Application breaks on CCriticalSection::Lock - c++

I am upgrading an application from VC6 to VS2010 (Legacy Code). The application runs as it should in VC6 but after converting the project to VS2010 I encountered some problems.
On exiting the application, the program breaks while attempting to lock on entering a critical section.
The lock count usually alternates from -1(Unlocked) to -2(Locked) but just before the program crashes, the lock count is 0.
g_RenderTargetCriticalSection.Lock();// Breaks here
if (g_RenderTargets.Lookup(this, pRenderTarget))
delete pRenderTarget;
Here is the CCriticalSection::Lock() function where ::EnterCriticalSection(&m_sect); fails. I found it strange that on failing, the lock count changes from 0 to -4??
_AFXMT_INLINE BOOL (::CCriticalSection::Lock())
return TRUE;
If anyone has encountered anything similar to this, some insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

The comments indicate this is a file-scope object destructor order issue. There are various ways you could address this. Since I haven't seen the rest of the code it's difficult to offer specific advice, but one idea is to change the CS to live in a shared_ptr and have your CWnd hold onto a copy so it won't be destroyed prematurely. e.g.:
std::shared_ptr<CCriticalSection> g_renderTargetCriticalSection(new CCriticalSection());
Then in your window class:
class CMyWindow : public CWnd
std::shared_ptr<CCriticalSection> m_renderTargetCriticalSection;
: m_renderTargetCriticalSection(g_renderTargetCriticalSection)
// ...
// guaranteed to still be valid since our shared_ptr is keeping it alive
CSingleLock lock(m_renderTargetCriticalSection.get(), TRUE);
// ...
// ...

The issue was that the application's Main Window was being destroyed after the application's global object was destroyed. This meant that the g_renderTargetCriticalSection was already Null when the main window was trying to be destroyed.
The solution was to destroy the Application's main window before it's global object (CDBApp theApp) calls ExitInstance() and is destroyed.
int CDBApp::ExitInstance()
//Destroy the Main Window before the CDBApp Object (theApp) is destroyed.
return CWinApp::ExitInstance();

This code doesn't make sense:
int CDBApp::ExitInstance()
//Destroy the Main Window before the CDBApp Object (theApp) is destroyed.
return CWinApp::ExitInstance();
m_Instance is a handle, not a class, so it can't be used to call functions!


How to address the "Lock was destructed while held" Visual C++ runtime assertion

In a program that uses DirectX to render a 3D component I use a dedicated rendering thread that apparently gets created if I call DispatcherQueueController::CreateOnDedicatedThread(). What needs to be rendered is influenced by actions done on the main thread which is why I use a scoped_lock to synchronize the access.
The code that creates the rendering thread and the code that runs within it looks as follows:
void MyCustomView::StartRenderingLoop()
_renderLoopController = DispatcherQueueController::CreateOnDedicatedThread();
_isRenderLoopRunning = _renderLoopController.DispatcherQueue().TryEnqueue([this]()
Concurrency::critical_section::scoped_lock lock(_criticalSection);
// Halt the thread until the next vblank is reached.
// This ensures the app isn't updating and rendering faster than the display can refresh,
// which would unnecessarily spend extra CPU and GPU resources. This helps improve battery life.
The associated member variables in the C++ header file looks as follows:
concurrency::critical_section _criticalSection;
winrt::Microsoft::UI::Dispatching::DispatcherQueueController _renderLoopController{ nullptr };
bool _isRenderLoopRunning = false;
In order to stop the rendering thread the destructor of the 3D component contains the following code:
_isRenderLoopRunning = false;
When the 3D component gets destroyed, the Visual C++ runtime throws an assertion that looks as follows:
Debug Assertion Failed!
Program: MyAppPackage\CONCRT140D.dll
File: d:\agent\_work\18\s\src\vctools\crt\crtw32\concrt\rtlocks.cpp
Line: 1001
Expression: Lock was destructed while held
The callstack that I can obtain looks as follows:
concrt140d.dll!Concurrency::critical_section::~critical_section() + 79 bytes Unknown
MyCustomComponents.dll!winrt::MyCustomComponents::implementation::BaseView::~BaseView() C++
MyCustomComponents.dll!winrt::implements<winrt::MyCustomComponents::implementation::MyCustomView,winrt::MyCustomComponents::MyCustomView,winrt::MyCustomComponents::implementation::BaseView,winrt::no_module_lock>::~implements<winrt::MyCustomComponents::implementation::MyCustomView,winrt::MyCustomComponents::MyCustomView,winrt::MyCustomComponents::implementation::BaseView,winrt::no_module_lock>() C++
MyCustomComponents.dll!winrt::MyCustomComponents::implementation::MyCustomView_base<winrt::MyCustomComponents::implementation::MyCustomView,winrt::MyCustomComponents::implementation::BaseView>::~MyCustomView_base<winrt::MyCustomComponents::implementation::MyCustomView,winrt::MyCustomComponents::implementation::BaseView>() C++
MyCustomComponents.dll!winrt::MyCustomComponents::implementation::MyCustomView::~MyCustomView() Line 32 C++
I'm struggling to understand whether the assertion Lock was destructed while held points to an actual problem or whether it is safe to ignore this. If that is an actual problem, how would I address it properly?
The call stack points to BaseView from which MyCustomView inherits. The simplified BaseView looks as follows:
#pragma once
#include <concrt.h>
namespace winrt::MyNamespace
struct BaseView : BaseViewT<BaseView>
concurrency::critical_section _criticalSection;
// Several methods
There is no constructor or destructor implementation of that class. But it constructs the _criticalSection as shown above.
To me it looks like the problem is that your mainthread is destructing your objects, which contains the other thread.
You are trying to solve this by setting _isRenderLoopRunning to false, but other tread will will not be synchronized with that new value. So the other thread continues running, while you destruct the object with the main thread, which gives you this error.
You could make some methods that locks the access to this variable, so it has a lock when it is read, and also for when it is changed.

Can't save CDocument in a worker thread -- object is destroyed from memory before thread starts

I need to save a CDocument in a background worker thread. There is a point in our MFC application which prompts the user to save before continuing. Normally, they are able to continue without saving, and there is no problem. However, occasionally, we need that document later in the process, so if the user clicks "No", we want to save a temp version of the file in the background without making the user wait for the save to continue.
When I launch AfxBeginThread(SaveDocumentThread, &threadInput) the &threadinput has been cleared from memory before the SaveDocumentThread starts.
BOOL SPackagerDoc::OnSaveDocument( IN LPCTSTR lpszPathName)
ProcessDocumentThreadInput threadInput(this, lpszPathName);
// Temp Save Mode
if (m_bTempMode)
m_TempSaveThread = AfxBeginThread(SaveDocumentThread, &threadInput);
// This fixes the problem, but is considered unstable
// if (m_TempSaveThread->m_hThread)
// WaitForSingleObject(m_TempSaveThread->m_hThread, 500);
return TRUE;
// Normal save mode
SFileLoadingDialog loadingDialog(SFileLoadingDialog::SAVE, lpszPathName, SaveDocumentThread, &threadInput);
BOOL result = (BOOL)loadingDialog.DoModal();
return result;
StUInt32 SPackagerDoc::SaveDocumentThread(IN StVoid* pParam)
ProcessDocumentThreadInput* input = (ProcessDocumentThreadInput*)pParam;
CString path_name(input->pszPathName);
BOOL result = input->pPackager->SPackagerDocBase::OnSaveDocument(path_name);
return result;
If I uncommend WaitForSingleObject(..., 500); then the thread starts, all the information is present, and there are no errors. But if I remove those lines then in SaveDocumentThread input is NULL and all data is zeros or garbage.
Is there a way to ensure the SaveDocumentThread has started before moving on. IE, wait for thread to start, but not for a specified amount of time (500 ms). It may be that 500 ms is not a sufficient wait time on some other computers.
Is there an "official" way to do this?
This is the issue of the scope of variable.
Following comments specified the scope of local variable threadInput.
ProcessDocumentThreadInput threadInput(this, lpszPathName); // <=== threadInput created
if (m_bTempMode)
m_TempSaveThread = AfxBeginThread(SaveDocumentThread, &threadInput);
// This fixes the problem, but is considered unstable
// if (m_TempSaveThread->m_hThread)
// WaitForSingleObject(m_TempSaveThread->m_hThread, 500);
return TRUE; // <=== threadInput destructed
Your workaround WaitForSingleObject() delays the destruction of the variable threadInput and you see the result.
To overcome the scope of local variable.
Store it in a class member variable.
Store it as a (better be smart) pointer and (better not to) handle it's destruction.
As #Jabberwocky stated, function OnSaveDocument() might be called more than twice since it's called by background thread.
I'll suggest to refactor the save() function out and let if and else to call them seperately.
As others have pointed out, the problem is the lifetime of threadInput ends before the thread begins.
You can dynamically allocate the instance of ProcessDocumentThreadInput and pass the pointer to that instance to the thread.
auto* threadInput = new ProcessDocumentThreadInput(this, lpszPathName);
AfxBeginThread(SaveDocumentThread, threadInput);
However, in this case, the responsibility to release the memory gets messy.
Since you put C++11 tag in your question, you might want to make use of std::shared_ptr or std::unique_ptr and pass it to the thread, which would land you in using std::thread instead of AfxBeginThread. (BTW, I have no experience using MFC.)
BOOL SPackagerDoc::OnSaveDocument( IN LPCTSTR lpszPathName)
std::thread t(SaveDocumentThread, std::make_unique<ProcessDocumentThreadInput>(this, lpszPathName));
StUInt32 SaveDocumentThread(std::unique_ptr<ProcessDocumentThreadInput>&& threadInput)

How to access QWidget from other threads

I have
struct MyWidget : QWidget {
// non-GUI related stuff:
int data;
int doSth();
I need to access a MyWidget instance from another thread (i.e. not the main thread). Is there any way to do that safely? I understand that I cannot access GUI related functions because some backends (e.g. MacOSX/Cocoa) don't support that. However, I only need to access data or doSth() in this example. But from what I have understand, there is simply no way to guarantee the lifetime of the object - i.e. if the parent window with that widget closes, the MyWidget instance gets deleted.
Or is there a way to guarantee the lifetime? I guess QSharedPointer doesn't work because the QWidget does its lifetime handling internally, depending on the parent widget. QPointer of course also doesn't help because it is only weak and there is no locking mechanism.
My current workaround is basically:
int widget_doSth(QPointer<MyWidget> w) {
int ret = -1;
execInMainThread_sync([&]() {
ret = w->doSth();
return ret;
(execInMainThread_sync works by using QMetaMethod::invoke to call a method in the main thread.)
However, that workaround doesn't work anymore for some specific reason (I will explain later why, but that doesn't matter here). Basically, I am not able to execute something in the main thread at that point (for some complicated deadlock reasons).
Another workaround I'm currently thinking about is to add a global mutex which will guard the MyWidget destructor, and in the destructor, I'm cleaning up other weak references to the MyWidget. Then, elsewhere, when I need to ensure the lifetime, I just lock that mutex.
The reason why my current workaround doesn't work anymore (and that is still a simplified version of the real situation):
In MyWidget, the data is actually a PyObject*.
In the main thread, some Python code gets called. (It's not really possible to avoid any Python code calls at all in the main thread in my app.) That Python code ends up doing some import, which is guarded by some Python-import-mutex (Python doesn't allow parallel imports.)
In some other Python thread, some other import is called. That import now locks the Python-import-mutex. And while it's doing its thing, it does some GC cleanup at some point. That GC cleanup calls the traverse function of some object which holds that MyWidget. Thus, it must access the MyWidget. However, execInMainThread_sync (or equivalently working solutions) will deadlock because the main thread currently waits for the Python-import-lock.
Note: The Python global interpreter lock is not really the problem. Of course it gets unlocked before any execInMainThread_sync call. However, I cannot really check for any other potential Python/whatever locks. Esp. I am not allowed to just unlock the Python-import-lock -- it's there for a reason.
One solution you might think of is to really just avoid any Python code at all in the main thread. But that has a lot of drawbacks, e.g. it will be slow, complicated and ugly (the GUI basically only shows data from Python, so there need to be a huge proxy/wrapper around it all). And I think I still need to wait at some points for the Python data, so I just introduce the possible deadlock-situation at some other point.
Also, all the problems would just go away if I could access MyWidget safely from another thread. Introducing a global mutex is the much cleaner and shorter solution, compared to above.
You can use the signal/slot mechanism, but it can be tedious, if the number of GUI controls is large. I'd recommend a single signal and slot to control the gui. Send over a struct with all the info needed for updating the GUI.
void SomeWidget::updateGUISlot(struct Info const& info)
You don't need to worry about emitting signals, if the recipient is deleted. This detail is handled by Qt. Alternatively, you can wait for your threads to exit, after exiting the GUI threads event loop. You'll need to register the struct with Qt.
From what I've read from your extended question, you're problems are related to communication between threads. Try pipes, (POSIX) message queues, sockets or POSIX signals instead of Qt signals for inter-thread communication.
Personally I don't like designs where GUI stuff (ie: A widget) has non-GUI related stuff... I think you should separate these two from each other. Qt needs to keep the GUI objects always on the main thread, but anything else (QObject derived) can be moved to a thread (QObject::moveToThread).
It seems that what you're explaining has nothing at all to do with widgets, Qt, or anything like that. It's a problem inherent to Python and its threading and the lock structure that doesn't make sense if you're multithreading. Python basically presumes that any object can be accessed from any thread. You'd have the same problem using any other toolkit. There may be a way of telling Python not to do that - I don't know enough about the cpython implementation's details, but that's where you'd need to look.
That GC cleanup calls the traverse function of some object which holds that MyWidget
That's your problem. You must ensure that such cross-thread GC cleanup can't happen. I have no idea how you'd go about it :(
My worry is that you've quietly and subtly shot yourself in the foot by using Python, in spite of everyone claiming that only C/C++ lets you do it at such a grand scale.
My solution:
struct MyWidget : QWidget {
// some non-GUI related stuff:
int someData;
virtual void doSth();
// We reset that in the destructor. When you hold its mutex-lock,
// the ref is either NULL or a valid pointer to this MyWidget.
struct LockedRef {
boost::mutex mutex;
MyWidget* ptr;
LockedRef(MyWidget& w) : ptr(&w) {}
void reset() {
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex);
ptr = NULL;
boost::shared_ptr<LockedRef> selfRef;
struct WeakRef;
struct ScopedRef {
boost::shared_ptr<LockedRef> _ref;
MyWidget* ptr;
bool lock;
ScopedRef(WeakRef& ref);
operator bool() { return ptr; }
MyWidget* operator->() { return ptr; }
struct WeakRef {
typedef boost::weak_ptr<LockedRef> Ref;
Ref ref;
WeakRef() {}
WeakRef(MyWidget& w) { ref = w.selfRef; }
ScopedRef scoped() { return ScopedRef(*this); }
MyWidget::ScopedRef::ScopedRef(WeakRef& ref) : ptr(NULL), lock(true) {
_ref = ref.ref.lock();
if(_ref) {
lock = (QThread::currentThread() == qApp->thread());
if(lock) _ref->mutex.lock();
ptr = _ref->ptr;
MyWidget::ScopedRef::~ScopedRef() {
if(_ref && lock)
MyWidget::~QtBaseWidget() {
MyWidget::MyWidget() {
selfRef = boost::shared_ptr<LockedRef>(new LockedRef(*this));
Now, everywhere I need to pass around a MyWidget pointer, I'm using:
MyWidget::WeakRef widget;
And I can use it from another thread like this:
MyWidget::ScopedRef widgetRef(widget);
This is safe. As long as ScopedRef exists, MyWidget cannot be deleted. It will block in its destructor. Or it is already deleted and ScopedRef::ptr == NULL.

C++ delete in daughter thread

It is my understanding that the function called when starting a thread inside an object should not be a class member. The best approach seems to be to launch a friend function, which gets you access back into your object.
In general, the member function (and therefore, the parent thread) that launched the daughter thread can continue or it can return. In every case where I use this technique, I let the launcher method just return to the app in the parent thread that called it; something like Qt threads.
When the daughter thread has finished its work, the final thing it does is return into the friend function which itself returns to something waiting to catch its return (pthread_koin or WaitForSingleEvent) or, if there is no catcher, I guess you'd say it returns to nowhere.
So, here is the question. If there is no catcher for the return from the friend function, that is, the parent thread is not in a member function, can I safely destroy the object that launched the child thread from the friend function?
EDIT --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Obvious from the responses, I need an example. We'll go for Windows. Not that different from Linux. I have left out lots of stuff, the class definition, etc.
Main creates so, a SomeObject on the heap.
Main calls so->run() and goes off to do other stuff.
Run() launches the daughter thread that runs SomeFriend().
SomeFriend() calls so->Worker() (that == so)
Worker() does whatever and returns to SomeFriend().
CAN I DELETE so HERE? i.e. delete that <<<=== the subject of this question.
SomeFriend() returns terminating the daughter thread.
int main( int argc, char** argv )
SomeObject* so = new SomeObject();
DoOtherTasks(); // but don't exit!
return 0;
void SomeObject::run();
volatile DWORD ThreadId; // Thread ID
HANDLE threadHandle;
threadHandle = CreateThread(
NULL, // default security attributes
0, // set stack size: default = 0
(LPVOID*)this, // func args: this
0, // default creation flags
(LPDWORD)(&ThreadId) // ptr to thread identifier
catch ( ... )
{ throw; }
} // launches the thread and returns.
void* SomeFriend( void* thisPtr ) // is a friend of SomeObject
SomeObject* that ((SomeObject*)thisPtr);
delete that;
return (void*)NULL;
void SomeObject::Worker() // remember, this is run in the daughter thread.
// whatever
return (void*)NULL;
To answer your edited question, yes you can delete that; However, remember that main() or any functions it calls might not have a valid so at any point in its logic after so->run() was called because of the way the thread scheduler may have scheduled the threads.
Think of the thread as "owning" so after you've called so->run(). main() and its stack descendants should never touch so again without guarded logic.
Your memory management code should be thread-safe already (or threading would be dangerous to start with!) so the free() itself should be fine. The destruction is fine as well, as long as you keep in mind that nobody else may have a reference to this object as they will be pointing to a destructed object.
The reason that people say that it should not be a class member is that member functions have a typically hidden pointer that's also treated differently on a byte level from other parameters, so you can't just call it as a normal function with an extra parameter. This makes it typically incompatible with the pthread_create and CreateThreadEx functions that have a specific calling convention they want. That's why you have a bouncer static / global / friend function that does this calling convention conversion for you (and probably so transparently that you don't notice it yourself).
There's no inherent reason for not launching a member function as the top-level function in a thread. C++11 handles it just fine:
struct S {
void f();
S s;
int main() {
std::thread thr(&S::f, s);
return 0;

How to free resources owned by local variables?

Some of functions in my program needs to run a long time so that the user may interrupted it. The structure is like this:
int MainWindow::someFunc1()
//VP is a class defined somewhere.
VP vp1;
//the for loop that needs time to execute.
return 0;
int MainWindow::someFunc2()
VP vp2;
//another loop that consumes time.
return 0;
If the user run the either of functions or at the same time and click exit on the right top, the program will still run in background until the loop is finished. I tried to free the resources in void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *) :
void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *)
However since vp1 and vp2 are local variables, I don't know how to pass them into the closeEvent() function and free resources. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Since the variables are created on the stack, they will be automatically freed in the end of their scope (at the closing } of the function in your case), you don't have to worry about them.
If you want to free them before the function ends, you need to re-implement the functions and probably allocate and free the memory for those variables by yourself, outside of the function. The way you pass them to the functions (either passing them as function arguments, or including them into the class) depends on you.
You can't. You should declare vp1 and vp2 in MainWindow as member variable.
As far as I understood the OP's requirement, he's looking how to interrupt someFunc1 or someFunc2 when the main window is closed.
Those functions run in the GUI thread, so the following statement is a misunderstanding
the program will still run in background until the loop is finished
What actually happens, the program runs until the function is complete, then the user action is processed by the framework. Therefore, when void MainWindow::closeEvent is executed, nothing is running in the background and resources are already freed.
OP should move someFunc1 and someFunc2 to a worker thread.
Theoretically, you might be able to do this using setjmp. Something along these lines:
#include "setjmp.h"
jmp_buf doNotAttempt;
jmp_buf badPractice;
int MainWindow::someFunc1()
VP vp1;
for (...) {
// do stuff
if (setjmp(doNotAttempt)) { /*free resources, then: */ longjmp(badPractice,1); }
return 0;
// [...]
void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *)
if (!setjmp(badPractice))
// do the same for your other loop
In practice, do not do this - it's a terrible idea for all kinds of reasons. As other folks have said, just declare vp1 and vp2 as member variables.