ImportError at /admin/ No module named polls_ChoiceField.urls - django

Django 1.6.2
MacOSX 10.9.2
Python 2.7
I recently deleted a Django App "polls_ChoiceField" which was sitting inside another app "polls" as I was only using it to test a few things. However since i deleted it then the app it was sitting in no longer works.
I deleted the file through the pyDev package explorer. When I synced the Database it gave my the option of deleting the stale content, I selected yes.
Can anyone tell me what I have to do to get the original "polls" all running again?
Relevant Terminal output
localhost:src brendan$ python syncdb
Creating tables ...
The following content types are stale and need to be deleted:
polls | choice_choicefield
polls | poll_choicefield
Any objects related to these content types by a foreign key will also
be deleted. Are you sure you want to delete these content types?
If you're unsure, answer 'no'.
Type 'yes' to continue, or 'no' to cancel: yes
Installing custom SQL ...
Installing indexes ...
Installed 0 object(s) from 0 fixture(s)
I then synced the DB
localhost:src brendan$ python syncdb
Creating tables ...
Installing custom SQL ...
Installing indexes ...
Installed 0 object(s) from 0 fixture(s)
And I am able to run the server
localhost:src brendan$ python runserver
Validating models...
0 errors found
When i try to revisit the app in my browser i get
ImportError at /polls/
No module named polls_ChoiceField.urls
Request Method: GET
Request URL: http://localhost:8000/polls/
Django Version: 1.6.2
Exception Type: ImportError
Exception Value:
No module named polls_ChoiceField.urls
Exception Location: /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/django/utils/ in import_module, line 40
Python Executable: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Resources/
Python Version: 2.7.6
Python Path:
Server time: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 16:26:46 +0100
My with the bad line of code (the middle url)
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^polls/', include('polls.urls', namespace="polls")),
url(r'^polls_ChoiceField/', include('polls_ChoiceField.urls', namespace="polls_ChoiceField")),
url(r'^admin/', include(,
Thanks again.

Check your project-level, looks like it still tries to use urls from the deleted app.

Related migrate fails in this Heroku python "Get Started Guide" at Step 14 "Provision a Database"

Here's the link to the guide:
Getting Started on Heroku with Python
The guide says to run: heroku run python migrate which produces the following output:
... Your models have changes that are not yet reflected in a migration, and so won't be applied. Run ' makemigrations' to make new migrations, and then re-run ' migrate' to apply them.
So then I run
>heroku run python makemigrations and get:
Running python makemigrations on ⬢ sleepy-reef-12488... up, run.5322 (Free)
Migrations for 'hello':
- Alter field when on greeting
Then re-running the first code: heroku run python migrate produces the same message as before.
The end result is this template error at: my test app
TemplateSyntaxError at /db/
'staticfiles' is not a registered tag library. Must be one of:
Request Method: GET
Request URL:
Django Version: 3.0.2
Exception Type: TemplateSyntaxError
Exception Value:
'staticfiles' is not a registered tag library. Must be one of:
Exception Location: /app/.heroku/python/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/template/ in find_library, line 1025
Python Executable: /app/.heroku/python/bin/python
Python Version: 3.7.3
Python Path:
Server time: Sat, 25 Jan 2020 21:46:47 +0000
The answer is here:
'staticfiles' is not a valid tag library: Template library staticfiles not found
I replaced
% load staticfiles %
% load static %
in a couple of files and now my app works. I can't tell you why this works. I wish I could. I'm new to Django.

i have two projects in django i can not open admin site for my second project,but i can open for my first project,can any one help me

AttributeError at /admin/
'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'user'
Request Method: GET
Request URL:
Django Version: 2.0.2
Exception Type: AttributeError
Exception Value:
'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'user'
Exception Location: C:\Users\vaaz\Desktop\venv\lib\site-packages\django\contrib\admin\ in has_permission, line 186
Python Executable: C:\Users\vaaz\Desktop\venv\Scripts\python.exe
Python Version: 3.4.3
Python Path:
Server time: Mon, 12 Mar 2018 10:21:49 +0000
This looks similar to this post
with your limited error description I can only suggest a few things that were mentioned in the above post:
Older Django versions use MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = (...) in the rather than MIDDLEWARE = (...) try changing that variable.
If you are using virtualenv be sure to activate it before trying to runserver
If you created your app in a different version of Django and then installed it on another version it might give you errors.

Django ViewDoesNotExist error after installing photologue

I'm using Django 1.5.1. Everything was OK. But as soon as I installed django-photologue through pip I face this error when I visit admin url:
> **ViewDoesNotExist at /admin/**
Could not import django.views.generic.list_detail.object_list. Parent module django.views.generic.list_detail does not exist.
Request Method: GET
Request URL: http://localhost:8000/admin/
Django Version: 1.5.1
Exception Type: ViewDoesNotExist
Exception Value:
Could not import django.views.generic.list_detail.object_list. Parent module django.views.generic.list_detail does not exist.
Exception Location: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/core/ in get_callable, line 104
Python Executable: /usr/bin/python
Python Version: 2.7.3
Also when I run syncdb, photologue sync with database without any error and I can import it in shell.
Any idea about how can I solve this error?
to replace the file in the directory photologue :
"django.views.generic.date_based" and "django.views.generic.list_detail" on "django.views.generic"
"object_list" on "list.ListView"
"object_detail" on "detail.DetailView"
"archive_year" on "dates.YearArchiveView"
"archive_month" on "dates.MonthArchiveView"
"archive_day" on "dates.DayArchiveView"
like this :)
or read :
django-photologue was most likely built for an older version of Django. Looks like the newer version of Django isn't friendly with generic views and prefers class based views instead.
Downloading a fresh copy of Django 1.5.1 shows the following:
Whereas Django 1.4.2 shows:
Simply put, the newer version of Django removed the list_detail file.

Why am I getting a 404 for django_rq admin screen?

I have django-rq set up and running (jobs are queued, I can run rqworker) but I cannot seem to get the admin screen working - I consistently get a 404 for the /admin/django_rq url.
I have django-extensions installed, and the show_urls commands shows that the URL is registered:
$ python show_urls
/admin/django_rq/ django_rq.views.stats rq_home
/admin/django_rq/queues/<queue_index>/ rq_jobs
/admin/django_rq/queues/<queue_index>/<job_id>/ django_rq.views.job_detail rq_job_detail
/admin/django_rq/queues/<queue_index>/<job_id>/delete/ django_rq.views.delete_job rq_delete_job
I am logged in as someone who is a staff member, so the #staff_member_required decorator on the stats view should be working.
(r'^admin/django_rq/', include('django_rq.urls'))
must be before
url(r'^admin/', include(
I've updated the installation instructions in django-rq's README.rst to drop the "admin" prefix from django-rq's URL pattern so Hugo's issue shouldn't happen again.

cannot install django-filebrowser app

I did exactly as it says here: (only used easy_install instead of pip)
it seems that I get an import error when trying to connect to admin interface:
Request Method: GET
Request URL: http://localhost:8000/admin/
Django Version: 1.3
Exception Type: ImportError
Exception Value:
No module named sites
Exception Location: c:\workspace\expedeat\..\expedeat\ in <module>, line 5
Python Executable: c:\Tools\Python26\python.exe
Python Version: 2.6.4
the import the exception comes from is: from filebrowser.sites import site in
Also testing filebrowser fails with this message:
Creating test database for alias 'default'...
FAIL: test_directory (filebrowser.tests.settings.SettingsTests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\Tools\Python26\lib\site-packages\django_filebrowser-3.3.0-py2.6.egg\filebrowser\tests\set", line 29, in test_directory
self.assertEqual(os.path.exists(os.path.join(MEDIA_ROOT,DIRECTORY)), 1)
AssertionError: False != 1
Ran 14 tests in 0.008s
FAILED (failures=1)
Destroying test database for alias 'default'...
I must be doing something wrong. Any help would be appreciated.
the module does not exist in version you are using, so the error message is correct.
the installation doc you are using is for version 3.4. The pip install is 3.3. The difference being in the
from filebrowser.sites import site
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^admin/filebrowser/', include(site.urls)),
urlpatterns = patterns('',
(r'^admin/filebrowser/', include('filebrowser.urls')),
The test fails because it's looking for a non-existing directory.
To find out what directory it's looking for, do the following:
% python ./ shell
>>> from django.conf import settings
>>> import filebrowser.settings
>>> filebrowser.settings.MEDIA_ROOT
>>> filebrowser.settings.DIRECTORY
Based on the output, you know what directory it's looking for, /srv/repositories/project/media/uploads in this example. Create the directory and you should be one step further on your way.
Using the "FILEBROWSER_" prefix, you can supply configuration for the filebrowser app.
I use the following in my :