Datanitro's remove_sheet throws exception - datanitro

I'm trying to copy in a sheet from one workbook to another but because i might already have a previous version of this sheet in my workbook I want to check first if it exists and delete it first before copying. However, keep getting an error when executing remove_sheet (the sheet does get removed though). Any ideas? (BTW It's not the only sheet on the file - so not that issue)
def import_sheet(book_from, book_to ,sheet_to_cpy):
if sheet_to_cpy in all_sheets(True):
copy_sheet(book_to, sheet_to_cpy)
File "", line 22, in import_sheet
File "27/", line 1348, in remove_sheet
File "27/", line 1215, in active_sheet
NameError: MyTab is not an existing worksheet

This is a bug on our end - we'll fix it as soon as we can!
In the meantime, here's a workaround:
def import_sheet(book_from, book_to, sheet_to_cpy):
if sheet_to_cpy in all_sheets(True):
if sheet_to_cpy == active_sheet():
## avoid bug by manually setting last sheet active
copy_sheet(book_to, sheet_to_cpy)
Source: I'm one of the DataNitro developers.


tensorflow object detection API: generate TF record of custom data set

I am trying to retrain the tensorflow object detection API with my own data
i have labelled my image with labelImg but when i am using the script which is included in the tensorflow/models/research, i got some errors and i dont really know why it happens
python object_detection/dataset_tools/ --data_dir=/home/jim/Documents/tfAPI/workspace/training_cabbage/images/train/ --label_map_path=/home/jim/Documents/tfAPI/workspace/training_cabbage/annotations/label_map.pbtxt --output_path=/home/jim/Desktop/cabbage_pascal.record --set=train --annotations_dir=/home/jim/Documents/tfAPI/workspace/training_cabbage/images/train/ --year=merged
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "object_detection/dataset_tools/", line 185, in <module>
File "/home/jim/.virtualenvs/enrouteDeepDroneTF/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/platform/", line 125, in run
File "object_detection/dataset_tools/", line 167, in main
examples_list = dataset_util.read_examples_list(examples_path)
File "/home/jim/Documents/tfAPI/models/research/object_detection/utils/", line 59, in read_examples_list
lines = fid.readlines()
File "/home/jim/.virtualenvs/enrouteDeepDroneTF/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/lib/io/", line 188, in readlines
File "/home/jim/.virtualenvs/enrouteDeepDroneTF/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/lib/io/", line 85, in _preread_check
compat.as_bytes(self.__name), 1024 * 512, status)
File "/home/jim/.virtualenvs/enrouteDeepDroneTF/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/", line 528, in __exit__
tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.NotFoundError: /home/jim/Documents/tfAPI/workspace/training_cabbage/images/train/VOC2007/ImageSets/Main/aeroplane_train.txt; No such file or directory
the train folder contains the xml and the jpg
the annotation folder contains my labelmap.pbtxt for my custom class
and i want to publish the TF record file on the desktop
it seems that it cant find a file in my images and annotations folder but i dont know why
If someone has idea, thank you in advance
This error happens because you use the code for PASCAL VOC, which requires certain data folders structure. Basically, you need to download and unpack VOCdevkit to make the script work. As user phd pointed you out, you need the file VOC2007/ImageSets/Main/aeroplane_train.txt.
I recommend you to write your own script for tfrecords creation, it's not difficult. You need just two key components:
Loop over your data that reads the images and annotations
A function that encodes the data into tf.train.Example. For that you can pretty much re-use the dict_to_tf_example
Inside the loop, having created the tf_example, pass it to TFRecordWriter:
OK for future references, this is how i add background images to the dataset allowing the model to train on it.
Functions used from: datitran/raccoon_dataset
Generate CSV file ->
Generate TFRecord from CSV file ->
First Step - Creating XML file for it
Example of background image XML file
Basically you remove the entire <object> (i.e no annotation )
Second Step - Generate CSV file
Using the I just add a little change, to consider the XML file that do not have any annotation (the background images) as so:
From the original:
I add:
value = None
for member in root.findall('object'):
value = (root.find('filename').text,
if value is None:
value = (root.find('filename').text,
I'm just adding negative values to the coordinates of the bounding box if there is no in the XML file, which is the case for the background images, and it will be usefull when generating the TFRecords.
Third and Final Step - Generating the TFRecords
Now, when creating the TFRecords, if the the corresponding row/image has negative coordinates, i just add zero values to the record (before, this would not even be possible).
So from the original:
I add:
for index, row in group.object.iterrows():
if int(row['xmin']) > -1:
xmins.append(row['xmin'] / width)
xmaxs.append(row['xmax'] / width)
ymins.append(row['ymin'] / height)
ymaxs.append(row['ymax'] / height)
classes_text.append('something'.encode('utf8')) # this doe not matter for the background
To note that in the class_text (of the else statement), since for the background images there are no bounding boxes, you can replace the string with whatever you would like, for the background cases, this will not appear anywhere.
And lastly for the classes (of the else statement) you just need to add a number label that does not belong to neither of your own classes.
For those who are wondering, I've used this procedure many times, and currently works for my use cases.
Hope it helped in some way.

retriving data saved under HDF5 group as Carray

I am new to HDF5 file format and I have a data(images) saved in HDF5 format. The images are saved undere a group called 'data' which is under the root group as Carrays. what I want to do is to retrive a slice of the saved images. for example the first 400 or somthing like that. The following is what I did.
h5f = h5py.File('images.h5f', 'r')
image_grp= h5f['/data/'] #the image group (data) is opened
but I am getting the following error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 32, in <module>
File "h5py/_objects.pyx", line 54, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper
File "h5py/_objects.pyx", line 55, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper
File "/..../python2.7/site-packages/h5py/_hl/", line 169, in
__getitem__oid =, self._e(name), lapl=self._lapl)
File "/..../python2.7/site-packages/h5py/_hl/", line 133, in _e name = name.encode('ascii')
AttributeError: 'slice' object has no attribute 'encode'
I am not sure why I am getting this error but I am not even sure if I can slice the images which are saved as individual datasets.
I know this is an old question, but it is the first hit when searching for 'slice' object has no attribute 'encode' and it has no solution.
The error happens because the "group" is a group which does not have the encoding attribute. You are looking for the dataset element.
You need to find/know the key for the item that contains the dataset.
One suggestion is to list all keys in the group, and then guess which one it is:
This will give you the keys in the group.
A common case is that the first element is the image, so you can do this:
image_grp= h5f['/data/']
image= image_grp(image_grp.keys[0])
yesterday I had a similar error and wrote this little piece of code to take my desired slice of h5py file.
import h5py
def h5py_slice(h5py_file, begin_index, end_index):
slice_list = []
with h5py.File(h5py_file, 'r') as f:
for i in range(begin_index, end_index):
return slice_list
and it can be used like
the_desired_slice_list = h5py_slice('images.h5f', 0, 400)

LPTHW Ex 16, imy ssues with my own script

I successfully completed ex16 in LPTHW and now I'm trying to replicate it in my own script to better understand the lesson. I typed the following but the shell returns with:
File "", line 23, in
I0Error: File not open for writing
My script is as follows:
from sys import argv
script, file_name=argv
print "Master Bruce, here is your file: %s" % file_name
print """
Master Bruce, to change the contents of the file
simply press ENTER and type three lines:
line1=raw_input("line 1:")
line2=raw_input("line 2:")
line3=raw_input("line 3:")
print "Just a few seconds Master Bruce..."
My understanding is that the file was opened in line 5 already. I also tried on line 22 but that didnt work either. Your help is appreciated.
It means exactly what it says: the file isn't open for writing. You opened it in read-only mode.
is equivalent to
scribble=open(file_name, "r")
You need to open the file in read/write mode. Since you don't want to truncate it at the start and don't want to append to it, use r+.
scribble=open(file_name, "r+")
You should brush up on the documentation for open() here.
Incidentally, you should also look into opening files with the with keyword here for cleaner handling.
with open(file_name, "r+") as scribble:
# do things
The most commonly-used values of mode are 'r' for reading [...]. If mode is omitted, it defaults to 'r'.
Modes 'r+', 'w+' and 'a+' open the file for updating (reading and writing); note that 'w+' truncates the file.

py2neo 2.0 bind and push node errors

Using Py2Neo 2.0 and Pycharm Community Edition 4
I'm trying to update a node. First I get the node object, change a node property, bind to the database, and then push the node. I get a slew of errors. Here is the code.
user_node = Graph().find_one('USER',
user_properties['mission_statement'] = 'New mission statement'
The node is found, it does have a mission_statement property. The exception seems to happen on .push(). The Graph() uri is good, too.
Below are the errors.
I had been able to do this successfully about a week ago. I have not updated any packages recently.
The really weird part is that if I have a breakpoint and run this in debug mode I do not get any errors and the node is updated successfully.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/Marnee Dearman/PycharmProjects/AgoraDev/py2neo_2.0_tests/", line 27, in <module>
File "C:\Users\Marnee Dearman\PycharmProjects\VirtualEnvs\AgoraDev\lib\site-packages\py2neo\", line 1519, in push
File "C:\Users\Marnee Dearman\PycharmProjects\VirtualEnvs\AgoraDev\lib\site-packages\py2neo\batch\", line 73, in push
File "C:\Users\Marnee Dearman\PycharmProjects\VirtualEnvs\AgoraDev\lib\site-packages\py2neo\batch\", line 99, in run
response =
File "C:\Users\Marnee Dearman\PycharmProjects\VirtualEnvs\AgoraDev\lib\site-packages\py2neo\batch\", line 88, in post
data.append(dict(job, id=i))
File "C:\Users\Marnee Dearman\PycharmProjects\VirtualEnvs\AgoraDev\lib\site-packages\py2neo\batch\", line 232, in __iter__
yield "to",
File "C:\Users\Marnee Dearman\PycharmProjects\VirtualEnvs\AgoraDev\lib\site-packages\py2neo\batch\", line 180, in uri_string
uri_string = self.entity.ref
File "C:\Users\Marnee Dearman\PycharmProjects\VirtualEnvs\AgoraDev\lib\site-packages\py2neo\", line 1421, in ref
return "node/%s" % self._id
File "C:\Users\Marnee Dearman\PycharmProjects\VirtualEnvs\AgoraDev\lib\site-packages\py2neo\", line 1412, in _id
self.__id = int(self.uri.path.segments[-1])
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
Using Nigel's advice below, I got this to work. It was a usage error on my part:
user_node = Graph().find_one('USER',
property_value='')['mission_statement'] = 'New mission statement'
There are a couple of problems with your code so I will try to clarify the correct usage of these methods.
The bind method is used to connect a local entity (in this case, Node) to a corresponding remote equivalent. You should generally never need to use this method explicitly as entities are typically bound automatically on creation or retrieval. In your case, the find_one method does exactly this and constructs a client-side node that is bound to a corresponding server-side node; an explicit bind is not required.
The second issue is with your usage of bind. The URI taken by this method is that of a specific remote resource. You have passed the URI of the Graph itself (probably http://localhost:7474/db/data/) instead of that of the Node (such as http://localhost:7474/db/data/node/2345). The actual error that you see is caused by py2neo attempting to strip the ID from the URI and failing.
The simple solution is to remove the bind call.

pywinauto batch file running error

Im a biologist and new to pywinauto, i wrote a code to open an input file in HYPHY application using pywinauto, when i run my code line by line in command line it works fine but when i run the code as a batch file it gives the following error.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Masyh\Desktop\", line 8, in <module>
w_handle = pywinauto.findwindows.find_windows(title=u' Please select a batch file to run:', class_name='#32770')[0]
IndexError: list index out of range
the code is:
import pywinauto
pwa_app = pywinauto.application.Application()
w_handle = pywinauto.findwindows.find_windows(title=u'HYPHY Console', class_name='HYPHY')[0]
window = pwa_app.window_(handle=w_handle)
window.MenuItem(u'&File->&Open->Open &Batch File\tCtrl+O').Click()
w_handle = pywinauto.findwindows.find_windows(title=u' Please select a batch file to run:', class_name='#32770')[0]
window = pwa_app.window_(handle=w_handle)
ctrl = window['Edit']
i guess the problem is that the window which gets the input(#'please select a batch file menue') is not open at the beginning and the first part of the code opens it but python looks for it from the beginning and cant find it.
i really appreciate any suggestions how to solve this.
It looks like the window does not exist when the checking is performed. You should wait for a some time for window is opened.
try the next construction:
a_check = lambda: pywinauto.findwindows.find_windows(title=u' Please select a batch file to run:', class_name='#32770')[0]
w_handle = pywinauto.timings.WaitUntilPasses(timeout=10, retry_interval=1, a_check)
print('Something went wrong')
Also, your problem can be caused by the window has extra attributes/state. For example, inisible.
Use allowed argumens from find_windows to handle such cases, here the arguments list with defaul values:
pywinauto.findwindows.find_windows(class_name=None,class_name_re=None, parent=None, process=None, title=None, title_re=None, top_level_only=True, visible_only=True, enabled_only=False, best_match=None, handle=None, ctrl_index=None, predicate_func=None, active_only=False, control_id=None)