QTableView resize vertically data not refreshed - c++

I've implemented a table through deriving QTableView and QAbstractTableModel. It all seems to work fine except when I resize the table vertically the rows that were originally out of view don't show any data.
There is no issue when resizing horizontally possibly because I've overridden the resizeEvent() method and am recalculating column widths which I obviously don't do if the table is resized vertically.
I'm using the following code in the model to add data to the table:
bool DDUTableModel::insertRow(int row, const QModelIndex& parent)
beginInsertRows(parent, row, row);
return true;
The resizeEvent() looks like this:
void DDUTableView::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* ev)
int num_columns = NUM_ELEMENTS(COLUMN_WIDTHS);
if (num_columns > 0) {
int width = ev->size().width();
int used_width = 0;
// Set our widths to be a percentage of the available width
for (int i = 0; i < num_columns - 1; i++) {
int column_width = (width * COLUMN_WIDTHS[i]) / 100;
this->setColumnWidth(i, column_width);
used_width += column_width;
// Set our last column to the remaining width
this->setColumnWidth(num_columns - 1, width - used_width);
Any ideas?

The problem was with the resizeEvent(). I need to also invoke the method in the QTableView class that I derived from to force a refresh on vertical resizing. Amended method looks like this:
void DDUTableView::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* ev)
int num_columns = NUM_ELEMENTS(COLUMN_WIDTHS);
if (num_columns > 0) {
int width = ev->size().width();
int used_width = 0;
// Set our widths to be a percentage of the available width
for (int i = 0; i < num_columns - 1; i++) {
int column_width = (width * COLUMN_WIDTHS[i]) / 100;
this->setColumnWidth(i, column_width);
used_width += column_width;
// Set our last column to the remaining width
this->setColumnWidth(num_columns - 1, width - used_width);


Qt Window incorrect size until user event

I'm creating a screen where users can add certain tiles to use in an editor, but when adding a tile the window does not correctly resize to fit the content. Except that when I drag the window or resize it even just a little then it snaps to the correct size immediately.
And when just dragging the window it snaps to the correct size.
I tried using resize(sizeHint()); which gave me an incorrect size and the following error, but the snapping to correct size still happens when resizing/dragging.
QWindowsWindow::setGeometry: Unable to set geometry 299x329+991+536 on QWidgetWindow/'TileSetterWindow'. Resulting geometry: 299x399+991+536 (frame: 8, 31, 8, 8, custom margin: 0, 0, 0, 0, minimum size: 259x329, maximum size: 16777215x16777215).
I also tried using updateGeometry() and update(), but it didn't seem to do much if anything.
When setting the window to fixedSize it will immediately resize, but then the user cannot resize the window anymore. What am I doing wrong here and where do I start to solve it?
Minimal verifiable example and the .ui file.
selected_layout is of type Flowlayout
The flowlayout_placeholder_1 is only there because I can't place a flowlayout directly into the designer.
Here is a minimal Visual Studio example. I use Visual Studio for Qt development. I tried creating a project in Qt Creator, but I didn't get that to work.
Added a little video (80 KB).
Here is the updated Visual Studio example. It has the new changes proposed by jpo38. It fixes the issue of the bad resizing. Though now trying to downsize the windows causes issues. They don't correctly fill up vertical space anymore if you try to reduce the horizontal space even though there is room for more rows.
Great MCVE, exactly what's needed to easily investigate the issue.
Looks like this FlowLayout class was not designed to have it's minimum size change on user action. Layout gets updated 'by chance' by QWidget kernel when the window is moved.
I could make it work smartly by modifying FlowLayout::minimumSize() behaviour, here are the changes I did:
Added QSize minSize; attribute to FlowLayout class
Modifed FlowLayout::minimumSize() to simply return this attribute
Added a third parameter QSize* pMinSize to doLayout function. This will be used to update this minSize attribute
Modified doLayout to save computed size to pMinSize parameter if specified
Had FlowLayout::setGeometry pass minSize attribute to doLayout and invalidate the layout if min size changed
The layout then behaves as expected.
int FlowLayout::heightForWidth(int width) const {
const int height = doLayout(QRect(0, 0, width, 0), true,NULL); // jpo38: set added parameter to NULL here
return height;
void FlowLayout::setGeometry(const QRect &rect) {
// jpo38: update minSize from here, force layout to consider it if it changed
QSize oldSize = minSize;
doLayout(rect, false,&minSize);
if ( oldSize != minSize )
// force layout to consider new minimum size!
QSize FlowLayout::minimumSize() const {
// jpo38: Simply return computed min size
return minSize;
int FlowLayout::doLayout(const QRect &rect, bool testOnly,QSize* pMinSize) const {
int left, top, right, bottom;
getContentsMargins(&left, &top, &right, &bottom);
QRect effectiveRect = rect.adjusted(+left, +top, -right, -bottom);
int x = effectiveRect.x();
int y = effectiveRect.y();
int lineHeight = 0;
// jpo38: store max X
int maxX = 0;
for (auto&& item : itemList) {
QWidget *wid = item->widget();
int spaceX = horizontalSpacing();
if (spaceX == -1)
spaceX = wid->style()->layoutSpacing(QSizePolicy::PushButton, QSizePolicy::PushButton, Qt::Horizontal);
int spaceY = verticalSpacing();
if (spaceY == -1)
spaceY = wid->style()->layoutSpacing(QSizePolicy::PushButton, QSizePolicy::PushButton, Qt::Vertical);
int nextX = x + item->sizeHint().width() + spaceX;
if (nextX - spaceX > effectiveRect.right() && lineHeight > 0) {
x = effectiveRect.x();
y = y + lineHeight + spaceY;
nextX = x + item->sizeHint().width() + spaceX;
lineHeight = 0;
if (!testOnly)
item->setGeometry(QRect(QPoint(x, y), item->sizeHint()));
// jpo38: update max X based on current position
maxX = qMax( maxX, x + item->sizeHint().width() - rect.x() + left );
x = nextX;
lineHeight = qMax(lineHeight, item->sizeHint().height());
// jpo38: save height/width as max height/xidth in pMinSize is specified
int height = y + lineHeight - rect.y() + bottom;
if ( pMinSize )
pMinSize->setHeight( height );
pMinSize->setWidth( maxX );
return height;
I was having the same exact issue (albeit on PySide2 rather than C++).
#jpo38's answer above did not work directly, but it un-stuck me by giving me a new approach.
What worked was storing the last geometry, and using that geometry's width to calculate the minimum height.
Here is an untested C++ implementation based on the code in jpo38's answer (I don't code much in C++ so apologies in advance if some syntax is wrong):
int FlowLayout::heightForWidth(int width) const {
const int height = doLayout(QRect(0, 0, width, 0), true);
return height;
void FlowLayout::setGeometry(const QRect &rect) {
// e-l: update lastSize from here
lastSize = rect.size();
doLayout(rect, false);
QSize FlowLayout::minimumSize() const {
// e-l: Call heightForWidth from here, my doLayout is doing things a bit differently with regards to margins, so might have to add or not add the margins here to the height
QSize size;
for (const QLayoutItem *item : qAsConst(itemList))
size = size.expandedTo(item->minimumSize());
const QMargins margins = contentsMargins();
size += QSize(margins.left() + margins.right(), margins.top() + margins.bottom());
size.setHeight(heightForWidth(qMax(lastSize.width(), size.width())));
return size;
int FlowLayout::doLayout(const QRect &rect, bool testOnly) const {
int left, top, right, bottom;
getContentsMargins(&left, &top, &right, &bottom);
QRect effectiveRect = rect.adjusted(+left, +top, -right, -bottom);
int x = effectiveRect.x();
int y = effectiveRect.y();
int lineHeight = 0;
for (auto&& item : itemList) {
QWidget *wid = item->widget();
int spaceX = horizontalSpacing();
if (spaceX == -1)
spaceX = wid->style()->layoutSpacing(QSizePolicy::PushButton, QSizePolicy::PushButton, Qt::Horizontal);
int spaceY = verticalSpacing();
if (spaceY == -1)
spaceY = wid->style()->layoutSpacing(QSizePolicy::PushButton, QSizePolicy::PushButton, Qt::Vertical);
int nextX = x + item->sizeHint().width() + spaceX;
if (nextX - spaceX > effectiveRect.right() && lineHeight > 0) {
x = effectiveRect.x();
y = y + lineHeight + spaceY;
nextX = x + item->sizeHint().width() + spaceX;
lineHeight = 0;
if (!testOnly)
item->setGeometry(QRect(QPoint(x, y), item->sizeHint()));
x = nextX;
lineHeight = qMax(lineHeight, item->sizeHint().height());
int height = y + lineHeight - rect.y() + bottom;
return height;

QTableView issue with resizeEvent()

I have an object that inherits QTableView and overrides the resizeEvent() method to set the widths of the table columns to a percantage of the available space if the table as a whole is resized.
Code is as follows:
void DDUTableView::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* ev)
int num_columns = NUM_ELEMENTS(COLUMN_WIDTHS);
if (num_columns > 0) {
int width = ev->size().width();
int used_width = 0;
// Set our widths to be a percentage of the available width
for (int i = 0; i < num_columns - 1; i++) {
int column_width = (width * COLUMN_WIDTHS[i]) / 100;
this->setColumnWidth(i, column_width);
used_width += column_width;
// Set our last column to the remaining width
this->setColumnWidth(num_columns - 1, width - used_width);
// Call our base resizeEvent to handle the vertical resizing which
// we don't bother with here
This all works fine until the user manually resizes one of the columns and stretches it beyond the viewport (bringing up the horizontal scrollbar). This then triggers my resizeEvent() call which resets the column widths to the percentage defaults.
I can overcome this issue by connecting to the sectionResized() signal on the table header and setting a timer running. If the resizeEvent() is called whilst the timer is active then I don't recalculate the table widths.
Code below:
connect(horizontalHeader(), SIGNAL(sectionResized(int, int, int)), this, SLOT(slotSectionResized(int, int, int)));
void DDUTableView::slotSectionResized(int /*logicalIndex*/, int /*oldSize*/, int /*newSize*/)
void DDUTableView::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* ev)
if (timer_->isActive()) {
// etc
This works but is messy. Anyway the simple question is can I prevent the resizeEvent() from being called if the user manually adjusts the column headers beyond the scope of the viewport? Alternatively, if not, is it possible to identify in the resizeEvent() whether this particular situation has occurred without having to set timers and the like?
Checking if the scrollbar is visible worked for my scenario.
void DDUTableView::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* ev)
if (!horizontalScrollBar()->isVisible()) {
int num_columns = NUM_ELEMENTS(COLUMN_WIDTHS);
if (num_columns > 0) {
int width = ev->size().width();
int used_width = 0;
// Set our widths to be a percentage of the available width
for (int i = 0; i < num_columns - 1; i++) {
int column_width = (width * COLUMN_WIDTHS[i]) / 100;
this->setColumnWidth(i, column_width);
used_width += column_width;
// Set our last column to the remaining width
this->setColumnWidth(num_columns - 1, width - used_width);
// Call our base resizeEvent to handle the vertical resizing which
// we don't bother with here

QTableView slow performance with 1000s of visible cells

I'm using QTableView in Qt 4.8.4 to visualize a lot of data (large/many protein amino acid sequences) and I'd like to be able to make cells as small as possible so I can pack as many as possible into a given window. The problem I'm running into is that when there are many cells displayed at once, everything (e.g. scrolling, resizing, and in general repainting) slows down to a crawl. Here's some sample code (adapted from the examples/tutorials/1_readonly tutorial):
MyModel::MyModel(QObject *parent):QAbstractTableModel(parent){}
int MyModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex & /*parent*/) const {
return 200;
int MyModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex & /*parent*/) const {
return 60;
QVariant MyModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const {
if (role == Qt::DisplayRole){
return QString("%1").arg(index.row()%10);
return QVariant();
and here's the code which runs the table view:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
QApplication a(argc, argv);
QTableView tableView;
MyModel myModel(0);
tableView.setModel( &myModel );
return a.exec();
When I use Instruments on OSX while scrolling up and down, it's spending a lot of time in QWidgetPrivate::drawWidget and down the stack, QWidgetPrivate::paintSiblingsRecursive... i.e., it's spending a lot of time redrawing my table.
I'm new to Qt, so I'm not sure how to approach this problem. Should I:
override the paint method? i.e. perhaps I could save my whole table as an image, and when scrolling happens, to just repaint the image until movement stops (and then return to painting the table directly)?
Not use tables in Qt at all? Perhaps I can just use a Text field to accomplish my purposes? e.g. for each letter in the text, i'd like hovertext, selections, coloring letter's backgrounds, etc.
Both of these options seem like a lot of work to make up for ground lost by switching away from QTableView. Are there any other suggestions?
QTableView is known to be slow when dealing with large datasets. I suggest you to switch to Qt Graphics View Framework. It's much more efficient and is flexible enough to display a table.
QGraphicsScene scene;
QFont font("Courier",12);
QFontMetrics font_metrics(font);
int padding = 2;
int column_width = font_metrics.width("X") + padding * 2;
int row_height = font_metrics.height() + padding * 2;
int rows = 200, columns = 60;
for(int x = 0; x < columns; x++) {
for(int y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
QGraphicsSimpleTextItem* item = scene.addSimpleText(QString().setNum(y % 10), font);
item->setPos(x * column_width + padding, y * row_height + padding);
for(int x = 0; x < columns + 1; x++) {
int line_x = x * column_width;
scene.addLine(line_x, 0, line_x, rows * row_height)->setPen(QPen(Qt::gray));
for(int y = 0; y < rows + 1; y++) {
int line_y = y * row_height;
scene.addLine(0, line_y, columns * column_width, line_y)->setPen(QPen(Qt::gray));
QGraphicsView view(&scene);
view.resize(700, 700);
Try to use QTreeView, but set uniformRowHeights to true. Millions of items worked last time I've checked.
EDIT: QTreeView supports tables and more!
i'm using a 1e8 rows table and had to switch to QTreeView with setUniformRowHeights(true);

Printing QTableView using render method

I am trying to print a table view. To fill a table view I have created my own model. To print table I am doing following:
QPrinter printer;
QPrintDialog printDialog( &printer, 0);
if( QDialog::Accepted == printDialog.exec() ) {
if( QPrinter::Landscape != printer.orientation() ) {
QPoint startPoint = QPoint(20, 20);
QRegion printRegion = QRegion( 20, 20, printer.paperRect().width(),printer.paperRect().height() );
for( int i = 0; i < m_tables.size(); ++i ) {
tableView->render( &printer, startPoint, printRegion, QWidget::DrawChildren );
The issue is that I am printing into PDF file and there I am able to see only a small part of the table. I thought that changing the region parameter could help, but in the fact not. Any suggestions how to fix this?
Ok, here is my solution. Would be nice to hear your opinion.
PrintTableModel* pTableModel = new PrintTableModel();
QTableView* pTableView = new QTableView;
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
int columns = pTableModel->columnCount();
int rows = pTableModel->rowCount();
for( int i = 0; i < columns; ++i ) {
width += pTableView->columnWidth(i);
for( int i = 0; i < rows; ++i ) {
height += pTableView->rowHeight(i);
pTableView->setFixedSize(width, height);
This code helped me. To print the table correctly, you just can perform a render call:
You might try void QPrinter::setResolution ( int dpi ) to force a number of widget pixels per printer inches, effectively zooming your widget on the printout.

Qt setColumnWidth does not work

Have written the following code:
m_selectCategoryTableWidget = new QTableWidget;
m_selectCategoryTableWidget->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(QStringList()<<tr("Category")<<tr("Number of items"));
m_selectCategoryTableWidget->setColumnWidth(1,100); //this does not take effect
Please help.
Well, Qt's logic is so, that after column resize, scroll bar area checks how columns fit into it. And if the sum of all columns' widths is less than the widget's visible width, then the last column gets resized to fill up the space leading to no visible result of calling setColumnWidth(). Actually two resizes happen - to shrink and reverse to enlarge.
So, the lesson is - get control's visible width, recalculate sizes as you want, and resize all but the last column. For two column case it's really simple:
int secondColumnWidth = 100;
int firstColumnWidth = m_selectCategoryTableWidget->width() - secondColumnWidth;
if (firstColumnWidth > 0)
m_selectCategoryTableWidget->setColumnWidth(0, firstColumnWidth);
Good luck!
It is also possible to specify that you want the first column to fill the remaining space instead of the last column. Unfortunately this does seem to prevent the user from being able to manually resize the columns.
int secondColumnWidth = 100;
m_selectCategoryTableWidget->header()->setResizeMode(0, QHeaderView::Stretch);
m_selectCategoryTableWidget->setColumnWidth(1, secondColumnWidth);
This will automatically resize the columns to fit ("view" is an QTableView* and model is a QSqlQueryModel*).
QFontMetrics fm(view->font());
for (int i = 0 ; i < model->record().count(); ++i)
int maxLength = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < model->rowCount(); ++j)
QString cell = model->record(j).value(i).toString();
if (fm.width(cell) > maxLength)
maxLength = fm.width(cell);
QHeaderView& hv = *static_cast<QTableView*>(view)->horizontalHeader();
if (maxLength > hv.sectionSize(i))
hv.resizeSection(i, maxLength * 1.5);