Implementing Inactivity Timeout with ScheduledExecutorService - concurrency

Our system processes messages delivered from a messaging system. If no message is received after 10 seconds, an error should be raised (inactivity timeout).
I was thinking of using a ScheduledExecutorService (with 1 Thread). Each time a message is received, I cancel the previous timeout task and submit a new one:
ScheduledExecutorService scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);
Callable timeoutTask = new Callable() {...};
synchronized {
timeout = executor.schedule( timeoutTask, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
In normal case, we process ~ 1000 / sec. Would this approach scale?

If you share the threadpool and keep the running time of timeoutTask low, it'd be most probably fine. If you'd have one threadpool per ~ 1000 / sec tasks then that would not work.
If you are still worried, you can have a look at HashedWheelTimer from the Netty project (link). This thing is very efficient in scheduling timeouts. Note that you MUST share instance of HashedWheelTimer as well.


Vertex AI 504 Errors in batch job - How to fix/troubleshoot

We have a Vertex AI model that takes a relatively long time to return a prediction.
When hitting the model endpoint with one instance, things work fine. But batch jobs of size say 1000 instances end up with around 150 504 errors (upstream request timeout). (We actually need to send batches of 65K but I'm troubleshooting with 1000).
I tried increasing the number of replicas assuming that the # of instances handed to the model would be (1000/# of replicas) but that doesn't seem to be the case.
I then read that the default batch size is 64 and so tried decreasing the batch size to 4 like this from the python code that creates the batch job:
model_parameters = dict(batch_size=4)
def run_batch_prediction_job(vertex_config):
project=vertex_config.vertex_project, location=vertex_config.location
model = aiplatform.Model(vertex_config.model_resource_name)
model_params = dict(batch_size=4)
batch_params = dict(
batch_prediction_job = model.batch_predict(**batch_params)
return batch_prediction_job
I've also tried increasing the machine type to n1-high-cpu-16 and that helped somewhat but I'm not sure I understand how batches are sent to replicas?
Is there another way to decrease the number of instances sent to the model?
Or is there a way to increase the timeout?
Is there log output I can use to help figure this out?
Answering your follow up question above.
Is that timeout for a single instance request or a batch request. Also, is it in seconds?
This is a timeout for the batch job creation request.
The timeout is in seconds, according to create_batch_prediction_job() timeout refers to rpc timeout. If we trace the code we will end up here and eventually to gapic where timeout is properly described.
timeout (float): The amount of time in seconds to wait for the RPC
to complete. Note that if ``retry`` is used, this timeout
applies to each individual attempt and the overall time it
takes for this method to complete may be longer. If
unspecified, the the default timeout in the client
configuration is used. If ``None``, then the RPC method will
not time out.
What I could suggest is to stick with whatever is working for your prediction model. If ever adding the timeout will improve your model might as well build on it along with your initial solution where you used a machine with a higher spec. You can also try using a machine with higher memory like the n1-highmem-* family.

ZeroMQ: how to reduce multithread-communication latency with inproc?

I'm using inproc and PAIR to achieve inter-thread communication and trying to solve a latency problem due to polling. Correct me if I'm wrong: Polling is inevitable, because a plain recv() call will usually block and cannot take a specific timeout.
In my current case, among N threads, each of the N-1 worker threads has a main while-loop. The N-th thread is a controller thread which will notify all the worker threads to quit at any time. However, worker threads have to use polling with a timeout to get that quit message. This introduces a latency, the latency parameter is usually 1000ms.
Here is an example
while (true) {
const std::chrono::milliseconds nTimeoutMs(1000);
std::vector<zmq::poller_event<std::size_t>> events(n);
size_t nEvents = m_poller.wait_all(events, nTimeoutMs);
bool isToQuit = false;
for (auto& evt : events) {
zmq::message_t out_recved;
try {
evt.socket.recv(out_recved, zmq::recv_flags::dontwait);
catch (std::exception& e) {
trace("{}: Caught exception while polling: {}. Skipped.", GetLogTitle(), e.what());
if (!out_recved.empty()) {
if (IsToQuit(out_recved))
isToQuit = true;
if (isToQuit)
// main business
To make things worse, when the main loop has nested loops, the worker threads then need to include more polling code in each layer of the nested loops. Very ugly.
The reason why I chose ZMQ for multithread communication is because of its elegance and the potential of getting rid of thread-locking. But I never realized the polling overhead.
Am I able to achieve the typical latency when using a regular mutex or an std::atomic data operation? Should I understand that the inproc is in fact a network communication pattern in disguise so that some latency is inevitable?
An above posted statement ( a hypothesis ):
"...a plain recv() call will usually block and cannot take a specific timeout."
is not correct:
a plain .recv( ZMQ_NOBLOCK )-call will never "block",
a plain .recv( ZMQ_NOBLOCK )-call can get decorated so as to mimick "a specific timeout"
An above posted statement ( a hypothesis ):
"...have to use polling with a timeout ... introduces a latency, the latency parameter is usually 1000ms."
is not correct:
- one need not use polling with a timeout
- the less one need not set 1000 ms code-"injected"-latency, spent obviously only on-no-new-message state
Q : "Am I able to achieve the typical latency when using a regular mutex or an std::atomic data operation?"
Q : "Should I understand that the inproc is in fact a network communication pattern in disguise so that some latency is inevitable?"
No. inproc-transport-class is the fastest of all these kinds as it is principally protocol-less / stack-less and has more to do with ultimately fast pointer-mechanics, like in a dual-end ring-buffer pointer-management.
The Best Next Step:
1 )Re-factor your code, so as to always harness but the zero-wait { .poll() | .recv() }-methods, properly decorated for both { event- | no-event- }-specific looping.
2 )
If then willing to shave the last few [us] from the smart-loop-detection turn-around-time, may focus on improved Context()-instance setting it to work with larger amount of nIOthreads > N "under the hood".
optionally 3 )
For almost hard-Real-Time systems' design one may finally harness a deterministically driven Context()-threads' and socket-specific mapping of these execution-vehicles onto specific, non-overlapped CPU-cores ( using a carefully-crafted affinity-map )
Having set 1000 [ms] in code, no one is fair to complain about spending those very 1000 [ms] waiting in a timeout, coded by herself / himself. No excuse for doing this.
Do not blame ZeroMQ for behaviour, that was coded from the application side of the API.

Posix Timer on SCHED_RR Thread is using 100% CPU

I have the following code snippet:
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/epoll.h>
#include <sys/timerfd.h>
int main() {
std::thread rr_thread([](){
struct sched_param params = {5};
pthread_setschedparam(pthread_self(), SCHED_RR, &params);
struct itimerspec ts;
struct epoll_event ev;
int tfd ,epfd;
ts.it_interval.tv_sec = 0;
ts.it_interval.tv_nsec = 0;
ts.it_value.tv_sec = 0;
ts.it_value.tv_nsec = 20000; // 50 kHz timer
tfd = timerfd_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 0);
timerfd_settime(tfd, 0, &ts, NULL);
epfd = epoll_create(1); = EPOLLIN;
epoll_ctl(epfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, tfd, &ev);
while (true) {
epoll_wait(epfd, &ev, 1, -1); // wait forever for the timer
read(tfd, &missed, sizeof(missed));
// Here i have a blocking function (dummy in this example) which
// takes on average 15ns to execute, less than the timer period anyways
I have a posix thread using the SCHED_RR policy and on this thread there is a POSIX Timer running with a timeout of 20000ns = 50KHz = 50000 ticks/sec.
After the timer fires i am executing a function that takes roughly 15ns so less than the timer period, but this doesn't really matter.
When i execute this i am getting 100% CPU Usage, the whole system is getting slow but i don't understand why this is happening and some things are confusing.
Why 100% CPU Usage since the thread is supposed to be sleeping while waiting for the timer to fire, so other tasks can be scheduled in theory right? even if this is a high priority thread.
I checked using pidstat the number of context switches and it seems that it's very small, close to 0, both voluntary and involuntary ones. Is this normal? While waiting for the timer to fire the scheduler should schedule other tasks right? I should see at least 20000 * 2 context switches / sec
As presented, your program does not behave as you describe. This is because you program the timer as a one-shot, not a repeating timer. For a timer that fires every 20000 ns, you want to set a 20000-ns interval:
ts.it_interval.tv_nsec = 20000;
Having modified that, I get a program that works produces heavy load on one core.
Why 100% CPU Usage since the thread is supposed to be sleeping while waiting for the timer to fire, so other tasks can be scheduled
in theory right? even if this is a high priority thread.
Sure, your thread blocks in epoll_wait() to await timer ticks, if in fact it manages to loop back there before the timer ticks again. On my machine, your program consumes only about 30% of one core, which seems to confirm that such blocking will indeed happen. That you see 100% CPU use suggests that my computer runs the program more efficiently than yours does, for whatever reason.
But you have to appreciate that the load is very heavy. You are asking to perform all the processing of the timer itself, the epoll call, the read, and func15ns() once every 20000 ns. Yes, whatever time may be left, if any, is available to be scheduled for another task, but the task swap takes a bit more time again. 20000 ns is not very much time. Consider that just fetching a word from main memory costs about 100 ns (though reading one from cache is of course faster).
In particular, do not neglect the work other than func15ns(). If the latter indeed takes only 15 ns to run then it's the least of your worries. You're performing two system calls, and these are expensive. Just how expensive depends on a lot of factors, but consider that removing the epoll_wait() call reduces the load for me from 30% to 25% of a core (and note that the whole epoll setup is superfluous here because simply allowing the read() to block serves the purpose).
I checked using pidstat the number of context switches and it seems that it's very small, close to 0, both voluntary and involuntary
ones. Is this normal? While waiting for the timer to fire the
scheduler should schedule other tasks right? I should see at least
20000 * 2 context switches / sec
You're occupying a full CPU with a high priority task, so why do you expect switching?
On the other hand, I'm also observing a low number of context switches for the process running your (modified) program, even though it's occupying only 25% of a core. I'm not prepared at the moment to reason about why that is.

High CPU usage while using poll system call to wait on fds

I have this unique problem where the poll system call of linux used in my code gets the fds it waits on polled in , i mean POLLIN every millisecond. This is causing high CPU usage . I have supplied a timeout of 100 milliseconds and it seems to be of no use. Can any one suggest an alternative.
for (;;) {
ACE_Time_Value doWork(0, 20000);
ACE_OS::sleep(doWork); ----------------------------> Causing low throughput, put to decrease CPU usage / On removing this we see high CPU , but throughput is achieved.
if ((exitCode = fxDoWork()) < 0) {
ACE_Time_Value selectTime;
selectTime.set(0, 100000);
ACE_INT32 waitResult = ACE_OS::poll(myPollfds, eventCount, &selectTime);-----------------------------> Pollin happens for every milli second/Timeout is not at all useful
It sounds like you want to accumulate enough data OR a specific timeout happens to reduce CPU usage, right? If that's the case, you can use recvmmsg():
The recvmmsg() system call is an extension of recvmsg(2) that allows
the caller to receive multiple messages from a socket using a single
system call. (This has performance benefits for some applications.)
A further extension over recvmsg(2) is support for a timeout on the
receive operation.

Make select based loop as responsive as possible

This thread will be very responsive to network activity but can be guaranteed to process the message queue only as often as 100 times a second. I can keep reducing the timeout but after a certain point I will be busy-waiting and chewing up CPU. Is it true that this solution is about as good as I'll get without switching to another method?
// semi pseudocode
while (1) {
process_thread_message_queue(); // function returns near-instantly
struct timeval t;
t.tv_sec = 0;
t.tv_usec = 10 * 1000; // 10ms = 0.01s
if (select(n,&fdset,0,0,t)) // see if there are incoming packets for next 1/100 sec
... // respond with more packets or processing
It depends on what your OS provides for your. On Windows you can wait for a thread message and a bunch of handles simultaneously using MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx. This solves your problem. On other OS you should have something similar.