Dynamics CRM : Subgrid not showing field values - microsoft-dynamics

Using : Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 On Premise
I am working on Quote customization form. Here we have Products Subgrid by default added.
Also, I have added these last two custom fields in this grid to show.
If you notice here on the grid, Product Name is not displaying.
When I select that particular Line Item, I see product name on "Quote Product" entity form as below.
Below is the screen of my Subgrid set up.
What is missing here, so that it is not displaying Product name on the grid? Can anyone please guide me here?
Thank you,

since that grid is showing a particular view, is it possible that you used the wrong field? Sometimes is getting confusing between title, name or any other property.
I suggest you to open that particular view on the Quote Product list, and see if the product name appears there. If even in the list view the product name is blank you should try to modify the view until you found the field that you want.


How to set two filtering values in one column of links in an interactive report? (Oracle Apex 21.1)

I need help creating a link in Oracle APEX.
I have two Interactive Report pages created in Oracle APEX.
The first page is an Interactive Report for a list of cats. When clicking on that link, filter the second page's Interactive Report by the "fur color" column. Furthermore, I want to always be "white" in addition to the color of the selected row.
I try 2 types of methods to create a link in Link Builder.
Name = IR_FUR_COLOR, Value = &P18_FUR_COLOR. and more one line Value = White
Name = IR_FUR_COLOR, Value = &P18_FUR_COLOR.,White
But they did not work.
How should I do it? Does anyone help me?
Thank you for watching this question!
Link Builder should contain only
Modify the second Interactive Report's query so that its where clause looks like this:
where fur_color in ('white', :IR_FUR_COLOR)
which means that it'll always filter white color, along with any color you pass from the previous page.
There are variations to that approach; for example, you could create another (hidden) item on the 2nd page and pass white to it and then
where fur_color in (:HIDDEN_FUR_COLOR, :IR_FUR_COLOR)

SharePoint 2010 - Filter View Based On Field Related to User

My list is a simple employee list, which contains basic information you'd expect(e.g. - Last Name, First Name, empID, Worksite, etc.). Is it possible to to filter a view to show records that are related to the current user's site?
Like... [Me].[Worksite]?
Please bear in mind installing add-ons or other 3rd-party extensions are restricted.
What you can do is create a one calculated columne which will have a condition on WorkSite column.
For example, [WorkSite] == [Me].[WorkSite].
This will set Yes or No for in that column.
Then generate a view which will filter the records where Calculated column has a value true.
In that way only those rows will be displayed which has the WorkSite as current user.

Dynamic text in SAS VA (Visual Analytics)

I am making a nice dashboard. I have Geo-map with projects. When a user clicks on a particular project it will take the user to a detailed page about the project. I want to give this page (sheet) a dynamic title.
For example: The user clicks on the GEO map on the project in Aalst, he will be redirected to the detail page with a tittle "Costs and revenues for Project in Aalst".
Pictures of my dashboard:
enter image description here
enter image description here
I was working with VA 7.1 and there wasn't any way to parameterized text fields in VA reports. I've heard SAS wants to add this function in future release and at this moment you have to find a different way to put dynamic label on the report.
For example you can put a flat table with combination of every posible title you need. Then change style parameters for this table. You can turn off borders and column headers, change table background color, text font size and color, so you can make it looks like as a title field. Then you define filter connection between GEO map and this table, so when you click on the GEO map it will filter single record with correct title.

OpenCart - Create unique product option from within product edit page

Would it be possible (with some modification or maybe an existing plugin) to create unique product options from within the product edit page? Those options then only assigned to that product?
In total across all my products, I'll have around 500 'options'. Each product of mine has about 5 options, rather than having to go to the OPTIONS section which will then list all 500, I'd rather input them directly from within the product edit page.
As it stands I cannot, I have to create the 'option value' elsewhere, then go back in to the product edit page area and then assign the option.
As you'll see in my attachment, you can only select already created product 'options value' from the product edit page, not create them here.

How to filter items that display in a Sitecore Treelist?

I have the following content structure in Sitecore:
A Sample Product A
B Sample Product B
L Sample Product L
In addition each Product has a checkbox field called "Active". I would like to have a Treelist that lets the user select one or more products - but they should only be allowed to select Products where the Active checkbox is checked. Is this possible?
It sounds like you can achieve what you need using Sitecore query. Check out the documentation for exact syntax rules.
Not all field types support Sitecore query though, so you will need to use a field type that does (Multilist). Or you could implement a custom TreeList field type that works with query.
You can also use the properties IncludeTemplatesForDisplay or IncludeTemplatesForSelection to keep your TreeList fields clean.
IncludeTemplatesForDisplay makes certain only those templates will show up in the TreeList.
IncludeTemplatesForSelection allows you to define which templates you can actually select in the TreeList field.
In your case, you could set IncludeTemplatesForDisplay the template of your Products item, then the A-E etc. items, and also the actual Products template. If you then select IncludeTemplatesForSelection you can make sure the content editors can still only select the actual product item.
Other parameters are ExcludeTemplatesForSelection, DatabaseName, ExcludeTemplatesForDisplay, IncludeItemsForDisplay, ExcludeItemsForDisplay and AllowMultipleSelection.
Do keep in mind that won't allow selections where a checkbox is ticked, but you could consider creating a custom field based on a TreeList field, which has the additional property which checks whether the Active field is set.
I'm not sure that there is a way out of the box to set the datasource of a treelist (or any list based field, for that matter) to a set of Items and filter by the value of their fields.
How about thinking about it differently.
What if you had a mirror of the products section of the tree somewhere else in your tree but, instead of having all products in this mirrored section, you'd have only the products that are active. The items in this mirrored section would have a drop-link field that maps to the original product in the original section of the tree. To keep this list up-to-date, you could use a custom action when the original product is saved. When a product is saved, if the Active checkbox is checked, create an item of type Mirrored Product (for example) in the Mirrored Products section of the tree and set the drop-link to the original product. When a product is saved, if the Active checkbox is not checked, find the Mirrored Product that maps to this product being saved and delete it.
Finally, the datasource for your treelist would be the root of these Mirror Products section of the tree, not the original products themselves. This way, the options for your treelist would always only ever items that map to products whose Active checkbox was checked.
One thing to keep in mind: when you delete a Mirrored Product, if it's referenced by a treelist, that reference will remain; you'll need to have your code check for null before trying to use a treelist item.