I am just now trying to show sprite on stage using CCSprite.
The character class is a class which has succeeded to the CCSprite.
I wrote the code as following:
bool HellowWorld::init() method:
bool HelloWorld::init()
int Indexes[9] = {5,11,15,16,17,19,20,21,25};
int x;
int y;
CCArray *filename = new CCArray();
filename->addObject(new CCString("1-1.png"));
filename->addObject(new CCString("2-1.png"));
filename->addObject(new CCString("1-2.png"));
filename->addObject(new CCString("2-3.png"));
filename->addObject(new CCString("2-3.png"));
filename->addObject(new CCString("1-2.png"));
filename->addObject(new CCString("2-3.png"));
filename->addObject(new CCString("1-1.png"));
filename->addObject(new CCString("1-1.png"));
for(int i=0;i<9;i++){
const char *MyImage = ((CCString*)filename->objectAtIndex(i))->getCString();
characters *chara = (characters*)CCSprite::create(MyImage);
x = Indexes[i]%HORIZONTAL_AXIS;
y = Indexes[i]/HORIZONTAL_AXIS;
But, I am getting the following error message:
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::length_error: basic_string::_S_create
How should I solve this issue?
There are definitely some coding issues here.
const char *MyImage = ((CCString*)filename->objectAtIndex(i))->getCString();
characters *chara = (characters*)CCSprite::create(MyImage);
You are doing a lot of casting and it is confusing. Your cast to (characters*) is just wrong.
characters seems like it needs to subclass CCSprite*, I hope that it does.
then you can do something like:
characters *chara = characters::create(filename->objectAtIndex(i)->getValue());
If your for loop you have a hardcoded 9. You might change that to filename->count() that way it always loops to the size of the CCArray.
Here is the docs for CCSprite: http://www.cocos2d-x.org/reference/native-cpp/V2.2.3/d8/de9/group__sprite__nodes.html#ga0e84a5bd213dc1556503a4120243a390
I am facing the current error since last few days and fighting with it to resolve the problem but all in vain. I am using Pythia8 and fastjet event generator together and running my simple code. Code compiled nicely but causes run time error as shown below. It runs fine with low events but for large iterations(events) it failed and print the error under discussion:
PYTHIA Warning in SpaceShower::pT2nextQCD: weight above unity
PYTHIA Error in StringFragmentation::fragment: stuck in joining
PYTHIA Error in Pythia::next: hadronLevel failed; try again
PYTHIA Error in SpaceShower::pT2nearQCDthreshold: stuck in loop
PYTHIA Error in StringFragmentation::fragmentToJunction: caught in junction flavour loop
PYTHIA Warning in StringFragmentation::fragmentToJunction: bad convergence junction rest frame
PYTHIA Warning in MultipleInteractions::pTnext: weight above unity
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
what(): std::bad_alloc
here is code:
double Rparam = 0.4;
fastjet::Strategy strategy = fastjet::Best;
fastjet::RecombinationScheme recombScheme = fastjet::Et_scheme;
fastjet::JetDefinition *jetDef = NULL;
jetDef = new fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::antikt_algorithm, Rparam,
recombScheme, strategy);
// Fastjet input
std::vector <fastjet::PseudoJet> fjInputs;
//================== event selection efficiency variables ==========
int nev=0;
int passedJetCut=0;
int passedBJetCut=0;
int passedLeptonCut=0;
int passedMtaunuCut=0;
int passedMtaunubCut=0;
int passedWCut=0;
int passedTopCut=0;
int passedMetCut=0;
int njets=2;
int nbjets=1;
int ntaus=1;
double MW=80.38;
// Begin event loop. Generate event. Skip if error. List first one.
for (int iEvent = 0; iEvent < HowManyEvents; ++iEvent) {
if(iEvent%1000==0)cout<<"Event number "<<iEvent<<endl;
// cout<<"Event number "<<iEvent<<endl;
//==================== PYTHIA ==================
// if (iEvent<3)pythia.process.list();
if (iEvent<2)pythia.event.list();
//if (iEvent<2)event.list();
//==================== TAUOLA ==================
// Convert event record to HepMC
HepMC::GenEvent * HepMCEvt = new HepMC::GenEvent();
//Conversion needed if HepMC uses different momentum units
//than Pythia. However, requires HepMC 2.04 or higher.
ToHepMC.fill_next_event(pythia, HepMCEvt);
// if (FirstEvent)event.list();
//Beware this does not reflect tauola effect
//tauola C++ interface only affects HepMC::GenEvent which is made
// from pythia.event
//run TAUOLA on the event
TauolaHepMCEvent * t_event = new TauolaHepMCEvent(HepMCEvt);
//Since we let Pythia decay taus, we have to undecay them first.
// Reset Fastjet input for each event
// Keep track of missing ET
class IsbFromTop {
bool operator()( const HepMC::GenParticle* p ) {
if ( abs(p->pdg_id()) == 5 ) return 1;
return 0;
vector<bjet> bjets;
//======================= loop over particles ========================
for(HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator p = HepMCEvt->particles_begin();
p!= HepMCEvt->particles_end(); ++p ){
int pid=(*p)->pdg_id();
double pt=(*p)->momentum().perp();
double px=(*p)->momentum().px();
double py=(*p)->momentum().py();
double pz=(*p)->momentum().pz();
double e=(*p)->momentum().e();
double eta=(*p)->momentum().eta();
double phi=(*p)->momentum().phi();
if ( (*p)->production_vertex() ) {
for ( HepMC::GenVertex::particle_iterator mother =
++mother )
// Final state only
if ((*p)->status()!=1)continue;
if(abs(pid)==11 || abs(pid)==13){
if(pt>20. && pt<80. && fabs(eta)<1.5)
// No neutrinos
if (abs(pid)==12 ||
abs(pid)==14 ||
// Only |eta| < 5
// Missing ET
mex -= px;
mey -= py;
// Store as input to Fastjhttps://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?shva=1#inboxet
fjInputs.push_back(fastjet::PseudoJet (px,py,pz,e));
}//loop over particles in the event
thanks a lot for your help
Sorry I don't know anything about Pythia but in c++ new Operator will return either allocated memory pointer or it will throw a bad_alloc exception.
Using try catch we can solve this issue-
string s = new string(1024*1024*1024);
// do stuff
It will solve the crashing issue but the CPU utilization will go UP until we got the required memory.(and if CPU reach at 100% usage it will hang the system)
They seem to all get autoreleased the moment I create them =s
void SceneView::createAnimation(KillerRabbit* killerRabbit, std::string animation) {
CCArray* animFrames = CCArray::createWithCapacity(15);
int first = std::stoi(killerRabbit->spriteSheetMap[animation]["FIRST"]);
int last = std::stoi(killerRabbit->spriteSheetMap[animation]["LAST"]);
char str[100] = {0};
for (int i = first; i <= last; i++) {
// Obtain frames by alias name
sprintf(str, (killerRabbit->spriteSheetMap[animation]["KEY"]+"[%d].png").c_str(), i);
CCSpriteFrame* frame = sharedSpriteFrameCache->spriteFrameByName(str);
spriteAnimationsMap[killerRabbit->spriteName][animation] = CCAnimation::createWithSpriteFrames(animFrames, 0.1f);
// 14 frames * 1sec = 14 seconds
If I omit this part of the code:
And try to access the object in:
In a later part of the code with another method, the object inside that map would have been autoreleased, how can I retain it so I can use the different animations stored in it at a later time?
Oh, silly me, I had to do this:
** This is still unsolved **
I'm trying to call an ObjC/C++ function code from C#. I've done my best to follow different example code, the latest being mostly from:
This is for an iPhone/MonoTouch environment, so I'm not sure I've done everything I should. The bytes appear to be ok in the ObjC/C++ function, but the byte array I get back into C# ends up containing 0 0 0 0 0 0 etc.
** Update **
Corrected for loop initializer, and now its giving a EXC_BAD_ACCESS signal on the *returnbytes[i] = bytes[i]; line.
C# code:
[DllImport ("__Internal")]
private static extern int _getjpeg(string url,ref IntPtr thebytes);
void somefunction(string image_id) {
int maxsize = 50000;
byte[] thebytes = new byte[maxsize];
IntPtr byteptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(maxsize);
int imagesize = _getjpeg(image_id,ref byteptr);
Debug.Log("Getting _picturesize()... "+ image_id);
int picsize = _picturesize();
var texture = new Texture2D(1,1);
string bytedebug = "";
for (int i=5000 ; i < 5020 ; i++)
bytedebug+=thebytes[i] + " ";
Debug.Log("Bytes length is "+imagesize);
Debug.Log("Bytes content is "+bytedebug);
C++/ObjC code:
int _getjpeg(const char* url,unsigned char** returnbytes) {
ALAsset* asset = [_pictures objectForKey:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:url]];
if(asset != NULL)
NSLog(#"_getjpeg() found URL: %#",[NSString stringWithUTF8String: url]);
else {
NSLog(#"_getjpeg() could not find URL: %#",[NSString stringWithUTF8String: url]);
return NULL;
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageWithCGImage: [asset thumbnail]];
NSData* pictureData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation (image, 1.0);
picturesize = (int)[pictureData length];
unsigned char* bytes = (unsigned char*)[pictureData bytes];
// This test does not give EXC_BAD_ACCESS
*returnbytes[5] = (unsigned int)3;
// updated below initializer in below for loop according to Eikos suggestion
for(int i=0 ; i < picturesize ; i++) {
// below lines gives EXC_BAD_ACCESS
*returnbytes[i] = bytes[i];
NSString* debugstr = [NSString string];
for(int i=5000; i < 5020 ; i++) {
unsigned char byteint = bytes[i];
debugstr = [debugstr stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i ",byteint]];
NSLog(#"bytes %s",[debugstr UTF8String]);
return picturesize;
Keep in mind that the JPGRepresentation is probably not exactly the same as you put into it, so the length may differ.
for(int i;i < picturesize;i++) {
// *** Not sure I'm doing this correctly ***
*returnbytes[i] = bytes[i];
you forget to initialize i, so it might start with a random value which is bigger than picturesize, so the loop won't run at all.
You want unsigned char*, not **. You are passing a pointer in that is already allocated. A ** is for when you are passing in a pointer to variable that is itself a pointer to data: i.e. when the callee will allocate the memory and the caller wants to know about it.
Just pass in unsigned char* and then use
returnbytes[i] = bytes[i];
Alternatively, allocate in the calee and use an out, not a ref.
It seems normally people receive these errors when working with pointers, array, structs, etc. I'm getting it on every integer in a class, which confuses me. I'm sure I'm just missing some small technical detail (I'm a bit new to this).
The exact error is:
First-chance exception at 0x003e6616 in Mine.exe: 0xC0000005:
Access violation reading location 0x00000008.
Unhandled exception at 0x003e6616 in Mine.exe: 0xC0000005:
Access violation reading location 0x00000008.
The code breaks at the first line in this class method:
void Grid::Move(int x, int y)
for (int i=0;i<2;i++)
for (int k=0;k<2;k++)
Here is the constructor of Grid:
totalW =320*2;
totalH = 320*2;
offX = 0;
offY = 0;
//Fill the chunks array with Maps to be used
for (int i=0;i<2;i++)
for (int k=0;k<2;k++)
chunks[i][k] = new Map(i*320,k*320);
//Everything starts as dirt
for (int x=0;x<(320*2)/20;x++)
for (int y=0;y<(320*2)/20;y++)
blocks[x][y] = bType::Dirt;
And the header file:
#ifndef MapDef
#define MapDef
#include "Map.h"
class Grid
int totalW, totalH;
int offX, offY;
enum bType
Map * chunks[2][2];
bType blocks[32][48];
void RemoveBlock(int x, int y);
bType GetBlockAt(int x, int y);
int GetAbsolutePosition20(int);
int GetMapIndex(int);
int GetChunkRelative(int,int);
bType GetBlockBelow(int x, int y);
bType GetBlockAbove(int x, int y);
bType GetBlockSide(int x, int y, bool isRight);
void Move(int x, int y);
When looking at the locals view of the current instance of Grid totalW, totalH, offX,offY all show the CXX0030 error, but the two arrays are perfectly fine. What exactly is going on here?
The definition of the grid pointer is stored in a separate little namespace that serves as something of a static class:
namespace Engine
static Grid * grid;
static Player * player;
It is actually created here in the main cpp file:
//Initialize engine
Engine::grid = new Grid();
Engine::player = new Player(160,240);
Here is the excerpt where it is called, in another class called Player
if (y>392 && y<480 && x>75 && x<152)
Edit 2:
I'm sorry, I forgot to remove the "static" keyword from the grid declaration in engine. I believe that was what was causing the problem.
According to the error message, your code is trying to access address 0x00000008, which is very close to 0. This means you probably have a null pointer of type Grid * somewhere and you are calling a function on it.
You should either ensure that the pointer is not null, or check it. For example:
Grid * grid = ...;
if (grid == NULL){ return; }
Note that NULL is the same as 0.
What is the value of 'this'? Are you trying to dereference a null pointer to an instance of Grid?
I think I'm making just a fundamental mistake, but I cannot for the life of me see it.
I'm calling a method on an Objective-C object from within a C++ class (which is locked). I'm using NSInvocation to prevent me from having to write hundreds methods just to access the data in this other object.
These are the steps I'm going through. This is my first call, and I want to pass s2. I can't really provide a compilable example, but hopefully it's just a DUHRRRRR problem on my part.
float s2[3];
id args2s[] = {(id)&_start.x(),(id)&_start.y(),(id)&s2};
This is the View method being called
invokeUnion View::_callPixMethod(SEL method, int nArgs, id args[])
DataModule* data;
DataVisitor getdata(&data);
invokeUnion retVal;
retVal.OBJC_ID = data->callPixMethod(_index, _datasetKey, method, nArgs, args);
return retVal;
Invoke Union is a union so I can get the float value returned by NSInvocation.
union invokeUnion {
int intValue;
float floatValue;
bool boolValue;
This is the method in the data Object (pthread locked with lock() and unlock());
id DataModule::callPixMethod(int index, std::string predicate, SEL method, int nArgs, id args[] )
// May Block
DCMPix *pix =[[getSeriesData(predicate) pix] objectAtIndex:index];
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSMethodSignature *signature;
NSInvocation *invocation;
signature = [DCMPix instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:method];
invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:signature];
[invocation setSelector:method];
[invocation setTarget:pix];
if (nArgs > 0) for (int n = 0; n < nArgs; n++) {
SFLog(#"invocation: i=%d, *ptr=0x%x, valf=%f, vald=%d",n,args[n],*args[n],*args[n]);
[invocation setArgument:args[n] atIndex:2+n];
id retVal;
[invocation invoke];
[invocation getReturnValue:&retVal];
[pool release];
return retVal;
The method in the DCMPix object (which I can't modify, it's part of a library) is the following:
-(void) convertPixX: (float) x pixY: (float) y toDICOMCoords: (float*) d pixelCenter: (BOOL) pixelCenter
if( pixelCenter)
x -= 0.5;
y -= 0.5;
d[0] = originX + y*orientation[3]*pixelSpacingY + x*orientation[0]*pixelSpacingX;
d[1] = originY + y*orientation[4]*pixelSpacingY + x*orientation[1]*pixelSpacingX;
d[2] = originZ + y*orientation[5]*pixelSpacingY + x*orientation[2]*pixelSpacingX;
-(void) convertPixX: (float) x pixY: (float) y toDICOMCoords: (float*) d
[self convertPixX: x pixY: y toDICOMCoords: d pixelCenter: YES];
It's crashing when it tries to access d[0]. BAD_EXC_ACCESS which I know means it's accessing released memory, or memory outside of it's scope.
I'm getting lost keeping track of my pointers to pointers. the two float values come across fine (as does other info in other methods) but this is the only one asking for a float* as a parameter. From what I understand the convertPixX: method was converted over from a C program written for Mac OS 9... which is why it asks for the c-array as an out value... I think.
Anyway, any insight would be greatly appreciated.
I've tried sending the value like this:
float *s2 = new float[3];
void* ps2 = &s2;
id args2s[] = {(id)&_start.x(),(id)&_start.y(),(id)&ps2};
But that gives a SIGKILL - plus I'm sure it's bogus and wrong. ... but I tried.
anyway... pointers! cross-language! argh!
An array is not a pointer. Try adding the following line
NSLog(#"%p, %p", s2, &s2);
just above.
id args2s[] = {(id)&_start.x(),(id)&_start.y(),(id)&s2};
s2 and &s2 are both the address of the first float in your array, so when you do:
[invocation setArgument:args[n] atIndex:2+n];
for n = 2, you are not copying in a pointer to the first float, but the first float, possibly the first two floats if an id is 64 bits wide.
To fix the issue, this might work (not tested).
float s2[3];
float* s2Pointer = s2;
id args2s[] = {(id)&_start.x(),(id)&_start.y(),(id)&s2Pointer};
s2Pointer is a real pointer that will give you the double indirection you need.