Why does b2 build with gcc4.6 when 4.8 is default? - c++

While building a custom Boost.Python project, I encountered build errors that originated in lacking c++11 support of gcc-4.6 (the code to wrap compiled fine under VS2012). So I upgraded to 4.8 and used $ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.8 50 to redirect executions of gcc to the newer version:
$ gcc --version
gcc (Ubuntu 4.8.1-2ubuntu1~12.04) 4.8.1
So far, so good. But as the error messages didn't change and on further inspection I noticed something:
link.jam: No such file or directory
...found 1710 targets...
...updating 2 targets...
gcc.compile.c++ bin/gcc-4.6/debug/extending.o //WHAT?
It looks like b2 still uses gcc-4.6. Yes it is still installed, but didn't I just replace it with gcc-4.8? I am very confused...
Also, can I specify the tollset-version manually? I tried toolset=gcc4.8 but that just ends in an error that gcc4.8.jam doesn't exist...

It turns out that I forgot to
$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.8 50
That was kind of dumb, but this will hopefully help someone in the future. All kudos to #nos!


How to enable later versions of GCC in eclipse CDT in CentOS 7

My CentOS 7 machine has a default GCC version of 4.8.5. I want to use a higher version of GCC. So, I executed the following steps in a terminal:
sudo yum install centos-release-scl
sudo yum install devtoolset-10-gcc*
scl enable devtoolset-10 bash
After performing the steps, my GCC is now 10.2.1. I then launched Eclipse CDT (10.2.0) through the terminal. Upon enabling C++20 in Eclipse, I tried to compile a simple "hello world" code, but I received the following error in the Eclipse console:
g++ -std=c++2a -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"src/dummy2.d" -MT"src/dummy2.o" -o "src/dummy2.o" "../src/dummy2.cpp"
g++: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-std=c++2a’
make: *** [src/dummy2.o] Error 1
"make all" terminated with exit code 2. Build might be incomplete.
My system PATH variable has the following directory as its first entry: /opt/rh/devtoolset-10/root/usr/bin. So, I don't know why my Eclipse is still using the old GCC 4.8.5. How do I adjust my Eclipse settings so that I am able to compile higher versions of C++ in CentOS 7?

Why is g++ linked to clang, not clang++, by the mac developer tools?

I was just trying to explain to someone the difference between compiled and interpreted code, when I was greeted with a
main.cpp:1:10: fatal error: 'iostream' file not found
when calling g++ main.cpp for a simple hello world c++ file.
I looked into this a bit and found ...
JM:Desktop user$ which g++
JM:Desktop user$ ls -al /usr/local/bin/g++
lrwxr-xr-x 1 user admin 47 4 Dez 2018 /usr/local/bin/g++ -> /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/c++
JM:Desktop user$ ls -al /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/c++
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 5 3 Feb 20:29 /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/c++ -> clang
...that g++ is linked to clang and not clang++ and I therefore call the C-compiler.
I just deleted the Developer tools and installed them again - same thing.
Is this normal or did something mess up my system? Does it make any sense? What am I missing?
Thanks for the help!
It may actually be Homebrew's fault somehow...
JM:Desktop user$ echo $PATH
/usr/local/bin is added by Homebrew.
'C++' for example links correctly to clang++ but it is in /usr/bin:
JM:Desktop user$ which c++
...and so is /usr/bin/g++.
I solved it by just deleting /user/local/bin/g++. The links are still strange.

compiling fileZilla on ubuntu 14.04 LTS

I am trying to compiler FileZilla from its source code.
It requires C++ 14 support for which gcc4.9 is required.
Whatever higher version than 4.8, I try to install, there's no change.
Is gcc4.9 not available for the above ubuntu version?
The error I get is:
checking whether g++ supports C++14 features by default... no
checking whether g++ supports C++14 features with -std=gnu++14... no
checking whether g++ supports C++14 features with -std=gnu++1y... no
checking whether g++ supports C++14 features with -std=c++14... no
checking whether g++ supports C++14 features with -std=c++1y... no
configure: error: *** A compiler with support for C++14 language features is required
Can someone help ?
To install gcc-4.9 g++-4.9 may be helpful, and set it as your default gcc.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gcc-4.9 g++-4.9
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.9 60 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.9
Then gcc-4.9 will be available in your ubuntu version.
Notes : my version is ubuntu 14.04

Installing Moses Translation Software. Error message: "ld: library not found for -lboost_thread"

I am installing the Moses Translation Software on my Mac OS X 10.9.5 with Xcode 6.1. The instructions say that I need g++ and Boost installed. Once I do that, I git clone, "cd" into the directory, and then type ./bjam -j8. First, I verified I have the prerequisites. First, g++ (I just clicked the TAB to see what was available):
$ g++
g++ g++-4.9
Then boost:
$ brew install boost
Warning: boost-1.56.0 already installed
Then I tried installing:
$ ./bjam -j8
Tip: install tcmalloc for faster threading. See BUILD-INSTRUCTIONS.txt for more information.
mkdir: bin: File exists
...found 4469 targets...
...updating 155 targets...
darwin.link lm/bin/darwin-4.2.1/release/debug-symbols-on/link-static/threading-multi/query
ld: library not found for -lboost_thread
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
// Additional error messages...
...failed darwin.link mert/bin/darwin-4.2.1/release/debug-symbols-on/link-static/threading-multi/util_test...
...skipped <pmert/bin/darwin-4.2.1/release/debug-symbols-on/link-static/threading-multi>util_test.passed for lack of <pmert/bin/darwin-4.2.1/release/debug-symbols-on/link-static/threading-multi>util_test...
darwin.link mert/bin/darwin-4.2.1/release/debug-symbols-on/link-static/threading-multi/vocabulary_test
ld: library not found for -lboost_thread
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
"g++" -o "mert/bin/darwin-4.2.1/release/debug-symbols-on/link-static/threading-multi/vocabulary_test" "mert/bin/darwin-4.2.1/release/debug-symbols-on/link-static/threading-multi/VocabularyTest.o" "mert/bin/darwin-4.2.1/release/debug-symbols-on/link-static/threading-multi/libmert_lib.a" -lboost_unit_test_framework -llzma -lbz2 -ldl -lboost_system -lz -lboost_thread -lm -liconv -g -Wl,-dead_strip -no_dead_strip_inits_and_terms
...failed darwin.link mert/bin/darwin-4.2.1/release/debug-symbols-on/link-static/threading-multi/vocabulary_test...
...skipped <pmert/bin/darwin-4.2.1/release/debug-symbols-on/link-static/threading-multi>vocabulary_test.passed for lack of <pmert/bin/darwin-4.2.1/release/debug-symbols-on/link-static/threading-multi>vocabulary_test...
...failed updating 72 targets...
...skipped 83 targets...
The build failed. If you need support, run:
./jam-files/bjam -j8 --debug-configuration -d2 |gzip >build.log.gz
then attach build.log.gz to your e-mail.
You MUST do 3 things before sending to the mailing list:
1. Subscribe to the mailing list at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/moses-support
2. Attach build.log.gz to your e-mail
3. Say what is the EXACT command you executed when you got the error
There's a ton of error messages not shown (condensed into "// Additional error messages"), and they are all of the form "ld: library not found for -lboost_thread". So it's clear that something can't find a boost-related library, but I don't know how to fix this. Does anyone have suggestions? I literally just copied a couple of lines from the installation instructions, and Moses is popular enough such that an obvious error in the installation instructions would have been caught long ago.
Additional comment: On the installation instructions page, they list a command where they can force an installer to find the boost library:
./bjam --with-boost=~/workspace/temp/boost_1_55_0 -j8
My boost is in
I tried substituting the --with-boost= argument with the above file path, but that did not work either (I got the same errors).
I'm going to post this on the Moses mailing list but I'd also want to ask here because I have gotten this same error ("library not found ... clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1") with other software and it would be helpful for me to learn a general strategy for making sure that clang can find my libraries.
This package expects a non-standard layout of boost (or maybe that's the standard liayout for installed boost on many systems, but it certainly isn't the default layout for boost in my working directories):
bjam --help says:
If Boost is in a non-standard location, specify it here. This directory is
expected to contain include and lib or lib64.
When my Boost build tree is in
/home/sehe/custom/boost/boost // headeers
/home/sehe/custom/boost/stage/lib // libraries
I have created a "forwarding" directory - so I'm not required to install boost:
mkdir /tmp/boost-moses
cd /tmp/boost-moses/
ln -sfv /home/sehe/custom/boost/stage/lib lib
ln -sfv /home/sehe/custom/boost include
Now I could trigger a build in the mosesdecoder directory with
./bjam --with-boost=/tmp/boost-moses
It's not said here which Moses version ComputerScientist compiled, but his last comment hit the nail. When I was about to compile version 2.1.1, I needed to rewrite Jamroot file and jam-files/boost-build/tools/mpi.jam and change all the boost_mpi mentions to boost_mpi-mt. It seems to me that boost-1.55 used different library style then boost-1.56 and Moses was in that version adapted to 1.55.
However I am not able to compile Moses 3.0 with either boost-1.55 or boost-1.56 now because of undefined reference to boost::filesystem::path::stem().
Unfortunatelly I can not post this as a comment to previous answer...

Installing gevent on Mavericks (Enthought Canopy python)

Has anyone had any luck building gevent 1.0 in Mavericks?
I've tried the following:
pip (as recommended on the gevent package index)
compiling from source
I keep getting the same error when building 'gevent.core':
building 'gevent.core' extension
creating build/temp.macosx-10.6-i386-2.7/gevent
Compiling with an SDK that doesn't seem to exist: /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk
Please check your Xcode installation
gcc -DNDEBUG -g -O3 -arch i386 -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk -U__llvm__ -
-DEV_PERIODIC_ENABLE=0 -Ibuild/temp.macosx-10.6-i386-2.7/libev -Ilibev -
x86/Canopy.app/Contents/include/python2.7 -c gevent/gevent.core.c -o build/temp.macosx-
clang: warning: no such sysroot directory: '/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk'
In file included from gevent/gevent.core.c:17:
x86/Canopy.app/Contents/include/python2.7/Python.h:33:10: fatal error:
'stdio.h' file not found
#include <stdio.h>
1 error generated.
error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1
Seems to be a problem with XCode. I made sure I have the XCode (v. 5.0.2) command line tools installed with:
xcode-select --install
But that didn't seem to change anything. Apparently I'm not alone with this problem (a missing /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk), but I'd like to stick with Enthought's Canopy version of python if I can (and have already spent too much time combing the Apple Developer site to try download MacOSX10.6.sdk directly).
Any suggestions that don't involve starting over with a macport'ed python? Thanks!
IIUC, Apple pulled a fast one on the latest XCode, such that gcc is no longer actually gcc, but is symlinked to clang, which is not compatible with standard Pythons, including Canopy's.
It should work better if you install Xcode 3.2.1 Developer Tools from https://developer.apple.com/downloads/index.action
For me the hint on gevent website helped:
pip install cython git+git://github.com/gevent/gevent.git#egg=gevent