How to set Amazon S3 Bucket default image - amazon-web-services

I have a bucket on S3 with some public images in it. If I browse to the folder without specifying a file name, it serves me an image.
So using a link like this, I am still getting an image back.
The image served is one of mine that I've obviously uploaded at some point in the past but I don't recall ever setting it as a folder default. Is there an option somewhere to do this?

I suspect that /bucket_name/folder_name/ is the object path. In S3, there really is not a true concept of folders. / in an object path, can be displayed as folders, but they are still just part of the key in the end.


Replacing object in Google Cloud Bucket

I am trying to replace an object(video) in google cloud bucket after doing certain operations over it giving it the same name. Giving it same name because it's already shared to multiple users. While doing an operation over it and while replacing it, some chunks of video becomes temporarily unavailable for people who are playing that video at that time and they face issue for a few seconds because of this.
So I have a question that whether its possible to replace the object in-place without affecting the existing version loaded in some places. Also to add I have CDN above this bucket too. Can object versioning on this bucket help me here? I want to keep the name same so that I dont have to send this link again to everyone
I had a similar situation. When I called support, they had me name the new file EXACTLY the same as the original file. Delete the original file from your bucket. Upload the new file that has the exact same name, and the URL will be the same as the original URL.

uploading file to specific folder in S3 bucket using boto3

My code is working. The only issue I'm facing is that I cannot specify the folder within the S3 bucket that I would like to place my file in. Here is what I have:
with open("/hadoop/prodtest/tips/ut/s3/test_audit_log.txt", "rb") as f:
s3.upload_fileobj(f, "us-east-1-tip-s3-stage", "BlueConnect/test_audit_log.txt")
Explanation from #danimal captures pretty much everything. If you wanted to just create a folder-like object in s3, you can simply specify that folder-name and end it with "/", so that when you look at it from the console, it will look like a folder.
It's rather useless, an empty object, without a body (consider it as a key with null value) just for eye-candy but if you really want to do it, you can.
1) You can create it on the console interactively, as it gives you that option
2_ You can use aws sdk. boto3 has put_object method for s3 client, where you specify the key as "your_folder_name/", see example below:
import boto3
session = boto3.Session() # I assume you know how to provide credentials etc.
s3 = session.client('s3', 'us-east-1')
bucket = s3.create_bucket('my-test-bucket')
response = s3.put_object(Bucket='my-test-bucket', Key='my_pretty_folder/' # note the ending "/"
And there you have your bucket.
Again, when you are uploading a file you specify "my-test-bucket/my_file" and what you did there is create a "key" with name "my-test-bucket/my_file" and put the content of your file as its "value".
In this case you have 2 objects in the bucket. First object has null body and looks like a folder, while the second one looks like it is inside that but as #danimal pointed out in reality you created 2 keys in the same flat hierarchy, it just "looks-like" what we are used to seeing in a file system.
If you delete the file, you still have the other objects, so on the aws console, it looks like folder is still there but no files inside.
If you skipped creating the folder and simply uploaded the file like you did, you would still see the folder structure in AWS Console but you have a single object at that point.
When you however list the objects from command line, you would see a single object and if you delete it on the console it looks like folder is gone too.
Files ('objects') in S3 are actually stored by their 'Key' (~folders+filename) in a flat structure in a bucket. If you place slashes (/) in your key then S3 represents this to the user as though it is a marker for a folder structure, but those folders don't actually exist in S3, they are just a convenience for the user and allow for the usual folder navigation familiar from most file systems.
So, as your code stands, although it appears you are putting a file called test_audit_log.txt in a folder called BlueConnect, you are actually just placing an object, representing your file, in the us-east-1-tip-s3-stage bucket with a key of BlueConnect/test_audit_log.txt. In order then to (seem to) put it in a new folder, simply make the key whatever the full path to the file should be, for example:
# upload_fileobj(file, bucket, key)
s3.upload_fileobj(f, "us-east-1-tip-s3-stage", "folder1/folder2/test_audit_log.txt")
In this example, the 'key' of the object is folder1/folder2/test_audit_log.txt which you can think of as the file test_audit_log.txt, inside the folder folder1 which is inside the folder folder2 - this is how it will appear on S3, in a folder structure, which will generally be different and separate from your local machine's folder structure.

Amazon S3 static site serves old contents

My S3 bucket hosts a static website. I do not have cloudfront set up.
I recently updated the files in my S3 bucket. While the files got updated, I confirmed manually in the bucket. It still serves an older version of the files. Is there some sort of caching or versioning that happens on Static websites hosted on S3?
I haven't been able to find any solution on SO so far. Note: Cloudfront is NOT enabled.
Is there some sort of caching or versioning that happens on Static websites hosted on S3?
Amazon S3 buckets provide read-after-write consistency for PUTS of new objects and eventual consistency for overwrite PUTS and DELETES
what does this mean ?
If you create a new object in s3, you will be able to immediately access your object - however in case you do an update of an existing object, you will 'eventually' get the newest version of you object from s3, so s3 might still deliver you the previous version of the object.
I believe that starting some time ago, read-after-write consistency is also available for update in the US Standard region.
how much do you need to wait ? well it depends, Amazon does not provide much information about this.
what you can do ? no much. If you want to make sure you do not have any issue with your S3 bucket delivering the files, upload a new file in your bucket, you will be able to access it immediately
Solution is here:
But you need to use CloundFront. like #Frederic Henri said, you cannot do much in S3 bucket itself, but with CloudFront, you can invalidate it.
CloudFront will have cached that file on an edge location for 24 hours which is the default TTL (time to live), and will continue to return that file for 24 hours. Then after the 24 hours are over, and a request is made for that file, CloudFront will check the origin and see if the file has been updated in the S3 bucket. If is has been updated, CloudFront will then serve the new updated version of the object. If it has not been updated, then CloudFront will continue to serve the original version of the object.
However where you update the file in the origin and wish for it to be served immediately via your website, then what needs to be done is a CloudFront invalidation. An invalidation wipes the file(s) from the CloudFront cache, so when a request is made to CloudFront, it will see that there are no files on the cache, will then check the origin and will serve the new updated file in the origin. Running an invalidation is recommended each time files are updated in the origin.
To run an invalidation:
click on the following link for CloudFront console
open the distribution in question
click on the 'Invalidations' tab to the right of all the tabs
click on 'Create Invalidation'
on the popup, it will ask for the path. You can enter /* to invalidate every object from the cache, or enter the exact path tot he file, such as /images/picture.jpg
finally click on 'Invalidate'
this typically will be completed within 2/3 minutes
then once the invalidation is complete, when you request the object again through CloudFront, CloudFront will check the origin and return the updated file.
It sounds like Akshay tried uploading with a new filename and it worked.
I just tried the same (I was having the same problem), and it resolved the file not being available for me.
Do a push of index.html
index.html not updated
mv index.html index-new.html
Do a push of new-index.htlml
After this, index-html was immediately available.
That's kind of shite - I can't share one link to my website if I want to be sure that the recipient will see the latest version? I need to keep changing the filename and re-sharing the new link.

AWS CloudFront Behavior

I've been setting up aws lambda functions for S3 events. I want to set up a new structure for my bucket, but it's not possible--so I set up a new bucket the way I want and will migrate old things and send new things there. I wanted to have some of the structure the same under a given base folder name old-bucket/images and new-bucket/images. I set up CloudFront to serve from old-bucket/images now, but I wanted to add new-bucket/images as well. I thought the behavior tab would set it such that it would check the new-bucket/images first then old-bucket/images. Alas, that didn't work. If the object wasn't found in the first, that was the end of the line.
Am I misunderstanding how behaviors work? Has anyone attempted anything like this?
That is expected behavior. An origin tells Amazon CloudFront where to obtain the data to serve to users, based upon a prefix, suffix, etc.
For example, you could serve old-bucket/* from one Amazon S3 bucket, while serving new-bucket/* from a different bucket.
However, there is no capability to 'fall-back' to a different origin if a file is not found.
You could check for the existence of files before serving the link, and then provide a different link depending upon where the files are stored. Otherwise, you'll need to put all of your files in the location that matches the link you are serving.

S3 bucket policy to list multiple objects in public bucket

I have set up a public bucket in S3 and copied multiple objects into it. In this case they are jpeg photos.
I want to share all these objects with anonymous public users (friends), but I want to send them one static website address for the bucket and for the objects to show up as a list (or at least show all the images) when they click on that one address link.
Is this possible to display the objects this way using S3 to public users who don't have an S3 account?
The alternative I know of is to send them a unique link to each of the objects in the bucket (which would take forever!).
Any advice would be helpful.
S3 doesn't have anything built-in to do a "directory index" like nginx and Apache can do. It can be done with AWS Lambda, though.
I built a rudimentary image index with lambda, you might be able to adapt it to solve your problem.
you can host an static webpage inside a s3 bucket:
just generate a static html page with links to all the photos, upload it in the bucket, set the bucket to serve as a static webpage and give the link to it.
Or, for the extra lazy :)
Thanks for your answers, they helped me to find a really simple solution. On a different forum I found someone has written some script and put it in a link that you just upload straight into your bucket and that puts all the objects into a simple list...... genius!
This is the link:
So for the less techy people (like me) you literally upload that link above into your bucket. Even if you haven't downloaded it onto your PC, just copy and paste it into the upload file path.
When I uploaded it, the file appeared in the S3 bucket as list.html
Make sure the file is readable and you've set the ACL appropriately. And make sure your bucket has a policy that allows anyone to access it.
Your bucket objects(content) are then shown at the url link below.
http://<your bucket name>
Where <your bucket name> is written above, replace that part with just the name of your bucket.
And you should be able to click on that link and see the list of objects in your bucket. Once you get your head around it, it is actually very simple.