I have a cfshedule that runs when a submit button is click, this button will probably be click once a month. After its click it creates the new file
<h2>Newsletters (months) </h2>
This works for right now, but the problem will be when the button is click again, it will overwrite the file cse_exeoffice_newsletter with the new data from that month( this file does no update to the database , just gets data). How can I get it that for every time its click it will generate a new file and not overwrite the last one?
simple, just create a variables for the file name containing the timestamp and use that for the file attribute of cffile:
<cfset currentTime = now()>
<cfset fileName = "newsletter-#DateFormat(currentTime, 'yyyyddmm')#_#TimeFormat(currentTime, 'HHmmss')#.txt">
<cfset fullFilePath = expandPath('./#fileName#')>
<cffile action="write" file="#fullFilePath#" output="#YOUR_CONTENT_VARIABLE#">
I am having a hard time figuring out how to use cfschedule and hope someone can help get me unstuck.
I can schedule a task fine. The Admin portal indicates that the task has run, but I don't see that anything has happened.
startTime="12:00 PM"
interval="1800" />
For testing purposes, I am just trying to get it to save the date/time it runs into a log file. But the log file is empty. Here's my log file.
<!--- Read in existing contents of file --->
file = "c:\temp\update_log.txt"
variable = "file_contents"
<!--- Set additional content --->
<cfset br = chr(13) & chr(10) />
<cfset date="#DateFormat(Now())#, #TimeFormat(Now())#">
<!--- Write string back to log file --->
<cfset update_string="#file_contents##br#Update initiated: #date#">
FileWrite("update_string", "#update_string#");
ustr = FileRead("update_string");
FileWrite("c:\temp\update_log.txt", "#ustr#");
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here?
My issue is that I had saved my module in a protected directly. Since the context is not logged, the administrator was not seeing it.
To resolve, I just moved my file to a public directory.
I have a code I based off of this:
It currently generates an Excel file, saves it on the server, then offers a link to the excel file.
Here is my current code for report.cfm:
<cfset todayDate = Now()>
// Get data from a query
FROM dbo.applicants
ORDER BY lastname ASC
// Create a spreadsheet object with sheetname
// Add rows with data from query result. The data start from row 1, col 1. The spreadsheet
// will have column names.
// Write spreadsheet to a file
SpreadsheetWrite(spObj,"#dirName##dateformat(todayDate, "yyyymmdd")#_#TimeFormat(todayDate, "HHmmss")#_Applicants.xlsx",true);
//SpreadsheetWrite(spObj,"#dirName##DateFormat(todayDate, "yyyymmdd")#_Applicants.xlsx",true);
Click to download your Excel File
How can I change it so when a user clicks on the link for report.cfm it will not present them "Click to download your Excel File" anymore, but automatically trigger the download AND keep a copy of the generated Excel file?
I present a link to the user - "generate last year's report"
This links to report.cfm which, as it is right now, generates the excel file and presents them with the download link.
They do not want that extra click so I'm looking for a solution where the page downloads the file automatically.
With Bernhard's suggestion, I revised my code to this
- original script -
<cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="attachment; filename=#dateformat(todayDate, "yyyymmdd")#_#TimeFormat(todayDate, "HHmmss")#_Year2013GradApps.xlsx">
<cfcontent type="application/vnd.msexcel">
I am able to force the download, but Excel cannot open the file "because the file format or file extension is not valid."
I know how to upload an image file to a server and show the image file to a page.
But what if I want a preview on a confirmation page?
I can probably generate a temp file that isn't saved in the database but is a file in a physical location, but what if I decided to hit the "no" button. How would this temp file be deleted?
The code below shrinks the image and shows it on the page. But it also creates an image within the directory, that will stay there after I hit OK or NO. The NO is button, while the OK naturally is a submit.
<!--- Make Temp Image as Preview --->
<cfset mediapath = expandpath('../images/about')>
<cfif structKeyExists(form,"image") and len(form.image)>
<cffile action="upload"
<cfimage name="uploadedImage"
source="#MediaPath#/#file.serverFile#" >
<cfset imagesize = 320>
<cfif uploadedImage.width gt uploadedImage.height>
<cfset percentage = (imagesize / uploadedImage.width)>
<cfset percentage = (imagesize / uploadedImage.height)>
<cfset newWidth = round(uploadedImage.width * percentage)>
<cfset newHeight = round(uploadedImage.height * percentage)>
<!--- Show Image --->
<img src="../images/about/#file.serverFile#" style="height:#newHeight#; width:#newWidth#;">
I assume I may have to do URL Passing or do some sort of CFScript. On the Return buttons Onclick event.
Here is my approach take it for what you will.
Ok this is probably more than you need but this should get you somewhere on this image delete problem thing.
Here is your code. But I broke it into two pages. Of course I cannot see what else is going on this page and your form handling stuff so we will start with what you are giving us.
<cfset mediapath = expandpath('../images/about')>
nice use of structKeyExists() :)
<cfif structKeyExists(form,"image") and len(form.image)>
Here I would pause and suggest you limit
your uploads to just .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .png
(your main image types) to prevent uploading any
and everyfile type. I added an accept parameter below.
<cffile action="upload"
<cfimage name="uploadedImage"
source="#MediaPath#/#file.serverFile#" >
Ok the file is uploaded lets seperate concerns
At this point I would ask them if they want to preview the file. If they click 'preview' take them to a preview.cfm page.
Then you have a file name you need to pass if you have nothing else (like an ID or some primary key).
So I pulled this handy-dandy script out of the Adobe Coldfusion docs on their website and I am going to use this to turn your filename into 'something else' ;)
superDuperSecretSoDontTell=encrypt(file.serverFile, theKey, "AES", "hex");
Let's send this piggy!
and off you go to the preview page...
(pointing up) This is pageA.cfm
(pointing down) This is pageB.cfm
Now I have the rest of your code below and lets pull your file based on the pass through querystring variable/value pairs.
IWannaKnowTheSecret=decrypt(url.fileName, url.theKey, "AES", "hex");
Here I would pause and suggest you limit
your uploads to just .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .png
(your main image types) to prevent uploading any
and everyfile type. I added an accept parameter below.
<cffile action="read" file="#MediaPath##IWannaKnowTheSecret#" variable="uploadedImage">
<cfset imagesize = 320>
Interesting handle here. So you are taking the
larger of the two values and using that
to percentage down the size. Neat.
<cfif uploadedImage.width GT uploadedImage.height>
<cfset percentage = (imagesize / uploadedImage.width)>
<cfset percentage = (imagesize / uploadedImage.height)>
<cfset newWidth = round(uploadedImage.width * percentage)>
<cfset newHeight = round(uploadedImage.height * percentage)>
Then do a form like this:
<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
Your current Image:
Name: #uploadedImage#<br>
<img src="../images/about/#uploadedImage#" style="height:#newHeight#; width:#newWidth#;">
Do you want to remove this?<br>
<input type="checkbox"
value="1" />: Remove the logo image</cfif><br />
Wnat to replace your image?<br>
<input type="file" name="replacementImage"> (
<input type="hidden"
<input type="submit" value="submit" name="submit"
Cancel and go back
If they continue and want to fix the image or replace it. Submit then you can use something like this.
Then we delete...
And if the replacementImage file filed is populated then we add that file.
And there you have it...
You are seperating some concerns.
You are giving improved options.
You are allowing a change or no change.
You are giving them an out to go back to where ever you want.
Edit: Here is proof for the encoding and decoding stuff (if you wanted to play with it:
superDuperSecretSoDontTell=encrypt("monkeytoots", theKey, "AES", "hex");
<cfoutput>Let's send this piggy!</cfoutput>
<cfif isdefined("url.fileName") and isdefined("url.theKey")>
IWannaKnowTheSecret=decrypt(url.fileName, url.theKey, "AES", "hex");
This answer is in response to Adam Cameron's comment. It illustrates some potentially unexpected results that can occur with two submit buttons. Start with this code.
<cfdump var="#form#">
<form action="abc.cfm" method="post">
<input type="text" name="text1" />
<input type="submit" name="submit1" value="no" />
<input type="submit" name="submit2" value="yes" />
The default behaviour of most, if not all browsers is that there are occasions whereby a form will be submitted when the user presses the enter key. What would you expect to see with this form if you had your curser in the text box and pressed Enter? Try it and see if you were right.
I've got a cfsavecontent tag that saves a table. Later I use cffile to write the saved content to a file. When I look at that file, I see that there many blank lines inserted after <td> tags in the table; and few blank lines inserted after </tr> tags. (Although it doesn't do that where the code says <tr><td> </td></tr> all on one line.)
Presently I have a file which contains two of those tables. The tables are generated in a loop, and the output file is created with cffile append. This file has 915 lines in it of which maybe 30 are non-blank. All my subsequent code works correctly, but this is just test data. In the real world I could have 1000 or more tables, and I am concerned about the file size.
The code:
<cfset head1 = 'from = "moxware" '>
<cfset head2 = 'to = "#hrep.PersonEmail#" '>
<cfset head3 = 'replyto = "#replyto#" '>
<cfset head4 = 'subject = "#subject#" '>
<cfset head5 = 'type = "html" '>
<cfsavecontent variable = "abc">
#head5# >
<cffile action = "append"
file = "/var/www/reports/moxrep/#reportout#.cfm"
output = "<cfmail"
mode = "777" >
<cffile action = "append"
file = "/var/www/reports/moxrep/#reportout#.cfm"
output = "#abc#"
mode = "777">
<cffile action = "append"
file = "/var/www/reports/moxrep/#reportout#.cfm"
output = "</cfmail>"
mode = "777" >
Re the xyz, I am reading it in from a file:
<cffile action = "read"
file = "/var/www/reports/moxrep/#reportname#.cfm"
variable = "xyz">
and the file looks like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="sample.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type = "text/css" href ="betty.css"/>
<p style="margin-left:40px"><span style="font-size:14px"><span style="font- family:georgia,serif">Dear Customer,</span></span></p>
We were so pleased that you have signed up for one of our programs. Apparently you live in the city of {{1. Additionally we observe that your were referred to us by {{2. Below please find a listing of what you signed up for.</span></span></p>
<p style="margin-left:40px"><span style="font-size:14px"><span style="font- family:georgia,serif">{{r</span></span></p>
<p style="margin-left:40px"><span style="font-size:14px"><span style="font-family:georgia,serif">Sincerely Yours,</span></span></p>
<p style="margin-left:40px"><span style="font-size:14px"><span style="font-family:georgia,serif">John Jones<br />
President<br />
XYZ Corporation</span></span></p>
The file was created by a code generator, not me, so it's a bit cumbersome. Later in the code I replace everything starting with {{ ; in particular {{r gets replaced with a table, and that is where the additional space is coming from.
The append itself is not inserting any extra lines.
Does anyone know what is causing these extra blank lines in the file; and how to get rid of them?
Betty, typically you need to do this carefully if you want to avoid whitespace. In particular the use of cfoutput with a query will generate lines. So this code:
<cfoutput query="myquery">
will produce extra lines... but if you do this:
<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="yes">
<cfloop query="myquery"><cfoutput><tr><td>#col1#</td><td>#col2#</td></tr></cfoutput></cfloop>
You would carefully control exactly what is allowed to be appended to the buffer. enableoutputonly does exactly what it says... it does not allow anything to "go to the buffer" unless it is enclosed in cfoutputs.
Hope this helps. As cameron says you should paste code for questions like this. That's where the answer will typically reside.
(you might also need to experiment with the "addnewline" attribute of cffile - depending on whether your problem is a line at the END of your file).
To answer your question regarding adding cfsetting... in your case you are writing CF code to a file that is then executed later (which by the way is not a great idea usually :). So in your first Append statement:
<cffile action = "append"
file = "/var/www/reports/moxrep/#reportout#.cfm"
output = "<cfmail"
mode = "777" >
Change the "output" to be:
<cffile action = "append"
file = "/var/www/reports/moxrep/#reportout#.cfm"
output = "<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly=""yes""/> <cfmail"
mode = "777" >
But Betty - you will still need to remove the line breaks from your cfsavecontent (if that's where your whitespace is coming from) because they actually ARE inside of a cfoutput. Also, your code that creates the table you are inserting might be at fault - and it is not listed here.
Finally, since this is cfmail take a look at this post regarding line breaks that may or may not have some bearing - but at least gives you one more piece of information :)
You may consider using cfprocessingdirective around your cfsavecontent. There is a setting in CF administrator that universally either compresses or retains unnecessary whitespace, "Enable Whitespace Management" - http://help.adobe.com/en_US/ColdFusion/9.0/Admin/WSc3ff6d0ea77859461172e0811cbf3638e6-7ffc.html . Using the suppressWhiteSpace attribute of cfprocessingdirective, you can override this setting for a particular page or part of a page. So in your case:
<cfprocessingdirective suppressWhiteSpace="true">
<cfsavecontent variable="myvar">....
may help. Likewise, to ensure the retention of whitespace when building text emails, you'd use suppressWhiteSpace="false".
I am trying to create a spreadsheet (.XLS file) using Adobe ColdFusion - 8.
The code that creates a spreadsheet is:
<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="Yes">
<cfset date_from = "#URL.date_from#">
<cfset date_to = "#URL.date_to#">
<cfset query_id="#URL.queryID#">
<cfquery name="GetEmps" datasource="cfdocexamples">
<!--- My SQL Queries Goes Here--->
<cfcontent type="application/msexcel">
<cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="filename=Employees.xls">
<table cols="4">
<cfloop query="getData">
Whenever I run the page, an XLS sheet is created, but I cannot find any data. The size of the created XLS file is 0.
Please Note: The Query is correct(Since when I print the output as html, I can see the table without any error/warning).
** After reading comments: UPD**:
I had updated my code and only included important code snippet now.
UPD 2:
Whenever I commented the line <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="Yes"> , xls file is created with expected data. However, when I opened the generated file, a dialogue appears:
Please note the spreadsheet generated is perfect. Only thing that is bothering me is the above warning.
Also Note: whenever I tried to open the spreadsheet in google-docs as a preview, it says, the file could not be opened due to corrupted format.
However, I am able to open it perfectly in an MS-Excel.
Even changing content type to : <cfcontent type="application/vnd.msexcel"> , I got the same warning.
While I cannot speak exactly how to implement this, I know the developers within my organization worked around it with the Apache POI. It seemed to do the trick for them. It does have to be completed with Java through Coldfusion. Here is an example of it.