Error assigning object to pointer c++ - c++

Me and my friend are making a text based game in c++ for fun, and to learn a little more. I have been trying to use pointers to classes, but am having no luck, and some errors are occurring which make absolutely no sense to me at all, and am hoping someone can help me.
#include "Player.h"
class Map
//Virtual functions
class StartMap : public Map
class JungleMap : public Map
class RiverMap : public Map
#ifndef MAP_H
#define MAP_H
class Player
Map *PlayerMap;
//Other variables
void Initialize()
//Initialize variables
PlayerMap = &Start; //This is where the error occurs, says there's a
//<error-type>*Player::PlayerMap. Tried putting
//this->PlayerMap = &Start, didn't help
//There's no error when I make the pointer
//Bunch of other functions
Okay, here's my code since I decided to add .cpp files:
class Command
string GameCommand;
void Trim();
Command (string command) {GameCommand = command;}
Command () {}
void operator = (string command) {GameCommand = command;}
void ReadCommand();
string Print();
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Command.h"
#include "Parameter.h"
using namespace std;
void Command::Trim()
int LeadingPos = 0, MidCount = 0, TrailingPos = GameCommand.length()-1, Size = 0;
string TempCommand = "";
while (GameCommand[LeadingPos] == ' '){LeadingPos += 1;}
while (GameCommand[TrailingPos] == ' '){TrailingPos -= 1;}
Size = ((TrailingPos+1)-LeadingPos);
for (int loops = 0; loops < Size; loops++)
if (MidCount > 0 && GameCommand[LeadingPos] == ' ')
LeadingPos += 1;
if (GameCommand[LeadingPos] == ' ')
MidCount += 1;
TempCommand += GameCommand[LeadingPos];
LeadingPos += 1;
GameCommand = TempCommand;
void Command::ReadCommand()
string Parameter;
if (GameCommand.substr(0,3) == "go ")
Parameter = GameCommand.substr(3,string::npos);
else if (GameCommand.substr(0,4) == "dig ")
Parameter = GameCommand.substr(4,string::npos);
else if (GameCommand.substr(0,4) == "eat ")
Parameter = GameCommand.substr(4,string::npos);
else if (GameCommand.substr(0,4) == "exit" || GameCommand.substr(0,4) == "quit")
else if (GameCommand.substr(0,4) == "use ")
Parameter = GameCommand.substr(4,string::npos);
else if (GameCommand.substr(0,5) == "drop ")
Parameter = GameCommand.substr(5,string::npos);
else if (GameCommand.substr(0,5) == "grab " || GameCommand.substr(0,5) == "take ")
Parameter = GameCommand.substr(5,string::npos);
else if (GameCommand.substr(0,5) == "help ")
Parameter = GameCommand.substr(5,string::npos);
else if (GameCommand.substr(0,5) == "look ")
Parameter = GameCommand.substr(5,string::npos);
else if (GameCommand.substr(0,5) == "sleep")
else if (GameCommand.substr(0,6) == "check ")
Parameter = GameCommand.substr(6,string::npos);
else if (GameCommand.substr(0,6) == "climb ")
Parameter = GameCommand.substr(6,string::npos);
else if (GameCommand.substr(0,6) == "throw ")
Parameter = GameCommand.substr(6,string::npos);
else if (GameCommand.substr(0,7) == "attack ")
Parameter = GameCommand.substr(7,string::npos);
else if (GameCommand.substr(0,7) == "search ")
Parameter = GameCommand.substr(7,string::npos);
cout << "Not a valid command.\n";
string Print()
return GameCommand;
The string GameCommand is what's not working.

class StartMap : public Map;
is syntactically incorrect. You need
class StartMap : public Map
// Details of class
} Start;
You need to make similar changes to JungleMap and RiverMap.

First thing I noticed was the semi-colon after each inheritance declaration..
class XXXXX : public Map; <-- that semi-colon shouldn't be there..
In the initialize function, I'm fairly certain you mean PlayerMap = new StartMap();
You'll need a destructor to delete it and a copy, move constructor as well as an assignment operator in order to assign, move or copy the class.
You can follow this to make the class conform to RAII: What is the copy-and-swap idiom?

There are lots of problems with your code layout.
This doesn't do anything:
#ifndef MAP_H
#define MAP_H
I guess you are trying to do an include guard. The proper layout is:
#ifndef PLAYER_H
#define PLAYER_H
// all your code for the header file goes here
class Player
// ....
#endif // no more code after this line
The next issue is that Player.h should include Map.h, not the other way around. Imagine you are the compiler. You are processing Player.h. You get down as far as Map *PlayerMap; . But you don't know what Map is because you haven't seen Map.h yet. So you have to give an error and stop compiling.
The map definitions in Map.h should look like:
class StartMap : public Map
The Start; you had on the end is poor style. It would cause undefined behaviour if two different .cpp files included Map.h because there would be two different global variables with the same name.
Moving onto the void Map::Initialize() function. You're supposed to use the constructor for initialization. Either way, my suggestion is that you don't implement this in Player.h. Instead, just have void Initialize();, and then in Map.cpp you could have:
// the global variables
StartMap start_map;
JungleMap jungle_map;
void Map::Initialize()
player_map = &start_map;
It's a good idea to use a different naming convention for classes than for variables. So that when someone sees StartMap for example, they know immediately whether it is a class name or a variable name.


Return (\r) breaking cout

std::cout prints extra characters in my keyPressed string, probably because of "\r", for example, if keyPressed = "Right arrow", when I press the up arrow, it prints "keyPressed = Up arrowoww", then, when I press right arrow again, it prints "keyPressed = Right arrow" normally again, but if I press any arrow key except "Right arrow" it prints some unwanted extra characters at the end
Error example
Source code:
#include "engine.h"
#include <iomanip>
Engine eng;
int main() {
while (eng.isRunning) {
std::cout << std::setw(5);
std::cout << "\r X = " << eng.playerX;
std::cout << "| Y = " << eng.playerY;
std::cout << "| KEY = " << eng.keyPressed;
return 0;
#ifndef ENGINE_H
#define ENGINE_H
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <string>
class Engine {
// Game
bool isRunning = true;
bool gettingInput = true;
// Player
int playerX = 1;
int playerY = 1;
char playerModel = 'P';
// Test / Debug
std::string keyPressed;
// Functions
char getInput() {
// Gets arrow keys states
while (this->gettingInput) {
this->keyPressed = "";
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RIGHT)) {
// Right arrow key
this->keyPressed = "Right arrow";
else if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT)) {
// Left arrow key
this->keyPressed = "Left arrow";
else if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP)) {
// Up arrow key
this->keyPressed = "Up arrow";
else if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DOWN)) {
// Down arrow key
this->keyPressed = "Down arrow";
else if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_END)) {
Best / easiest way to fix this?
I searched and tested for 3 days but didn't find anything, please, help me.
Since you're overwriting the previous output, when you print a shorter string the extra characters from the previous output are still displayed. Replace the \r with a \n to see what's actually being output.
You can output some spaces after your key name to overwrite those extra characters with spaces and erase them.
After looking over your provided code I do see a few issues or concerns with the code design: I'll break it down and explain some of the things that I see that could improve the quality of your code. I will start with your main.cpp then move on to your Engine class.
You initially have this:
#include "engine.h"
#include <iomanip>
Engine eng;
int main() {
while (eng.isRunning) {
std::cout << std::setw(5);
std::cout << "\r X = " << eng.playerX;
std::cout << "| Y = " << eng.playerY;
std::cout << "| KEY = " << eng.keyPressed;
return 0;
The first main issue that I see is that you have declared Engine eng at the global level. We can fix this by
#include "engine.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
int main() {
Engine eng; // declare it here as the first object in main; now it has local
// scope within main's function and is now in Automatic Storage
// instead of Global Storage.
while( ... ) {
// ....
return 0;
The next issue starts with while loop's conditional expression in the main function.
You currently have:
while( engine.isRunning ) { //... }
This is okay but this is more of an issue with your Engine class's design. Here you are providing a public member that anyone can access. So let's look at your class declaration/definition; you currently have:
#ifndef ENGINE_H
#define ENGINE_H
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <string>
class Engine {
// Game
bool isRunning = true;
bool gettingInput = true;
// Player
int playerX = 1;
int playerY = 1;
char playerModel = 'P';
// Test / Debug
std::string keyPressed;
// Functions
char getInput() { // ... }
Here you should protect your data members and have access modifiers functions to them:
#ifndef ENGINE_H
#define ENGINE_H
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <string>
class Engine {
bool isRunning;
bool gettingInput;
// Player
int playerX;
int playerY;
char playerModel;
// Test / Debug
std::string keyPressed;
Engine() :
isRunning( false ),
isGettingInput( false ),
playerX( 1 ),
playerY( 1 ),
playerModel( 'P' )
void run() { isRunning = true; // set or call other things here... }
// Since we protected our members variables by making them private,
// we now need some access functions to retrieve and modify them.
bool isActive() const { return isRunning; } // make this const so it doesn't change anything
void toggleIsActive() { isRunning = !isRunning; }
bool retrievingInput() const { return isGettingInput; }
void toggleRetrievingInput() { isGettingInput = !isGettingInput; }
int getPlayerX() const { return playerX; }
void setPlayerX( int newX ) { playerX = newX; }
int getPlayerY() const { return playerY; }
void setPlayerY( int newY ) { playerY = newY; }
// set both in one function call
void setPlayerPosition( int newX, int newY ) {
playerX = newX;
playerY = newY;
char getPlayerModel() const { return playerModel; }
// don't know if you want to change this: uncomment if you do
// void setPlayerModel( char c ) { playerModel = c; }
std::string& getPressedKey() const { return keyPressed; }
char getInput() { // ... }
This should fix the interface design of your class. The only major difference here is that I had set your Boolean member variables to false by default because typically when you first start an Engine it is currently not already running. So to fix this we can call a public run function that will trigger this. So main would look like this instead:
int main () {
Engine eng;; // this now starts the engine sets the flag to true
while (...) { //... }
return 0;
However, I have also seen few concerns in your Engine's getInput() function, so let's take a look at it.
char getInput() {
// Gets arrow keys states
while (this->gettingInput) {
this->keyPressed = "";
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RIGHT)) {
// Right arrow key
this->keyPressed = "Right arrow";
else if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT)) {
// Left arrow key
this->keyPressed = "Left arrow";
else if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP)) {
// Up arrow key
this->keyPressed = "Up arrow";
else if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DOWN)) {
// Down arrow key
this->keyPressed = "Down arrow";
else if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_END)) {
The first part is the while loop's condition statement and your class's member. Originally you have this set to true by default, yet no where in the code did I see this value being updated. We don't need to change this but the fix is simple now that we have a way to change this member through a public interface call. Since I have made your isGettingInput false by default; you can now set this within this function before you enter the while loop. The only last issue that I see is that when this function is called back in main's while loop; this function never return's a value and the return value is never being used.
As to your actual problem with your bug for cout user : 1201programalarm has pretty much already answered that for you. Just thought I'd help you out a little bit more with your code.

C++ includes, class namespacing, and class instantiation

I've been writing some code to try and model some kind of taxi service, but I've run into a bit of an issue.
I have a class RunServer, which looks at the state of commands given by the user (src::control::Global::stat_commandPath) and asks for additional input based on those commands before doing something with that input.
The problem is that I'm getting an "error: expected type-specifier" (GCC-7.3.0, C++11) and it looks like it might have something to do with how I've namespaced the classes. If namespace declarations are removed from src/Vehicle/Car.h, then this problem stops happening.
This is should be all the relevant code for this issue. Sorry there's so much of it, I've truncated everything that doesn't look like it has an impact. The problem is with src/control/RunServer.h lines 66, 70, and 74. src/vehicle/Pickup.h and src/vehicle/Van.h have the same structure as src/vehicle/Car.h.
#ifndef INCLUDED_src_control_Global_h
#define INCLUDED_src_control_Global_h
#include <string>
#include "../vehicle/Vehicle.h"
namespace src {
namespace control {
class Global final
virtual void instantiable() = 0;
static size_t
static src::Vehicle
** stat_vehicleArray;
static std::string
static bool
// Deletes the pointer argument if adding fails.
src::Vehicle *
static size_t
static src::Vehicle
** get_vehicles();
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h> // exit()
#include <string>
#include <regex>
#include "../../lib/StringTools.h"
#include "../vehicle/Car.h"
#include "../vehicle/Pickup.h"
#include "../vehicle/Van.h"
#include "../vehicle/VehicleType.h"
#include "../person/Driver.h"
#include "../person/Passenger.h"
#include "Global.h"
#include "RunServer.h"
inline bool
std::string input)
if (input == "return")
return true;
if (input == "exit")
return true;
return false;
std::string input;
// "0" ~ Create...
// "00" ~ Create > Vehicle...
// "000" ~ Create > Vehicle > Car
// "001" ~ Create > Vehicle > Pickup
// "002" ~ Create > Vehicle > Van
// "01" ~ Create > Person...
// "010" ~ Create > Person > Driver
// "011" ~ Create > Person > Passenger
// "1" ~ Destroy...
// "10" ~ Destroy > Vehicle
// "11" ~ Destroy > Passenger
// "2" ~ Print
if (src::control::Global::stat_commandPath == "000" || src::control::Global::stat_commandPath == "001" || src::control::Global::stat_commandPath == "002")
// Create > Vehicle > (Car|Pickup|Van).
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "<vehicle identification (char array)>" << src::control::Global::stat_stdcoutEnd;
getline(std::cin, input);
if (src::control::RunServer::navigation(input))
if (std::regex_match(input, std::regex("\\w+")))
if (src::control::Global::stat_commandPath.back() == '0' && !src::control::Global::add_vehicle(new src::vehicle::Car(input)))
std::cout << "\nA vehicle with this identifier already exists!\n";
else if (src::control::Global::stat_commandPath.back() == '1' && !src::control::Global::add_vehicle(new src::vehicle::Pickup(input)))
std::cout << "\nA vehicle with this identifier already exists!\n";
else if (src::control::Global::stat_commandPath.back() == '2' && !src::control::Global::add_vehicle(new src::vehicle::Van(input)))
std::cout << "\nA vehicle with this identifier already exists!\n";
std::cout << "\nAn error occured!\n";
#ifndef INCLUDED_src_vehicle_Car_h
#define INCLUDED_src_vehicle_Car_h
#include <string>
#include "Vehicle.h"
namespace src {
namespace vehicle {
class Car final : public src::Vehicle
void instantiable() override {};
src::person::Passenger *
) override;
This is completely wrong:
static bool
// Deletes the pointer argument if adding fails.
src::Vehicle *
What are you trying to accomplish here? Isn't this supposed to be 3 independent prototypes?
static bool
// Deletes the pointer argument if adding fails.
src::Vehicle *
static bool exists_vehicle(
static bool remove_vehicle(
Issue appears to be related to case. It seems like namespace lookup is not case sensitive while namespace declaration is. Changing the namespace of src::vehicle::Car to src::avehicle::Car fixed the issue.

c++: How to declare std::functions without creating member functions to assign to them

I'm trying to write a "conditions" class to check if a given condition returns true or false, in an rpg game.
#pragma once
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
class Conditions
bool check(int i);
void initialize();
std::vector<std::function<bool()>> functions;
bool Conditions::check(int i)
if (i >= functions.size())
std::cout << "Conditions::functions's size is " << functions.size() << " but you've tried to enter: " << i << std::endl;
return false;
return functions[i]();
void Conditions::initialize()
//Here I want to initialize all the conditions manually and push them
//into functions member variable.
the question is , how can I create this functions without creating new member functions for each of them(there will be most likely more than 200 functions)
is it possible to write something like:
if(>200) return true;
else return false;
You are probably looking for lambdas:
if ( > 200) return true;
else return false;
If you don't actually need to access any members of Conditions in the function, then you can also remove the this capture entirely:
if ( > 200) return true;
else return false;
By the way, your specific function example can be extremely simplified like this:
return > 200;

Vector losing contents between files in C++

I have some methods in lexer.h which make use of a Vector made of Tokens.
In this method void getNextToken() I am making use of the said vector where I am adding new tokens to it.
The problem is, that when I go to a different file, I am trying to access ANOTHER method which makes use of this vector, but it is crashing with an out of bounds error (most probably it's being deferenced or something)
Is there a way how I can fix this?
The methods in concern are:
Token* nextToken()
if (it!= tokensUsed.end())
// we Assigned what is found in the iterator it (of the vector)
// so we get the data found in that pointer
itrToken = &*it;
//Move Iterator forward
it ++;
return itrToken;
Used in Parser to go get the PREVIOUS Tokens
Token* prevToken()
itrToken --;
if (it!= tokensUsed.begin())
itrToken = &*this->it;
return itrToken;
void getNextToken()
if (ch == '"')
cout << "STRING: " << strBuffer << endl; //TEST
//create new token and push it into the vector
tk = new Token (Token::ttString, strBuffer, row, col);
tokensUsed.push_back(*tk); //Add the new token to the Vector
startNewString(); //Clear the string
tokenMatch = true;
The above is just partial code, to show an example.
Now in Parser.h I am using this method to call the lexer.h:
void relOpP()
Token* tk = nextToken();
if (tk -> getType() == Token::ttString)
cout << "Ture";
which calls the Lexer's nextToken() it crashes, and when I tried checking it's contents it goes outofBounds error (and CodeBlocks giving me a SIGSEGV error)
I know it's something from the pointers that it's going awry, but how can I fix it?
These are the global variables I have declared:
vector<Token>::iterator it;
vector<Token> tokensUsed;
Token* itrToken; // used for iterator
bool checkQuote = false;
Token* tk = new Token (syNewToken, "", 1,0);
Token token; // Creates an instance of the class Token found in the file token.h
Token* t;
#include <iostream>
#include "lexer.h"
#include "parser.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
Lexer* l;
l -> getNextToken();
Parser p(l);
Token (int type, string sBuffer, int rRow, int cCol)
this->tType = type;
this->strBuffer = sBuffer;
this->row = rRow;
this->col = cCol;
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "lexer.h"
#include "token.h"
using namespace std;
class Parser{
Lexer* lexer;
string tree = "";
Parser (Lexer* l)
this -> lexer = l;
Token nextToken()
Token tk = lexer -> nextToken();
return tk;
void relOpP()
Token tk = nextToken();
if (tk.getType() == 1)
cout << "Ture";
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Token
int tType; //identifier or reserved by compiler?
string strBuffer; //string found in buffer at that moment
int row;
int col;
enum tokenType
// The instance of a token with 4 parameters resulting the type, the contents of the string that represents that type
// the row it is found in and the column.
Token (int type, string sBuffer, int rRow, int cCol)
this->tType = type;
this->strBuffer = sBuffer;
this->row = rRow;
this->col = cCol;
Token (Token* getT)
this-> tType = getT -> tType;
this->strBuffer = getT -> strBuffer;
this->row = getT -> row;
this->col = getT -> col;
int getType ()
return this->tType;
//return the string contents
string getBuffer()
return this->strBuffer;
//return row
int getRow()
return row;
//return col
int getCol ()
return col;
#include "token.h"
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Lexer
Token tk = new Token (1, "", 1,0);
vector<Token>::iterator it;
vector<Token> tokensUsed;
Token itrToken; // used for iterator
Token nextToken()
if (it!= tokensUsed.end())
// we Assigned what is found in the iterator it (of the vector)
// so we get the data found in that pointer
itrToken = &*it;
//Move Iterator forward
it ++;
return &itrToken;
cout << "ERROR" << endl;
return nullptr;
void getNextToken()
cout << "Test" << endl;
string strBuffer = "test";
int row = 0;
int col = 0;
tk = new Token (1,strBuffer,row,col);
In nextToken() and prevToken() there is no return for the case the if evaluates to false. The return value in that case is not very likely to be something (it could be anything...) that you can then dereference.
If you want to keep the current design you should return nullptr or (NULL if you don't have C++11 support) in that case. Then you need to change any code that uses the result of those functions to check if the pointer is valid before dereferencing it.
You would probably be better changing your design to not involve so much manual pointer manipulation. But to fix up your current version you should change your prevToken and nextToken to be something along the lines of:
Token* nextToken()
if (it!= tokensUsed.end())
return itrToken;
return nullptr;
Then if tk is the result of calling one of these functions you must not use tk-> or *tk if it is nullptr. Any code wanting to work with the result will need to check first.
So for example you could change you if statement to be:
if (tk && // Make sure tk is not nullptr
tk -> getType() == Token::ttString)
There are too many problems with your code for me to address them all in this post. The first, and most obvious one is this.
In the main function:
Lexer* l;
l -> getNextToken();
Here, you did not create a Lexer object. You just created an uninitialized pointer to one. Then you called a member function as if it pointed to an object. This is undefined behavior. You then pass this pointer to your Parser class, which continues to treat it as a valid object, resulting in more undefined behavior.
There are many other problems with your code, but most of them have to do with your mishandling of pointers, indicating a lack of understanding of how they work. The best suggestion for you is to stop using them entirely. There is no reason you need to use any pointers whatsoever to do what you are doing. If you can't figure out how to do what you are trying to do without pointers, it is because of a lack of fundamental understanding of the language. You need to read a C++ book, to completion. Here's a list of some good ones.
The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List

Problems returning vector stack reference

I am working on an application that builds a vector of structs for items in a given directory and returns a reference of the vector for it to be read, I receive the following errors when attempting to compile the example code below:
1. 'class std::vector<indexStruct, std::allocator<indexStruct> >' has no member named 'name'
2. no matching function for call to `std::vector<indexStruct, std::allocator<indexStruct> >::push_back(std::vector<indexStruct, std::allocator<indexStruct> >&)'
#include "exampleApp.h"
char* findCWD()
char* buffer = new char[_MAX_PATH];
return getcwd(buffer, _MAX_PATH);
void exampleApp::makeCatalog()
char* cwd = this->findCWD();
vector<indexStruct> indexItems;
this->indexDir(cwd, indexItems);
void exampleApp:indexDir(char* dirPath, vector<indexStruct>& indexRef)
DIR *dirPointer = NULL;
struct dirent *dirItem = NULL;
vector<indexStruct> indexItems;
vector<indexStruct> indexItem;
if ((dirPointer = opendir(dirPath)) == NULL) throw 1;
while (dirItem = readdir(dirPointer))
if (dirItem == NULL) throw 2;
if (dirItem->d_name[0] != '.')
{ = dirItem->d_name;
indexItem.path = dirPath;
catch(int errorNo)
//cout << "Caught Error #" << errorNo;
#include <iostream.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <vector.h>
using namespace std;
struct indexStruct
char* name;
char* path;
class exampleApp
char* findCWD();
void makeCatalog();
void indexDir(char* dirPath, vector<indexStruct>& indexRef);
What am I doing wrong here, and is there a better way going about this?
You've made 'indexItem' a vector, you probably just want it to be the type you want to put in 'indexItems'. Also, I'd create the new struct in your loop:
while (dirItem = readdir(dirPointer))
if (dirItem == NULL) throw 2;
if (dirItem->d_name[0] != '.')
indexStruct indexItem; = dirItem->d_name;
indexItem.path = dirPath;
You are defining a vector called indexItem:
vector<indexStruct> indexItem;
This is just an array. So the following lines must be changed to reference a specific element of the vector: = dirItem->d_name;// should be indexItem[..].name or
indexItem.path = dirPath; // same as above!