gdi+ draws string inverted - c++

I am trying to write text to a bitmap i am getting from an usb camera using directshow.
The problem is that the text is mirror inverted upside-down and i don't know why.
Here is the code that writes the text:
BITMAPINFOHEADER bih = m_videoInfo.bmiHeader;
Bitmap bmp(bih.biWidth, bih.biHeight, m_stride, m_pixFmt, pBuffer);
Graphics g(&bmp);
if (this->introTimer->timeToDo())
RectF pos(10, 10, 100, 100);
SolidBrush brush(Color::Black);
Font font(FontFamily::GenericSerif(), 30);
hr = g.DrawString(this->introText, -1, &font, pos, StringFormat::GenericDefault(), &brush);
return hr;
I am not sure if my code is the only thing that affects the drawing of the string. Maybe there is some configuration or something.
I tried using a negative height as suggested by Hans Passant. The result is that the text is not written at all.

The obvious thing to do would be to set the transformation on GDI+.
Essentially you need to invert the Y axis (though by doing this it would now draw off screen). So you need to then translate it down by the window size.
Something like this:
graphics.Transform = new Matrix2D( 1, 0,
0, -1,
0, -windowHeight );
Then draw as normal.
(Its worth noting I'm suggesting this without testing it. The y translation may not be negative so try both!).

The scanlines are stored upside down, with the first scan (scan 0) in memory being the bottommost scan in the image. This is another artifact of Presentation Manager compatibility. GDI automatically inverts the image during the Set and Get operations.
About the suggestion from Hans Passant, did you try negative height in position?
He suggests to use negative height in bih.
BITMAPINFOHEADER bih = m_videoInfo.bmiHeader;
bih.biHeight = -bih.biHeight;
Bitmap bmp(bih.biWidth, bih.biHeight, m_stride, m_pixFmt, pBuffer);
Also copying another solution from this page if it helps
void BitmapControl::OnPaint()
EnterCriticalSection (&CriticalSection);
if (_handleBMP)
CPaintDC dc(this);
CDC dcMem;
CRect rect;
CBitmap* pBmpOld = dcMem.SelectObject(CBitmap::FromHandle(_handleBMP));
//BitBlt(dc,rect.left,-0,rect.Width(),rect.Height(),dcMem,rect.left,,SRCCOPY); //works with MM_TEXT but upsidedown
BitBlt(dc,0,rect.bottom,rect.Width(),-rect.Height(),dcMem,0,0,SRCCOPY); //works with MM_LOENGLISH
_handleBMP = NULL;
LeaveCriticalSection (&CriticalSection);


initialise an MFC Cimage to a solid colour

I don't use c++ or MFC/ATL etc so assume I know nothing.
The whole picture is that I need to take accept a PNG with a transparency layer and write it out as a JPEG with specified compression to pass to another system.
What I would like to know here, is how can I initialize a target CImage structure with solid white?
I've done this so far (yes I know it has other stylistic issues)
void ClipBoardFuncs::savePNGASJPEG(char filePath[256], char errorBuff[256]) {
int sizeOfErrorBuff = 256;
CImage imagePNG;
CImage imageJPG;
int xPNG, yPNG = 0;
xPNG = imagePNG.GetWidth();
yPNG = imagePNG.GetHeight();
//Create my target JPG same size and bit depth specifiying that there is no alpha channel (dwflag last param)
imageJPG.Create(xPNG, yPNG, imagePNG.GetBPP(), 0);
//Let there be white....
for (int x = 0; x <= xPNG; x++)
for (int y = 0; y <= yPNG; y++)
imageJPG.SetPixelRGB(x, y, 255, 255, 255);
//Copy the image over onto on the white
//BitBlt copies everything....
//imagePNG.BitBlt(imageJPG.GetDC(), 0, 0);
//Draw is more like the C# draw examples I've seen
imagePNG.Draw(imageJPG.GetDC(), 0, 0);
hr = imageJPG.Save(filePath, Gdiplus::ImageFormatJPEG);
LPCTSTR error = _com_error(hr).ErrorMessage();
strncpy_s(errorBuff, sizeOfErrorBuff, _com_error(hr).ErrorMessage(), _TRUNCATE);
The lovely C# people have this answer:
Convert Transparent PNG to JPG with Non-Black Background Color
But I need the c++ MFC solution to use as an exported function in a DLL.
By exported Function I mean the same architecture as you would find in kernel32.dll - sorry I do not know the terminology to differentiate that kind of DLL from one stuffed with COM objects.
Can anyone suggest a faster way to initialize the imageJPEG structure to solid white than the nested x/y for loops I have here?
The initialization can be done with Rectangle or FillRect (for this, FillRect is probably preferred--Rectangle draws an outline of the rectangle in the current pen color, which we probably don't want).
So, the sequence looks something like this:
CImage png;
CRect rect{ 0, 0, png.GetWidth(), png.GetHeight() };
CImage jpeg;
jpeg.Create(rect.Width(), rect.Height(), png.GetBPP());
auto dc = jpeg.GetDC();
HBRUSH white = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(255, 255, 255));
FillRect(dc, &rect, white);
png.Draw(dc, 0, 0);
jpeg.Save(L"Insert File name here", Gdiplus::ImageFormatJPEG);
GDI+ is "smart" enough that when you do a .Draw with an image that has an alpha channel, it takes that channel into account, without your having to use TransparentBlt (or anything similar).
SetTransparentColor will not work for what you're trying to do here. SetTransparentColor is for an image that does not have an alpha channel ("transparency layer"). You then use it to choose a color that will be treated as if it were transparent--which can certainly be useful, but isn't what you want here.
You can use memset instead, but only for colors where the red, green, and blue channels all have the same values (i.e., black, white, or some shade of grey). Otherwise, you can do the fill on your own with a nested loop, but in most cases you probably want to use FillRect instead (it may be able to use graphics hardware for acceleration, where the loop will pretty dependably just run on the CPU--worst case, they're both about the same speed, but in some cases FillRect will be faster).
imagePNG.Draw(imageJPG.GetDC(), 0, 0);
Each call to GetDC must have a subsequent call to ReleaseDC. See also CImage::GetDC documentation.
CImage::GetDC provides a handle to memory device context. This handle can be used to draw using standard GDI functions. The handle should later be cleaned up with CImage::ReleaseDC.
CImage::Draw may not know what the transparent color is. You have to use TransparentBlt to tell it what the transparent color is. For example, to replace red color with white color:
HDC hdc = imageJPG.GetDC();
CDC dc;
CRect rc(0, 0, xPNG, yPNG);
dc.FillSolidRect(&rc, RGB(255, 255, 255));
imagePNG.TransparentBlt(hdc, rc, RGB(255, 0, 0));//replace red with white
Or just use CImage::SetTransparentColor:
imagePNG.SetTransparentColor(RGB(255, 0, 0));
imagePNG.Draw(hdc, rc);
for (int x = 0; x <= xPNG; x++){...}
To do this using a loop, change the condition in the loop to x < xPNG and x < yPNG.

Creating, displaying, and then accessing bitmap/DIB data (w/o GetBitmapBits())

I have inherited an old-school MFC Windows CE program, and am having to make some modifications to it. As part of this I have to create a monochrome image with text on it, and both display it on a screen as well as send each row of the image to a printer one at a time.
I originally used a bitmap, and had success using DrawText() and getting a test string (Hello World) to display on the screen (this code is in Figure 1). However, I hit a wall at the stage where I am looking to extract the wrap data from the bitmap. What I am trying to get is an array with 1s or 0s representing black or white. I had first thought I would use GetBitmapBits() but unfortunately the code I am working with is so old that function is not supported yet. I thought I could get around this issue by using GetBitmap() and then accessing the bmBits parameter. However this appears to always be null which was confirmed when I found the following link: Why does GetObject return an BITMAP with null bmBits?.
My next attempt was to follow the advice in the link and use CreateDIBSection() instead of CreateCompatibleBitmap(). This seems like the right path, and I should have access to the data I want, but unfortunately I cannot get the DIB to display (code is in Figure 2). I suspect I am doing something wrong in creating the header of the DIB, but I cannot figure out what my mistake is.
If anyone has suggestions for a way to access the data in the bitmap, or can see what I am doing wrong with the DIB, I would greatly appreciate the help!
*** FIGURE 1: Code to create and display a bitmap
void CRunPage::OnPaint()
CPaintDC dc(this); // property page device context for painting
CBitmap mBmp; // CBitmap object for displaying built-in bitmaps
CDC mDCMem; // CDC object to handle built-in bitmap
int iWidth, iHeight; // dimension to draw on the screen
int icurLabel, // current label index of open print file
iLabelNum; // number of labels in open print file
LPBITMAPINFOHEADER pBMIH; // bitmap header object for current label
LPBYTE pImage; // bitmap data for current label
CSize size; // size of label
int PreviewLeft,PreviewTop,PreviewWidth,PreviewHeight;
CRect Rect;
// Calculate the preview area
CRect textRect;
CString testText(_T("Hello World"));
CBitmap * pOldBitmap;
CBrush whiteBrush, *pOldBrush;
CPen blackPen, *pOldPen;
mBmp.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&dc, PreviewWidth+PreviewLeft*2, PreviewHeight+PreviewTop*2);
//mBmp.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&dc, PreviewWidth, PreviewHeight);
pOldBitmap = mDCMem.SelectObject(&mBmp);
blackPen.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 2, RGB(0, 0, 0));
textRect.SetRect(0,0,PreviewWidth, PreviewHeight);
// this means behind the text will be a white box w/ a black boarder
pOldBrush = mDCMem.SelectObject(&whiteBrush);
pOldPen = mDCMem.SelectObject(&blackPen);
//these commands draw on the memory-only context (mDCMem)
mDCMem.DrawText((LPCTSTR)testText, 11, &textRect, DT_CENTER|DT_VCENTER);
dc.StretchBlt(PreviewLeft,PreviewTop, PreviewWidth, PreviewHeight, & mDCMem, 0, 0, PreviewWidth, PreviewHeight, SRCCOPY);
*** FIGURE 2: Trying to use a DIB instead of a bitmap
void CRunPage::OnPaint()
CPaintDC dc(this); // property page device context for painting
CBitmap mBmp; // CBitmap object for displaying built-in bitmaps
CDC mDCMem; // CDC object to handle built-in bitmap
int iWidth, iHeight; // dimension to draw on the screen
int icurLabel, // current label index of open print file
iLabelNum; // number of labels in open print file
LPBITMAPINFOHEADER pBMIH; // bitmap header object for current label
LPBYTE pImage; // bitmap data for current label
CSize size; // size of label
int PreviewLeft,PreviewTop,PreviewWidth,PreviewHeight;
CRect Rect;
// Calculate the preview area
CRect textRect;
CString testText(_T("Hello World"));
CBitmap * pOldBitmap;
CBrush whiteBrush, *pOldBrush;
CPen blackPen, *pOldPen;
LPBYTE pFWandImageMem=NULL, pImageMem=NULL, pTemp=NULL;
int i=0,j=0, buffSize=0, numBytesPerRow=0, bitmapWidthPix,bitmapHeightPix;
char *numBytesPerRowString;
char temp;
void ** ppvBits;
//this rect is the area in which I can draw (its x,y location is set by BitBlt or StretchBlt
//mBmp.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&dc, PreviewWidth+PreviewLeft*2, PreviewHeight+PreviewTop*2);
bmif.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
bmif.biWidth = PreviewWidth+PreviewLeft*2;
bmif.biHeight = -(PreviewHeight+PreviewTop*2);//- means top down (I think? I tried both ways and neither worked)
bmif.biPlanes = 1;
bmif.biBitCount = 1;
bmif.biCompression = BI_RGB; // no compression
bmif.biSizeImage = 0; // Size (bytes) if image - this can be set to 0 for uncompressed images
bmif.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
bmif.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
bmif.biClrUsed =0;
bmif.biClrImportant = 0;
myDIB = CreateDIBSection(dc.GetSafeHdc(), &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, ppvBits, NULL, 0);
myOldDIB = (HBITMAP)mDCMem.SelectObject(myDIB);//SelectObject(mDCMem, myDIB);
blackPen.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 2, RGB(0, 0, 0));
textRect.SetRect(0,0,PreviewWidth, PreviewHeight);
// this means behind the text will be a white box w/ a black boarder
pOldBrush = mDCMem.SelectObject(&whiteBrush);
pOldPen = mDCMem.SelectObject(&blackPen);
//these commands draw on the memory-only context (mDCMem)
mDCMem.DrawText((LPCTSTR)testText, 11, &textRect, DT_CENTER|DT_VCENTER);
dc.StretchBlt(PreviewLeft,PreviewTop, PreviewWidth, PreviewHeight, & mDCMem, 0, 0, PreviewWidth, PreviewHeight, SRCCOPY);
So I made two minor changes to the DIB code, and it is displaying the image correctly now.
First, I changed the way I passed in my pointer to the CreateDIBSection():
void ** ppvBits;
And then I had to change how I passed that into CreateDIBSection. I also explicitly casted the return of CreateDIBSection() to an HBITMAP:
myDIB = CreateDIBSection(dc.GetSafeHdc(), &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void**)&pBits, NULL, 0);
myDIB = (HBITMAP) CreateDIBSection(dc.GetSafeHdc(), &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, ppvBits, NULL, 0);
I have not had a chance to see if I can access the image data, but I am past the initial issues now. Thanks to anyone who looked at this, and if people know how to do the first (device dependent bitmap) method I would be interested to know.

C++ GDI+ Drawing Image on layered window not working

So I've found a lot of code samples, guides, and answers on SO about drawing an image to a layered window. I've tried using pure HBITMAPS and the WIC libs to draw, and now I'm on to GDI+ to draw (which is much simpler and is seemingly easier to use, and thus far it has solved a lot of errors that were caused by faulty WIC code).
I'm currently stuck on UpdateLayeredWindow. No matter what I try I can't get it to work. Right now, it's returning 87, or ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER. The question is, which one is incorrect? I'm stumped! The below code seems to be the solution other than the fact that UpdateLayeredWindow is refusing to work.
What am I doing wrong?
Here is the code that sets up the HDC/bitmap information/graphics object.
// Create DC
_oGrphInf.canvasHDC = GetDC(_hwndWindow);
// Create drawing 'canvas'
_oGrphInf.lpBits = NULL;
_oGrphInf.bmpCanvas = CreateDIBSection(_oGrphInf.canvasHDC,
&_oGrphInf.bmpWinInformation, DIB_RGB_COLORS,
&_oGrphInf.lpBits, NULL, 0);
// Create graphics object = new Gdiplus::Graphics(_oGrphInf.canvasHDC);
The above works fine - I step through it and all of the pointers work.
And here is the method that draws the PNG.
void Splash::DrawPNG(PNG* lpPNG, int x, int y)
LOGD("Drawing bitmap!");
HDC hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(_oGrphInf.canvasHDC);
// Select
HBITMAP bmpOld = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hdcMem, _oGrphInf.bmpCanvas);
Gdiplus::Color trans(0, 0, 0, 0);>Clear(trans);>DrawImage(lpPNG->GetImage(), x, y);>Flush();
SIZE szSize = {_oGrphInf.bmpWinInformation.bmiHeader.biWidth,
// Setup drawing location
POINT ptLoc = {0, 0};
POINT ptSrc = {0, 0};
// Set up alpha blending
BLENDFUNCTION blend = {0};
blend.BlendOp = AC_SRC_OVER;
blend.SourceConstantAlpha = 255;
blend.AlphaFormat = AC_SRC_ALPHA;
blend.BlendFlags = 0;
// Update
if(UpdateLayeredWindow(_hwndWindow, _oGrphInf.canvasHDC, &ptLoc,
&szSize, hdcMem, &ptSrc,
(COLORREF)RGB(0, 0, 0),
&blend, ULW_ALPHA) == FALSE)
LOGE("Could not update layered window: %u", GetLastError());
// Delete temp objects
SelectObject(hdcMem, bmpOld);
Pulling my hair out! Help?
EDIT: I just decided to re-write the call to UpdateLayeredWindow function, which solved the incorrect parameter issue. Here is what I came up with. However, it still does not work. What am I doing wrong?
UpdateLayeredWindow(_hwndWindow, _oGrphInf.canvasHDC,
NULL, NULL, hdcMem, &ptLoc,
RGB(0, 0, 0), &blend, ULW_ALPHA)
For alpha information to be preserved in drawing operations, you have to make your Graphics object based on a memory-backed Bitmap object, not an HDC, and of course your Bitmap needs to be in a format with an alpha channel.
You'll need to use this Bitmap constructor:
Just give that a stride of 0, a pointer to your DIB's bits, and PixelFormat32bppPARGB.
Then use Graphics::FromImage to create your Graphics object.
I've never used UpdateLayeredWindow, so I can't verify that that side of it is correct.

BitBlt drawing bitmap upside down

I have an MFC control to which I pass a handle to a bitmap (HBITMAP). In the controls OnPaint method I am using BitBlt to render the bitmap. But the bitmap is being rendered upside down.
As a test I created a CBitmap object from this handle and write that out to a file and it created a bitmap that was right side up. So am I doing something wrong with my call to BitBlt?
I've posted my code from OnPaint below. I did try to change the mapping mode of my device context to MM_LOENGLISH and was able to get the bitmap to render right side up but it was very grainy. When I leave the mapping mode at MM_TEXT the quality of the image is perfect but as I said it is upside down. I haven't worked much with bitmaps, blitting I could be missing something easy. Any other suggestions would be appreciated. For some background I'm grabbing a BYTE* from a video camera driver and creating the HBITMAP to render the video.
How can I get this to render properly?? Many thanks
void BitmapControl::OnPaint()
EnterCriticalSection (&CriticalSection);
if (_handleBMP)
CPaintDC dc(this);
CDC dcMem;
CRect rect;
CBitmap* pBmpOld = dcMem.SelectObject(CBitmap::FromHandle(_handleBMP));
BitBlt(dc,rect.left,,rect.Width(),rect.Height(),dcMem,rect.left,,SRCCOPY); //works with MM_TEXT but upsidedown
//BitBlt(dc,0,rect.bottom,rect.Width(),-rect.Height(),dcMem,0,0,SRCCOPY); //works with MM_LOENGLISH
_handleBMP = NULL;
LeaveCriticalSection (&CriticalSection);
I was assuming because I could save the bitmap to disk in the correct orientation that the problem was with bitblt. Here is the code I use to generate the HBITMAP.
HBITMAP BitmapWriter::CreateBitmapFromFrame(BYTE* frame)
bmfh = (BITMAPFILEHEADER*)frame;
HBITMAP hbmp = CreateDIBSection(_hdc,bmpInfo,DIB_RGB_COLORS,NULL,NULL,0);
return hbmp;
Oh, and I used the critical section because I pass the hbitmap to the control in a property and then access it in the OnPaint. If that's a potential problem I will have to rethink that. Thanks
Windows bitmaps are stored with the bottom line first. Most of the rest of the world works top line first, so I presume that's what you're getting from your camera.
You can use a negative height in the BITMAPINFOHEADER structure to reverse the normal order.
Just use a Negative value in the biHeight field of BITMAPINFOHEADER struct.
bi.biHeight = -height; //this is the line that makes it draw upside down or not
In MM_TEXT y-axis points down, while in the other mapping modes it points up. Try MM_ISOTROPIC mapping mode. For more precise control, you may need to set viewport and window offset and extents on CDC.
Bitmaps can be stored upside down, that is indicated by negative height in the BITMAPINFOHEADER structure, but this should not be a problem.
Ok, I seem to have this working. I ended up changing the mapping mode to MM_LOENGLISH. As I said before this gave me a grainy image but this was corrected by adding the following
I need to do a bit of reading to actually figure out why...but here is my rendering code now.
void BitmapControl::OnPaint()
EnterCriticalSection (&CriticalSection);
if (_handleBMP)
CPaintDC dc(this);
CDC dcMem;
CRect rect;
CBitmap* pBmpOld = dcMem.SelectObject(CBitmap::FromHandle(_handleBMP));
//BitBlt(dc,rect.left,-0,rect.Width(),rect.Height(),dcMem,rect.left,,SRCCOPY); //works with MM_TEXT but upsidedown
BitBlt(dc,0,rect.bottom,rect.Width(),-rect.Height(),dcMem,0,0,SRCCOPY); //works with MM_LOENGLISH
_handleBMP = NULL;
LeaveCriticalSection (&CriticalSection);

C++ GDI+ drawing text on a transparent layered window

(unmanaged C++)
I already succeeded drawing PNG files to a transparent layered window that I can drag around the desktop, but now my problem is drawing text on a transparent layered window
Here's my code and my attempt at drawing text in the middle, it's important to note that i'm using the screenDC instead of using the one in WM_PAINT messages
updated code after the comments, now i'm just trying to write text on the bitmap before getting the HBITMAP version which i need to use
this time I'm using DrawString because textout() isn't GDI+, I hope DrawString really is GDI+ lol
still doesn't work though, wonder what i'm doing wrong
void Draw() // draws a frame on the layered window AND moves it based on x and y
HDC screenDC( NULL ); // grab screen
HDC sourceDC( CreateCompatibleDC(screenDC) );
POINT pos = {x,y}; // drawing location
POINT sourcePos = {0,0}; // top left of image
SIZE size = {100,100}; // 100x100 image
BLENDFUNCTION blendFunction = {0};
HBITMAP bufferBitmap = {0};
Bitmap* TheBitmap = crnimage; // crnimage was already loaded earlier
// ------------important part goes here, my attempt at drawing text ------------//
Gdiplus::Graphics Gx(TheBitmap);
// Font* myFont = new Font(sourceDC);
Font myFont(L"Arial", 16);
RectF therect;
therect.Height = 20;
therect.Width = 180;
therect.X = 0;
therect.Y = 0;
StringFormat format;
Gdiplus::SolidBrush GxTextBrush(Gdiplus::Color(255, 255, 0,255));
WCHAR thetext[] = L"Sample Text";
int stats = Gx.DrawString(thetext, -1, &myFont, therect, &format, &GxTextBrush);
if(stats) // DrawString returns nonzero if there is an error
stats = Gx.DrawRectangle(&Pen(Color::Red, 3), therect);
// the rectangle and text both draw fine now
// ------------important part goes here, my attempt at drawing text ------------//
TheBitmap->GetHBITMAP(0, &bufferBitmap);
oldBmpSelInDC = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(sourceDC, bufferBitmap);
// some alpha blending
blendFunction.BlendOp = AC_SRC_OVER;
blendFunction.SourceConstantAlpha = wndalpha;
blendFunction.AlphaFormat = AC_SRC_ALPHA;
COLORREF colorKey( RGB(255,0,255) );
UpdateLayeredWindow(hWnd, screenDC, &pos, & size, sourceDC, &sourcePos,
colorKey, &blendFunction, flags);
// release buffered image from memory
SelectObject(sourceDC, oldBmpSelInDC);
// finally release the screen
ReleaseDC(0, screenDC);
I've been trying to write text on my layered window for two days now, but from those attempts I know there are several ways I can go about doing this
(unfortunately I have no idea how exactly)
The usual option I see is drawing text on a bitmap, then rendering the bitmap itself
Use Gdi+ to load a bitmap
Create a Graphics object from the bitmap
Use DrawString to write text to the bitmap
Dispose of the Graphics object
Use the bitmap Save method to save the result to a file
Apparently one can also make a graphics object from a DC, then draw text on the DC, but again i have no clue as to how to do this
The overall approach looks right, but I think you've got some problems with the DrawString call. Check out the documentation (especially the sample) on MSDN.
Gx.DrawString(thetext, 4, NULL, therect, NULL, NULL)
The third, fifth, and sixth parameters (font, format, and brush) probably need to be specified. The documentation doesn't say that they are optional. Passing NULL for these is probably causing GDI+ to treat the call as a no-op.
The second parameter should not include the terminating L'\0' in the string. It's probably safest to use -1 if your string is always terminated.