how do I replace text within a string - regex

I have a data such as
c("1988-10-25T11:12:47.00", "1988-10-25T14:43:24.36", "1988-10-26T14:14:25.60")
and I would like to replace everything after period to A. I tried to use gsub but after the period
all the numbers are different. What should I do?
the expected output ("1988-10-25T11:12:47A", "1988-10-25T14:43:24A", "1988-10-26T14:14:25A")

You can use sub:
s <- c("1988-10-25T11:12:47.00", "1988-10-25T14:43:24.36", "1988-10-26T14:14:25.60")
sub("\\..*", "A", s)
# [1] "1988-10-25T11:12:47A" "1988-10-25T14:43:24A" "1988-10-26T14:14:25A"


Correct wrongly formatted dates

I have some incorrect dates between good formatted dates, looking something like this:
df <- data.frame(col=c("--1.1.11-01","--1.11.12-1","--1.1.13-01","--1.1.14-01","--1.10.10-01","-1.10.11-01","---1.10.12-01","2010-03-31","2010-04-01","2010-04-05"))
How can I convert the incorrect format between the existing correctly formatted dates?
I'm able to remove the first dashes, but also the it requires to remove the last 3 characters -01 or -1. So that the corrected values are:
desired <- c("1.1.11","1.1.12","1.1.13","1.1.14","1.10.10","1.10.11","1.10.12","2010-03-31","2010-04-01","2010-04-05"))
What I'm strangling with is the -01 part, since by removing these, would also remove part of the correct formatted dates.
EDIT: The format is mm.dd.yy
Here is a pretty simple solution using sub ...
sub('^-+([^-]+).+', '\\1', df$col)
# [1] "1.1.11" "1.11.12" "1.1.13" "1.1.14" "1.10.10"
# [6] "1.10.11" "1.10.12" "2010-03-31" "2010-04-01" "2010-04-05"
Just remove all the non-word characters present at the start or -01 or -1 present at the end which was not preceded by -+ two digits.
> x <- c("--1.1.11-01","--1.11.12-1","--1.1.13-01","--1.1.14-01","--1.10.10-01","-1.10.11-01","---1.10.12-01","2010-03-31","2010-04-01","2010-04-05")
> gsub("^\\W+|(?<!-\\d{2})-0?1$", "", x, perl=T)
[1] "1.1.11" "1.11.12" "1.1.13" "1.1.14" "1.10.10"
[6] "1.10.11" "1.10.12" "2010-03-31" "2010-04-01" "2010-04-05"
A simple regexp will solve these kinds of problems pretty well:
> df <- c("--1.1.11-01","--1.11.12-1","--1.1.13-01","--1.1.14-01","--1.10.10-01","-1.10.11-01","---1.10.12-01","2010-03-31","2010-04-01","2010-04-05")
> df
[1] "--1.1.11-01" "--1.11.12-1" "--1.1.13-01" "--1.1.14-01" "--1.10.10-01" "-1.10.11-01" "---1.10.12-01"
[8] "2010-03-31" "2010-04-01" "2010-04-05"
> df <- sub(".*([0-9]{4}\\-[0-9]{2}\\-[0-9]{2}|[0-9]{1,2}\\.[0-9]{1,2}\\.[0-9]{1,2}).*", "\\1", df)
> df
[1] "1.1.11" "1.11.12" "1.1.13" "1.1.14" "1.10.10" "1.10.11" "1.10.12" "2010-03-31" "2010-04-01"
[10] "2010-04-05"
Note that I made it a character vector instead of data.frame.
The solution itself is just matching one pattern or the other pattern and then dropping the rest by replacing it with the subpattern.
I here observe that if the prefix of a date has an entry as -1 or --1 then only there exists a illegal suffix i.e -01.
You could first take all the values in array.
So you will have an array of "--1.1.11-01","--1.11.12-1","--1.1.13-01","--1.1.14-01","--1.10.10-01","-1.10.11-01"
Now you can check for the prefix if is it -1 or --1. if there exists any such thing then you can mark it as to remove the suffix -01 as well .
According to the input pattern above I feel that the above strategy would work.
Please let me know if the strategy works

Removing parentheses as unwanted text in R using gsub

I'm trying to clean up a column in my data frame where the rows look like this:
1234, text ()
and I need to keep just the number in all the rows. I used:
df$column = gsub(", text ()", "", df$column)
and got this:
I repeated the operation with only the parentheses, but they won't go away. I wasn't able to find an example that deals specifically with parentheses being eliminated as unwanted text. sub doesn't work either.
Anyone knows why this isn't working?
Parentheses are stored metacharacters in regex. You should escape them either using \\ or [] or adding fixed = TRUE. But in your case you just want to keep the number, so just remove everything else using \\D
gsub("\\D", "", "1234, text ()")
## [1] "1234"
If your column always looks like a format described above :
1234, text ()
Something like the following should work:
string extractedNumber = Regex.Match( INPUT_COLUMN, #"^\d{4,}").Value
Reads like: From the start of the string find four or more digits.

Extract text between certain symbols using Regular Expression in R

I have a series of expressions such as:
"<i>the text I need to extract</i></b></a></div>"
I need to extract the text between the <i> and </i> "symbols". This is, the result should be:
"the text I need to extract"
At the moment I am using gsub in R to manually remove all the symbols that are not text. However, I would like to use a regular expression to do the job. Does anyone know a regular expression to extract the between <i> and </i>?
If there is only one <i>...</i> as in the example then match everything up to <i> and everything from </i> forward and replace them both with the empty string:
x <- "<i>the text I need to extract</i></b></a></div>"
gsub(".*<i>|</i>.*", "", x)
[1] "the text I need to extract"
If there could be multiple occurrences in the same string then try:
strapplyc(x, "<i>(.*?)</i>", simplify = c)
giving the same in this example.
This approach uses a package I maintain qdapRegex that isn't regex but may be of use to you or future searchers. The function rm_between allows the user to extract text between a left and right bound and optionally include them. This approach is easy in that you don't have to think of a specific regex, just the exact left and right boundaries:
x <- "<i>the text I need to extract</i></b></a></div>"
rm_between(x, "<i>", "</i>", extract=TRUE)
## [[1]]
## [1] "the text I need to extract"
I would point out that it may be more reliable to use an html parser for this job.
If this is html (which it look like it is) you should probably use an html parser. Package XML can do this
x <- "<i>the text I need to extract</i></b></a></div>"
xmlValue(getNodeSet(htmlParse(x), "//i")[[1]])
# [1] "the text I need to extract"
On an entire html document, you can use
doc <- htmlParse(x)
sapply(getNodeSet(doc, "//i"), xmlValue)
You can use the following approach with gregexpr and regmatches if you don't know the number of matches in a string.
vec <- c("<i>the text I need to extract</i></b></a></div>",
"abc <i>another text</i> def <i>and another text</i> ghi")
regmatches(vec, gregexpr("(?<=<i>).*?(?=</i>)", vec, perl = TRUE))
# [[1]]
# [1] "the text I need to extract"
# [[2]]
# [1] "another text" "and another text"
This should do it for you.

extract partial string based on pattern in r

I would like to extract partial string from a list. I don't know how to define the pattern of the strings. Thank you for your helps.
names = c("GAPIT..flowerdate.GWAS.Results.csv","GAPIT..flwrcolor.GWAS.Results.csv",
# I want to extract out "flowerdate", "flwrcolor", "height" and "matdate"
traits <- str_extract_all(string = files, pattern = "..*.")
# the result is not what I want.
You can also use regmatches
> regmatches(c, regexpr("[[:lower:]]+", c))
[1] "flowerdate" "flwrcolor" "height" "matdate"
I encourage you not to use c as a variable name, because you're overwriting c function.
I borrow the answer from Roman Luštrik for my previous question “How to extract out a partial name as new column name in a data frame”
traits <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(names, "\\."), "[[", 3))
Use sub:
sub(".*\\.{2}(.+?)\\..*", "\\1", names)
# [1] "flowerdate" "flwrcolor" "height" "matdate"
Here are a few solutions. The first two do not use regular expressions at all. The lsat one uses a single gsub:
1) read.table. This assumes the desired string is always the 3rd field:
read.table(text = names, sep = ".", = TRUE)[[3]]
2) strsplit This assumes the desired string has more than 3 characters and is lower case:
sapply(strsplit(names, "[.]"), Filter, f = function(x) nchar(x) > 3 & tolower(x) == x)
3) gsub This assumes that two dots preceed the string and one dot plus junk not containing two successive dots comes afterwards:
gsub(".*[.]{2}|[.].*", "", names)
REVISED Added additional solutions.

How to extract words between two periods using gsub

I have a text that looks like this:
txt <- "w.raw.median"
I want to extract the second word in between two periods (.),
giving this output
> raw
But why this doesn't work
gsub(".*\\.", "", txt)
What's the right way to do it?
Try this:
gsub(".*\\.(.*)\\..*", "\\1", txt)
[1] "raw"
Also consider
for a (slightly) more readable version