Set typeface menu item actionBar appcompat v7 - android-actionbar

I want to change the font of the items menu on an acrionBar.
I'm using appcompat v7 lib to use ActionBar on devices whose Android version is less than 11.
If I change fonts using SpannableString in 'onCreateOptionsMenu()', it works, but in many devices app crashes when you click on item.
SpannableString s = new SpannableString(item.getTitle());
s.setSpan(new GTypefaceSpan(context, typefaceName), 0, s.length(), Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
'GTypefaceSpan' is a custom Class to set the font (it works).
I've tried using TextView instead of the item (something like this pseudocode):
TextView tVItem1 = (TextView) findViewById(;
MenuItemCompat.setActionView(null, tVItem1);
But it crashes directly the app.


How does the MFC PropertyGrid control work in the dialog editor in visual studio?

In the visual studio dialog editor i can add a MFC Property Grid control to the dailog. How can i customize its content, and set options like allowing the user to edit the contents of it when the program using it is running, or how i can change the contents of it using c++?
When i add something like a button or and edit control it displays on the dailog box when the program is running, while when i add a MFC Property Grid the dailog isnt even being displayed.
Here is a picture of the visual studio dialog editor and a MFC property control grid in the middle of the dailog with contents i dont know how to change.
Simple tutorial of CMFCPropertyGridCtrl:
1.Create a dialog-based MFC project, drag a CMFCPropertyGridCtrl into it, and adjust the size. Then change the ID for the control to IDC_MFCPROPERTYGRID_TEST, and use Add Varible to add a variable m_propertyGrid to the control. Change the setting of Notify to True.
Description Rows Count refers to the number of rows in the description section below.
Enable Description Area indicates whether to enable the following description function.
Enable Header indicates whether to start the header.
Mark Modified Properties indicates whether to highlight the changes.
2.Set interface
Add the following code in OnInitDialog()
HDITEM item;
m_propertyGrid.GetHeaderCtrl().SetItem(0, new HDITEM(item));
Add content
Add the following code in OnInitDialog()
CMFCPropertyGridProperty* pProp2 = new CMFCPropertyGridProperty(
pProp2->AllowEdit(FALSE); //Editing of options is not allowed
The three parameters passed in when calling the constructor are item name, default options and description text.
Also, you could add drop-down menu:
CMFCPropertyGridProperty* pProp2 = new CMFCPropertyGridProperty(
pProp2->AllowEdit(FALSE); //Editing of options is not allowed
In addition, there are three similar projects:
CMFCPropertyGridColorProperty * pProp3 = new CMFCPropertyGridColorProperty(
_T("colour"), RGB(0, 111, 200));
CMFCPropertyGridFileProperty * pProp4 = new CMFCPropertyGridFileProperty(
_T("open file"), TRUE, _T("D:\\test.txt"));
LOGFONT font = { NULL };
CMFCPropertyGridFontProperty * pProp5 = new CMFCPropertyGridFontProperty(
_T("select font"), font);
Finally, This is the final program running interface:

gtkmm: how to create popover menu without builder?

I am trying to make GTK3 application with C++. Because it is my first gtkmm app and it is really small, I am avoiding builder and placing widgets with plain code.
I have such snippet for titlebar's menu button:
Gtk::MenuButton mbtn;
Gtk::Menu menu;
Gtk::MenuItem mnitSettings {"Settings"};
Gtk::MenuItem mnitAbout {"About"};
It works fine, but I noticed that most GTK3 applications have some kind of Gtk::Popover for button's menu, which have transition animation and pointing arrow on it's edge. For my sadness, most GTK3 applications use builder, so I can not understand how to do the trick.
There is Gtk::MenuButton::set_popover(Gtk::Popover &), but I failed to add my menu to popover wrapper (I've got "Attempting to add a widget with type gtkmm__GtkMenu to a container of type gtkmm__GtkPopover, but the widget is already inside a container of type GtkWindow" warning).
How could popover menu be achieved in this case?
I just figured out how to.
Gtk::MenuButton mbtn;
Glib::RefPtr<Gio::Menu> menu = Gio::Menu::create();
menu->append("Settings", "app.settings");
menu->append("About", "app.about");
Actions can be attached with:
app->add_action("settings", glibc::ptr_fun(&some_useful_func));

Setting Icon of Windows Issues (WinXP and Win7)

I'm making a Firefox addon with js-ctypes and was using user32.dll functions to set the icons of all windows of a profile.
I plan to do this for Mac OS and Linux but trying to knock out Windows first.
So I'm setting the icons like this: GitHub - Gist :: Noitidart / _ff-addon-snippet-ChangeWindowIcon.js - Rev2
That code is simplified. This code I use to apply to all windows:
var user32 ='user32.dll');
var SendMessage = user32.declare('SendMessageW', ctypes.winapi_abi, ctypes.uintptr_t,
var LoadImage = user32.declare('LoadImageA', ctypes.winapi_abi, ctypes.voidptr_t,,
var IMAGE_ICON = 1;
var DOMWindows = Services.wm.getEnumerator(null);
while (DOMWindows.hasMoreElements()) {
var aDOMWindow = DOMWindows.getNext();
var basewindow = aDOMWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
var nativeHandle = basewindow.nativeHandle;
var targetWindow_handle = parseInt(nativeHandle);
var hIconBig = LoadImage(targetWindow_handle, 'C:\\Documents and Settings\\SONY VAIO\\My Documents\\Downloads\\puzzle.ico', IMAGE_ICON, 256, 256, LR_LOADFROMFILE); //MUST BE A FILEPATH TO A ICO!!!
var hIconSmall = LoadImage(targetWindow_handle, 'C:\\Documents and Settings\\SONY VAIO\\My Documents\\Downloads\\puzzle.ico', IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, LR_LOADFROMFILE); //MUST BE A FILEPATH TO A ICO!!!
var successSmall = SendMessage(targetWindow_handle, 0x0080 /** WM_SETICON **/ , 0 /** ICON_SMALL **/ , hIconSmall); //if it was success it will return 0? im not sure. on first time running it, and it was succesful it returns 0 for some reason
var successBig = SendMessage(targetWindow_handle, 0x0080 /** WM_SETICON **/ , 1 /** ICON_BIG **/ , hIconBig); //if it was success it will return 0? im not sure. on first time running it, and it was succesful it returns 0 for some reason
The issues are as follows:
Issues On WinXP
When press Alt + Tab the icon is the normal one
If windows are lumped into one group (because of taskbar overflow) and ALL icons are changed, the lumped group icon is still not the changed one. As seen in image here:
Issues On Win7
If the application IS PINNED and even if all windows icons are changed to be the same, it still does not changed the pin icon
If the application is NOT PINNED then if change the icon for all windows it will change the icon on the taskbar HOWEVER if you right click on the icon in the taskbar it reverts to what it was normally and running the snippet above again won't set it back, to get it back to icon you set you have to pin and unpin
You really shouldn't put so much questions into a single question...
When press Alt + Tab the icon is the normal one
You're trying to load and set 256x256 icons. XP does not support such icons. You should really add some error checking ;)
IIRC you should set 32x32 icons for the big one. Or more precisely SM_CXICON and/or SM_CXSMICON
If windows are lumped into one group (because of taskbar overflow) and ALL icons are changed, the lumped group icon is still not the changed one. As seen in image here:
I think you're out of luck for this one. XP will take whatever icon is the main resource icon in the .exe IIRC.
XP is dead anyway...
Issues On Win 7
IIRC you'll have to work with System.AppUserModel.RelaunchIcon...
Actually I might be wrong regarding the XP grouping stuff. Last messed around with icons on win32 quite a while ago. GCLP_HICON/GCLP_HICONSM might work.

MFC: Displaying a tabulated display of text items

This should be simple it seems but I can't quite get it to work. I want a control (I guess CListBox or CListCtrl) which displays text strings in a nice tabulated way.
As items are added, they should be added along a row until that row is full, and then start a new row. Like typing in your wordprocessor - when the line is full, items start being added to the next line, and the control can scroll vertically.
What I get when trying with a list-mode CListCtrl is a single row which just keeps growing, with a horizontal scroll bar. I can't see a way to change that, there must be one?
You probably need a list control wth LVS_REPORT. If you expect the user to add items interactively using a keyboard, you probably need a data grid, not a list. Adding editing to list control subitems is not easy, and it would be easier to start from CWnd. Search "MFC Data Grid" to find some open source class libraries that implemented the feature.
If you can afford adding /clr to your program, you can try the data grid classes in Windows Forms using MFC's Windows Form hosting support. You will find a lot more programming resources on data grid classes in Windows Forms than any other third-party MFC data grid class library.
If you use CRichEditCtrl you can set it to word-wrap, take a look at this snippet extracted from:
(I've derived my own QRichEditCtrl from the MFC CRichEditCtrl,
and here's the relevant code:)
void QRichEditCtrl::SetWordWrap(bool bWrap)
CDC * pDC = GetDC();
long lLineWidth = 9999999; // This is the non-wrap width
if (bWrap)
lLineWidth = ::MulDiv(pDC->GetDeviceCaps(PHYSICALWIDTH),
1440, pDC->GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSX));
SetTargetDevice(*GetDC(), lLineWidth);

How can I disable and gray the top level menu item using MFC

I have a dialog application in which I want to have clickable menu items at the top of the dialog. These items do not show a drop down menu but actually run the associated commands.
I did this by setting Popup=False in the dialogs properties and assigning a message-id but my problem is not having the ability to disable the item properly when it makes no sense for the item to be clickable (depending on internal state stored in the dialog)
I have already found out how to disable any popup-parent menu items from, but this isn't exactly what I want
I have also found out how to add menu command routing to dialogs from the msdn knowledgebase article KB242577.
This works fine for sub-menu items, but not for the top level menu.
I am currently using the following function to do the disabling
void CYourDlg::EnableMenuItem(UINT nCommand, BOOL bEnable)
CMenu* pMenu = GetMenu();
pMenu->EnableMenuItem(nCommand, bEnable ? 0 : MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED);
This half works, if you alt-tab away from the app it does show as disabled, otherwise it doesn't.
Is there a way to invalidate the area programmatically?
I think an non-client area message may be involved.
I have not tried but in regular window (not dialog) CWnd::DrawMenuBar should do what you want. It might work with dialog based applications as well.
void CYourDlg::EnableMenuItem(UINT nCommand, BOOL bEnable)
CMenu* pMenu = GetMenu();
pMenu->EnableMenuItem(nCommand, bEnable ? 0 : MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED);
I think you should add an ON_UPDATE handler for your menu ID. This would ensure that the menu is enabled/disabled when you want to.