How to convert a python print function on html - python-2.7

I am trying to use web2py to build an app. I have a simple print function that a user submits a key word . The string or int key word is directed to an sqlite db to retrieve a row and output the data. I need to know
1. how to use the print on html.
2. How to split the far i did the list:string
Here is my code:
def first():
form = SQLFORM.factory(Field('visitor_name',
label = 'Please Type Your keyword here!',
requires= [IS_NOT_EMPTY(), IS_LOWER(),'list:string']))
form.element('input[type=submit]')['_onclick'] = "return \
confirm('Are you sure you want to submit:');"
if form.process().accepted:
session.visitor_name = form.vars.visitor_name
return dict(form=form)
def main():
while True:
name = request.vars.visitor_name or redirect(URL('first'))
name2 = name[:]
for item in name2:break
name3 = ' '.join(name2)
import sqlite3
id = 0
location = ""
conn = sqlite3.connect("keywords.db")
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute('select * from kmedicals')
records = c.fetchall()
for record in records:
id = record[0]
location = record[15]
if id == name3:
print name3.capitalize(),':' '\n',location
return dict(name=name)
my view...default/main.html:
{{extend 'layout.html'}}


Problem when updating a table using celery task: OperationalError

EDIT 2022-10-04 18:40
I've tried using bulk_update and bulk_create as these method only query database once but still have the same issue
would appreciate any help/explanation on this issue
Task to edit data correction forms (DCF) online
def DCF_edition(self):
DCF_BEFORE_UPDATE = pd.DataFrame.from_records(DataCorrectionForm.objects.all().values())
if not DCF_BEFORE_UPDATE.empty :
DCF_BEFORE_UPDATE = DCF_BEFORE_UPDATE.rename(columns={"patient": "pat"})
DCF_BEFORE_UPDATE = DCF_BEFORE_UPDATE.astype({'record_date': str,'created_date': str})
DCF_BEFORE_UPDATE['dcf_status'] = DCF_BEFORE_UPDATE.apply(lambda status: 0, axis=1)
# list of dataframe to concat
data = []
# load queries definition
queries = queries_definitions()
# print(queries)
if not queries.empty:
for index, row in queries.iterrows():
print('Query ide',row['ide'])
# print(row['ide'],row['query_type'],row['crf_name'].lower(),row['crf identification date'],row['variable_name'],row['variable_label'],row['query_condition'],row['fields_to_display'])
missing_or_inconsistent = missing_or_inconsistent_data(row['ide'],row['query_type'],row['crf_name'].lower(),row['crf identification date'],row['variable_name'],row['variable_label'],row['query_condition'],row['fields_to_display']) #.iloc[:10] #to limit rows
missing_or_inconsistent.columns.values[2] = 'record_date' # rename the date column (that have database name)
missing_or_inconsistent['dcf_ide'] = str(row['ide']) + '_' + row['variable_name'] + '_' + missing_or_inconsistent[row['crf primary key']].astype(str)
missing_or_inconsistent['category'] = row['query_type']
missing_or_inconsistent['crf'] = row['crf_name']
missing_or_inconsistent['crf_ide'] = missing_or_inconsistent[row['crf primary key']]
missing_or_inconsistent['field_name'] = row['variable_name']
missing_or_inconsistent['field_label'] = row['variable_label']
missing_or_inconsistent['field_value'] = missing_or_inconsistent[row['variable_name']]
missing_or_inconsistent['message'] = row['query_message']
missing_or_inconsistent['query_id'] = 'Query ide ' + str(row['ide'])
missing_or_inconsistent['dcf_status'] = 1
missing_or_inconsistent['created_date'] =
missing_or_inconsistent['deactivated'] = False
missing_or_inconsistent['comments'] = None
dcf = pd.concat(data)
except Exception as e:
DCF_AFTER_UPDATE['duplicate'] = DCF_AFTER_UPDATE.duplicated(subset=['dcf_ide'],keep='last')
DCF_AFTER_UPDATE['dcf_status'] = DCF_AFTER_UPDATE.apply(lambda row: 2 if row['duplicate'] else row['dcf_status'],axis=1)
DCF_AFTER_UPDATE = DCF_AFTER_UPDATE.drop_duplicates(subset=['dcf_ide'],keep='first').drop(columns=['duplicate'])
DCF_AFTER_UPDATE.rename(columns = {'pat':'patient',}, inplace = True)
# Cast date into string format to be able to dumps data
DCF_AFTER_UPDATE = DCF_AFTER_UPDATE.astype({'record_date': str}) if not DCF_AFTER_UPDATE.empty else DCF_AFTER_UPDATE
records_to_update = [
) for i, record in DCF_AFTER_UPDATE[(DCF_AFTER_UPDATE['dcf_status'] != 1)].iterrows()
if records_to_update:
records_to_create = [
) for i, record in DCF_AFTER_UPDATE[(DCF_AFTER_UPDATE['dcf_status'] == 1)].iterrows()
if records_to_create:
EDIT 2022-10-04 13:40
I've tried to "optimized" code using update_or_create() method but doesn't change anything
I still have an OperationalError with the line DataCorrectionForm.objects.update_or_create(...)
How can I update my database?
Task to edit data correction forms (DCF) online
def DCF_edition(self):
DCF_BEFORE_UPDATE = pd.DataFrame.from_records(DataCorrectionForm.objects.all().values())
if not DCF_BEFORE_UPDATE.empty :
DCF_BEFORE_UPDATE = DCF_BEFORE_UPDATE.rename(columns={"patient": "pat"})
DCF_BEFORE_UPDATE = DCF_BEFORE_UPDATE.astype({'record_date': str,'created_date': str})
DCF_BEFORE_UPDATE['dcf_status'] = DCF_BEFORE_UPDATE.apply(lambda status: 0, axis=1)
# list of dataframe to concat
data = []
# load queries definition
queries = queries_definitions()
if not queries.empty:
for index, row in queries.iterrows()
missing_or_inconsistent = missing_or_inconsistent_data(row['ide'],row['query_type'],row['crf_name'].lower(),row['crf identification date'],row['variable_name'],row['variable_label'],row['query_condition'],row['fields_to_display']) #.iloc[:10] #to limit rows
missing_or_inconsistent.columns.values[2] = 'record_date' # rename the date column (that have database name)
missing_or_inconsistent['dcf_ide'] = str(row['ide']) + '_' + row['variable_name'] + '_' + missing_or_inconsistent[row['crf primary key']].astype(str)
missing_or_inconsistent['category'] = row['query_type']
missing_or_inconsistent['crf'] = row['crf_name']
missing_or_inconsistent['crf_ide'] = missing_or_inconsistent[row['crf primary key']]
missing_or_inconsistent['field_name'] = row['variable_name']
missing_or_inconsistent['field_label'] = row['variable_label']
missing_or_inconsistent['field_value'] = missing_or_inconsistent[row['variable_name']]
missing_or_inconsistent['message'] = row['query_message']
missing_or_inconsistent['DEF'] = 'Query ide ' + str(row['ide'])
missing_or_inconsistent['dcf_status'] = 1
missing_or_inconsistent['created_date'] =
missing_or_inconsistent['deactivated'] = False
missing_or_inconsistent['comments'] = None
dcf = pd.concat(data)
except Exception as e:
DCF_AFTER_UPDATE['duplicate'] = DCF_AFTER_UPDATE.duplicated(subset=['dcf_ide'],keep='last')
DCF_AFTER_UPDATE['dcf_status'] = DCF_AFTER_UPDATE.apply(lambda row: 2 if row['duplicate'] else row['dcf_status'],axis=1)
DCF_AFTER_UPDATE = DCF_AFTER_UPDATE.drop_duplicates(subset=['dcf_ide'],keep='first').drop(columns=['duplicate'])
DCF_AFTER_UPDATE.rename(columns = {'pat':'patient',}, inplace = True)
# Cast date into string format to be able to dumps data
DCF_AFTER_UPDATE = DCF_AFTER_UPDATE.astype({'record_date': str}) if not DCF_AFTER_UPDATE.empty else DCF_AFTER_UPDATE
records = DCF_AFTER_UPDATE.to_dict(orient='records')
for record in records:
dcf_ide=record['dcf_ide'], # filter to search for existing objects => should not be pass to default (if not IntegrityError)
defaults = {
# 'DEF':record['DEF'],
return True
EDIT 2022-10-03 17:00
in fact reading CAVEATS:
The development server creates a new thread for each request it
handles, negating the effect of persistent connections. Don’t enable
them during development.
EDIT 2022-10-03 16:00
Django 2.2.5
I have tried to set DATABASES parameter CONN_MAX_AGE as per Django documentation but it doesn't change anythings
Default: 0
The lifetime of a database connection, as an integer of seconds. Use 0
to close database connections at the end of each request — Django’s
historical behavior — and None for unlimited persistent connections.
I use Celery task and got an error I do not understand.
I loop over a table (that contain query definitions) to edit missing/inconsistent data in a database (using API) and registered discrepencies in another table.
If I run query one at a time, it works but when I try to loop over queries, I got an error
OperationalError('server closed the connection unexpectedly\n\tThis probably means the server terminated abnormally\n\tbefore or while processing the request.\n')
def DCF_edition(self):
DCF_BEFORE_UPDATE = pd.DataFrame.from_records(DataCorrectionForm.objects.all().values())
DCF_BEFORE_UPDATE = DCF_BEFORE_UPDATE.astype({'record_date': str,'created_date': str}) if not DCF_BEFORE_UPDATE.empty else DCF_BEFORE_UPDATE
data = []
# load queries definition
queries = queries_definitions()
if not queries.empty:
for index, row in queries.iterrows():
missing_or_inconsistent = missing_or_inconsistent_data(row['ide'],row['query_type'],row['crf_name'].lower(),row['crf identification
DCF_AFTER_UPDATE = pd.concat(data)
DCF_AFTER_UPDATE = DCF_AFTER_UPDATE.drop_duplicates(keep='last')
DCF_AFTER_UPDATE.rename(columns = {'pat':'patient',}, inplace = True)
except Exception as e:
# Cast date into string format to be able to dumps data
DCF_AFTER_UPDATE = DCF_AFTER_UPDATE.astype({'record_date': str}) if not DCF_AFTER_UPDATE.empty else DCF_AFTER_UPDATE
records = json.loads(json.dumps(list(DCF_AFTER_UPDATE.T.to_dict().values())))
for record in records:
if not DCF_BEFORE_UPDATE.empty and record['dcf_ide'] in DCF_BEFORE_UPDATE.values:
# resolved dcf => status=0
if not DCF_BEFORE_UPDATE.empty:
records = json.loads(json.dumps(list(DCF_BEFORE_UPDATE.T.to_dict().values())))
for record in records:
if record['dcf_ide'] not in DCF_AFTER_UPDATE.values:
return True
The lifetime of a database connection, as an integer of seconds. Use 0 to close database connections at the end of each request — Django’s historical behavior — and None for unlimited persistent connections.
It seems that your task is long running task and need to hold the db connection for a long period. Did you try to set it to None
'default': env.db(),
DATABASES['default']['CONN_MAX_AGE'] = None
How long does your task need to finish? It could be another problem with server database setting, ex tcp_keepalives_ilde..

How to output all information of a certain row within a file (Employee number, first name, email, etc) by entering just the employee number?

I am very lost... After creating the dictionary, I am to prompt the user to enter an employee number. I am then supposed to output all employee information for the specific employee and then prompt the user for another employee number. The file with all the information is called employee_records_small.csv. It includes Emp ID,Name Prefix,First Name,Middle Initial,Last Name,Gender,E Mail,Phone No. ,Place Name,County,City,State,Zip,Region, in that order. Here is what I have so far:
def bulkEMail(emailList):
print('\n*** RESULTS *** \n')
for emailInfo in emailList:
print('Email Info: {} {} {}'.format(
emailInfo['e mail'],
emailInfo['first name'],
emailInfo['last name']))
return True
fh = None
fh = open('/Users/etaibally/Desktop/employee_records_small.csv', 'r')
except Exception as err:
print('file not found', err)
if fh != None:
fh = None
if fh != None:
# Read the header line
line = fh.readline()
line = line.lower()
line = line.replace(' ,', ',').replace(', ', ',')
headerItems = line.split(',')
emailList = {}
dictKeyA = headerItems[0]
line = fh.readline()
while line != '':
lineItems = line.split(',')
# Initialize dictionary variable
emailDict = {}
# For every CSV value in the input line
for pos, value in enumerate(lineItems):
dictKey = headerItems[pos]
emailDict[dictKey] = value
# next line
line = fh.readline()
EmpID = input('Enter ID#: ')
ID = emailDict[EmpID]
# Close file
status = bulkEMail(emailList)
You can try using Pandas.
Infact, you can load your csv file to a pandas DataFrame by using the command data = pandas.read_csv(path to file, index_col=column_number_of_employee_number).
Then you can find the employee specific data by doing data[employee_number].

How to get multiple items from the same field - Flask MySQL

I'm doing a small App with Flask and MySQL. I'm trying to show certain items in a table, but I would like to filter these items based on only 1 field of the database.
This example is doing what I need, but only if my list has 2 items. And the idea is that I could use it with "n" items:
#app.route('/search2', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def search2():
if request.method == 'POST':
contents= request.form['referencias']
list_values = contents.split(" ")
cursor.execute("SELECT * from ref_stocks WHERE Ref_Prod IN (%s,%s)", (list_values[0],list_values[1]))
data = cursor.fetchall()
return render_template('search2.html', data=data)
return render_template('search2.html')
Finally I found a way. Maybe it could help other people with same problem:
def convert(lista_ref):
return tuple(i for i in lista_ref)
def search2():
if request.method == 'POST':
contents= request.form['referencias']
# convert to list
list_values = contents.split(" ")
# Items in list
number_list= len(list_values)
# convert to tuple
lista_ref = list_values
lista_nueva = convert(lista_ref)
#concatenating values
art = ("%s," * number_list)[:-1]
where_in = "(" + art + ")"
cursor.execute("SELECT * from ref_stocks WHERE PrimeroDeRef_Prod IN " + where_in, lista_nueva)
data = cursor.fetchall()
return render_template('search2.html', data=data)
return render_template('search2.html')
Here you go if you need to filter by one field
cursor.execute("SELECT * from ref_stocks WHERE Ref_Prod IN (%s)",(list_values[0]))

Looking for a best way to insert a records from one model to another based on selection in odoo

I did the code for insert records from so_parts table to so_bo table using Query...How can I use ORM method to do this kind of job. Is there any other way(best)to do that? Here is my code`
def save_rapair_parts(self, vals):
#get todays date and convert it to string
created_date ="%m/%d/%Y")
str_date = str(created_date)
so_p_id =
bo_status = self.bo_status
so_part_t = self.so_part_t
so_part_sno = self.so_part_sno
product = self.so_part_product
product_str = 'Repair '+str(product)
part_id =['id','bo_sno','created_date','bo_number','rep_description','bo_status'])
#insert details intoso bench orders
if so_part_t=='r_b':
sequence = self.env['ir.sequence'].next_by_code('so.benchorder') or '/'
str_sequence = str(sequence)
query = """SELECT so_work_authorization FROM my_depots_so WHERE id=%d """ % (so_p_id)
result =
result_number = json.dumps(result, ensure_ascii=False)
strip_number = result_number.strip('\' \" [] ')
work_auth_no = str(strip_number)
work_auth_no += "-"
work_auth_no += str_sequence
insert ="""INSERT INTO my_depots_so_bo(id,so_bo_id,bo_sno,created_date,bo_number,rep_description,bo_status) values %s """
parameters = (part_id,so_p_id,so_part_sno,str_date,work_auth_no,product_str,bo_status),(parameters,))
my_depots_bo(id,bo_sno,created_date,bo_number,rep_description,bo_status) values %s """
#, (parameters,))
except Exception:
print "Error in inserting values"`
yes there is a better way because when you use ORM
method you also checks access right for user to:
for your select query:
rec = self.env[''].search_read(['id', '=', so_p_id], ['so_work_authorization'])
if rec:
rec = rec[0] # search_read return a list of dictionary
so_work_authorization = rec['so_work_authorization']
# and do what ever you want with the result
# to create
# call create method witch accept a dictionary
# field_name : value
new_rec = self.env[''].create({
'so_bo_id': so_p_id, # many2one must be an integer value
'bo_sno': bo_nso_value,
'bo_number': value_of_number,
# ....
# ....
# add al field
}) # create return the new created record as model object
for inserting use: self.env[''].create(vals)
for updating use : self.env[''].write(vals)
using ORM method makes sure that user don't pass the security access rigths
Hope you get the idea

Attempting to Obtain Taxonomic Information from Biopython

I am attempting to alter a previous script that utilizes biopython to fetch information about a species phylum. This script was written to retrieve information one species at a time. I would like to modify the script so that I can do this for 100 organisms at a time.
Here is the initial code
import sys
from Bio import Entrez
def get_tax_id(species):
"""to get data from ncbi taxomomy, we need to have the taxid. we can
get that by passing the species name to esearch, which will return
the tax id"""
species = species.replace(" ", "+").strip()
search = Entrez.esearch(term = species, db = "taxonomy", retmode = "xml")
record =
return record['IdList'][0]
def get_tax_data(taxid):
"""once we have the taxid, we can fetch the record"""
search = Entrez.efetch(id = taxid, db = "taxonomy", retmode = "xml")
return = ""
if not
print "you must add your email address"
taxid = get_tax_id("Erodium carvifolium")
data = get_tax_data(taxid)
lineage = {d['Rank']:d['ScientificName'] for d in
data[0]['LineageEx'] if d['Rank'] in ['family', 'order']}
I have managed to modify the script so that it accepts a local file that contains one of the organisms I am using. But I need to extend this to a 100 organisms.
So the idea was to generate a list from the file of my organisms and somehow separately fed each item generated from the list into the line taxid = get_tax_id("Erodium carvifolium") and replace "Erodium carvifolium" with my organisms name. But I have no idea how to do that.
Here is the sample version of the code with some of my adjustments
import sys
from Bio import Entrez
def get_tax_id(species):
"""to get data from ncbi taxomomy, we need to have the taxid. we can
get that by passing the species name to esearch, which will return
the tax id"""
species = species.replace(' ', "+").strip()
search = Entrez.esearch(term = species, db = "taxonomy", retmode = "xml")
record =
return record['IdList'][0]
def get_tax_data(taxid):
"""once we have the taxid, we can fetch the record"""
search = Entrez.efetch(id = taxid, db = "taxonomy", retmode = "xml")
return = ""
if not
print "you must add your email address"
list = ['Helicobacter pylori 26695', 'Thermotoga maritima MSB8', 'Deinococcus radiodurans R1', 'Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum str. Nichols', 'Aquifex aeolicus VF5', 'Archaeoglobus fulgidus DSM 4304']
i = iter(list)
item =
for item in list:
taxid = get_tax_id(?)
data = get_tax_data(taxid)
lineage = {d['Rank']:d['ScientificName'] for d in
data[0]['LineageEx'] if d['Rank'] in ['phylum']}
print lineage, taxid
The question marks refer to places where I am stumped as what to do next. I don't see how I can connect my loop to replace the ? in get_tax_id(?). Or do I need to somehow append each of the items in the list so that they are modified each time to contain get_tax_id(Helicobacter pylori 26695) and then find some way to place them in the line containing taxid =
Here's what you need, place this below your function definitions, i.e. after the line that says: sys.exit(2)
species_list = ['Helicobacter pylori 26695', 'Thermotoga maritima MSB8', 'Deinococcus radiodurans R1', 'Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum str. Nichols', 'Aquifex aeolicus VF5', 'Archaeoglobus fulgidus DSM 4304']
taxid_list = [] # Initiate the lists to store the data to be parsed in
data_list = []
lineage_list = []
print('parsing taxonomic data...') # message declaring the parser has begun
for species in species_list:
print ('\t'+species) # progress messages
taxid = get_tax_id(species) # Apply your functions
data = get_tax_data(taxid)
lineage = {d['Rank']:d['ScientificName'] for d in data[0]['LineageEx'] if d['Rank'] in ['phylum']}
taxid_list.append(taxid) # Append the data to lists already initiated