How to prevent generation of substitions - sympy

Sympy sometimes automatically generates substitutions in my experessions:
How can I prevent this? Or, how can I remove the substitution from the expression?
from sympy import *
R, T = symbols('R T', cls=Function)
u = symbols('u', cls=Function)
x, y, z= symbols('x y z')
Derivative(u(x, y), x)*Subs(Derivative(R(_xi_1), _xi_1), (_xi_1,), (u(x, y),))
I'd like to have
Derivative(u(x, y), x)*Derivative(R(u(x, y), (u(x, y)))
PS: says "When evaluating derivatives at a point that is not a symbol, a Subs object is returned."

The following will give you what you ask for
>>> s=R(u(x,y)).diff(x)
>>> s.replace(Subs, lambda a,b,c: a.xreplace(dict(zip(b,c))))
(It will revert to a Subs instance if you apply the doit method.)


Sympy: Is there a function that gives all the factors of an expression but does not work sums?

I have an expression which is composed only of factors (e.g. (x**2+1)*(x**2)*(x+4). I want to delete the factor x**2 from it using the function .args with an if condition. However, if I have the following equation x**2+1+x+4, the .args thinks I have x**2 in the expression which is not true (I only have one factor). I have the code below.:
if q**2 in expr.args:
expr = expr.func(*[term for term in expr.args if term != q**2])
expr = expr*2
By using Mul.make_args(expr) you will get a singleton if the expression is not a product, otherwise a tuple of the factors:
>>> from import x, y
>>> from sympy import Mul
>>> Mul.make_args(x + y)
(x + y,)
>>> Mul.make_args(x*y)
(x, y)

Sympy Piecewise and refine

I try to simplify this Piecewise expression using refine without success. I use sympy version 1.8.
import sympy as sp
x,y = sp.symbols('x,y', real=True, positive=True)
expr = sp.Piecewise((1, x>=y),(0, True))
expr variable contain
⎧1 for x ≥ y
⎩0 otherwise
now I try to obtain 1 assuming that x>y
but I obtain the same expression
⎧1 for x ≥ y
⎩0 otherwise
Any ideas to force this simplification ?
Thank you for your help
If you give expr a value for x that satisfies the requirement, it will evaluate:
>>> eps = Symbol('eps', positive=True)
>>> expr.subs(x, y + eps).simplify()

Sympy .replace() doesn't detect product

I'm trying to make some replacements, but .replace() is confusingly missing occurrences:
from sympy import *
x, y = symbols('x y')
f = Function('f')
expr = x*f(x)*f(y)
expr.replace(x*f(x), 1)
# Output: x*f(x)*f(y)
# Expected: f(y)
Is this a bug?
It does work when I use .subs() instead of .replace(), but I have no idea why this would be needed.
(also, I wanna use this in the context of a Sum expression where .subs() would not work).

Differentiate a user function in sympy?

Does sympy have the concept of user defined functions? For example, I want to write a method that takes a two-argument function, and returns the derivative with respect to the first argument. For example:
mydiff = ...
mydiff(atan2) # returns f(y, x) -> x / (x^2 + y^2)
g(a, b) = a*a*b # This syntax doesn't work, what syntax does work?
mydiff(g) # returns h(a, b) -> 2 a b
I guess what you want is a Lambda:
In [64]: Lambda((y, x), atan2(y, x).diff(y))
(y, x) ↦ ───────
2 2
x + y

check if expression contains symbol

I would like to find out programatically if a SymPy expression contains a symbol. E.g., for
import sympy
x = sympy.Symbol('x')
y = sympy.Symbol('y')
a = 4 + x**2 + y
b = 4 + y**2
a contains both x and y, b contains only y.
>>> x in a.free_symbols, y in a.free_symbols
(True, True)
>>> x in b.free_symbols, y in b.free_symbols
(False, True)
You can also use .atoms(Symbol) to check that. atoms(Symbol) differs from .free_symbols in some cases. free_symbols doesn't return dummy symbols, like integration variables.
it's usually what you want, since expressions don't mathematically depend on dummy symbols
>>> Integral(f(x), (x, 0, 1)).atoms(Symbol)
>>> Integral(f(x), (x, 0, 1)).free_symbols