Compile app with OpenCV for Axis camera - c++

I'm trying to create an application which will use some modules from OpenCV and compile it for an Axis camera (M3114 preferably). The whole OpenCV is too big and cannot fit in the camera's memory. How can I select some specific modules (instead of compiling all of them)?


How to add TF on a object whose coordinate is already detected by PCL

The coordinate of the object is already detected by PCL. For this purpose, I am using a Kinect v2 camera. I have written that code in C++ and I am working in ROS platform. Now I want to add TF on the object detected by the Kinect using PCL library.
Extra notes: My objective is to grab a moving object on a conveyor belt by a robot.
Any ideas would be a great help for me.

How to create camera calibration opencv dll for Labview

How can I create camera calibration dll for Labview? I'm using Visual Studio. I want to perform calibration that is explaned here:
Soo when dll will be caled from Labview it will take imput image for calibration and calibrate itself and return calibrated image.
Problem discovered so far:
1. My Labview is 32-bit, OpenCV is 64-bit.
2. Don't know much about camera calibration and how to use reference link, so need help here.

Can OpenCV capture image from Microsoft Surface Pro camera?

Basically, I have a prototype ready with OpenCV that captures images from connected webcams. We need to ship it to customers and they include Surface Pro users, which has an integrated rear camera.
I am not sure whether it would work on that device or not i.e. whether my code would detect the integrated Surface Pro camera or not. We currently do not have access to such a machine.
So, is there a way validate this? I can think of two options:
Is there any emulator available for Surface Pro camera?
Does OpenCV provide a list of cameras which it supports?
Would really appreciate any form of assistance here!
OpenCV works via the OS camera drivers. If the Surface Pro camera appears as a normal camera to Windows OpenCV should see it as just another camera.
For record's sake - This Stack Overflow answer gives the code for iterating available devices.
And personally I can verify that OpenCV works with the Surface Pro cameras (front and rear). We are using the EMGU port of it.

How to interface with Autodesk Maya 2014 built in renderer?

I am building a autodesk maya 2014 ray tracing plugin with the maya c++ API. my plugin runs in maya but the output image is directly written to the hardisk, it's very clumsy.
I am trying to find a way to interface with maya built in renderer and thus seeing the output image in maya view port and getting the option to save the image within the maya interface.
I want the option to render my scene within maya using my ray tracing algorithm and watch the output image in maya (not writing the image externally to the disk).
There is almost no tutorials for writing maya plugins and how to use the maya API I could find by googling.
I will try to focus my question and add some more question regarding the implementation itself:
can you direct me to a tutorial for how to code an extension (like mental ray) in c++ using the maya API that will work within maya and will render and show the output of my custom ray tracing algorithm in maya view port?
and for the implementation itself: i am a little confused with all the coordinate systems used by maya and openGL. lets assume i found a perspective camera and its dag path using an iterator in the plugin itself, and i have all the scene objects vertices (again iterator within the plugin). how do i convert those vertices from model\camera\object spaces to screen space?
the same question as the second question but now instead of getting the vertices in screen space as before i want a way to print them in a maya view port?

opencv opengl drawing on a frame

How can I use both Opencv and OpenGl to draw some 3D shape onto a Mat frame ? The scenario is simple I am grabbing some frames ( cv::Mat) and I would like to visualise them with some 3D cool target arrows like this ---> target <---. Any ideas on how to do that? What would be a good reference to search for ?
Firstly use latest OpenCV version, or use the version which comes with Qt support. Make sure that you install OpenCV with Qt support, if you are building yourself then build with Qt support. Next go to this link
A single function will let you draw on the top of the image using a callback function.