AWS Elastic Beanstalk - Deployment Quandry - amazon-web-services

I have an AWS Elastic Beanstalk with an environment setup (Windows Server 2012, IIS 8, Load Balanced). When I first create the environment with a .NET application, everything appears to work just fine. However, when I redeploy the application - using the AWS tools for Visual Studio 2012 - the new version does not seem to be deployed. I see the new deployment bundle up inthe proper S3 location, and the event viewer in the console indicates that everything is going fine:
Environment update is starting.
Deploying new version to instance(s).
Command execution completed successfully.
New application version was deployed to running EC2 instances.
Environment update completed successfully.
However, no new files appear on the server. Just for a check, I deleted all of the files in the c:\inetpub\wwwroot directory (the application deploys as the root app) and when the redeploy completes, I still do not see any files in this directory. I've tried to snapshot the logs, but there don't appear to be any (the list comes back empty). I've checked the deployments log files on the server itself (via RDP) and they are also empty. I've checked the server's event viewer as well - also void of any messages. It is almost as if the server is not actually running the deployment.
I am not sure what I could be doing wrong, but any guidance or suggestions are appreciated.

Have you looked under your 'Application Versions'?
It is possible that the bundle has been uploaded but not running on the instances.

The problem was because I was using a custom AMI for the beanstalks. I found out that the AMI I was using was not beanstalk-friendly, even though I created it from a beanstalk EC2 instance that I had customized. There was something in the configuration that made the new machines not deploy properly. In any case, for now I decided that I should just update my deployment package to include the stuff I needed (e.g., C++ redistributable) as opposed to trying to customize the machine images (i.e., Command for Elastic Beanstalk configuration to install Visual C++ Redistributable).


Force configuration update on Amazon Elastic Beanstalk

I'm building a simple web app on Elastic Beanstalk (Dockerized Python/Flask). I had it running successfully on one AWS account and wanted to migrate it to a new AWS account, so I'm recreating the Beanstalk app on the AWS console and trying to deploy the same code via eb deploy.
I noticed that when pushing a configuration update, Beanstalk will attempt the change but then roll it back if the app fails to start with the new change. This is true for several different kind of changes, and I need to make multiple to get my app fully working (basically I'm just recreating the Beanstalk settings I already have on my other AWS account):
Need to set a few environment variables
Need to set up a new RDS instance
Need to deploy my code (the new application version has been uploaded, but the deployed application version is still the old "sample application" that it started with)
All 3 must be done before this app will fully start. However, whenever I try one of these on its own, Beanstalk will attempt the change, then notice that the app fails to startup (it throws an exception on startup) and then beanstalk rolls back the change. The config rollback occurs even though I have "Ignore Health Check: true" under the deployment settings. (I would think at the very least it let me force update #3 above but apparently not.)
So I'm basically stuck because I can't do all of them at once. It there a way to --force a configuration update, so that Beanstalk doesn't rollback no matter what happens?
My other thought was that I could potentially make all the edits at once to the JSON config, but I figured that there must be a way to force config changes so people can respond quickly in a crisis without these well-intentioned guardrails.
Thanks for your help!

No changes to app after redeployment to EC2 instance

I've got development and production instances in EC2. I've been updating my app in Visual Studio 2019 and redeploying it to the dev instance, then creating an AMI of that instance and using that image to update the production instance(s).
Suddenly my app no longer updates when I deploy to the dev instance. The logs all show the update was applied, but when I look at the files on the server they have not changed for days. I suspect I may be using AMIs incorrectly, but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
How do I get my updates to show again?
You are facing the issue because creating an AMI from running environment isn't the right approach since EB runs several scripts under the hood to attach instances to that particular environment.
Note: Custom AMIs are ideal only when you're installing a lot of dependencies or software that you want to be baked into your AMI so subsequent deployments go through quick. Here's the documentation that walks you through the steps, and here's the summary of the steps:
The best approach would be to launch a stand alone EC2 using an EB
AMI as base (ideally an AMI with HVM virtualization).
Connect to the instance with SSH or RDP.
Perform any customizations you want.
(Windows platforms) Run the EC2Config service Sysprep. For
information about EC2Config, see Configuring a Windows Instance Using
the EC2Config Service. Ensure that Sysprep is configured to generate
a random password that can be retrieved from the AWS Management
In the Amazon EC2 console, stop the EC2 instance. Then on the
Instance Actions menu, choose Create Image (EBS AMI).

How to debug failed NetCore AWS Elastic Beanstalk deployment?

I have an DotNet Core AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment which has started failing to deploy. The environment waits up to 10 minutes for the healthcheck to pass, but consistent gets "403 - Forbidden: Access is denied.".
I've RDP'd to the environment and the folder C:\inetpub\AspNetCoreWebApps is empty. In working environments, this contains the code.
I've tried redeploying the entire environment and deploying a package from a week ago which was previously fine. Additionally, I've tried deploying using the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio and by uploading a package rather than using CodePipeline. All of these actions result in the same behaviour.
I'm struggling to find any logs which indicate why the code isn't being deployed to the environment. Requesting the last 100 lines doesn't contain anything useful and I can't find any deployment logs on the filesystem. In the pulled logs there is no AWS.DeploymentCommands log file.
The environment is configured to deploy as rolling with batch +1. As such, it is a new EC2 which is being written to.
What is the next step in debugging the cause of the failure?
I was able to diagnose the problem - a public file referenced in the ebextension folder had been deleted. The log file I was looking for was in C:\cfn\log\cfn-init.txt.

AWS CodeDeploy executes before Auto Scaling userdata scripts finishes

I'm trying to setup an Auto Scaling Group in combination with CodeDeploy. Everything works fine except for the fact that when a new instance is created CodeDeploy starts before the user data script (defined in the Launch Configuration) finishes.
The default value of this user data script downloads and install the code deploy agent and i've extended it with installation of a couple of windows features, IIS rewrite module and msdeploy.
In my appspec.yml i'm using the hook AfterInstall to deploy my IIS website and this obviously fails when msdeploy is not installed (yet).
Am i going about this the wrong way or is there a way to make CodeDeploy wait for the user data script to finish?
Unfortunately, there's no was for CodeDeploy to know anything more than the instance has loaded it's OS. The good thing is that CodeDeploy give the host agent 1 hour to start polling for commands with automatic deployments. The easiest thing to do is install the host agent after all the required dependencies are installed. The automatic deployment will be created, but can't proceed until after the host agent is started.
This is explained in detail here -
Ordering execution of launch scripts – The CodeDeploy agent looks for and executes deployments as soon as it starts. There is no ordering between the deployment execution and launch scripts such as user data, cfn-init, etc. We recommend you install the host agent as part of (and maybe as the last step in) the launch scripts so that you can be sure the deployment won’t be executed until the instance has installed dependencies that are not part of your CodeDeploy deployment. If you prefer baking the agent into the base AMI, we recommend that you keep the agent service in a stopped state and use the launch scripts to start the agent service.

Elastic Beanstalk maintain the changes made directly via ssh for new instances?

When the app autoscale, the previous modifications made in first instance will be kept in new instances?
You will need to add configuration settings to your application archive so that each instance is configured the same way when it is brought online. This is done by creating a folder in your application called .ebextensions. You place files in that folder with the .config extenstion. These should be yaml format.
Check these docs for more information:
Linux specific (I assume Linux since you mention SSH):
No, elastic beanstalk will start a new server using a fresh AMI and your latest deployed application code.
It is considered bad practice to change the instance using SSH login, as it may be replaced at any time by Elastic Beanstalk.
If you'd like to change something in the instance, you can either use a custom AMI (not fun) or create an .ebextensions folder and put some configuration shell scripts there (see documentation).