Regular expression help - what's wrong? - regex

I would like to ask for help with my regex. I need to extract the very last part from each URL. I marked it as 'to_extract' within the example below.
I want to know what's wrong with the following regex when used with sed:
sed 's/^[ht|f]tp.*\///' file.txt
Sample content of file.txt:
I am getting only correct results for the ftp links, not for the http.
Thanks in advance for your explanation on this.

Change [ht|f] to (ht|f), that would give better results.
[abc] means "one character which is a, b or c".
[ht|f] means "one character which is h, t, | or f", not at all what you want.
On some versions of sed, you'll have to call it with the -r option so that extended regex can be used :
sed -r 's/^(ht|f)tp.*\///' file.txt
If you just want to extract the last part of the url and don't want anything else, you probably want
sed -rn 's/^(ht|f)tp.*\///p' file.txt

How about use "basename" :
basename http://a/b/c/to_extract
you can simply achieve what you want with a for loop.
myarr=( $(cat ooo) )
for i in ${myarr[#]}; do
basename $i


bash grep regexp - excluding subpattern

I have a script written in bash, with one particular grep command I need to modify.
Generally I have two patterns: A & B. There is a textfile that can contain lines with all possible combinations of those patterns, that is:
"xxxAxxx", "xxxBxxx", "xxxAxxxBxxx", "xxxxxx", where "x" are any characters.
I need to match ALL lines APART FROM the ones containing ONLY "A".
At the moment, it is done with "grep -v (A)", but this is a false track, as this would exclude also lines with "xxxAxxxBxxx" - which are OK for me. This is why it needs modification. :)
The tricky part is that this one grep lies in the middle of a 'multiply-piped' command with many other greps, seds and awks inside. Thus forming a smarter pattern would be the best solution. Others would cause much additional work on changing other commands there, and even would impact another parts of the code.
Therefore, the question is: is there a possibility to match pattern and exclude a subpattern in one grep, but allow them to appear both in one line?
A file contains those lines:
and I need to match
a line with "THIS" is not allowed.
You can use this awk command:
awk '!(/THIS/ && !/THAT/)' file
Or by reversing the boolean expression:
awk '!/THIS/ || /THAT/' file
You want to match lines that contain B, or don't contain A. Equivalently, to delete lines containing A and not B. You could do this in sed:
sed -e '/A/{;/B/!d}'
Or in this particular case:
sed '/THIS/{/THAT/!d}' file
Tricky for grep alone. However, replace that with an awk call: Filter out lines with "A" unless there is a "B"
echo "xxxAxxx
xxxxxx" | awk '!/A/ || /B/'
grep solution. Uses perl regexp (-P) for Lookaheads (look if there is not, some explanation here).
grep -Pv '^((?!THAT).)*THIS((?!THAT).)*$' file

Sed search one regex, return another

I have the following csv file:
I'd like to change it so it reads like this:
I thought sed could help:
sed s'/hd[0-9]/hard[0-9]drive]/ < infile.csv
but instead of the desired output I get:
Is there any way I can 'capture' the number from the search parameter and insert it within the replace parameter within sed, or am I going to have to use another command?
Use capturing groups
sed 's/hd\([0-9]\)/hard\1drive/'
option without grouping:
kent$ echo "hd1,100
hd2,200"|sed 's/d[0-9]/ar&drive/'

my sed is close... but not quite there, can you help please?

I want to print only the lines that meet the criteria : "worde:" and "wordo;"
I got this far:
sed -n '/\([a-z]*\)\1e:\1o;/p;'
But it doesn't quite work.
Can someone please perfect it and tell me exactly how its a fixed version/what was wrong with mine?
(Please note there are no capital letters ever, hence why I didn't bother including that within my initial character range)
Thanks heaps,
This will handle lines where "worde:wordo;" (nothing between the words) appears:
sed -n '/\([a-z]*\)e:\1o;/p;'
If you need to allow for characters BETWEEN the words, you'll need something like this:
sed -n '/\([a-z]*\)e:.*\1o;/p;'
My interpretation of your question is that you want to match lines which contain both worde: and wordo;
sed -n '/worde:/{/wordo;/p}' infile
The -n parameter prevents sed from printing the pattern space (infile), the first regex matches, then control flows into the block, if the regex isn't matched, then the line is ignored. Inside the block, the if the second regex is matched, the line is printed.
One way using alternation:
sed -n '/word\(e:\|o;\)/ p' infile
Is it a requirement to use capture groups? I went without them.
$ sed -n '/[\w]*[oe][:;]/p'
[\w]* - Match any word character. (if you really want only [a-z], swap
that back in)
[oe] - Those word characters must end in an e or
[:;] - And then have a : or ;
This might work for you:
sed '/^\(.*\)[eE]:\s*\1[oO];/!d' file

change ampersands in href

I know s/&/\&/g replaces all escaped ampersands and replaces them with ampersands. I want to be more picky. I want to only replace those escaped ampersands if they are in an href. I can't figure it out.
I was trying the following but it wasn't working:
echo "Link" | sed -E 's/^href="(.*)&/\1&/g'
It didn't work. I also see another problem being it would only do the first instance of an escaped ampersand and not all. Anyone know what the solution might be?
Not sure how to do it with sed, but here's Ruby:
echo 'Link' | ruby -pe '$_.gsub!(/href="([^"]*)"/) { |h| h.gsub("&", "&") }'
However, I fully support #muistooshort's comment: unless you're doing something weird, you should want the & in there.
perl -e '$url=$ARGV[0]; while ( $url =~ s/(Link'
Easily amended to run through a file

select part of filename using regex

I got a file that looks like
dcdd62defb908e37ad037820f7 /sp/dir/su1/89/asga.gz
7d59319afca23b02f572a4034b /sp/dir/su2/89/sfdh.gz
ee1d443b8a0cc27749f4b31e56 /sp/dir/su3/89/24.gz
33c02e311fd0a894f7f0f8aae4 /sp/dir/su4/89/dfad.gz
43f6cdce067f6794ec378c4e2a /sp/dir/su5/89/adf.gz
2f6c584116c567b0f26dfc8703 /sp/dir/su6/895/895.gz
a864b7e327dac1bb6de59dedce /sp/dir/su7/895/895.gz
How do i use sed to substitue all the su* such that I can replace with a single value like
sed "s/REXEXP/newfolder/g" myfile
thanks in advance
I think you want
sed 's/su./newfolder/g'
If you actually want to keep the number in su1...su7 as a part of newfolder (for example newfolder1...newfolder7), you can do:
sed 's/su\(.\)/newfolder\1/g'
It also depends upon how "strict" do you want your patterns to be. The above will match su followed by any character and do the replacement. On the other hand, a command like s#/su\([0-9]\)/#/newfolder\1/#g will only match /su followed by a digit, followed by /. So you may need to adjust your pattern accordingly.
$ sed -e 's|/su[^/]*|/newfolder|' /tmp/files\
dcdd62defb908e37ad037820f7 /sp/dir/newfolder/89/asga.gz
7d59319afca23b02f572a4034b /sp/dir/newfolder/89/sfdh.gz
If you want to get rid of the checksums as well:
$ sed -r -e 's|/su[^/]*|/newfolder|' -e 's/^[^ ]+ +//' /tmp/files\
su[0-9] will match a single digit.
sed requires a dirty amount of metacharacter escaping, some of it may be slightly off.
sed -i -e 's/\/su[^\/]+\//\/newFolder\//g' myfile
I vote for Wayne Conrad's answer as the most likely to be what the OP wants, but I'd suggest using an alternate character for the sed expression separator, thus:
sed 's|/su[^/]*|/newfolder|' /tmp/files
That makes it a bit cleaner.
Note also that the trailing 'g' is probably not wanted.
use awk. since there is a delimiter you can use , '/'. after that, column 4 is what you want to change. So if you have paths like /sp/su3dir/su2/89/sfdh.gz , su3dir will not be affected.
awk -F"/" '{$4="newfolder";}1' OFS="/" file