Assert with regsvr32 in map_ss.cpp - assert

I have a serious problem I do not know how to fix it. When registering a "dll", regsvr32 returns a strange error and I do not know how to fix it. Can you think any idea how to track it?
Many thanks in advance


xlwings error 1000 can't seem to launch dll? XLPyDLLActivateAuto?

I'm receiving an error 1000. I've tried so many things to fix. It seems that it fail at XLPyDLLActivateAuto.
Any help would be appreciated.

Is there a way to get the DLL Loader to inform me of missing DLLs?

This question has plagued me for years. Not strong enough to do anything real about it. Just a small thorn in one's side.
Why is it that if you start a program and have a missing DLL, you get a nice informative message telling you which DLL is missing? Yet, when you use ::LoadLibrary you just get a ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND.
Raymond Chen explains this a bit further here. To me this answers why there's a dialog box, and not an error code. But it doesn't explain the burning question -- "How can I know which DLL is missing?"
I'm aware that I could build this, similar to Dependency Walker. However, in order to do this you have to properly match the DLL search path order.
Is anyone aware of an easy way to get the loader to tell me what it couldn't find? I don't want the dialog, I just want the missing dependency.
Similar thread:
How to make LoadLibrary to show error dialog when there are missing dependencies

DDS DomainParticipantFactory Error CORBA

I'm trying to create a program to test Opensplice DDS. However I'm facing some problems for which I've been stuck for quite a long time.
When I try to create a DomainParticipantFactory I got an error which says CORBA:NO_IMPLEMENT. The program works if I don't create the DomainParticipant so I thought that the problem lays there.
DDS::DomainParticipantFactory_var dpf = DDS:DomainParticipantFactory::get_instance();
// get_instance() causes the crash.
Would somebody ever faced such a problem ?
Since I've found my solution, I post here in case anyone gets it.
The problem was a misbehavior due to overlapping librairies.
I was linkings CCPP and SACPP together. That made some kind of explosive mix that the system didn't like much.
So don't link the wrong library. Depending if you use CORBA system or not, choose carefully.

Eclipse stops running reason = "breakpoint"

I am working with eclipse using C++. It was working fine till yesterday. Now when I use break points and debug I get a stopped,reason="breakpoint-hit" error and then eclipse stops. Has anyone seen this error and anyone know how to fix it?
I have used breakpoints before to help me debug. Instead of the step into, step over, and step out options, Eclipse stops running. I am not doing anything out of the usual with breakpoints, I tried them at several different points and got the same problem.
Eclipse obviously has problems with debugging while you use the console for typing in input. Is that your case? I had that problem and while googling for a solution, I finally came upon a recommendation that while debugging, you should pass input to your program from a file rather than typing it to the console.
The recommendation can be found here:
(It's the question that starts with "I have a problem with debugging in Eclipse.".)
Hope this helps.

C++ application exit error code 62097 - What does that mean?

My program is exitting with code '62097' (or in hex 0xF291).
I know which DLL library is causing it, and I'm trying to figure out why it is messing up.
What does 62097 mean? How can I find out? I checked online, and as far as I can tell, generic Windows error codes don't go up to 62097.
Any other suggestions how I can go about debugging this problem?
I use Dependency Walker on the DLL that's causing trouble, but everything is fine except missing IESHIMS.dll, IEFRAME.dll, and SHLWAPI.dll (which usually are missing when I use Dependency Walker).
The library in question is a 3rd party library that I compiled myself - it's quite possible I compiled it incorrectly - how can I tell if that's the case?
The program refuses to run before it enters main(), but only if I use a class imported from the DLL. If I'm not using anything from the DLL, the program starts fine.
The program is technically "running", but in the background, before the code ever reaches me. It's not a constructor of a class, because I tried doing something like this:
dllClass *class = new dllClass;
And the same thing occurred before execution reached the 'new', so it can't be a constructor with an infinite loop or something like that.
It's running as a process, and is not "Not responding".
I'm using MinGW on Windows 7 32bit. What can I do to troubleshoot this?
I appreciate any insight you can offer; meanwhile I'm trying to follow up a few more possible thoughts hoping I can narrow it down further.
This library is made using Qt ? Because according to it the return code Qt uses when it kills a process.