How to know the version of the local scalatra install? - scalatra

I am using scalatra on ubuntu 13.
However I am not sure if it is still the most up to date version.
How to know the version of the local scalatra install?

If you go to your build.scala file, you should find the following variable:
val ScalatraVersion = "2.2.2" //The version is 2.2.2 in this example
If not, then look at the libraryDependencies variable, which should contain the version of Scalatra you are running:
"org.scalatra" %% "scalatra" % ScalatraVersion


appshot does not display graph on debian 11

I try to use appshot to take an image from a shiny app.
It works well on Windows, but not on my Debian server.
If I try this:
appdir <- system.file("examples", "01_hello", package = "shiny")
appshot(appdir, "01_hello.png")
this gives this:
(without the graph)
My server is Debian 11.5 with:
Shiny Server v1.5.18.987
Node.js v16.14.0
R version 4.2.1
phantomjs install like this :
If anyone can help me.
Thanks a lot.
I install the 2.1.1 version of phantomjs.
Follow this but replace 1.9.8 by 2.1.1.
It works !

Can't build RDCOMClient using rtools40 and R 4.0

A while back, I created a fork of the RDCOMClient package to keep it working with R 3.6 ( People are now running into issues again because it won't work with R 4.0. The problem doesn't seem as easy to fix, and I'm hoping for some help.
If I flip Rstudio back to R 3.6 (and rtools35), I can use the package after installing with devtools::install_github(). When I try in R 4.0 (and rtools40), the package builds and I can connect over COM to an application. The first line of code below works, and xl is a COM pointer; however, trying to do anything with it (like set Excel to visible) will crash R.
xl <- RDCOMClient::COMCreate("Excel.Application")
xl[["Visible"]] <- TRUE
Again, the above works in R 3.6.
Is there is a way to continue building with the previous rtools? I came across, which talks about using rtools35 to keep building packages, so I have hope, but I don't understand how to make it happen.
Alternatively, if there are minor changes I can make to the R or cpp code that will solve my problem, I'm all ears. I'm a cpp novice, though.
This was a quick fix :
install.packages("RDCOMClient", repos = "")
Install R-4.0.0
Install Rtools35
Edit $R_HOME/etc/x64/Makeconf (for R-4.0.0-x64)
Rik's answer was incredibly helpful and got a version working; however, after spending a day on it, I was able to improve on it. I want to put that here in case I have to do it again. The main improvement is being able to build a working package for both 32- and 64-bit architectures. By default, R installs both, and this makes things easier when installing dependent packages.
The first two steps are the same:
Install R-4.0.0 (
Install Rtools35 ( in directory c:\Rtools
If (like me) you had already installed rtools40, a system environment variable named RTOOLS40_HOME is created. The first step is to change that to:
If you don't have rtools40 installed, then create the RTOOLS40_HOME system environment variable.
Two changes are still needed in the make files. These are found in your R installation directory.
In etc\x64\Makeconf, add underscores to match the rtools35 directory structure by setting these values:
MINGW_PREFIX = /mingw_$(WIN)
BINPREF ?= "$(RTOOLS40_ROOT)/mingw_64/bin/"
Do the same in etc\i386\Makeconf:
MINGW_PREFIX = /mingw_$(WIN)
BINPREF ?= "$(RTOOLS40_ROOT)/mingw_32/bin/"
Do not set BINPREF as an environment variable, or this will overwrite the makefile changes (like RTOOLS40_HOME does). With these complete, finish off with the same steps that Rik outlined:
Open windows command prompt and change to the directory that contains the RDCOMClient subdirectory and type:
This installs RDCOMClient in the local installation of R-4.0.0 and additionally creates the file that can be installed on other systems using the following command:
install.packages("", repos = NULL, type = "win.binary")
I can confirm that the procedure delineated in the answer above leads in the right direction but a few extra steps may be required. I can also confirm that the procedure below produces a Windows binary file that can be installed and will run under R-4.0.0:
Install R-4.0.0 (
Install Rtools35 ( in directory c:\Rtools
Edit $R_HOME/etc/x64/Makeconf (for R-4.0.0-x64) by changing
## The rtools40 installer sets RTOOLS40_HOME, default to standard install path
RTOOLS40_HOME ?= c:/rtools40
## The rtools40 installer sets RTOOLS40_HOME, default to standard install path
RTOOLS40_HOME ?= c:/rtools
Download from (click the green Clone button and select download zip)
Unpack to a directory named RDCOMClient
Ensure that the following PATH variables are set:
C:\Program Files\R\R-4.0.0\bin\x64 (assuming this is the location where R is installed)
Add environment variable BINPREF with the following value (the final slash is important):
Open windows command prompt and change to the directory that contains the RDCOMClient subdirectory and type:
This installs RDCOMClient in the local installation of R-4.0.0 and additionally creates the file that can be installed on other systems using the following command:
install.packages("", repos = NULL, type = "win.binary")
I am using R 4.1.2 and I found RDCOMClient will crash the R Session and the above solutions were not working.
Then, I further check with the source owner and found out the solution.
Duncantl gave the solution and it works.
remotes::install_github("BSchamberger/RDCOMClient", ref = "main", lib = "MyTemp")
If that is successful, we can then load the newly installed package with
library("RDCOMClient", lib.loc = "MyTemp")

Prettier: optional chaining support

Vs code > OUTPUT > Prettier
2/23/2020, 12:10:36 PM:
Expression expected. (/Users/yanivper/dev/test/test.ts:2:23)
1 | function test(obj) {
2 | return obj.a?.b;
In a new project:
npm i typescript
VScode use Workstation Version 3.8.2 (shown in the left-bottom bar TypeScript 3.8.2 )
Prettier v 2.2.2
In my case I resolve by update prettier from 1.18.2 to 2.0.5.
If someone here is using JetBrains based IDE, please check your prettier settings in IDE, make sure the "Prettier package" is set to right path but not older version path in your global package.

how to compile Ignite application on CMake?

I did compile Ignite Application successfully.
but The Binary didn't work.
/tmp/tmp.Nw0IPD6ru3/cmake-build-debug-local-container/planet_engine: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
how can I make to it work?
Also, I compiled C++ Examples successfully. such as ignite-compute-example.
and, I execute that but I got an error message.
An error occurred: JVM library is not found (did you set JAVA_HOME environment variable?)
and I using a nightly release version because I couldn't build to version 2.7 in my environment.
I posted environment values down.
LESSOPEN=| /usr/bin/lesspipe %s
LESSCLOSE=/usr/bin/lesspipe %s %s
Thank you for reading. :)
I got it.
I am working on a docker container environment.
and therefore I am using remote build and debug with ssh and gdb.
finally, I found out why it couldn't find and why couldn't read environment values such as JAVA_HOME.
because it is working in gdb for now.
I confirmed that it is working when without gdb.
I will find a solution.
and, if I have been found, I will update the answer.
I share how I make solved that.
I was using an Oracle JDK-11 through source install.
but Ignite C++ client need something different with latest released jdk versions.
Ignite need a directory structure like this
JAVA_HOME/ (as JDK install directory)
- jre/
- lib/
- lib/
I solved by apt install openjdk-8-jdk.
openjdk-8-jdk have structure for what Ignite need.
i added JAVA_HOME, IGNITE_HOME, at /etc/environment.
It works finally.
but I got another problem. HAHA
I am so sad.
This also GDB problem..

Xcode9 Realm Error - No viable overloaded ‘=’

I just install Xcode 9 and build my native iOS project. (Is written in swift)
The project was OK in Xcode 8 but now, I obtain this error:
No viable overloaded '='
In the file: Pods\Pods\Realm\object.cpp
Line 42 => m_notifier = std::make_shared<_impl::ObjectNotifier>(m_row, m_realm);
If you are using Cocoapods, open up the Podfile and set the RealmSwift version to 2.8.1 (or 2.8.3 as David mentioned above). Here is my Podfile for Swift 3.0 using Xcode 9:
target ‘<PROJECT>’ do
# Pods
pod 'RealmSwift', '2.8.1'
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings['SWIFT_VERSION'] = '3.0'
Then, save the file and run:
pod install
If you're not setting a specific pod version (which I recommend), run the following command:
pod update RealmSwift
and it will automatically update to the most recent version (2.8.3).
Hope it helps to complement David's answer. Thanks!
The Realm team has worked on a new version allowing you to build your project with XCode 9.
Just update your Realm version to at least 2.8.1 (current version is 2.8.3)
The Realm release note of 2.8.1 clearly states :
Add support for building with Xcode 9 Beta 1.