Regular expression that matches regular expressions - regex

Has anyone ever tried to describe regular expression that would match regular expressions?
This topic is almost impossible to find on the web due to the repeating keywords.
It is probably unusable in real-world applications, since the languages that support regular expressions usually have a method of parsing them, which we can use for validation, and a method of delimiting the regular expressions in code, which can be used for searching purposes.
But still I am wondering how would a regular expression that matches all regular expressions look like. It should be possible to write one.

I don't have a formal proof for this, but I strongly suspect that the language of regular expressions is not itself regular, and therefore not subject to regular expressions¹. This would make a proper regex to represent it impossible.
Why? Well, it can be shown that a language that requires balanced parentheses such as Lisp (or, more famously, HTML) is not regular using the pumping lemma:
The proof that the language of balanced (i.e., properly nested) parentheses is not regular follows the same idea. Given p, there is a string of balanced parentheses that begins with more than p left parentheses, so that y will consist entirely of left parentheses. By repeating y, we can produce a string that does not contain the same number of left and right parentheses, and so they cannot be balanced.
Regular expressions permit nested capture groups, which seem to fall into this category:
Take the example from the previous lesson, if we wanted to capture the image file number along with the filename, I can write the expression ^(IMG(\d+))\.png$.
In any case, this may be a better question for the Computer Science Stack Exchange site.
¹tomp points out that PCRE-based regular expression engines (and likely others) are actually able to match all context-free grammars and at least some context-sensitive grammars! That represents a massive difference in expressive power. Assuming the article is correct, pretty cool!
(Of course, whether these extended implementations are still "regular expressions" is up for debate. Since we're on a programming site I'll take the position that they are. On a CS site I'd probably take the opposite position!)
So it may be technically possible to represent regular expressions as a regular expression.
Even so, the task of writing a regex representing all regexes is enormously complex. Consider for comparison the task of validating an email address. Many resources boil this down to something akin to [^#]+#[^#]+, or "as long as there is only one at symbol and at least one character before and one character after it, we're good".
But have a look at this apparently complete regex to validate RFC 822. Is it correct? Who knows. I'm certainly not going to check it.
Having seen this, I wouldn't want to try to write a regex to validate regular expressions.

I just coded this in a couple of minutes, so don't expect too much...still, it can match a regex in a string.
It can be extended, a looooooot...


To use or not to use regular expressions?

I just asked this question about using a regular expression to allow numbers between -90.0 and +90.0. I got some answers on how to implement the regular expression, but most of the answers also mentioned that that would be better handled without using a regular expression or using a regular expression would be overkill. So how do you decide when to use a regular expression and when not to use a regular expression. Is there a check list you can follow?
Regular expressions are a text processing tool for character-based tests. More formally, regular expressions are good at handling regular languages and bad at almost anything else.
In practice, this means that regular expressions are not well suited for tasks that require discovering meaning (semantics) in text that goes beyond the character level. This would require a full-blown parser.
In your particular case: recognizing a number in a text is an exercise that regular expressions are good at (decimal numbers can be trivially described using a regular language). This works on the character level.
But doing more advanced stuff with the number that requires knowledge of its numerical value (i.e. its semantics) requires interpretation. Regular expressions are bad at this. So finding a number in text is easy. Finding a number in text that is greater than 11 but smaller than 1004 (or that is divisible by 3) is hard: it requires recognizing the meaning of the number.
I would say that regex expressions are most effective on Strings. For other data types, manipulations of that data type will usually be more intuitive and provide better results.
For example, if you know that you're dealing with DateTime, then you can use the Parse and TryParse methods will the different formats and it will usually be more reliable than your own regex expressions.
In your example, you are dealing with numbers so deal with them accordingly.
Regex is very powerful, but it isn't the easiest code to read and to debug. When another reliable solution is at hand, you should probably go for that.
Without meaning to be circular or obtuse, you should use regular expressions when you have a string which contains information structured in a regular language, and you want to turn this string into an object model.
Basic use-case for RegEx :-
You need "Key Value Pairs" - Both Key and Values are embedded within other noisy text - cant be accessed or isolated otherwise.
You need to automate extraction of these values by looping over multiple documents.
Number and combination of Key Value pairs maybe discovered as you progress parsing through text.
The answer is straight forward:
If you can solve your problem without regular expressions (just by string functions), you don't use regular expressions. As it was said in one book I've read: regular expressions are violence over computer.
If it's to complicated to use language string functions, use regular expressions.

I don’t get regular expressions

I don’t understand or see the need for regular expressions.
Can some explain them in simple terms and provide some basic examples where they could be useful, or even critical.
Use them where you need to use/manipulate patterns. For instance, suppose you need to recognise the following pattern:
Any letter, A-Z, either upper or lower case, 5 or 6 times
3 digits
a single letter a-z (definitely lower case)
(Things like this crop up for zip code, credit card, social security number validation etc.)
That's not really hard to write in code - but it becomes harder as the pattern becomes more complicated. With a regular expression, you describe the pattern (rather than the code to validate it) and let the regex engine do the work for you.
The pattern here would be something like
(There are other ways of expressing it too.) Grouping constructs make it easy to match a whole pattern and grab (or replace) different bits of it, too.
A few downsides though:
Regexes can become complicated and hard to read quite quickly. Document thoroughly!
There are variations in behaviour between different regex engines
The complexity can be hard to judge if you're not an expert (which I'm certainly not!); there are "gotchas" which can make the patterns really slow against particular input, and these gotchas aren't obvious at all
Some people overuse regular expressions massively (and some underuse them, of course). The worst example I've seen was where someone asked (on a C# group) how to check whether a string was length 3 - this is clearly a job for using String.Length, but someone seriously suggested matching a regex. Madness. (They also got the regex wrong, which kinda proves the point.)
Regexes use backslashes to escape various things (e.g. use . to mean "a dot" rather than just "any character". In many languages the backslash itself needs escaping.
What regular expressions are used for:
Regular expressions is a language in itself that allows you to perform complex validation of string inputs. I.e. you pass it a string and it will return true or false if it is a match or not.
How regular expressions are used:
Form validation, determine if what the user entered is of the format you want
Finding the position of a certain pattern in a block of text
Search and replace where the search term is a regex and what to replace is a normal string.
Some regular expression language features:
Alternation: allows you to select one thing or another. Example match only yes or no.
Grouping: You can define scope and have precedence using parentheses. For example match 3 color shades.
Quantification: You can quantify how much of something you want. ? means 1 or 0, * means 0 or more. + means at least one. Example: Accept a binary string that is not empty:
Why regular expressions?
Regular expressions make it easy to match strings, it can often replace several dozen lines of source code with a simple small regular expression string.
Not for all types of matching:
To understand how something is useful, you should also understand how it is not useful. Regular expressions are bad for certain tasks for example when you need to guarantee that a string has an equal number of parentheses.
Available in just about all languages:
Regular expressions are available in just about any programming language.
Formal language:
Any regular expression can be converted to a deterministic finite state machine. And in this same way you can figure out how to make source code that will validate your regular expression.
matches "hat", "cat", "hhat", "chat", "hcat", "ccchat", and so on, but not "at"
Source, further reading
They look a bit cryptic but they provide a very powerful tool for finding patterns in text. Anything from href tags in HTML pages to validating email addresses.
And they can be processed into a very efficient data structure (FSA) that finds matches very fast.
They are a bit tricky, but extremely powerful and worth learning. The web is full of tutorial and examples, start for example from here and look at the examples here.
If I could direct the OP to some of the answers/comments on one of my own questions: How important is knowing Regexs?
Regular expressions are a very concise way to specify most pattern-matching and -replacement problems, and regexp engines can be very highly optimized.
If you wanted to do the same job as even a relatively simple regexp, you'd have to write a lot of code, which probably would contain a number of bugs, be hard to understand and perform badly.
Whereas doing the same with a regexp is much shorter, almost certainly performs as well as is technically possible, and is easier to understand to anyone familiar with regexpes (though it should be commented in either case)
The email example is actually a bad example for regular expressions. Regexes can be used, but the resulting expression (for example this one which doesn't handle "John Doe " style addresses) is hugely complicated - take a look at the email address specification and you'll see why...
However regexes are very useful in a host of other situations, extracting ip addresses from text, tags from html etc. Finding all versioned files would be another example. Something along the lines of:
will match any filenames of the format my_versioned_file_2009-02-26.txt and pull out the date as a captured group (the part wrapped in "()") for you to further analyse.
No regexes are not necessary, but they can save a world of time in writing a hand rolled parser for something a regex can easily achieve.
Whenever you've got some pattern to find in a lot of textual data or if you want to check that a string is in a certain format.
For example an email address...
The code for checking for an at symbol and the presence of a valid domain will look quite big where you could just use a regular expression and have an answer in 2 lines of code.
Regex r = new Regex("<An Email Address Regex>");
bool isValidEmail = r.IsMatch(MyInput);
Other examples would be for checking numbers are in the correct format before parsing them into integers etc.
Jon and Sqook gave a fine explanation and definition of Regular Expressions, and for simple problems it is pretty understandable, but if you use it for complex problems regular expressions can be a &$#( (at least for me ;-))
I use Expresso a lot to help me build complex regular expression code.
It has a build in library with expressions you can use, a design mode where you can build your code and a test mode where you can test and validate the code. It helped me build and understand complex expressions better!
Some practical real world usages:
Finding abstract classes that extend JUnit's TestCase:
This is useful for finding test cases that cannot be instantiated and will need excluding from an ant build script that runs test cases. You cannot search for regular text because you don't know the class names in advance. hence the \w+ (At least one word character).
Finding running bash or bourne shell scripts:
ps -e | grep -e " sh| bash"
this is useful if you want to kill them all or something, if you did a search for just sh you'd not get the bash ones and have to run the command again for bash scripts. Again, more serviceable than perfect, but nearly no regex you write on the fly will be.
It's not perfect, but most regexes won't be, or they'll take so long to write they're not worth it. The ones you perfect are the ones you commit as part of some sort of validation or built application.
Example of critical use is JavaScript:
If you need to do search or replace on a string, the only matching you can do is a regular expression. It's in the JavaScript API on those string methods...
Personally, I mostly use regular expressions only when I need some advanced matching in some automated find/replace in a text editor (TextPad or Visual Studio). The most powerful feature in my view is the ability to match a pattern that can be inserted in the replace.
To give you some examples:
Email Address
Password requires at least 1 alphabet and 1 digit
How can you acheive these requirements?
The best way is to use regular expression.
Read the following links to learn more:
How To: Use Regular Expressions to Constrain Input in ASP.NET

When is a issue too complex for a regular expression?

Please don't answer the obvious, but what are the limit signs that tell us a problem should not be solved using regular expressions?
For example: Why is a complete email validation too complex for a regular expression?
Regular expressions are a textual representation of finite-state automata. That is to say, they are limited to only non-recursive matching. This means that you can't have any concept of "scope" or "sub-match" in your regexp. Consider the following problem:
Are all the open parens matched with a close paren?
Obviously, when we look at this as human beings, we can easily see that the answer is "yes". However, no regular expression will be able to reliably answer this question. In order to do this sort of processing, you will need a full pushdown automaton (like a DFA with a stack). This is most commonly found in the guise of a parser such as those generated by ANTLR or Bison.
A few things to look out for:
beginning and ending tag detection -- matched pairing
needing to go backwards (though you can reverse the string, but that's a hack)
regexes, as much as I love them, aren't good at those three things. And remember, keep it simple! If you're trying to build a regex that does "everything", then you're probably doing it wrong.
When you need to parse an expression that's not defined by a regular language.
What it comes down to is using common sense. If what you are trying to match becomes an unmanageable, monster regular expression then you either need to break it up into small, logical sub-regular expressions or you need to start re-thinking your solution.
Take email addresses (as per your example). This simple regular expression (taken from RegEx buddy) matches 99% of all emails out there:
It is short and to the point and you will rarely run into issues with it. However, as the author of RegEx buddy points out, if your email address is in the rare top-level domain ".museum" it will not be accepted.
To truely match all email addresses you need to adhere to the standard known as RFC 2822. It outlines the multitude of ways email addresses can be formatted and it is extremely complex.
Here is a sample regular expression attempting to adhere to RFC 2822:
This obviously becomes a problem of diminishing returns. It is better to use the easily maintained implementation that matches 99% of email addresses vs the monsterous one that accepts 99.9% of them.
Regular expressions are a great tool to have in your programmers toolbox but they aren't a solution to all your parsing problems. If you find your RegEx solution starting to become extremely complex you need to either attempt to logically break it up into smaller regular expressions to match portions of your text or you need to start looking at other methods to solve your problem. Similarly, there are simply problems that Regular Expressions, due to their nature, can't solve (as one poster said, not adhering to Regular Language).
Regular expressions are suited for tokenizing, finding or identifying individual bits of text, e.g. finding keywords, strings, comments, etc. in source code.
Regular expressions are not suited for determining the relationship between multiple bits of text, e.g. finding a block of source code with properly paired braces. You need a parser for that. The parser can use regular expressions for tokenizing the input, while the parser itself determines how the different regex matches fit together.
Essentially, you're going to far with your regular expressions if you start thinking about "balancing groups" (.NET's capture group subtraction feature) or "recursion" (Perl 5.10 and PCRE).
Here's a good quote from Raymond Chen:
Don't make regular expressions do what they're not good at. If you want to match a simple pattern, then match a simple pattern. If you want to do math, then do math. As commenter Maurits put it, "The trick is not to spend time developing a combination hammer/screwdriver, but just use a hammer and a screwdriver.
Solve the problem with a regex, then give it to somebody else conversant in regexes. If they can't tell you what it does (or at least say with confidence that they understand) in about 10 minutes, it's too complex.
Sure sign to stop using regexps is this: if you have many grouping braces '()' and many alternatives '|' then it is a sure sign that you try to do a (complex) parsing with regular expressions.
Add to the mix Perl extensions, backreferences, etc and soon you have yourself a parser that is hard to read, hard to modify, and hard to reason about it's properties (e.g. is there an input on which this parser will work in a exponential time).
This is a time to stop regexing and start parsing (with hand-made parser, parser generators or parser combinators).
Along with tremendous expressions, there are principal limitations on the words, which can be handled by regexp.
For instance you can not not write regexp for word described by n chars a, then n chars b, where n can be any, more strictly .
In different languages regexp is a extension of Regular language, but time of parsing can be extremely large and this code is non-portable.
Whenever you can't be sure it really solves the problem, for example:
HTML parsing
Email validation
Language parsers
Especially so when there already exist tools that solve the problem in a totally understandable way.
Regex can be used in the domains I mentioned, but only as a subset of the whole problem and for specific, simple cases.
This goes beyond the technical limitations of regexes (regular languages + extensions), the maintainability and readability limit is surpassed a lot earlier than the technical limit in most cases.
A problem is too complex for regular expressions when constraints of the problem can change after the solution is written. So, in your example, how can you be sure an email address is valid when you do not have access to the target mail system to verify that the email address is attached to a valid user? You can't.
My limit is a Regex pattern that's about 30-50 characters long (varying depending on how much is fixed text and how much is regex commands)
This may sound stupid but I often lament not being able to do database type of queries using regular expression. Now especially more then before because I am entering those types of search string all the time on search engines. its very difficult, if not impossible to search for +complex AND +"regular expression"
For example, how do I search in emacs for commands that have both Buffer and Window in their name? I need to search separately for .*Buffer.*Window and .*Window.*Buffer

Regexp that matches valid regexps

Is there a regular expression that matches valid regular expressions?
(I know there are several flavors of regexps. One would do.)
Is there a regular expression that matches valid regular expressions?
By definion, it's quite simple: No.
The language of all regexes is no regular language (just look at nested parentheses) and therefore there can't be a regular expression to parse it.
If you merely want to check whether a regular expression is valid or not, simply try to compile it with whichever programming language or regular expression library you're working with.
Parsing regular expressions is far from trivial. As the author of RegexBuddy, I have been around that block a few times. If you really want to do it, use a regex to tokenize the input, and leave the parsing logic to procedural code. That is, your regex would match one regex token (^, $, \w, (, ), etc.) at a time, and your procedural code would check if they're in the right order.
Unfortunately, most invalid regular expressions are invalid due to parentheses nesting errors. This is exactly the type of strings that regular expressions can't match. (Okay, some fancy regular expression systems have recursion extensions, but that's rare)
As already said, you cannot describe regular expressions with a regular expression due to their recursive nature. You'll need a context free grammar for that.
But what would be the point of having such a regular expression, anyway? If you just want to check whether a regular expression is correct, you can simply try to use it (Pattern.compile(regexp) in Java) and if it screams it is not valid.
You probably need a parser, not a regex. Regexes are powerful tools, but are not parsing tools. They are not well suited to nested grammars, for example.
From Douglas Crockford's The JavaScript Programming Language video 4 (of 4):
/\/(\\[^\x00-\x1f]|\[(\\[^\x00-\x1f]|[^\x00-\x1f\\\/])*\]|[^\x00-\x1f\\\/\[])+\/[gim]*/ at approximately -17.20.
Depending on your goal I would say definately maybe.
If you want to filter regexps out from somewhere, it might prove difficult as regular expressions come in all sizes and shapes and they don't all start and end with slashes.
If you just need to know wether or not a regexp is valid there is another way. Depending on the language you're using you could try/catch
If you can be more specific I could try and give a better answer, the question is intruiging.

BNF to regular Expressions

How can I describe the language
A → AA | ( A ) | ε
generates using regular expressions?
Regular expressions accept strings from regular languages. Regular languages can also be accepted by an FSM.
There's an potentially infinite number of brackets in your language that you have to match up. That means you need an infinite state, obviously impossible in any Finite State Machine. Therefore, your language isn't regular and can't be matched with a regex.
Regular expressions cannot match nesting brackets.
I'm not sure about how you could notate that language, but that language isn't regular, as can be shown using the pumping lemma for regular languages (and thus, it can't be noted by a regex). An intuitive explanation is that accepting words from that language would require the FDA to 'remember' the number of opening parenthesis that it just read every time it begins to read closing parenthesis, and that isn't possible for them as they have no 'memory'. A push-down automaton, on the other hand...
Could that language be noted as {(n)n}*, for any n?
You can't - regular expressions can only recognise a small subset of possible languages. In particular, informally, any language that requires an unbounded amount of memory potentially to recognise is not RE recognisable.
Here, you'd need an unbounded amount of memory to remember how many opening parentheses you've seen in order to make sure the number of closing parentheses are the same.
You'll need some mechanism that is capable of parsing Context-Free Grammars to be able to recognise languages described by BNF in general. Modern parsers are very good at this!
As others have said you cannot do this with a single regular expression, however you can tokenize it with two "\(" and "\)". Seeing that your language can only have brackets in it though I'm not sure this is going to be very useful.
Note: You will also need a passer to ensure the brackets are paired up correctly. So “(()()” will tokenize but will not parse.