compiler behaving abnormally c++ - c++

I am using this simple program.
using namespace std;
int main(){
int arr[200]={0};
int i = 200;
arr[i] = 1;
cout << i << endl;
I expect the result to be 200; In my system its showing result as 1.
Can anyone explain the abnormal behavior.

You allocated an array with 200 elements which gives you indexes 0 through 199. You set the item at index 200 to be 1, which is beyond the bounds of your array. C++ is happy to let you stomp whatever memory you want. You declared i right after arr and so it literally got allocated on the stack right after arr in memory, so you set it to 1 when you went past the end of your array by one element.
You can verify by declaring i before arr and see what happens. Or set i to 199, which is probably what you meant to do.


Dynamic Programming Using STL Vectors Makes Program Freeze Beyond Certain Values

I wrote the following program, trying to optimize a recursive algorithm using Dynamic Programming.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int mini(int n, vector<int> &memory){
return memory[n];
int m = (n+1)+mini(((n-1)/2), memory)+mini(((n-1)-((n-1)/2)), memory);
return m;
int main(){
vector<int> memory={0, 2, 5};
int t;
cin >> t;
int n;
cin >> n;
cout << mini(n, memory) << "\n";
The base conditions for the recursive function are already specified inside the vector, and the function does work for the base conditions. It works correctly for mini(1), mini(2), ..., mini(5). Whenever I am trying anything from mini(6) or beyond, the program just freezes.
After a bit of debugging, the problem does seem to be that the function is unable to read any of the values that we are subsequently adding into the memory vector. Which is why the following works:
mini(5) = 6 + mini(2) + mini(2) //mini(2) is pre-specified in memory vector.
mini(4) = 5 + mini(1) + mini(2) //mini(1) and mini(2) are pre-specified.
mini(6) = 7 + mini(2) + mini(3) //mini(3) is not pre-specified into vector memory.
Here, mini(3) should have been added into the vector and used, but the function somehow doesn't seem to be able to do that.
It seems that the function is unable to perform recursions beyond a single level. I have no idea why, and would very much prefer some reason why this is happening.
Following insights from the comments, the problem has been solved.
There were two issues with the initial program:
Trying to insert elements beyond the current size of the vector: To fix this issue, use an if statement before inserting elements to the vector to ensure that it has the correct capacity.
Using items from memory that we did not previously insert: When we are resizing memory from the previous point, we are also creating empty values at spots that we did not insert into before. For example, mini(7) would insert the values of mini(3) and mini(7) into memory. The values of mini(4), mini(5) and mini(6) would remain 0. Later when we use the function, the values of mini(4), mini(5) and mini(6) would be found in the memory to be 0, and be used as such, leading to incorrect answers.
Fixing both errors, the revised function looks like this:
int mini(int n, vector<int> &memory){
if(n<memory.size() && memory[n]!=0){
return memory[n];
int m = (n+1)+mini(((n-1)/2), memory)+mini(((n-1)-((n-1)/2)), memory);
return m;

Getting Unexpected value

I was playing around with array and when i did this , im expecting IndexOutOfBound
however , the program still ran and gave an output 54
Where does the extra number come from ?
How to avoid these kind of indexing problem?
#include <iostream>
int main(){
int array[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6};
int total;
for(int i = 0 ; i<=7 ; i++){
total += array[i];
std::cout << total;
return 0;
C++ does not do any checking to make sure that your indices are valid for the length of your array.
Like churill notes above, indexing out of range is undefined behavior. For example, in your question, the value of array[6] is whatever is stored your memory at the location where the 6th element would have existed. In your case, this was a random value for instance from another variable.
Although rare, C++ will also let you use a negative index, with similarly undesirable results.

Random Symbols Getting Printed Without Initialization

I made a fairly short text-based animation program:
#include <iostream>
void animation(char words[], int sizeOfWords) {
for(int x = 0; x < sizeOfWords; x++){
for(double y = 0; y < 10000000; y++);
std::cout << words[x];
if(words[x] == '!') std::cout << std::endl;
int main() {
char words[] = {'H','e','l','l','o',' ','W','o','r','l','d','!','T','h','i','s',' ','i','s',' ','m','y',' ','f','i','r','s','t',' ','C','+','+',' ','a','n','i','m','a','t','i','o','n','!','H','o','p','e',' ','y','o','u',' ','e','n','j','o','y','e','d','!'};
int amountOfLetters = 0;
for(unsigned x : words) amountOfLetters++;
animation(words, amountOfLetters);
When I first made the program I forgot to initialize int amountOfLetters; to 0. That is when I got all these random symbols. The program is fine with or without initializing it. Just without assigning 0 to it, I get these extras in the end.
Without Initialisation Of The Variable will give the following result:
Hello World!
This is my first C++ animation!
Hope you enjoyed!
t ht ÉH P j     T j ­Ðou2ö¤.■   Á╬ouÈ╬ouht mzou
Process returned 0 (0x0) execution time : 11.466 s
Press any key to continue.
With Initialisation Of The Variable will give the following result:
Hello World!
This is my first C++ animation!
Hope you enjoyed!
Process returned 0 (0x0) execution time : 4.444 s
Press any key to continue.
You could try running the codes yourself if you want. I would just like to know why are these symbols being printed out. If you can help i'd appreciate it. If not thanks for stopping by.
This post isn't a duplicate of Why uninitialized char array is filled with random symbols?. I talk about passing the number of elements in an array and passing them as argument, afterwards looping through them. The other post is simply just talking about initializing an array Without Information in it and printing it. Meanwhile, again, I am talking about Having Information, just the size of the array holding them was the problem. Simply theirs is about printing an array with no elements, mine is about looping through an array with elements but, mistakenly making an error for the size.
Your animation function is accessing the char array by index, until the index == sizeOfWords. If amountOfLetters is not initialised you will start incrementing a random value, and will therefore read past the end of the array in animation. That, of course, has random values.
When I first made the program I forgot to initialize int amountOfLetters; to 0. That is when I got all these random symbols. The program is fine with or without initializing it. Just without assigning 0 to it, I get these extras in the end.
That's because without initializing amountOfLetters the amountOfLetters++; operation is undefined behavior.
amountOfLetters may have an arbitrary value at the beginning of the loop, as it was left on the stack from previous operations.
Also note that you could greatly simplify and improve your code just omitting the loop and write:
animation(words, sizeof(words));

Undetected error with new operator

I was messing around trying to understand pointers and the operator "new"
and I ended up getting even more confused on what these 2 codes should result to, which is other but its not, so I wanted to understand what happened here.
thanks in advance.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int * p = new int(50);
p[1] = 33;
cout << *p << endl;
Output: 50
and when I tried this
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int * p = new int[50];
p[1] = 33;
cout << *p << endl;
Output: -842150451
I was wondering about the meaning of each result.
In the first case
int * p = new int(50); // allocates 1 int on heap, initialized to value of 50
p[ 1] = 33; // p gives you the address of integer,
// p[1] moves the p pointer forward and accessing
// the pointed object results in undefined behavior,
// this means that at this moment anything can happen
// exception, crash, home war, nothing, everything,
// printing garbage value as well
In the second case:
int* p = new int[50]; // allocates 50 ints on heap, uninitialized
p[ 1] = 17; // initializes element with index 1 to value of 17
std::cout << *p; // p gives you the address of first element, with index 0
// which is still uninitialized, thus prints garbages
You should use
int* p = new int[50]();
to value-initialize ints to 0.
In the first one, you created dynamically a single int with a value of 50. When you try to assign the value 33, you actually assign it in memory that is not yours. It is undefined behaviour. But when you print it, you print the original value you made, which was 50.
In the second one, you created dynamically an array of 50 int. You've then specified the second value of in the array should be 33.* So when you print the value with cout << *p << endl;, you end up printing only the first value, which is undefined. Try it again, you'll probably get another value.
*Edit: as pointed in the comments, I should have been more explicit about this. An array starts at 0. So if you want to access the first value p[0] would do it.
In the first case you're creating an array of 50 ints, assigning a value to the SECOND int in the array, and then printing the first element in the array. Array indices start at 0, so when you dereference the pointer in your cout statement, it's printing whatever happened to be in memory at index 0.
In the second case you're creating a single integer, and initializing it with the value 50. When you dereference the pointer in the print statement, you're getting the integer you just created. The p[1] = 33 may or may not cause an error as your accessing unassigned memory.
int* p = new int[50];
allocates an array of int on the heap with 50 uninitialized elements, ranging from index 0 to 49.
Setting p[1] to 33 doesn't change p[0] which is what you're printing with "cout << *p".
The value -842150451 (0xCDCDCDCD in hex) is a magic number "Used by Microsoft's C++ debugging runtime library to mark uninitialised heap memory", see this question on SO.
int* p = new int(50);
allocates exactly one int on the heap and initializes it with the value 50, so setting p[1] afterwards should result in undefined behavior since you didn't allocate that memory where p[1] is referring to.
I'd recommend to use the Visual Studio Memory Windows to see what happens to the memory you're allocating while stepping through your code.

Different outputs after debugging and compiling C++ programs

I'm running CodeBlocks on the MingW compiler in an XP virtual machine. I wrote in some simple code, accessible at cl1p , which answers the algorithm question at CodeChef (Well it only answers it partly, as I have not yet included the loop for multiple test cases.
However, my problem is, that while running it in debug mode, it gives the correct output of 5, for the input:
2 1
1 2 3
However, when I build and run it, it gives the absurd, huge output 131078, what seems like garbage to me. I do not understand how the hell this is happening, but am guessing it's something to do with the dynamic memory allocation. What's the problem here, and how can I fix it? I even ran it through the online compiler at BotSkool, and it worked fine. After adding the loop for test cases, the code even worked correctly on CodeChef!
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
// Take In number of rows
int numofrows;
cin >> numofrows;
// Input Only item in first row
int * prevrow;
prevrow = new int[1];
cin >> prevrow[0];
// For every other row
for (int currownum = 1; currownum < numofrows; currownum++)
// Declare an array for that row's max values
int * currow;
currow = new int[currownum+1];
int curnum;
cin >> curnum;
// If its the first element, max is prevmax + current input
currow[0] = prevrow[0] + curnum;
// for every element
int i = 1;
for (; i <= currownum; i++)
cin >> curnum;
// if its not the first element, check whether prevmax or prev-1max is greater. Add to current input
int max = (prevrow[i] > prevrow[i-1]) ? prevrow[i] : prevrow[i-1];
// save as currmax.
currow[i] = max + curnum;
// save entire array in prev
prevrow = new int[i+1];
prevrow = currow;
// get highest element of array
int ans = 0;
for (int j=0; j<numofrows; j++)
if (prevrow[j] > ans)
ans = prevrow[j];
cout << ans;
Run the code through Valgrind on a Linux machine and you'll be amazed at how many places your code is leaking memory.
If you are taking the hard road of managing your memory, do it well and 'delete' all the new-allocated memory before allocating more.
If, on the other hand, you prefer the easy road, use a std::vector and forget about memory management.
For one thing, this:
//save entire array in prev
prevrow = new int [i+1];
prevrow = currow;
copies the pointer, not the whole array.
In your loop, you have this line
int max = (prevrow[i]>prevrow[i-1])?prevrow[i]:prevrow[i-1];
On the first iteration of the main loop, when currownum == 1, the loop containing this line will be entered, as i is initialized to 1. But on the first iteration, prevrow only has one element and this line tries to access prevrow[1]. In a debug build, the memory simply gets initialized to zero, but in a normal build, you get some garbage value that just happened to be in the memory, leading to the result you see.
Pretty much always, when you get garbage values in a normal build, but everything is fine in a debug build, you are accessing some uninitialized memory.
Also, your program is leaking memory like crazy. For instance, you don't need to assign any result of new inside the loop to prevrow because right after that you change prevrow to point to another block of allocated memory. Also, you should call delete for any memory that you are no longer using.