build cpp program run on different version linux - c++

Some linux program for example mongodb binary file can run on different version linux whatever the host machine gcc version and glibc version.
How to do that? static link all libs? But I heard of glibc is not supposed to be static linked.

To make an executable that is independent of the installed libraries, you must statically link it.
However, if the application isn't very large/complex to build, it's often better to either distribute the source and build on/for the target system, or pre-build for the most popular variants.
The reason that you don't want to statically link glibc (and all other libs that the application may use) is that even the most simple application becomes about 700K-1MB. Given that my distribution has 1900 entries in /usr/bin, that would make it around 2GB minimum, where now it is 400MB (and that includes beasts like clang, emacs and skype, all weighing in at over 7MB in non-statically linked form - they probably have more than a dozen library dependencies each - clang, for example, grows from under 10MB to around 100-120MB if you compile it with static linking).
And of course, with static linkage, all the code for each application needs to be loaded into memory as a separate copy. So the overall memory usage goes up quite dramatically.


Is static linking in Linux portable?

Is static linking in Linux portable? I mean, can I use the -static option in gcc and link with every dependencies statically to have a clean output from ldd, and expect that the resulting executable will run portably in another computer with Linux installed? Of course given that the CPU architecture and the kernel version is compatible.
The short answer: Pretty much.
This will make a binary which will run on a kernel which is the same or compatible with the one for which the software was designed.
It may not take into account directory structure and if the binary expects to be able to load any external dependencies dynamically, that might not work.
Assuming there's nothing too fancy going on though, it will work fine.
This is approximately what Go's compiler does to enable shipment of binaries roughly anywhere. This also is a method for making a build forward compatible if you expect to be making OS upgrades that will be disruptive.
Additionally, these static binaries could be run in a FreeBSD kernel with Linux compatibility. As long as the kernel and user space is compatible, the binary should work.
As always, test.
Yes. The static link means it won't depend on any other library.
Maybe. You won't need to worry about dynamic library dependencies. Your statically linked libraries might use system calls or other kernel interfaces that older kernels don't have, so you'll only be forward compatible (the linux kernel has a pretty strong backwards compat policy). The only thing you might need to worry about are external files that your statically linked libraries might depend on (like localization databases and such).

Distribute a program compiled with MinGW g++

Let's say I have created and compiled a simple program using the MinGW 64 (g++ compiler). Running this program on my computer and looking in Process Explorer for what DLL files the program is using I find (among many others):
These are the only ones that reside under my MinGW installation folder. The rest of the DLL files used reside under C:\Windows.
Question 1:
Are the MinGW DLL files the MinGW C++ runtime libraries (so to speak)? Do they serve the same purpose as for example msvcrXXX.dll (XXX = version of Microsoft runtime library).
Question 2:
If I want to run the application on a different computer which does not have MinGW installed, is it sufficient to include those DLL files listed above (i.e. placing them in the same folder as my executable) to have it run on the other computer (we assume the other computer is also a 64-bit Windows machine). If yes, does this mean we basically ship the MinGW C++ runtime with our executable. If no, why?
libstdc++6.dll is the C++ standard library, like you said.
libwinpthread-1.dll is for C++11 threading support. MinGW-W64 has two possible thread variants: Either use the native Windows functions like CreateThread, but C++11 stuff like std::thread won´t be available then; or include this library and use the C++11 classes (too).
Note that to switch the thread model, you´ll need to reinstall MinGW. Just removing the DLL and not using the C++11 stuff won´t work, the DLL will be required nonetheless with your current install.
libgcc_s_seh-1.dll is something about C++ exception handling.
Yes, it should be sufficient to deliver the DLLs too
(or use static linking and deliver only your program file).
For complicated projects where you're not exactly sure which DLL files need to be included to distribute your application, I made a handy dandy Bash script (for MSYS2 shells) that can tell you exactly what DLL files you need to include. It relies on the Dependency Walker binary.
target="./build/main.exe" # Or wherever your binary is
MSYS2_ARG_CONV_EXCL="*" `cygpath -w $depends_bin` /c /oc:`cygpath -w $temp_file` `cygpath -w $target`
cat $temp_file | cut -d , -f 2 | grep mingw32 > $output
rm $temp_file
Note that this script would need to be modified slightly for use in regular MSYS (the MSYS2_ARG_CONV_EXCL and cygpath directives in particular). This script also assumes your MinGW DLL files are located in a path which contains MinGW.
You could potentially even use this script to automatically copy the DLL files in question into your build directory as part of an automatic deploy system.
You may like to add the options -static-libgcc and -static-libstdc++ to link the C and C++ standard libraries statically and thus remove the need to carry around any separate copies of those.
I used ntldd to get a list of dependencies.
I'm using msys2 so i just installed it with pacman. Use that and then copy all the needed dependencies
There are several major challenges to distributing compiled software:
Compiling the code for all target processors (remember, when it comes to compiled code, you need to produce separate downloads/distributions for each type of instruction set architecture).
Ensuring that the builds are reproducible, consistent, and can be easily correlated with a specific version of the code (and versions of the dependencies).
Ensuring that the build output is self-contained and includes all of its dependencies within it (so that it is not dependent on any other installations that happen to exist on just your system).
Making sure that your code is built and distributed regularly, with updates distributed automatically so that -- in the event of security issues -- you can push out new patched versions.
For convenience and to increase reach, it is nice for non-savvy users to have a prebuilt version that they can install. However, I would recommend sharing the source code as a first step.
Most of these requirements are fairly non-trivial to hit and often require automating not only build process, but also automating the instantiation / configuration of VMs in which the build should take place. However, there are open source projects that can help... for example, check out Gitian.
In terms of bullet point #3, the key thing here is to use static linking... while this does make the binary you distribute much larger (because its dependencies are now baked into the output), it also makes your binary isolated from the version of the libraries on the system (avoiding "dependency hell").
Point #4 is very tricky, but thankfully there are also opensource tools to help here, as well such as cloudup, which provides a way to add auto-updating capability to your application distribution.

Linux: C/C++ standard library static vs dynamic linking [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Static linking vs dynamic linking
(16 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
Probably on any OS it is possible to compile C++/C standard library statically or dynamically. On Windows I prefer static builds always, because it helps to avoid "dll hell" problem with different versions of libraries installed or not installed on specific Windows version, edition and service pack, etc. Static linking makes software more portable and less dependent on what end user did with his operating system (I even saw examples when end user could make SHIFT+DEL on some DLLs in system32, he couldn't explain why, or when users claim that my app contains virus because it tried to download dynamically linked prerequisites from official Microsoft website...) So, on Windows static linking is usually better than dynamic one in my experience.
However, I am new to Linux, so can anyone share his experience? My question is: what kind of linking (dynamic or static) is preffered on Linux if we ignore the fact that dynamic one allows to save memory & hard drive space and if we plan to distribute software with automated install program (hard drive space and memory are cheap enough now, so there are not reason to sacrifice hours of working time required to create really good and portable installer to win some megabytes of RAM or hard drive space). Are there any Linux-specific issues with dynamic/static linking?
On Linux you normally have a package manager that ensures you only have one version of libraries installed. So there normally is no dll hell and no problem with linking dynamically. Linking dynamically is the standard way on Linux.
I'd say the answer depends on how you distribute the software.
If you package the software for a specific Linux distribution and version dynamic linking is usually preferred. You know which libraries to find on the system and you can specify dependencies.
However, if you want to distribute the software as a Linux binary that runs on "any" system (such as various games or software like Matlab for example) you will end up with the same dll (or .so) hell problem as on windows. You don't know which versions of which libraries are on the system. Thus, you will have to provide your own .so files or link statically.
See the whole point in using dynamic linking is to reduce the size of executables and memory usage.If you neglect that there is too less to talk about.
On the other hand you mentioned about saving memory and disk space.It is necessary to save disk space because when you want to export your app/program, you can't put a 2Gb app on the internet for download(for example openCV library is about 2.1GB). The solution is to dynamically link them and load only those modules which are necessary to you.This enables efficient multitasking also(creates just one copy of the module and the whole program uses the same copy).
For example, a media player application might originally be shipped
with a codec that
supports the mp3 file format. If the media player were statically linked it would not
be possible to dynamically update it to support a different file format, without
replacing the entire application. Dynamic linking means that a new version of the
shared library containing a more up-to-date codec, which includes some enhancements
and bug fixes, could be dynamically loaded by a dynamic linker into memory at run-time
to replace the original shared library. A shared library can also be shared by more than one application. For example, two
different media players could both use the same shared library containing the same
codec. This potentially means that the device running the application requires less
physical memory, depending on the size of the dynamic linker.
third, in linux everything is dynamically linked except for the /bin/ash.static whic also has its dynamic version /bin/ash but this shouldn't stop you from static linking in linux.
when using gcc the linking is by default dynamic.I guess you should use the "-static" flag to statically link the libraries
#Vitaliy good that you brought this up.The important thing to note here is that Smart linking and the creation of shared (or dynamic) libraries are mutually exclusive, that is, if you turn on smart linking, then the creation of shared libraries is turned of.
smart linking breaks the code into small code blocks and their dependencies are loaded.
So if you are calling a dependency multiple times, it gets loaded multiple times.
This gives a very good execution time but very high compilation time especially for large units.So there is a certain trade-off.

Codeblocks run with Visual C++ developer tools

When i create a new project an alert box opens up asking
Multi-threaded Dynamic CRT mode
Multi-threaded Static CRT mode
what's the difference ??
And Explain..
Dynamic: Dynamically link the runtime, which means your compiled files will be smaller, but require the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime files to be installed. Depending on the Windows versions of the target system as well as other programs being installed there (and the version of VS you're using) it's likely that these are already installed, but you can never be sure, so you'll at least have to provide a download link in case your program doesn't run.
Static: Statically link the runtime, which means parts used are included in your compiled files. This will result in slightly larger files (depends on how many parts of the CRT you're using) and your code might be slightly faster. You won't need the runtime files to be present on the target system.
Which one to choose? Up to you.
If you're providing an installer that will take core of dependencies (like the CRT), using the dynamic version might be the better choice, especially when you're using multiple binary files (like executables and libraries). Otherwise you might essentially end up with duplicated code.
For a better "unzip and run" experience, I'd prefer using the static runtime.
You could as well use the dynamic runtime and provide a small "bootstrap" program, linked with the static runtime and checking whether the runtime is properly installed. If it isn't, it would download and install it prior to running the actual program.

Is it possible to compile a C/C++ source code that executes in all Linux distributions without recompilation?

Is it possible to compile a C/C++ source code that executes in all Linux distributions without recompilation?
If the answer is yes, can I use any external (non-standard C/C++) libraries?
I want distribute my binary application instead of distribute of source code.
No, you can't compile an executable the executes in all Linux distributions. However, you can compile an executable that works on most distributions that people will tend to care about.
Compile 32-bit. Compile for the minimum CPU level you're willing to support.
Build your own version of glibc. Use the --enable-kernel option to set the minimum kernel version you're willing to support.
Compile all other libraries you plan to use yourself. Use the headers from your glibc build and your chosen CPU/compiler flags.
Link statically.
For anything you couldn't link to statically (for example, if you need access to the system's default name resolution or you need PAM), you have to design your own helper process and API. Release the source to the helper process and let them (or your installer) compile it.
Test thoroughly on all the platforms you need to support.
You may need to tweak some libraries if they call functions that cannot work with this mechanism. That includes dlopen, gethostbyname, iconv_open, and so on. (These kinds of functions fundamentally rely on dynamic linking. See step 5 above. You will get a warning when you link for these.)
Also, time zones tend to break if you're not careful because your code may not understand the system's zone format or zone file locations. (You will get no warning for these. It just won't work.)
Most people who do this are building with the minimum supported CPU being a Pentium 4 and the minimum supported kernel version being 2.6.0.
There are two differences which are among installations. Architecture and libraries.
Having one binary for different architectures is not directly possible; there was an attempt to have binary for multiple archs in one file (fatelf), but it is not widely used and unlikely to gain momentum. So at least you have to distribute separate binaries for ia32, amd64, arm, ... (most if not all amd64 distros have kernel compiled with support for running ia32 code, though)
Distributions contain different versions of libraries. You're fine as long as the API does not change, you can link to that library. Some libs ensure inary backwards-compatibility within major number (so GTK2.2 app will run fine with GTK2.30 lib, but not necessarily vice versa). If you want to be sure, you have to link statically with all libs that you use, except the most basic ones (probably only libc6, which is binary-compatible accross distros AFAIK). This can increase size of the binary, and it one of reasons why e.g. Acrobat Reader is relatively big download, although the app itself is not specially rich functionality-wise.
There was a transitional period for c++ ABI, which changed between gcc 2.9 and 3 (IIRC), but the old ABI would be really just on ancient installations. This should no longer be an isse for you, and if you link statically, it is irrelevant anyway.
Generally no.
There are several bariers.
Different architectures
While a 32bit binary will run on a x86_64 system, it won't work vice versa. Plus there is a lot of ARM systems.
Kernel ABI
Kernel ABI changes very slowly, but it does change, therefore you can't really support all possible versions. Note that in some places kernel 2.2 is still in use.
What you can do is to create a statically linked binary. Such binary will include all libraries your app depends on, and it will work on all systems with the same architecture and a reasonably similar kernel version.