Windows RT Component, Getting the app's core window - c++

I just have a simple question, with a Windows Runtime Component (as in a library) that I am making how do I get the window object for the app? CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread() throws an exception as it seems that the library runs in a different thread then the app. Any one know how to get the app window?
EDIT: GetForCurrentThread is not the problem, it seems that that it only works on the UI thread not a background thread, I would like a way to get at it from a background thread. Is it possible?

I think Window.Current is what you are looking for.


Propper way to deinitialize GTK

I'm writing a c++ application that creates a GTK3 window at some point, while also running X11 code in other places.
For the pure X11 part i'm using XOpenDisplay() to open a display.
Running the X11 part and opening a GTK window afterwards works fine. Also running the X11 part multiple times is no problem as i release the display there using XCloseDisplay.
The problem i'm facing occurs when i try to run the X11 code after gtk has been initialized (to be more specific, calling XOpenDisplay() after the gtk initialization).
I'm suspecting that after running gtk_init() the display is never being released, even after gtk_main_quit().
I didn't find anything about deinitialization in the gtk3 documentation. Is there any way to propperly deinitialize gtk or free the display in another way?
The solution was completely unrelated. I was setting the DISPLAY environment variable twice by accident. Apparently gtk can handle this but XOpenDisplay crashes.
I have added a test to only set it once, now everything works. Perhaps gtk does propperly deinitialize after gtk_main_quit()

imshow doesnt update on qt gui

So I have a program where I'm doing some processing with the OpenCV library and then show the results in a Qt made gui (on a widget). The thing is if i wanted to 'debug' the opencv implementation inside the gui, ie do a imshow of some frames/mask, it creates the window but doesn't refresh it except sporadically.
Trying to add a waitKey(1) to force a refresh just freezes the gui so its another dead end.
Any idea on how to fix this? If its needed I'll try to do a MWE but with the state of my program is a bit difficult to extract the functionality.
Thanks in advance.
Well seems that doing a
forces the image to update, albeit really slow, but for debugging purposes it will suffice.

Filling text in qwidget using win32 api

I have a problem. I am using C++ to develop an application in Win32 that among other scopes automatize some user input process in an external app in order for the user to be ready to operate.
Particularly I would like to use Win32 API to fill some text in a Qt QWidget control. I wrote a DLL in pure C to get this task done. I tested it on a MFC application and it works very well.
Anyway I could not get it to work for Qt QWidget controls.
I was able to get the right handle via the EnumChildWindows function (stored in the struct Field).
SendMessage(Field.hFound,WM_SETTEXT,(WPARAM)NULL,(LPARAM)_T("bla bla bla"));
But the SendMessage doesn't seem to work because maybe the control (most probably a QLineedit) supports other messages to get this job done.
Is there any specification for these events, I googled a lot but I could not find anything suitable.
What is the most straightforward way to get this code working? Is there an Event table mapping for Qt I could use? Do I have to use some Qt headers and link it against a DLL (this could be a problem because of licensing)?
Thanks in advance.
Qt, at least 4.8 and 5.x, uses foreign controls. None of the widgets, beyond the window, have native handles. Your EnumChildWindows is most likely not finding what you think it's finding.
If you don't have access to the Qt application's source code, there's nothing else you can do, short of injecting your own code into the running application. If the application is dynamically linked, you can figure out what version of Qt it's using, and what compiler it was compiled with, and the likely set of Qt configuration options. You can then compile your own code with the same compiler and using same Qt version, and inject it into the running application. You can then enumerate visible windows, and their children, and find the control you're after.

2 threads - one with opengl window and the second with wxwidgets one

I'm writing an editor and I have a problem which means calling native file save/open dialog from my opengl app. The editor is written with my in-game opengl gui. So i came up with idea that when user press "load" or "save", I will create a thread which will create required (non-visible) wx window and it will call wxFileDialog and after the job is done I will delete that thread. Is it possible or maybe there are better aproaches to acces file open/save dialog in cross platform way from an opengl app?
wxWidget has a OpenGL widget. Put your OpenGL stuff into this one, forward the event received by the widget to your GUI system, then you'll not have to battle for the event loop.
As others have already said, the simplest solution is to use wxWidgets for the main loop and wxGLCanvas for OpenGL stuff.
But if this is impossible, for some reason, you should indeed be able to use wxWidgets from another thread. Just remember that wxWidgets GUI functionality can only be used from a single thread so you need to initialize it from that thread too. And, of course, you'll need to handle thread synchronization yourself as wxWidgets won't know anything about the rest of your program.
If you are using GLUT, or equivalent, then you do NOT have a cross-platform framework. If you want a cross-platform app, then your will have to choose a framework ( e.g wxWidgets or Qt or whatever ) and proceed from there. Otherwise, you can use the native calls to the windows API if you are on windows, and the equivalent on other platforms.
GLUT only gives you a console style application. If you want a GUI, then you have to choose a GUI framework, even if you do not want cross-platform. There as many to choose from, the choice mostly depends on which you are most familiar with. Then you add the calls to the OpenGL library from you GUI application, however built. This way, you do not have to muck around with multiple threads.
It may be that you have a massive investment in your GLUT application, and do not wish to discard it merely to get a few GUI capabilities. In this case, I recommend building a new GUI app, separate from your GLUT application, which communicates with your existing app using a socket ( or other interprocess com system ) but runs in a separate process. This way you will not encounter all the ghastly, hard to fix bugs, created by multithreaded apps.

Handling Messages in Console Apps/DLLs in C++ Win32

I would like to have the ability to process Win32 messages in a console app and/or inside a standalone DLL.
I have been able to do it in .NET with the following article and it works great in C# inside a console app and standalone DLL
Is there a way to do the equivalent with C/C++ Win32 APIs? I have tried doing RegisterClassEx(...) and CreateWindow(...) even passing in HWND_MESSAGE to hWndParent but the trouble is that after the "invisible" window is created messages are not being processed probably due to the lack of a message pump.
Where would the message pump go if you had a DLL entry point? I have tried creating another thread in a DLL and put while(GetMesage(..)) there but that did not work either.
Any ideas?
You need a message pump yes. The window also has thread affinity so it needs to be created on the same thread that you're running the message pump on. The basic approach is sound, if you include more code it may become clear what the problem is.
In addition to what Logan Capaldo said, you also have the problem that, as a DLL, you don't know at compile time what kind of process is going to be loading you at runtime.
If you are being loaded by a console application (/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE), then creating a hidden window of your own and setting up a message pump on that same thread will work fine (as long as you are the first window created).
If you are being loaded by a windows app (/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS) then you might run into problems getting messages. They will be sent to the top-level window in the hierarchy, which you didn't create. You'll need to get the hWnd of the main process and subclass it (if you aren't already).
If you are being loaded by a service, then you aren't going to get window messages at all. You instead need to use the RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerEx Function