How to compile a static library and link to it using g++? - c++

I've been trying to install a library (gzstream), which consists of one .C, one .h and an appropriate makefile. To be able to use #include <gzstream.h>, which gzstream.C uses, I've put the gzstream.h file in /usr/local/include and the gzstream.C in /usr/local/lib.
When I try to compile aufgabe2.cpp, I get the following error message on the terminal. aufgabe2.cpp:1:22: fatal error: /usr/local/include/gzstream.h: Permission denied
compilation terminated.
What am I doing wrong?

Before being able to use the static library, you need to compile it. This will require you to cd to the directory where the source code for gzstream is present and then type make.
This will compile the library and create an output file libgzstream.a.
Once this is ready, you can include the header file and compile your code.
There is no strict need to copy the gzstream.h into /usr/local/include. It may as well reside in the local directory where your source code is present. Then it can be easily included with
#include "gzstream.h"
See how double quotes are used instead of the angular brackets to indicate relative path in current directory.
The g++ command line should be something like this.
g++ aufgabe2.cpp -L. -lgzstream -lz
-L. tells the linker to look for the static library in the current directory. This assumes that libgzstream.a is copied to your source directory where aufgabe2.cpp is present. If not, then give the relative path to the -L argument where libgzstream.a is present.
Arguments -lgzstream and -lz ask the linker to link these libraries.


C++ using functions from shared library

I have the following problem:
I have two separate c++ projects, and want to use certain functions from one of them in the other. I am compiling using g++, on Linux.
I decided to do this by creating a shared library out of the project from which to use the functions. I added -fPIC to the compiler flags in the Makefile and then created a shared library like this:
g++ -shared -Wl,-soname, -o a.o b.o c.o -lc
Then I simply copied the .so file and the header files into the (parent) directory of the new project and added the following to its Makefile:
Then I #include the appropriate header file in the destination project code and try to call certain functions from the original project. However, when I compile the destination project I get an error "undefined reference" for the imported function.
My question is then: is there something I'm missing in this setup? Is there perhaps something that needs to be added to the headers in the original project in order to export the functions I want to use?
I should note this is the first time I have attempted to use a shared library in this way. Thanks.
The -L option only specifies the directory where the linker will search for libraries to link with. Then you will need to use the -l option to specify the base name of the shared library (without the "lib" prefix and the ".so" suffix).
But even that will unlikely to be enough. The runtime loader needs to find the shared library, when you attempt to try to execute it. -L and -l will be sufficient to successfully link, but the runtime loader only searches /usr/lib(64)?, and a few other places by default. It does NOT search the current directory, and the ELF binary only records the names of the shared libraries that must be loaded, and not their full pathnames. You have to explicitly record any extra directories to search for any shared libraries, which is the -rpath option.
To finish the job you will also need to pass -rpath to the linker, but g++ does not support this option directory, you will have to use -W to do that.
The full set of options you will likely need are:
-L/../external_proj -lmyproject -Wl,-rpath -Wl,`cd ../external_proj && pwd`
See gcc documentation for more information on the -W option.
Absolute pathnames should be used with -rpath, hence the need to obtain the full pathname to the directory where the shared library is.
The -L flag is to add a path to search libraries in. The -l (lower-case L) is for linking with a library in the search path.
Or you can skip the flags and link with the library directly, almost like you do now (but without the -L option).
If you use the -l option, then remember that for a file you use only name as the library name. As in -lname. The linker will search for the correct files with the added prefix and suffix.
And lastly an important note about the paths used when linking: If you use -L and -l to link with a shared library, it's only the linker which will find the library. The OS runtime-loader will not be able to see the path used and will not find the library, if it's in a non-standard location. For that you must also set the runtime-path using the special linker option -rpath.
Unfortunately the GCC frontend program g++ doesn't recognize that option, you have to use -Wl to tell g++ to pass on an option to the actual linker. As in -Wl,-rpath,/path/to/libraries.
To summarize, here are the different variants you can use:
Link directly with the library: g++ your_source.cpp ../external_proj/
Use the -L and -l options: g++ your_source.cpp -L../external_proj -lmyproject
To set the runtime linker path: g++ your_source.cpp -L../external_proj -lmyproject -Wl,-rpath,../external_proj

Linking a shared library from a large github project

I'm trying to use the following github project I was able to build it and the .so files are available in parquet-cpp/build/latest. I copied the .so files(both of libparquet as well as libarrow which had been built) in a separate directory and wrote a simple hello world, simply importing the library as:
#include <arrow/io/file.h>
#include <parquet/api/reader.h>
#include <parquet/api/writer.h>
Now I ran
g++ -Wall test.cpp -L. -lparquet -larrow
However this throws an error as unable to find .h files of arrow/parquet. What am I doing wrong?
You forgot to include the path for the header files in the compilation instruction. You need to find directory containing parquet/api/reader.h and include it in the compilation command
g++ -Wall -I path_containing_header test.cpp -L. -lparquet -larrow
You may include several directories with multiple -I instruction.

MinGW linking paths

I am currently trying to link a library using MinGW with the following command:
g++ main.cpp -l"C:\Users\Trent\Desktop\glfw3"
This command does not work, however the following does:
g++ main.cpp -lglfw3
Because of this, I think the compiler is probably searching for glfw3.dll in C:\Users\Trent\Desktop\C:\Users\Trent\Desktop which obviously doesn't exist. Is there a way to tell G++ to search for a library using an absolute path rather than a relative one?
P.S. The main.cpp file contains no code, I am simply just trying to link a DLL before I actually write anything.
For gcc family -l is option to specify library name, it searches names in system folders (defined in environment), you can add folders to lookup list by the -L option, just like VTT commented.

Is there a way to find which library file is to be used when compiling?

When compile with g++ -lboost_system code.cpp -o a.out, the linker will try to find the library file ( What if there are more than one such file existing in different directory, how can I know which one is been chosen?
PS: I try to compile a project, it needs a high version of libboost than the one been installed. I compile libbost_1_55_0 and install it to /usr/local/, however, when I try to compile the project, it still report errors about libboost, it seems that the old version is been used rather than the new version. I want to make out which version of boost is been used.
From the gcc man page:
Add directory dir to the list of directories to be searched for -l.

How do I link libcurl to my c++ program in linux?

I need to use libcurl in a piece of software I am writing on my ubuntu machine. I am using Eclipse to write and compile all of the software. When I put the libcurl files in the same folder as the .cpp file, and include the curl.h file in the header, When I attempt to compile the program, It comes up with these errors:
Building target: sms
Invoking: GCC C++ Linker
g++ -o"sms" ./src/sms.o
./src/sms.o: In function `main':
/home/geekman/workspace/sms/Debug/../src/sms.cpp:38: undefined reference to `curl_easy_init'
/home/geekman/workspace/sms/Debug/../src/sms.cpp:42: undefined reference to `curl_easy_setopt'
/home/geekman/workspace/sms/Debug/../src/sms.cpp:44: undefined reference to `curl_easy_setopt'
/home/geekman/workspace/sms/Debug/../src/sms.cpp:46: undefined reference to `curl_easy_perform'
/home/geekman/workspace/sms/Debug/../src/sms.cpp:47: undefined reference to `curl_easy_cleanup'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [sms] Error 1
I took the contents of the include folder from libcurl, and placed them in the same folder as the .cpp file. then in the header of the .cpp file, I typed:
#include <curl/curl.h>
I also tried:
#include "curl/curl.h"
Any ideas on the problem? Thanks.
Your header file inclusions are just fine; your problem is occurring at the linking step. In order to link against libcurl, you need to add the -lcurl command line option, assuming it's installed in a standard directory:
g++ -o sms ./src/sms.o -lcurl
If it's not installed in a standard directory, you also need to add the -L/path/to/libcurl, e.g. something like:
# Assuming that /home/geekman/workspace/libcurl is where libcurl.a is located
g++ -o sms ./src/sms.o -L/home/geekman/workspace/libcurl -lcurl
Also note that the -lcurl option has to appear after the list of object files you're linking, otherwise it won't link properly.
You can try to use curl-config --libs.
An alternate answer (the first one is excellent). Consider using the output returned by "pkg-config --libs libcurl" as an argument to your compiler.
For example,
CPPFLAGS=`pkg-config --libs libcurl`
g++ $CPPFLAGS myfile.o
Pkg-config is a standard way for open source libraries to communicate to you how to link against them / #include their files.
Anyone who is using ecplise CDT then you need to do following. First on terminal enter
curl-config --libs
On my machine, the result is
-L/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu -lcurl
then do according to this screenshot and you will be able to compile. btw don't forget to add header files in your code
So you enter library folder path without -L and library name without -l because they will be automatically added by linker.
You have to link the library to your program. With gcc (and most other compilers) you can specify the libraries to link with -lname_wo_lib, e.g. -lcurl
Also see GNU GCC Manual - Options for Linking for a detailed explanation of the options Adam Rosenfield said. For standard search directories, see An Introduction to GCC - for the GNU Compilers gcc and g++ - Setting Search Paths.
In addition to the first answer, I had to link the curlpp library too. So to compile the main.cpp file which included the curlpp I had to do:
g++ main.cpp -lcurl -lcurlpp
Using only one of the two links would return different errors regarding different links. It is important to remind that this only worked because I had installed all the necessary libraries in the standard include folders