Remove an element from unbalanced binary search tree - c++

I have been wanting to write remove() method for my Binary Search Tree (which happens to be an array representation). But before writing it, I must consider all cases. Omitting all cases (since they are easy) except when the node has two children, in all the explanations I have read so far, most of the cases I see remove an element from an already balanced binary search tree. In the few cases where I have seen an element being removed from an unbalanced binary search tree, I find that they balance it through zigs and zags, and then remove the element.
Is there a way that I can possibly remove an element from an unbalanced binary search tree without having to balance it beforehand?
If not, would it be easier to write an AVL tree (in array representation)?

You don't need to balance it, but you do need to recursively go down the tree performing some swaps here and there so you actually end up with a valid BST.
Deletion of a node with 2 children in an (unbalanced) BST: (from Wikipedia)
Call the node to be deleted N. Do not delete N. Instead, choose either its in-order successor node or its in-order predecessor node, R. Copy the value of R to N, then recursively call delete on R until reaching one of the first two cases.
Deleting a node with two children from a binary search tree. First the rightmost node in the left subtree, the inorder predecessor 6, is identified. Its value is copied into the node being deleted. The inorder predecessor can then be easily deleted because it has at most one child. The same method works symmetrically using the inorder successor labelled 9.
Although, why do you want an unbalanced tree? All operations on it take on it take longer (or at least as long), and the additional overhead to balance doesn't change the asymptotic complexity of any operations. And, if you're using the array representation where the node at index i has children at indices 2i and 2i+1, it may end up fairly sparse, i.e. there will be quite a bit of wasted memory.


How to find the top k largest elements more efficiently

How to find the k largest elements in a binary search tree faster than in O(logN + k)
I implemented the algorithm with the said asymptotics, but how to make it faster?
Extend your tree data structure with the following:
Make your tree threaded, i.e. add a parent reference to each node.
Maintain a reference to the node that has the maximum value (the "rightmost" node). Keep it up to date as nodes are added/removed.
With that information you can avoid the first descent from the root to the rightmost node, and start collecting values immediately. If the binary tree is well balanced, then the rightmost node will be on (or near) the bottom layer of the tree. Then the walk along the tree in reversed inorder sequence -- for finding the 𝑘 greatest valued nodes -- will make you traverse a number of edges that is O(𝑘).
Alternative structures, such as B+ tree and skip list can also provide O(𝑘) access to the 𝑘 greatest values they store.

Should B-Tree nodes contain a pointer to their parent (C++ implementation)?

I am trying to implement a B-tree and from what I understand this is how you split a node:
Attempt to insert a new value V at a leaf node N
If the leaf node has no space, create a new node and pick a middle value of N and anything right of it move to the new node and anything to the left of the middle value leave in the old node, but move it left to free up the right indices and insert V in the appropriate of the now two nodes
Insert the middle value we picked into the parent node of N and also add the newly created node to the list of children of the parent of N (thus making N and the new node siblings)
If the parent of N has no free space, perform the same operation and along with the values also split the children between the two split nodes (so this last part applies only to non-leaf nodes)
Continue trying to insert the previous split's middle point into the parent until you reach the root and potentially split the root itself, making a new root
This brings me to the question - how do I traverse upwards, am I supposed to keep a pointer of the parent?
Because I can only know if I have to split the leaf node when I have reached it for insertion. So once I have to split it, I have to somehow go back to its parent and if I have to split the parent as well, I have to keep going back up.
Otherwise I would have to re-traverse the tree again and again each time to find the next parent.
Here is an example of my node class:
template<typename KEY, typename VALUE, int DEGREE>
struct BNode
BNode<KEY, VALUE, DEGREE>* Children[DEGREE + 1];
BNode<KEY, VALUE, DEGREE>* Parent;
bool IsLeaf;
(Maybe I should not have an IsLeaf field and instead just check if it has any children, to save space)
Even if you don't use recursion or an explicit stack while going down the tree, you can still do it without parent pointers if you split nodes a bit sooner with a slightly modified algorithm, which has this key characteristic:
When encountering a node that is full, split it, even when it is not a leaf.
With this pre-emptive splitting algorithm, you only need to keep a reference to the immediate parent (not any other ancestor) to make the split possible, since now it is guaranteed that a split will not lead to another, cascading split more upwards in the tree. This algorithm requires that the maximum degree (number of children) of the B-tree is even (as otherwise one of the two split nodes would have too few keys to be considered valid).
See also Wikipedia which describes this alternative algorithm as follows:
An alternative algorithm supports a single pass down the tree from the root to the node where the insertion will take place, splitting any full nodes encountered on the way preemptively. This prevents the need to recall the parent nodes into memory, which may be expensive if the nodes are on secondary storage. However, to use this algorithm, we must be able to send one element to the parent and split the remaining 𝑈−2 elements into two legal nodes, without adding a new element. This requires 𝑈 = 2𝐿 rather than 𝑈 = 2𝐿−1, which accounts for why some textbooks impose this requirement in defining B-trees.
The same article defines 𝑈 and 𝐿:
Every internal node contains a maximum of 𝑈 children and a minimum of 𝐿 children.
For a comparison with the standard insertion algorithm, see also Will a B-tree with preemptive splitting always have the same height for any input order of keys?
You don't need parent pointers if all your operations start at the root.
I usually code the insert recursively, such that calling node.insert(key) either returns null or a new key to insert at its parent's level. The insert starts with root.insert(key), which finds the appropriate child and calls child.insert(key).
When a leaf node is reached the insert is performed, and non-null is returned if the leaf splits. The parent would then insert the new internal key and return non-null if it splits, etc. If root.insert(key) returns non-null, then it's time to make a new root

Binary Tree Questions

Currently studying for an exam, and whilst reading through some notes, I had a few questions.
I know that the height of a Binary Search Tree is Log(n). Does this mean the depth is also Log(n)?
What is maximum depth of a node in a full binary tree with n nodes? This related to the first question; if the height of a Binary Tree is Log(n), would the maximum depth also be Log(n)?
I know that the time complexity of searching for a node in a binary search tree is O(Log(n)), which I understand. However, I read that the worst case time complexity is O(N). In what scenario would it take O(N) time to find an element?
THIS IS A PRIORITY QUEUE/ HEAP QUESTION. In my lecture notes, it says the following statement:
If we use an array for Priority Queues, en-queuing takes O(1) and de-queuing takes O(n). In a sorted Array, en-queue takes O(N) and de-queue takes O(1).
I'm having a hard time understanding this. Can anyone explain?
Sorry for all the questions, really need some clarity on a few of these topics.
Caveat: I'm a little rusty, but here goes ...
Height and depth of a binary tree are synonymous--more or less. height is the maximum depth along any path from root to leaf. But, when you traverse a tree, you have a concept of current depth. root node has depth 0, its children have depth 1, its grandchildren depth 2. If we stop here, the height of the tree is 3, but the maximum depth [we visited] is 2. Otherwise, they are often interchanged when talking about the tree overall.
Before we get to some more of your questions, it's important to note that binary trees come in various flavors. Balanced or unbalanced. With a perfectly balanced tree, all nodes except those at maximum height will have their left/right links non-null. For example, with n nodes in the tree, let n = 1024. Perfectly balanced the height is log2(n) which is 10 (e.g. 1024 == 2^10).
When you search a perfectly balanced tree, the search is O(log2(n)) because starting from the root node, you choose to follow either left or right, and each time you do, you eliminate 1/2 of the nodes. In such a tree with 1024 elements, the depth is 10 and you make 10 such left/right decisions.
Most tree algorithms, when you add a new node, will rebalance the tree on the fly (e.g. AVL or RB (red black)) trees. So, you get a perfectly balanced tree, all the time, more or less.
But ...
Let's consider a really bad algorithm. When you add a new node, it just appends it to the left link on the child with the greatest depth [or the new node becomes the new root]. The idea is fast append, and "we'll rebalance later".
If we search this "bad" tree, if we've added n nodes, the tree looks like a doubly linked list using the parent link and the left link [remember all right links are NULL]. This is linear time search or O(n).
We did this deliberately, but it can still happen with some tree algorithm and/or combinations of data. That is, the data is such that it gets naturally placed on the left link because that's where it's correct to place it based on the algorithm's placement function.
Priority queues are like regular queues except each piece of data has a priority number associated with it.
In an ordinary queue, you just push/append onto the end. When you dequeue, you shift/pop from the front. You never need to insert anything in the middle. Thus, enqueue and dequeue are both O(1) operations.
The O(n) comes from the fact that if you have to do an insertion into the middle of an array, you have to "part the waters" to make space for the element you want to insert. For example, if you need to insert after the first element [which is array[0]], you will be placing the new element at array[1], but first you have to move array[1] to array[2], array[2] to array[3], ... For an array of n, this is O(n) effort.
When removing an element from an array, it is similar, but in reverse. If you want to remove array[1], you grab it, then you must "close the gap" left by your removal by array[1] = array[2], array[2] = array[3], ... Once again, an O(n) operation.
In a sorted array, you just pop off the end. It's the one you want already. Hence O(1). To add an element, its an insertion into the correct place. If your array is 1,2,3,7,9,12,17 and you want to add 6, that's new value for array[4], and you have to move 7,9,12,17 out of the way as above.
Priority queue just appends to the array, hence O(1). But to find the correct element to dequeue, you scan the array array[0], array[1], ... remembering the first element position for a given priority, if you find a better priority, you remember that. When you hit the end, you know which element you need, say it's j. Now you have to remove j from array, and that an O(n) operation as above.
It's slightly more complex than all that, but not by two much.

Is there any data structure in C++ STL for performing insertion, searching and retrieval of kth element in log(n)?

I need a data structure in c++ STL for performing insertion, searching and retrieval of kth element in log(n)
(Note: k is a variable and not a constant)
I have a class like
class myClass{
int id;
//other variables
and my comparator is just based on this id and no two elements will have the same id.
Is there a way to do this using STL or I've to write log(n) functions manually to maintain the array in sorted order at any point of time?
Afaik, there is no such datastructure. Of course, std::set is close to this, but not quite. It is a red black tree. If each node of this red black tree was annotated with the tree weight (the number of nodes in the subtree rooted at this node), then a retrieve(k) query would be possible. As there is no such weight annotation (as it takes valuable memory and makes insert/delete more complex as weights have to be updated), it is impossible to answer such a query efficently with any search tree.
If you want to build such a datastructure, use a conventional search tree implementation (red-black,AVL,B-Tree,...) and add a weight field to each node that counts the number of entries in its subtree. Then searching for the k-th entry is quite simple:
Check the weight of the child nodes, and find the child c which has the largest weight (accumulated from left) that is not greater than k
Subtract from k all weights of children that are left of c.
Descend down to c and call this procedure recursively.
In case of a binary search tree, the algorithm is quite simple since each node only has two children. For a B-tree (which is likely more efficient), you have to account as many children as the node contains.
Of course, you must update the weight on insert/delete: Go up the tree from the insert/delete position and increment/decrement the weight of each node up to the root. Also, you must exchange the weights of nodes when you do rotations (or splits/merges in the B-tree case).
Another idea would be a skip-list where the skips are annotated with the number of elements they skip. But this implementation is not trivial, since you have to update the skip length of each skip above an element that is inserted or deleted, so adjusting a binary search tree is less hassle IMHO.
Edit: I found a C implementation of a 2-3-4 tree (B-tree), check out the links at the bottom of this page:
You can not achieve what you want with simple array or any other of the built-in containers. You can use a more advanced data structure for instance a skip list or a modified red-black tree(the backing datastructure of std::set).
You can get the k-th element of an arbitrary array in linear time and if the array is sorted you can do that in constant time, but still the insert will require shifting all the subsequent elements which is linear in the worst case.
As for std::set you will need additional data to be stored at each node to be able to get the k-th element efficiently and unfortunately you can not modify the node structure.

How to locate immediate predecessor with O(log n) time complexity

First, of all i would like to let anyone know that this is an assignment and i've finished the locate immediate predecessor with O(n), but i would like to do it with O(log n), i know it's possible since the tree is an AVL tree.
The way i've done it with O(n) is i divide the tree into 2 based on the key(record) and do a max search for the left tree and min search for the right tree. I know it's not log n since after i narrowed the solution, i still have to process all the nodes in the left or right tree so at best it's still 1/2n.
I can see the pattern of the solutions but still can't wrap my mind around it. i'm thinking about using root and node pointer but i'm still not sure of how to implement it.
Any pointers would be appreciated, i've googled and tried to solve this problem to no avail for several days now.
Given a node N in an AVL tree, there are three cases:
N has a left child L. Then the immediate predecessor of N must be the right-most deepest descendent of L. To locate it, you need to descend into the subtree of L, taking the right branch at each sub-node. There can be at most log n levels, so this is O(log n).
N has no left child, but is itself the right child of a parent P. Then P must be the immediate predecessor, located in O(1) time.
N has no left child and is the left child of a parent P. Then walk up the tree towards the root until you find a node that is the right child of an ascendent A. If there is no such A, N does not have any predecessor; otherwise A is the immediate predecessor of N. Again, there can be at most log n parent levels to check, so this is also O(log n).
Determining which of the three applies can obviously be done in O(1) time, so the total time complexity is O(log n).
Example AVL tree for reference (this is the same example as given on the Wikipedia page for AVL tree, but I've recreated the graph rather than copying the image; the source can be forked from here if anybody would like to make modifications):
Nodes 17 and 50 are examples of case 1; node 76 is an example of case 2; node 9 is an example of case 3 with no predecessor; node 19 is an example of case 3 with predecessors. If you think through each of the cases looking at examples from the tree above, you'll be able to confirm that the statements are true. This may be easier than going through a formal proof (which nevertheless could be given).
i actually figured out an easier way to solve this problem without using parent or child pointer.
Here's what i did:
Save each node as i traverse the tree recursively and save all nodes that has record less than target.
if it's a leaf then return your temp pointer to the caller.