Regular Expression for schema and table name [closed] - regex

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need a regular expression that covers this syntax:
I need to validate that the table name has and schema name and also brings the square brakes.

This regex matches your pattern:
The \w term (letters, digits and underscore) happens to fit nicely with standard SQL names.
If you want to allow any characters in names (like space, hyphen, whatever) use this:


Regex match every occurance and wildcard condition [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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How can I write a regex that will match the following conditions:
Where every instance of the occurance 'eVar7=' contains the following 'unav'
This should be false:
and this should return true:
This regex does the opposite. If there is a match means that you don't want it:
It uses a negative lookahead. Meaning that after the eVar7 match there should not be something with "unav" in the middle. If so, it matches.
This is just to put you on the right track however as there are a lot to consider with your examples. For example where exactly should this "unav" pattern exist. What characters are allowed between eVar7 and "unav" etc. Feel free to change the regex to suit your needs.

How can I match a pattern which is not containg any capital letter in Regular Expression? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have tried to match a string which is not contain any capital letter.But I don't Know how to do it. Can anyone help me.
Compare a lower cased version of the string to what the user entered. If they're equal, it's all in lowercase.

Regex alphanumeric and other special characters [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm looking for regex for alphanumeric and # , . ( ) _ - / \ " only allow.
Regex is [\d\w#,()."\/\\-]
Check the regex at
Suppossing you need at least one of this characters I think this might work

regex to validate string of 10 characters which are all digits [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to match a string of 10 characters and all of them need to be integers. How do I write a regular expression to check for this format.
Valid values should be something like - '1234567890', '4321567890'
The easiest (not all dialects support this):
Another option:
If you match the whole string, don't forget the ^ and $ markers:

RegEx help: Matching a set of words unless they are preceded by specific keywords [closed]

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Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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Looking for some regex help. I need to match words/phrases e.g. "confidential" "top secret" "sensitive" unless they are preceded by other words, for example: "contain" on the same line ..
"This email may contain confidential information" - this would not match
"Please see the attached confidential document" - would match because "contain" does not appear before the keyword "confidential" on the link.
I looked at using negative lookbehind but it's limited by width, so it would not work. In my case, the preceding words can appear several words before the keyword I am trying to match. Thanks!
You would think lookbehind, but it actually needs to be lookahead:
/^((?!contain).)*(confidential|top secret|sensitive)/
Because of the lookbehind fixed-wdth requirement.