My method can return some kind of pointer ( for example boost::shared_ptr ) and this pointer may be NULL. Is there is any way to enforce users of my code to check, if it is empty or not ?
Some example of such things - scals's Option container, may be boost has something like boost::option ?
You can do the following:
return a smart pointer type that throws an exception if accessed and set to NULL.
throw an exception instead of returning a NULL pointer
return a std::optional (or boost::optional) which expresses intent (i.e. "value may be missing") much better than a pointer
The usual solution is to wrap the return value in a class, which
contains a flag which is set if the pointer is checked or
copied, and whose destructor crashes if the flag wasn't set.
Something like:
template <typename T>
class MustBeChecked
T* myValue;
mutable bool myHasBeenChecked;
MustBeChecked( T* value )
: myValue( value )
, myHasBeenChecked( false )
MustBeChecked( MustBeChecked const& other )
: myValue( other.myValue )
, myHasBeenChecked( false )
other.myHasBeenChecked = true;
assert( myHasBeenChecked );
bool operator==( nullptr_t ) const
myHasBeenChecked = true;
return myValue == nullptr;
bool operator!=( nullptr_t ) const
myHasBeenChecked = true;
return myValue != nullptr;
operator T*() const
assert( myHasBeenChecked );
return myValue;
To be frank, I find this to be overkill in most cases. But I've
seen it used on some critical systems.
The reality here is that the callers of your function already have to check. If they try to access the shared pointer without checking, then a seg-fault is coming their way if the underlying pointer is NULL.
You don't specify if you're writing a library, or some code within a project. Nor do you specify any details of the context this code lives in -- all of these might decide which approach I'd take in this situation -- but broadly speaking, all of utnapistim's suggestions are good ones.
So I've solved this problem, but I need your opinion if what I did is best practice.
A simple class holds a vector of unique_ptrs to order objects. I will explain the member variable null_unique below.
class order_collection {
typedef std::unique_ptr<order> ord_ptr;
typedef std::vector<ord_ptr> ord_ptr_vec;
ord_ptr_vec orders;
ord_ptr null_unique;
const ord_ptr & find_order(std::string);
So I need the users of this class to get access to the order unique_ptr if found. However I'm not going to move the object out of the vector so I'm returning the unique_ptr as const ref. My implementation of the find_order method:
const order_collection::ord_ptr & order_collection::find_order(std::string id) {
auto it = std::find_if(orders.begin(),orders.end(),
[&](const order_collection::ord_ptr & sptr) {
return sptr->getId() == id;
if (it == orders.end())
return null_unique; // can't return nullptr here
return *it;
Since I'm returning by reference I can't return a nullptr. If I try to do so, I get warning : returning reference to a temporary. And if nothing is found the program crashes. So I added a unique_ptr<order> member variable called null_unique and I return it when find doesn't find an order. This solves the problem and warning is gone and doesn't crash when no order is found.
However I'm doubting my solution as it make my class ugly. Is this the best practice for handling this situation?
You should only return and accept smart pointers when you care about their ownership semantics. If you only care about what they're pointing to, you should instead return a reference or a raw pointer.
Since you're returning a dummy null_unique, it is clear that the caller of the method doesn't care about the ownership semantics. You can also have a null state: you should therefore return a raw pointer:
order* order_collection::find_order(std::string id) {
auto it = std::find_if(orders.begin(),orders.end(),
[&](const order_collection::ord_ptr & sptr) {
return sptr->getId() == id;
if (it == orders.end())
return nullptr;
return it->get();
It doesn't really make sense to return a unique_ptr here, reference or otherwise. A unique_ptr implies ownership over the object, and those aren't really the semantics being conveyed by this code.
As suggested in the comments, simply returning a raw pointer is fine here, provided that your Project Design explicitly prohibits you or anyone on your team from calling delete or delete[] outside the context of the destructor of a Resource-owning object.
Alternatively, if you either have access to Boost or C++17, a std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<order>> might be the ideal solution.
std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<order>> order_collection::find_order(std::string id) {
auto it = std::find_if(orders.begin(),orders.end(),
[&](const order_collection::ord_ptr & sptr) {
return sptr->getId() == id;
if (it == orders.end())
return {}; //empty optional object
return **it; //will implicitly convert to the correct object type.
void func() {
auto opt = collection.find_order("blah blah blah");
if(!opt) return;
order & ord = opt->get();
/*Do whatever*/
(EDIT: In testing on the most recent version of MSVC 2017, it looks like std::reference_wrapper<T> will happily do an implicit conversion to T& if you tell it to. So replacing opt->get() with *opt should work exactly the same.)
As long as I'm here, I might point out that a std::vector<std::unique_ptr<type>> object has a very "Code Smell" sense to it. std::vector<type> implies ownership of the object as is, so unless you have a good reason to prefer this (maybe the objects are large, unmovable/uncopyable, and you need to insert and remove entries frequently? Maybe this is a polymorphic type?), you're probably better off reducing this to a simple std::vector.
The boost version is subtly different, because boost::optional has no restrictions against "optional references", which are specifically forbidden by the C++ Standard Library's version of std::optional. The boost version is actually going to be slightly simpler:
//return type changes, nothing else changes
boost::optional<order&> order_collection::find_order(std::string id) {
auto it = std::find_if(orders.begin(),orders.end(),
[&](const order_collection::ord_ptr & sptr) {
return sptr->getId() == id;
if (it == orders.end())
return {}; //empty optional object
return **it; //will implicitly convert to the correct object type.
//Instead of calling opt->get(), we use *opt instead.
void func() {
auto opt = collection.find_order("blah blah blah");
if(!opt) return;
order & ord = *opt;
/*Do whatever*/
Say I have an Object:
class Object{
Each of these objects is only accessible from a class Foo:
class Foo{
std::unordered_map<int,Object> _objects;
bool getObjectForId(const int& objectId,Object& rep){
bool found = false;
std::unordered_map<int, Object>::const_iterator got = _objects.find(objectId);
if(got != _objects.end()){
found = true;
rep = _objects[objectId];
return found;
In some other class I will try to get a reference to an object by doing:
class Other{
Foo myFoo;
void changeSomeObjectProperty(const int& objectId){
Object rep;
bool gotIt = myFoo.getObjectForId(objectId,rep);
//Then I will do some stuff with the rep, if gotIt is true
Does this pattern make sense ? I do not want a copy of the object. I want a reference to the object, but I am trying to avoid using pointers...
I'd plump for boost::optional as it conforms to the direction in which idiomatic C++ code is heading.
It will be adopted into the C++ standard from C++17 onwards as std::optional. For more details, see
If you're reluctant to use the boost library or the timescales in migrating your toolchain to a C++17 standards compliant compiler are too long, then you could handcode the relevant functionality of std::optional in a few lines of code.
Returning a non-owning pointer is perfectly reasonable and idiomatic. Treating pointers as "references to data someone else owns that could not exist" is a reasonably pattern.
An alternative is boost::optional<T&>, but that is basically a pointer, and C++17 std::optional last I checked did not support optional references.
std::experimental::observer_ptr<T> is another option, or writing your own, if you want to be extremely clear that your T* is not-owning. An observer_ptr<T> is basically a boost::optional<T&> I believe.
Here are two ideas, to tackle the problem:
Use pointers
You said you don't want to use pointers. But I find, that they are a perfect match here.
Object * Foo::getObjectForId( int id )
const auto it = _objects.find( id );
return it != _objects.end() ? &it->second : nullptr;
In fact, a pointer is pretty much an std::optional<T&>.
Otherwise, use lambdas
Another way to treat the problem without unnecessary copies would be using lambdas.
template <typename F>
bool Foo::applyIfPresent( int id, F && f )
const auto it = _objects.find( id );
if ( it == _objects.end() )
return false;
f( it->second );
return true;
You can use this function like this:
Foo myFoo;
myFoo.applyIfPresent( id, []( Object & obj )
doSomethingWith( obj );
} );
This appears to be a more modern (functional) approach. It's harder to shoot yourself into the foot. However, it's also harder to read and it smells a bit like over-engineering. I would prefer the good ol' pointers.
In dynamically typed languages like JavaScript or PHP, I often do functions such as:
function getSomething(name) {
if (content_[name]) return content_[name];
return null; // doesn't exist
I return an object if it exists or null if not.
What would be the equivalent in C++ using references? Is there any recommended pattern in general? I saw some frameworks having an isNull() method for this purpose:
SomeResource SomeClass::getSomething(std::string name) {
if (content_.find(name) != content_.end()) return content_[name];
SomeResource output; // Create a "null" resource
return output;
Then the caller would check the resource that way:
SomeResource r = obj.getSomething("something");
if (!r.isNull()) {
// OK
} else {
However, having to implement this kind of magic method for each class seems heavy. Also it doesn't seem obvious when the internal state of the object should be set from "null" to "not null".
Is there any alternative to this pattern? I already know it can be done using pointers, but I am wondering how/if it can be done with references. Or should I give up on returning "null" objects in C++ and use some C++-specific pattern? Any suggestion on the proper way to do that would be appreciated.
You cannot do this during references, as they should never be NULL. There are basically three options, one using a pointer, the others using value semantics.
With a pointer (note: this requires that the resource doesn't get destructed while the caller has a pointer to it; also make sure the caller knows it doesn't need to delete the object):
SomeResource* SomeClass::getSomething(std::string name) {
std::map<std::string, SomeResource>::iterator it = content_.find(name);
if (it != content_.end())
return &(*it);
return NULL;
Using std::pair with a bool to indicate if the item is valid or not (note: requires that SomeResource has an appropriate default constructor and is not expensive to construct):
std::pair<SomeResource, bool> SomeClass::getSomething(std::string name) {
std::map<std::string, SomeResource>::iterator it = content_.find(name);
if (it != content_.end())
return std::make_pair(*it, true);
return std::make_pair(SomeResource(), false);
Using boost::optional:
boost::optional<SomeResource> SomeClass::getSomething(std::string name) {
std::map<std::string, SomeResource>::iterator it = content_.find(name);
if (it != content_.end())
return *it;
return boost::optional<SomeResource>();
If you want value semantics and have the ability to use Boost, I'd recommend option three. The primary advantage of boost::optional over std::pair is that an unitialized boost::optional value doesn't construct the type its encapsulating. This means it works for types that have no default constructor and saves time/memory for types with a non-trivial default constructor.
I also modified your example so you're not searching the map twice (by reusing the iterator).
Why "besides using pointers"? Using pointers is the way you do it in C++. Unless you define some "optional" type which has something like the isNull() function you mentioned. (or use an existing one, like boost::optional)
References are designed, and guaranteed, to never be null. Asking "so how do I make them null" is nonsensical. You use pointers when you need a "nullable reference".
One nice and relatively non-intrusive approach, which avoids the problem if implementing special methods for all types, is that used with boost.optional. It is essentially a template wrapper which allows you to check whether the value held is "valid" or not.
BTW I think this is well explained in the docs, but beware of boost::optional of bool, this is a construction which is hard to interpret.
Edit: The question asks about "NULL reference", but the code snippet has a function that returns by value. If that function indeed returned a reference:
const someResource& getSomething(const std::string& name) const ; // and possibly non-const version
then the function would only make sense if the someResource being referred to had a lifetime at least as long as that of the object returning the reference (otherwise you woul dhave a dangling reference). In this case, it seems perfectly fine to return a pointer:
const someResource* getSomething(const std::string& name) const; // and possibly non-const version
but you have to make it absolutely clear that the caller does not take ownership of the pointer and should not attempt to delete it.
I can think of a few ways to handle this:
As others suggested, use boost::optional
Make the object have a state that indicates it is not valid (Yuk!)
Use pointer instead of reference
Have a special instance of the class that is the null object
Throw an exception to indicate failure (not always applicable)
unlike Java and C# in C++ reference object can't be null.
so I would advice 2 methods I use in this case.
1 - instead of reference use a type which have a null such as std::shared_ptr
2 - get the reference as a out-parameter and return Boolean for success.
bool SomeClass::getSomething(std::string name, SomeResource& outParam) {
if (content_.find(name) != content_.end())
outParam = content_[name];
return true;
return false;
This code below demonstrates how to return "invalid" references; it is just a different way of using pointers (the conventional method).
Not recommended that you use this in code that will be used by others, since the expectation is that functions that return references always return valid references.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstddef>
#define Nothing(Type) *(Type*)nullptr
//#define Nothing(Type) *(Type*)0
struct A { int i; };
struct B
A a[5];
B() { for (int i=0;i<5;i++) a[i].i=i+1; }
A& GetA(int n)
if ((n>=0)&&(n<5)) return a[n];
else return Nothing(A);
int main()
B b;
for (int i=3;i<7;i++)
A &ra=b.GetA(i);
if (!&ra) std::cout << i << ": ra=nothing\n";
else std::cout << i << ": ra=" << ra.i << "\n";
return 0;
The macro Nothing(Type) returns a value, in this case that represented by nullptr - you can as well use 0, to which the reference's address is set. This address can now be checked as-if you have been using pointers.
From C++17 on, you can use the native std::optional (here) in the following way:
std::optional<SomeResource> SomeClass::getSomething(std::string name) {
if (content_.find(name) != content_.end()) return content_[name];
return std::nullopt;
Here are a couple of ideas:
Alternative 1:
class Nullable
bool m_bIsNull;
Nullable(bool bIsNull) : m_bIsNull(bIsNull) {}
void setNull(bool bIsNull) { m_bIsNull = bIsNull; }
bool isNull();
class SomeResource : public Nullable
SomeResource() : Nullable(true) {}
SomeResource(...) : Nullable(false) { ... }
Alternative 2:
template<class T>
struct Nullable<T>
Nullable(const T& value_) : value(value_), isNull(false) {}
Nullable() : isNull(true) {}
T value;
bool isNull;
Yet another option - one that I have used from time to time for when you don't really want a "null" object returned but instead an "empty/invalid" object will do:
// List of things
std::vector<some_struct> list_of_things;
// An emtpy / invalid instance of some_struct
some_struct empty_struct{"invalid"};
const some_struct &get_thing(int index)
// If the index is valid then return the ref to the item index'ed
if (index <= list_of_things.size())
return list_of_things[index];
// Index is out of range, return a reference to the invalid/empty instance
return empty_struct; // doesn't exist
Its quite simple and (depending on what you are doing with it at the other end) can avoid the need to do null pointer checks on the other side. For example if you are generating some lists of thing, e.g:
for (const auto &sub_item : get_thing(2).sub_list())
// If the returned item from get_thing is the empty one then the sub list will
// be empty - no need to bother with nullptr checks etc... (in this case)
Ok so I'm wanting to write a precise 'mark and sweep' garbage collector in C++. I have hopefully made some decisions that can help me as in all my pointers will be wrapped in a 'RelocObject' and I'll have a single block of memory for the heap. This looks something like this:
// This class acts as an indirection to the actual object in memory so that it can be
// relocated in the sweep phase of garbage collector
class MemBlock
void* Get( void ) { return m_ptr; }
MemBlock( void ) : m_ptr( NULL ){}
void* m_ptr;
// This is of the same size as the above class and is directly cast to it, but is
// typed so that we can easily debug the underlying object
template<typename _Type_>
class TypedBlock
_Type_* Get( void ) { return m_pObject; }
TypedBlock( void ) : m_pObject( NULL ){}
// Pointer to actual object in memory
_Type_* m_pObject;
// This is our wrapper class that every pointer is wrapped in
template< typename _Type_ >
class RelocObject
RelocObject( void ) : m_pRef( NULL ) {}
static RelocObject New( void )
RelocObject ref( (TypedBlock<_Type_>*)Allocator()->Alloc( this, sizeof(_Type_), __alignof(_Type_) ) );
new ( ref.m_pRef->Get() ) _Type_();
return ref;
_Type_* operator-> ( void ) const
assert( m_pRef && "ERROR! Object is null\n" );
return (_Type_*)m_pRef->Get();
// Equality
bool operator ==(const RelocObject& rhs) const { return m_pRef->Get() == rhs.m_pRef->Get(); }
bool operator !=(const RelocObject& rhs) const { return m_pRef->Get() != rhs.m_pRef->Get(); }
RelocObject& operator= ( const RelocObject& rhs )
if(this == &rhs) return *this;
m_pRef = rhs.m_pRef;
return *this;
RelocObject( TypedBlock<_Type_>* pRef ) : m_pRef( pRef )
assert( m_pRef && "ERROR! Can't construct a null object\n");
RelocObject* operator& ( void ) { return this; }
_Type_& operator* ( void ) const { return *(_Type_*)m_pRef->Get(); }
// SS:
TypedBlock<_Type_>* m_pRef;
// We would use it like so...
typedef RelocObject<Impl::Foo> Foo;
void main( void )
Foo foo = Foo::New();
So in order to find the 'root' RelocObjects when I allocate in 'RelocObject::New' I pass in the 'this' pointer of the RelocObject into the allocator(garbage collector). The allocator then checks to see if the 'this' pointer is in the range of the memory block for the heap and if it is then I can assume its not a root.
So the issue comes when I want to trace from the roots through the child objects using the zero or more RelocObjects located inside each child object.
I want to find the RelocObjects in a class (ie a child object) using a 'precise' method. I could use a reflection approach and make the user Register where in each class his or her RelocObjects are. However this would be very error prone and so I'd like to do this automatically.
So instead I'm looking to use Clang to find the offsets of the RelocObjects within the classes at compile time and then load this information at program start and use this in the mark phase of the garbage collector to trace through and mark the child objects.
So my question is can Clang help? I've heard you can gather all kinds of type information during compilation using its compile time hooks. If so what should I look for in Clang ie are there any examples of doing this kind of thing?
Just to be explicit: I want to use Clang to automatically find the offset of 'Foo' (which is a typedef of RelocObject) in FooB without the user providing any 'hints' ie they just write:
class FooB
int m_a;
Foo m_ptr;
Thanks in advance for any help.
Whenever a RelocObject is instantiated, it's address can be recorded in a RelocObject ownership database along with sizeof(*derivedRelocObject) which will immediately identify which Foo belongs to which FooB. You don't need Clang for that. Also since Foo will be created shortly after FooB, your ownership database system can be very simple as the order of "I've been created, here's my address and size" calls will show the owning RelocObject record directly before the RelocObject instance's that it owns.
Each RelocObject has a ownership_been_declared flag initialized as false, upon first use (which would be after the constructors have completed, since no real work should be done in the constructor), so when any of those newly created objects is first used it requests that the database update it's ownership, the database goes through it's queue of recorded addresses and can identify which objects belong to which, clear some from it's list, setting their ownership_been_declared flag to true and you will have the offsets too (if you still need them).
p.s. if you like I can share my code for an Incremental Garbage Collector I wrote many years ago, which you might find helpful.
I have a C++ struct and a method:
struct Account
unsigned int id;
string username;
Account GetAccountById(unsigned int id) const { }
I can return an Account struct if the account exists, but what to do if there's no account?
I thought of having:
An "is valid" flag on the struct (so an empty one can be returned, with that set to false)
An additional "is valid" pointer (const string &id, int *is_ok) that's set if the output is valid
Returning an Account* instead, and returning either a pointer to a struct, or NULL if it doesn't exist?
Is there a best way of doing this?
You forgot the most obvious one, in C++:
bool GetAccountById(unsigned int id, Account& account);
Return true and fill in the provided reference if the account exists, else return false.
It might also be convenient to use the fact that pointers can be null, and having:
bool GetAccountById(unsigned int id, Account* account);
That could be defined to return true if the account id exists, but only (of course) to fill in the provided account if the pointer is non-null. Sometimes it's handy to be able to test for existance, and this saves having to have a dedicated method for only that purpose.
It's a matter of taste what you prefer having.
From the options given I would return Account*. But returning pointer may have some bad side effect on the interface.
Another possibility is to throw an exception when there is no such account. You may also try boost::optional.
You could also try the null object pattern.
It depends how likely you think the non-existent account is going to be.
If it is truly exceptional - deep in the bowels of the internals of the banking system where the data is supposed to be valid - then maybe throw an exception.
If it is in a user-interface level, validating the data, then probably you don't throw an exception.
Returning a pointer means someone has to deallocate the allocated memory - that's messier.
Can you use an 'marker ID' (such as 0) to indicate 'invalid account'?
I would use Account* and add a documentation comment to the method stating that the return value can be NULL.
There are several methods.
1) Throw an exception. This is useful if you want GetAccountById to return the account by value and the use of exceptions fit your programming model. Some will tell you that exceptions are "meant" to be used only in exceptional circumstances. Things like "out of memory" or "computer on fire." This is highly debatable, and for every programmer you find who says exceptions are not for flow control you'll find another (myself included) who says that exceptions can be used for flow control. You need to think about this and decide for yourself.
Account GetAccountById(unsigned int id) const
if( account_not_found )
throw std::runtime_error("account not found");
2) Don't return and Account by value. Instead, return by pointer (preferably smart pointer), and return NULL when you didn't find the account:
boost::shared_ptr<Account> GetAccountById(unsigned int id) const
if( account_not_found )
return NULL;
3) Return an object that has a 'presence' flag indicating whether or not the data item is present. Boost.Optional is an example of such a device, but in case you can't use Boost here is a templated object that has a bool member that is true when the data item is present, and is false when it is not. The data item itself is stored in the value_ member. It must be default constructible.
template<class Value>
struct PresenceValue
PresenceValue() : present_(false) {};
PresenceValue(const Value& val) : present_(true), value_(val) {};
PresenceValue(const PresenceValue<Value>& that) : present_(that.present_), value_(that.value_) {};
explicit PresenceValue(Value val) : present_(true), value_(val) {};
template<class Conv> explicit PresenceValue(const Conv& conv) : present_(true), value_(static_cast<Value>(conv)) {};
PresenceValue<Value>& operator=(const PresenceValue<Value>& that) { present_ = that.present_; value_ = that.value_; return * this; }
template<class Compare> bool operator==(Compare rhs) const
if( !present_ )
return false;
return rhs == value_;
template<class Compare> bool operator==(const Compare* rhs) const
if( !present_ )
return false;
return rhs == value_;
template<class Compare> bool operator!=(Compare rhs) const { return !operator==(rhs); }
template<class Compare> bool operator!=(const Compare* rhs) const { return !operator==(rhs); }
bool operator==(const Value& rhs) const { return present_ && value_ == rhs; }
operator bool() const { return present_ && static_cast<bool>(value_); }
operator Value () const;
void Reset() { value_ = Value(); present_ = false; }
bool present_;
Value value_;
For simplicity, I would create a typedef for Account:
typedef PresenceValue<Account> p_account;
...and then return this from your function:
p_account GetAccountByIf(...)
if( account_found )
return p_account(the_account); // this will set 'present_' to true and 'value_' to the account
return p_account(); // this will set 'present_' to false
Using this is straightforward:
p_account acct = FindAccountById(some_id);
if( acct.present_ )
// magic happens when you found the account
Another way besides returning a reference is to return a pointer. If the account exists, return its pointer. Else, return NULL.
There is yet another way similar to the "is valid" pattern. I am developing an application right now that has a lot of such stuff in it. But my IDs can never be less than 1 (they are all SERIAL fields in a PostgreSQL database) so I just have a default constructor for each structure (or class in my case) that initializes id with -1 and isValid() method that returns true if id is not equal to -1. Works perfectly for me.
I would do:
class Bank
class Account {};
class AccountRef
AccountRef(): m_account(NULL) {}
AccountRef(Account const& acc) m_account(&acc) {}
bool isValid() const { return m_account != NULL);}
Account const& operator*() { return *m_account; }
operator bool() { return isValid(); }
Account const* m_account;
Account const& GetAccountById(unsigned int id) const
if (id < m_accounts.size())
{ return m_accounts[id];
throw std::outofrangeexception("Invalid account ID");
AccountRef FindAccountById(unsigned int id) const
if (id < m_accounts.size())
{ return AccountRef(m_accounts[id]);
return AccountRef();
std::vector<Account> m_accounts;
A method called get should always return (IMHO) the object asked for. If it does not exist then that is an exception. If there is the possibility that something may not exists then you should also provide a find method that can determine if the object exists so that a user can test it.
int main()
Bank Chase;
// Get a reference
// As the bank ultimately ownes the account.
// You just want to manipulate it.
Account const& account = Chase.getAccountById(1234);
// If there is the possibility the account does not exist then use find()
AccountRef ref = Chase.FindAccountById(12345);
if ( !ref )
{ // Report error
return 1;
Account const& anotherAccount = *ref;
Now I could have used a pointer instead of going to the effort of creating AccountRef. The problem with that is that pointers do not have ownership symantics and thus there is no true indication of who should own (and therefore delete) the pointer.
As a result I like to wrap pointers in some container that allows the user to manipulate the object only as I want them too. In this case the AccountRef does not expose the pointer so there is no opportunity for the user of AccountRef to actually try and delete the account.
Here you can check if AccountRef is valid and extract a reference to an account (assuming it is valid). Because the object contains only a pointer the compiler is liable to optimize this to the point that this is no more expensive than passing the pointer around. The benefit is that the user can not accidentally abuse what I have given them.
Summary: AccountRef has no real run-time cost. Yet provides type safety (as it hides the use of pointer).
I like to do a combination of what you suggest with the Valid flag and what someone else suggested with the null object pattern.
I have a base class called Status that I inherit from on objects that I want to use as return values. I'll leave most of it out of this discussion since it's a little more involved but it looks something like this
class Status
Status(bool isOK=true) : mIsOK(isOK)
operator bool() {return mIsOK;}
bool mIsOK
now you'd have
class Account : public Status
Account() : Status(false)
Account(/*other parameters to initialize an account*/) : ...
Now if you create an account with no parameters:
Account A;
It's invalid. But if you create an account with data
Account A(id, name, ...);
It's valid.
You test for the validity with the operator bool.
Account A=GetAccountByID(id);
if (!A)
//whoa there! that's an invalid account!
I do this a lot when I'm working with math-types. For example, I don't want to have to write a function that looks like this
bool Matrix_Multiply(a,b,c);
where a, b, and c are matrices. I'd much rather write
with operator overloading. But there are cases where a and b can't be multiplied so it's not always valid. So they just return an invalid c if it doesn't work, and I can do
if (!c) //handle the problem.
boost::optional is probably the best you can do in a language so broken it doesn't have native variants.