T& the_object) : id(the_object.pk), object(the_object) {};
int id;
T& object;
int main () {
Account a(9);
TreeNode<Account> tn(a);
std::cout << tn.id;
If you want to mix different object types in a tree, the other way is to define a class containing an accessor to the pk attribute and make the account and customer inhere it, for example:
class Indexable
Indexable(int the_pk) : pk(the_pk) {};
int pk;
class Account : public Indexable
Account(int k) : Indexable(k) {};
/* ... */
class TreeNode
TreeNode(Indexable& the_object) : id(the_object.pk), object(the_object) {};
int id;
Indexable& object;
int main () {
Account a(9);
TreeNode tn(a);
std::cout << tn.id;
As the other answers pointed out, in production you might consider using std::map or another known library of tree structures.