Which things are necessary when sharing memory between different processors? - c++

So I have an ARM processor and a DSP processor. Some data would be shared between those two processor using a shared memory. The data could consist of data structures such as structs and classes of C++. Which things are important to make the application work with this sort of shared memory. One thing that comes to the mind is endianness, that is both processors should either be little endian or big endian. Anything else, which is also necessary to ensure proper shared memory accesses?

Apart from Endianness, following might be important,
Implementation of standard api's might differ and can have adverse effects on shared data e.g. memcpy() on ARM is implemented in a unique way internally and i at least remember having a hard time with a bug porting an RTOS to ARM. I don't recall the exact details but those surely can be found with a little search.
Strictly use types and structures aligned by the tool chains. Because alignment and padding for each architecture might be totally different. So you would be in for a surprise if you try indexing values inside a struct using pointer / array indexing.

Besides the issues in Fayyazki's answer there are several additional hurdles to the arrangement you describe.
Synchronisation: In all likelihood, you will need a pair of doorbell interrupts so that the CPU and DSP can interrupt each other to notify each other of communication. The alternative is polling - which is unlikely to result in high throughput.
Atomicity: Writing multi-word structures (e.g. C++ classes) to shared memory is problematic as you have none of the synchronisation mechanisms you might use in other circumstances such as bus-locking or disabling interrupts. You could use spin-locks to control read and write access if you insist on writing multiword structures to the shared memory. Controlling the memory packing of your structures may in fact result in more multi-word accesses.
Concurrent memory access - if you are using true multi-port SRAM, concurrent writes on the same address will be non-predictable. You therefore don't do this.
Memory/instruction order barriers: You will need to use memory barriers to ensure that writes are observed on the memory bus in the order you expect (many Cortex A-series ARM CPUs have out-of-order execution and store behaviour). This is in addition to either making the address range of the memory uncachable or flushing the cache.
By far the easiest approach to implementing communications between the two processors is to use a ring buffer in which the writing head and tail pointers are the natural word-size of the memory and are maintained by the writing processor and reading processor respectively. You will need barrier (both memory and instruction order) after writing data to the buffer and updating the head pointer to ensure writes into the buffer are observed by memory before updating the head pointer. Reads work in reverse.

ARM's weakly-ordered memory model means you'll likely have to be very careful with synchronisation and coherency if you're using cacheable memory - if this is the case I'd recommend a thorough read of the brain-melting memory model chapters of the ARM ARM (and possibly the barriers appendix).
Also, if the two processors have different views of the same memory (à la Raspberry Pi), then having pointers in the shared data could be fun*...
* for some given value of "fun"


Can modern x86 hardware not store a single byte to memory?

Speaking of the memory model of C++ for concurrency, Stroustrup's C++ Programming Language, 4th ed., sect. 41.2.1, says:
... (like most modern hardware) the machine could not load or store anything smaller than a word.
However, my x86 processor, a few years old, can and does store objects smaller than a word. For example:
#include <iostream>
int main()
char a = 5;
char b = 25;
a = b;
std::cout << int(a) << "\n";
return 0;
Without optimization, GCC compiles this as:
movb $5, -1(%rbp) # a = 5, one byte
movb $25, -2(%rbp) # b = 25, one byte
movzbl -2(%rbp), %eax # load b, one byte, not extending the sign
movb %al, -1(%rbp) # a = b, one byte
The comments are by me but the assembly is by GCC. It runs fine, of course.
Obviously, I do not understand what Stroustrup is talking about when he explains that hardware can load and store nothing smaller than a word. As far as I can tell, my program does nothing but load and store objects smaller than a word.
The thoroughgoing focus of C++ on zero-cost, hardware-friendly abstractions sets C++ apart from other programming languages that are easier to master. Therefore, if Stroustrup has an interesting mental model of signals on a bus, or has something else of this kind, then I would like to understand Stroustrup's model.
What is Stroustrup talking about, please?
Here is Stroustrup's quote in fuller context:
Consider what might happen if a linker allocated [variables of char type like] c and b in the same word in memory and (like most modern hardware) the machine could not load or store anything smaller than a word.... Without a well-defined and reasonable memory model, thread 1 might read the word containing b and c, change c, and write the word back into memory. At the same time, thread 2 could do the same with b. Then, whichever thread managed to read the word first and whichever thread managed to write its result back into memory last would determine the result....
I do not believe that Stroustrup is talking about cache lines. Even if he were, as far as I know, cache coherency protocols would transparently handle that problem except maybe during hardware I/O.
I have checked my processor's hardware datasheet. Electrically, my processor (an Intel Ivy Bridge) seems to address DDR3L memory by some sort of 16-bit multiplexing scheme, so I don't know what that's about. It is not clear to me that that has much to do with Stroustrup's point, though.
Stroustrup is a smart man and an eminent scientist, so I do not doubt that he is taking about something sensible. I am confused.
See also this question. My question resembles the linked question in several ways, and the answers to the linked question are also helpful here. However, my question goes also to the hardware/bus model that motivates C++ to be the way it is and that causes Stroustrup to write what he writes. I do not seek an answer merely regarding that which the C++ standard formally guarantees, but also wish to understand why the C++ standard would guarantee it. What is the underlying thought? This is part of my question, too.
TL:DR: On every modern ISA that has byte-store instructions (including x86), they're atomic and don't disturb surrounding bytes. (I'm not aware of any older ISAs where byte-store instructions could "invent writes" to neighbouring bytes either.)
The actual implementation mechanism (in non-x86 CPUs) is sometimes an internal RMW cycle to modify a whole word in a cache line, but that's done "invisibly" inside a core while it has exclusive ownership of the cache line so it's only ever a performance problem, not correctness. (And merging in the store buffer can sometimes turn byte-store instructions into an efficient full-word commit to L1d cache.)
About Stroustrup's phrasing
I don't think it's a very accurate, clear or useful statement. It would be more accurate to say that modern CPUs can't load or store anything smaller than a cache line. (Although that's not true for uncacheable memory regions, e.g. for MMIO.)
It probably would have been better just to make a hypothetical example to talk about memory models, rather than implying that real hardware is like this. But if we try, we can maybe find an interpretation that isn't as obviously or totally wrong, which might have been what Stroustrup was thinking when he wrote this to introduce the topic of memory models. (Sorry this answer is so long; I ended up writing a lot while guessing what he might have meant and about related topics...)
Or maybe this is another case of high-level language designers not being hardware experts, or at least occasionally making mis-statements.
I think Stroustrup is talking about how CPUs work internally to implement byte-store instructions. He's suggesting that a CPU without a well-defined and reasonable memory model might implement a byte-store with a non-atomic RMW of the containing word in a cache line, or in memory for a CPU without cache.
Even this weaker claim about internal (not externally visible) behaviour is not true for high-performance x86 CPUs. Modern Intel CPUs have no throughput penalty for byte stores, or even unaligned word or vector stores that don't cross a cache-line boundary. AMD is similar.
If byte or unaligned stores had to do a RMW cycle as the store committed to L1D cache, it would interfere with store and/or load instruction/uop throughput in a way we could measure with performance counters. (In a carefully designed experiment that avoids the possibility of store coalescing in the store buffer before commit to L1d cache hiding the cost, because the store execution unit(s) can only run 1 store per clock on current CPUs.)
However, some high performance designs for non-x86 ISAs do use an atomic RMW cycle to internally commit stores to L1d cache. Are there any modern CPUs where a cached byte store is actually slower than a word store? The cache line stays in MESI Exclusive/Modified state the whole time, so it can't introduce any correctness problems, only a small performance hit. This is very different from doing something that could step on stores from other CPUs. (The arguments below about that not happening still apply, but my update may have missed some stuff that still argues that atomic cache-RMW is unlikely.)
(On many non-x86 ISAs, unaligned stores are not supported at all, or are used more rarely than in x86 software. And weakly-ordered ISAs allow more coalescing in store buffers, so not as many byte store instructions actually result in single-byte commit to L1d. Without these motivations for fancy (power hungry) cache-access hardware, word RMW for scattered byte stores is an acceptable tradeoff in some designs.)
Alpha AXP, a high-performance RISC design from 1992, famously (and uniquely among modern non-DSP ISAs) omitted byte load/store instructions until Alpha 21164A (EV56) in 1996. Apparently they didn't consider word-RMW a viable option for implementing byte stores, because one of the cited advantages for implementing only 32-bit and 64-bit aligned stores was more efficient ECC for the L1D cache. "Traditional SECDED ECC would require 7 extra bits over 32-bit granules (22% overhead) versus 4 extra bits over 8-bit granules (50% overhead)." (#Paul A. Clayton's answer about word vs. byte addressing has some other interesting computer-architecture stuff.) If byte stores were implemented with word-RMW, you could still do error detection/correction with word-granularity.
Current Intel CPUs only use parity (not ECC) in L1D for this reason. (At least some older Xeons could run with L1d in ECC mode at half capacity instead of the normal 32KiB, as discussed on RWT. It's not clear if anything's changed, e.g. in terms of Intel now using ECC for L1d). See also this Q&A about hardware (not) eliminating "silent stores": checking the old contents of cache before the write to avoid marking the line dirty if it matched would require a RMW instead of just a store, and that's a major obstacle.
It turns out some high-perf pipelined designs do use atomic word-RMW to commit to L1d, despite it stalling the memory pipeline, but (as I argue below) it's much less likely that any do an externally-visible RMW to RAM.
Word-RMW isn't a useful option for MMIO byte stores either, so unless you have an architecture that doesn't need sub-word stores for IO, you'd need some kind of special handling for IO (like Alpha's sparse I/O space where word load/stores were mapped to byte load/stores so it could use commodity PCI cards instead of needing special hardware with no byte IO registers).
As #Margaret points out, DDR3 memory controllers can do byte stores by setting control signals that mask out other bytes of a burst. The same mechanisms that get this information to the memory controller (for uncached stores) could also get that information passed along with a load or store to MMIO space. So there are hardware mechanisms for really doing
a byte store even on burst-oriented memory systems, and it's highly likely that modern CPUs will use that instead of implementing an RMW, because it's probably simpler and is much better for MMIO correctness.
How many and what size cycles will be needed to perform longword transferred to the CPU shows how a ColdFire microcontroller signals the transfer size (byte/word/longword/16-byte line) with external signal lines, letting it do byte loads/stores even if 32-bit-wide memory was hooked up to its 32-bit data bus. Something like this is presumably typical for most memory bus setups (but I don't know). The ColdFire example is complicated by also being configurable to use 16 or 8-bit memory, taking extra cycles for wider transfers. But nevermind that, the important point is that it has external signaling for the transfer size, to tell the memory HW which byte it's actually writing.
Stroustrup's next paragraph is
"The C++ memory model guarantees that two threads of execution can update and access separate memory locations without interfering with each other. This is exactly what we would naively expect. It is the compiler’s job to protect us from the sometimes very strange and subtle behaviors of modern hardware. How a compiler and hardware combination achieves that is up to the compiler. ..."
So apparently he thinks that real modern hardware may not provide "safe" byte load/store. The people who design hardware memory models agree with the C/C++ people, and realize that byte store instructions would not be very useful to programmers / compilers if they could step on neighbouring bytes.
All modern (non-DSP) architectures except early Alpha AXP have byte store and load instructions, and AFAIK these are all architecturally defined to not affect neighbouring bytes. However they accomplish that in hardware, software doesn't need to care about correctness. Even the very first version of MIPS (in 1983) had byte and half-word loads/stores, and it's a very word-oriented ISA.
However, he doesn't actually claim that most modern hardware needs any special compiler support to implement this part of the C++ memory model, just that some might. Maybe he really is only talking about word-addressable DSPs in that 2nd paragraph (where C and C++ implementations often use 16 or 32-bit char as exactly the kind of compiler workaround Stroustrup was talking about.)
Most "modern" CPUs (including all x86) have an L1D cache. They will fetch whole cache lines (typically 64 bytes) and track dirty / not-dirty on a per-cache-line basis. So two adjacent bytes are pretty much exactly the same as two adjacent words, if they're both in the same cache line. Writing one byte or word will result in a fetch of the whole line, and eventually a write-back of the whole line. See Ulrich Drepper's What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory. You're correct that MESI (or a derivative like MESIF/MOESI) makes sure this isn't a problem. (But again, this is because hardware implements a sane memory model.)
A store can only commit to L1D cache while the line is in the Modified state (of MESI). So even if the internal hardware implementation is slow for bytes and takes extra time to merge the byte into the containing word in the cache line, it's effectively an atomic read modify write as long as it doesn't allow the line to be invalidated and re-acquired between the read and the write. (While this cache has the line in Modified state, no other cache can have a valid copy). See #old_timer's comment making the same point (but also for RMW in a memory controller).
This is easier than e.g. an atomic xchg or add from a register that also needs an ALU and register access, since all the HW involved is in the same pipeline stage, which can simply stall for an extra cycle or two. That's obviously bad for performance and takes extra hardware to allow that pipeline stage to signal that it's stalling. This doesn't necessarily conflict with Stroustrup's first claim, because he was talking about a hypothetical ISA without a memory model, but it's still a stretch.
On a single-core microcontroller, internal word-RMW for cached byte stores would be more plausible, since there won't be Invalidate requests coming in from other cores that they'd have to delay responding to during an atomic RMW cache-word update. But that doesn't help for I/O to uncacheable regions. I say microcontroller because other single-core CPU designs typically support some kind of multi-socket SMP.
Many RISC ISAs don't support unaligned-word loads/stores with a single instruction, but that's a separate issue (the difficulty is handling the case when a load spans two cache lines or even pages, which can't happen with bytes or aligned half-words). More and more ISAs are adding guaranteed support for unaligned load/store in recent versions, though. (e.g. MIPS32/64 Release 6 in 2014, and I think AArch64 and recent 32-bit ARM).
The 4th edition of Stroustrup's book was published in 2013 when Alpha had been dead for years. The first edition was published in 1985, when RISC was the new big idea (e.g. Stanford MIPS in 1983, according to Wikipedia's timeline of computing HW, but "modern" CPUs at that time were byte-addressable with byte stores. Cyber CDC 6600 was word-addressable and probably still around, but couldn't be called modern.
Even very word-oriented RISC machines like MIPS and SPARC have byte store and byte load (with sign or zero extension) instructions. They don't support unaligned word loads, simplifying the cache (or memory access if there is no cache) and load ports, but you can load any single byte with one instruction, and more importantly store a byte without any architecturally-visible non-atomic rewrite of the surrounding bytes. (Although cached stores can
I suppose C++11 (which introduces a thread-aware memory model to the language) on Alpha would need to use 32-bit char if targeting a version of the Alpha ISA without byte stores. Or it would have to use software atomic-RMW with LL/SC when it couldn't prove that no other threads could have a pointer that would let them write neighbouring bytes.
IDK how slow byte load/store instructions are in any CPUs where they're implemented in hardware but not as cheap as word loads/stores. Byte loads are cheap on x86 as long as you use movzx/movsx to avoid partial-register false dependencies or merging stalls. On AMD pre-Ryzen, movsx/movzx needs an extra ALU uop, but otherwise zero/sign extension is handled right in the load port on Intel and AMD CPUs.) The main x86 downside is that you need a separate load instruction instead of using a memory operand as a source for an ALU instruction (if you're adding a zero-extended byte to a 32-bit integer), saving front-end uop throughput bandwidth and code-size. Or if you're just adding a byte to a byte register, there's basically no downside on x86. RISC load-store ISAs always need separate load and store instructions anyway. x86 byte stores are no more expensive that 32-bit stores.
As a performance issue, a good C++ implementation for hardware with slow byte stores might put each char in its own word and use word loads/stores whenever possible (e.g. for globals outside structs, and for locals on the stack). IDK if any real implementations of MIPS / ARM / whatever have slow byte load/store, but if so maybe gcc has -mtune= options to control it.
That doesn't help for char[], or dereferencing a char * when you don't know where it might be pointing. (This includes volatile char* which you'd use for MMIO.) So having the compiler+linker put char variables in separate words isn't a complete solution, just a performance hack if true byte stores are slow.
PS: More about Alpha:
Alpha is interesting for a lot of reasons: one of the few clean-slate 64-bit ISAs, not an extension to an existing 32-bit ISA. And one of the more recent clean-slate ISAs, Itanium being another from several years later which attempted some neat CPU-architecture ideas.
From the Linux Alpha HOWTO.
When the Alpha architecture was introduced, it was unique amongst RISC architectures for eschewing 8-bit and 16-bit loads and stores. It supported 32-bit and 64-bit loads and stores (longword and quadword, in Digital's nomenclature). The co-architects (Dick Sites, Rich Witek) justified this decision by citing the advantages:
Byte support in the cache and memory sub-system tends to slow down accesses for 32-bit and 64-bit quantities.
Byte support makes it hard to build high-speed error-correction circuitry into the cache/memory sub-system.
Alpha compensates by providing powerful instructions for manipulating bytes and byte groups within 64-bit registers. Standard benchmarks for string operations (e.g., some of the Byte benchmarks) show that Alpha performs very well on byte manipulation.
Not only are x86 CPUs capable of reading and writing a single byte, all modern general purpose CPUs are capable of it. More importantly most modern CPUs (including x86, ARM, MIPS, PowerPC, and SPARC) are capable of atomically reading and writing single bytes.
I'm not sure what Stroustrup was referring to. There used to be a few word addressable machines that weren't capable of 8-bit byte addressing, like the Cray, and as Peter Cordes mentioned early Alpha CPUs didn't support byte loads and stores, but today the only CPUs incapable of byte loads and stores are certain DSPs used in niche applications. Even if we assume he means most modern CPUs don't have atomic byte load and stores this isn't true of most CPUs.
However, simple atomic loads and stores aren't of much use in multithreaded programming. You also typically need ordering guarantees and a way to make read-modify-write operations atomic. Another consideration is that while CPU a may have byte load and store instructions, compiler isn't required to use them. A compiler, for example, could still generate the code Stroustrup describes, loading both b and c using a single word load instruction as an optimization.
So while you do need a well defined memory model, if only so the compiler is forced to generate the code you expect, the problem isn't that modern CPUs aren't capable of loading or storing anything smaller than a word.
The author seems to be concerned about thread 1 and thread 2 getting into a situation where the read-modify-writes (not in software, the software does two separate instructions of a byte size, somewhere down the line logic has to do a read-modify-write) instead of the ideal read modify write read modify write, becomes a read read modify modify write write or some other timing such that both read the pre-modified version and the last one to write wins. read read modify modify write write, or read modify read modify write write or read modify read write modify write.
The concern is to start with 0x1122 and one thread wants to make it 0x33XX the other wants to make it 0xXX44, but with for example a read read modify modify write write you end up with 0x1144 or 0x3322, but not 0x3344
A sane (system/logic) design just doesn't have that problem certainly not for a general purpose processor like this, I have worked on designs with timing issues like this but that is not what we are talking about here, completely different system designs for different purposes. The read-modify-write does not span a long enough distance in a sane design, and x86s are sane designs.
The read-modify-write would happen very near the first SRAM involved (ideally L1 when running an x86 in a typical fashion with an operating system capable of running C++ compiled multi-threaded programs) and happen within a few clock cycles as the ram is at the speed of the bus ideally. And as Peter pointed out this is considered to be the whole cache line that experiences this, within the cache, not a read-modify-write between the processor core and the cache.
The notion of "at the same time" even with multi-core systems isn't necessarily at the same time, eventually you get serialized because performance isn't based on them being parallel from beginning to end, it is based on keeping the busses loaded.
The quote is saying variables allocated to the same word in memory, so that is the same program. Two separate programs are not going to share an address space like that. so
You are welcome to try this, make a multithreaded program that one writes to say address 0xnnn00000 the other writes to address 0xnnnn00001, each does a write, then a read or better several writes of the same value than one read, check the read was the byte they wrote, then repeats with a different value. Let that run for a while, hours/days/weeks/months. See if you trip up the system...use assembly for the actual write instructions to make sure it is doing what you asked (not C++ or any compiler that does or claims it will not put these items in the same word). Can add delays to allow for more cache evictions, but that reduces your odds of "at the same time" collisions.
Your example so long as you insure you are not sitting on two sides of a boundary (cache, or other) like 0xNNNNFFFFF and 0xNNNN00000, isolate the two byte writes to addresses like 0xNNNN00000 and 0xNNNN00001 have the instructions back to back and see if you get a read read modify modify write write. Wrap a test around it, that the two values are different each loop, you read back the word as a whole at whatever delay later as you desire and check the two values. Repeat for days/weeks/months/years to see if it fails. Read up on your processors execution and microcode features to see what it does with this instruction sequence and as needed create a different instruction sequence that tries to get the transactions initiated within a handful or so clock cycles on the far side of the processor core.
the problem with the quotes is that this is all about language and the use of. "like most modern hardware" puts the whole of the topic/text in a touchy position, it is too vague, one side can argue all I have to do is find one case that is true to make all the rest true, likewise one side could argue if I find one case the all of the rest is not true. Using the word like kind of messes with that as a possible get out of jail free card.
The reality is that a significant percentage of our data is stored in DRAM in 8 bit wide memories, just that we don't access them as 8 bit wide normally we access 8 of them at a time, 64 bits wide. In some number of weeks/months/years/decades this statement will be incorrect.
The larger quote says "at the same time" and then says read ... first, write ... last, well first and last and at the same time don't make sense together, is it parallel or serial? The context as a whole is concerned about the above read read modify modify write write variations where you have one writing last and depending on when that one read determines if both modifications happened or not. Not about at the same time which "like most modern hardware" doesn't make sense things that start off actually parallel in separate cores/modules eventually get serialized if they are aiming at the same flip-flop/transistor in a memory, one eventually has to wait for the other to go first. Being physics based I don't see this being incorrect in the coming weeks/months/years.
This is correct. An x86_64 CPU, just like an original x86 CPU, is not able to read or write anything smaller than an (in this case 64-bit) word from rsp. to memory. And it will not typically read or write less than a whole cache line, though there are ways to bypass the cache, especially in writing (see below).
In this context, though, Stroustrup refers to potential data races (lack of atomicity on an observable level). This correctness issue is irrelevant on x86_64, because of the cache coherency protocol, which you mentioned. In other words, yes, the CPU is limited to whole word transfers, but this is transparently handled, and you as a programmer generally do not have to worry about it. In fact, the C++ language, starting from C++11, guarantees that concurrent operations on distinct memory locations have well-defined behavior, i.e. the one you'd expect. Even if the hardware did not guarantee this, the implementation would have to find a way by generating possibly more complex code.
That said, it can still be a good idea to keep the fact that whole words or even cache lines are always involved at the machine level in the back of your head, for two reasons.
First, and this is only relevant for people who write device drivers, or design devices, memory-mapped I/O may be sensitive to the way it is accessed. As an example, think of a device that exposes a 64-bit write-only command register in the physical address space. It may then be necessary to:
Disable caching. It is not valid to read a cache line, change a single word, and write back the cache line. Also, even if it were valid, there would still be a great risk that commands might be lost because the CPU cache is not written back soon enough. At the very least, the page needs to be configured as "write-through", which means writes take immediate effect. Therefore, an x86_64 page table entry contains flags that control the CPU's caching behavior for this page.
Ensure that the whole word is always written, on the assembly level. E.g. consider a case where you write the value 1 into the register, followed by a 2. A compiler, especially when optimizing for space, might decide to overwrite only the least significant byte because the others are already supposed to be zero (that is, for ordinary RAM), or it might instead remove the first write because this value appears to be immediately overwritten anyway. However, neither is supposed to happen here. In C/C++, the volatile keyword is vital to prevent such unsuitable optimizations.
Second, and this is relevant for almost any developer writing multi-threaded programs, the cache coherency protocol, while neatly averting disaster, can have a huge performance cost if it is "abused".
Here's a – somewhat contrived – example of a very bad data structure. Assume you have 16 threads parsing some text from a file. Each thread has an id from 0 to 15.
// shared state
char c[16];
FILE *file[16];
void threadFunc(int id)
while ((c[id] = getc(file[id])) != EOF)
// ...
This is safe because each thread operates on a different memory location. However, these memory locations would typically reside on the same cache line, or at most are split over two cache lines. The cache coherency protocol is then used to properly synchronize the accesses to c[id]. And herein lies the problem, because this forces every other thread to wait until the cache line becomes exclusively available before doing anything with c[id], unless it is already running on the core that "owns" the cache line. Assuming several, e.g. 16, cores, cache coherency will typically transfer the cache line from one core to another all the time. For obvious reasons, this effect is known as "cache line ping-pong". It creates a horrible performance bottleneck. It is the result of a very bad case of false sharing, i.e. threads sharing a physical cache line without actually accessing the same logical memory locations.
In contrast to this, especially if one took the extra step of ensuring that the file array resides on its own cache line, using it would be completely harmless (on x86_64) from a performance perspective because the pointers are only read from, most the time. In this case, multiple cores can "share" the cache line as read-only. Only when any core tries to write to the cache line, it has to tell the other cores that it is going to "seize" the cache line for exclusive access.
(This is greatly simplified, as there are different levels of CPU caches, and several cores might share the same L2 or L3 cache, but it should give you a basic idea of the problem.)
Not sure what Stroustrup meant by "WORD".
Maybe it is the minimum size of memory storage of the machine?
Anyway not all machines were created with 8bit (BYTE) resolution.
In fact I recommend this awesome article by Eric S. Raymond describing some of the history of computers:
"... It used also to be generally known that 36-bit architectures
explained some unfortunate features of the C language. The original
Unix machine, the PDP-7, featured 18-bit words corresponding to
half-words on larger 36-bit computers. These were more naturally
represented as six octal (3-bit) digits."
Stroustrup is not saying that no machine can perform loads and stores smaller than their native word size, he is saying that a machine couldn't.
While this seems surprising at first, it's nothing esoteric.
For starter, we will ignore the cache hierarchy, we will take that into account later.
Assume there are no caches between the CPU and the memory.
The big problem with memory is density, trying to put more bits possible into the smallest area.
In order to achieve that it is convenient, from an electrical design point of view, to expose a bus as wider as possible (this favours the reuse of some electrical signals, I haven't looked at the specific details though).
So, in architecture where big memories are needed (like the x86) or a simple low-cost design is favourable (for example where RISC machines are involved), the memory bus is larger than the smallest addressable unit (typically the byte).
Depending on the budget and legacy of the project the memory can expose a wider bus alone or along with some sideband signals to select a particular unit into it.
What does this mean practically?
If you take a look at the datasheet of a DDR3 DIMM you'll see that there are 64 DQ0–DQ63 pins to read/write the data.
This is the data bus, 64-bit wide, 8 bytes at a time.
This 8 bytes thing is very well founded in the x86 architecture to the point that Intel refers to it in the WC section of its optimisation manual where it says that data are transferred from the 64 bytes fill buffer (remember: we are ignoring the caches for now, but this is similar to how a cache line gets written back) in bursts of 8 bytes (hopefully, continuously).
Does this mean that the x86 can only write QWORDS (64-bit)?
No, the same datasheet shows that each DIMM has the DM0–DM7 ,DQ0–DQ7 and DQS0–DQS7 signals to mask, direct and strobe each of the 8 bytes in the 64-bit data bus.
So x86 can read and write bytes natively and atomically.
However, now it's easy to see that this could not be the case for every architecture.
For instance, the VGA video memory was DWORD (32-bit) addressable and making it fit in the byte addressable world of the 8086 led to the messy bit-planes.
In general specific purpose architecture, like DSPs, could not have a byte addressable memory at the hardware level.
There is a twist: we have just talked about the memory data bus, this is the lowest layer possible.
Some CPUs can have instructions that build a byte addressable memory on top of a word addressable memory.
What does that mean?
It's easy to load a smaller part of a word: just discard the rest of the bytes!
Unfortunately, I can't recall the name of the architecture (if it even existed at all!) where the processor simulated a load of an unaligned byte by reading the aligned word containing it and rotating the result before saving it in a register.
With stores, the matter is more complex: if we can't simply write the part of the word that we just updated we need to write the unchanged remaining part too.
The CPU, or the programmer, must read the old content, update it and write it back.
This is a Read-Modify-Write operation and it is a core concept when discussing atomicity.
/* Assume unsigned char is 1 byte and a word is 4 bytes */
unsigned char foo[4] = {};
/* Thread 0 Thread 1 */
foo[0] = 1; foo[1] = 2;
Is there a data race?
This is safe on x86 because they can write bytes, but what if the architecture cannot?
Both threads would have to read the whole foo array, modify it and write it back.
In pseudo-C this would be
/* Assume unsigned char is 1 byte and a word is 4 bytes */
unsigned char foo[4] = {};
/* Thread 0 Thread 1 */
/* What a CPU would do (IS) What a CPU would do (IS) */
int tmp0 = *((int*)foo) int tmp1 = *((int*)foo)
/* Assume little endian Assume little endian */
tmp0 = (tmp0 & ~0xff) | 1; tmp1 = (tmp1 & ~0xff00) | 0x200;
/* Store it back Store it back */
*((int*)foo) = tmp0; *((int*)foo) = tmp1;
We can now see what Stroustrup was talking about: the two stores *((int*)foo) = tmpX obstruct each other, to see this consider this possible execution sequence:
int tmp0 = *((int*)foo) /* T0 */
tmp0 = (tmp0 & ~0xff) | 1; /* T1 */
int tmp1 = *((int*)foo) /* T1 */
tmp1 = (tmp1 & ~0xff00) | 0x200; /* T1 */
*((int*)foo) = tmp1; /* T0 */
*((int*)foo) = tmp0; /* T0, Whooopsy */
If the C++ didn't have a memory model these kinds of nuisances would have been implementation specific details, leaving the C++ a useless programming language in a multithreading environment.
Considering how common is the situation depicted in the toy example, Stroustrup stressed out the importance of a well-defined memory model.
Formalizing a memory model is hard work, it's an exhausting, error-prone and abstract process so I also see a bit of pride in the words of Stroustrup.
I have not brushed up on the C++ memory model but updating different array elements is fine.
That's a very strong guarantee.
We have left out the caches but that doesn't really change anything, at least for the x86 case.
The x86 writes to memory through the caches, the caches are evicted in lines of 64 bytes.
Internally each core can update a line at any position atomically unless a load/store crosses a line boundary (e.g. by writing near the end of it).
This can be avoided by naturally aligning data (can you prove that?).
In a multi-code/socket environment, the cache coherency protocol ensures that only a CPU at a time is allowed to freely write to a cached line of memory (the CPU that has it in the Exclusive or Modified state).
Basically, the MESI family of protocol use a concept similar to locking found the DBMSs.
This has the effect, for the writing purpose, of "assigning" different memory regions to different CPUs.
So it doesn't really affect the discussion of above.

How does a mutex ensure a variable's value is consistent across cores?

If I have a single int which I want to write to from one thread and read from on another, I need to use std::atomic, to ensure that its value is consistent across cores, regardless of whether or not the instructions that read from and write to it are conceptually atomic. If I don't, it may be that the reading core has an old value in its cache, and will not see the new value. This makes sense to me.
If I have some complex data type that cannot be read/written to atomically, I need to guard access to it using some synchronisation primitive, such as std::mutex. This will prevent the object getting into (or being read from) an inconsistent state. This makes sense to me.
What doesn't make sense to me is how mutexes help with the caching problem that atomics solve. They seem to exist solely to prevent concurrent access to some resource, but not to propagate any values contained within that resource to other cores' caches. Is there some part of their semantics I've missed which deals with this?
The right answer to this is magic pixies - e.g. It Just Works. The implementation of std::atomic for each platform must do the right thing.
The right thing is a combination of 3 parts.
Firstly, the compiler needs to know that it can't move instructions across boundaries [in fact it can in some cases, but assume that it doesn't].
Secondly, the cache/memory subsystem needs to know - this is generally done using memory barriers, although x86/x64 generally have such strong memory guarantees that this isn't necessary in the vast majority of cases (which is a big shame as its nice for wrong code to actually go wrong).
Finally the CPU needs to know it cannot reorder instructions. Modern CPUs are massively aggressive at reordering operations and making sure in the single threaded case that this is unnoticeable. They may need more hints that this cannot happen in certain places.
For most CPUs part 2 and 3 come down to the same thing - a memory barrier implies both. Part 1 is totally inside the compiler, and is down to the compiler writers to get right.
See Herb Sutters talk 'Atomic Weapons' for a lot more interesting info.
The consistency across cores is ensured by memory barriers (which also prevents instructions reordering). When you use std::atomic, not only do you access the data atomically, but the compiler (and library) also insert the relevant memory barriers.
Mutexes work the same way: the mutex implementations (eg. pthreads or WinAPI or what not) internally also insert memory barriers.
Most modern multicore processors (including x86 and x64) are cache coherent. If two cores hold the same memory location in cache and one of them updates the value, the change is automatically propagated to other cores' caches. It's inefficient (writing to the same cache line at the same time from two cores is really slow) but without cache coherence it would be very difficult to write multithreaded software.
And like syam said, memory barriers are also required. They prevent the compiler or processor from reordering memory accesses, and also force the write into memory (or at least into cache), when for example a variable is held in a register because of compiler optizations.

What are the most common configurations where pointer writes are not atomic?

I am interested in multithreading. There are a lot of gotchas in the field, for example, there is no guarantee that pointer writes are atomic. I get this, but would like to know what are the most popular current configurations when this is actually the case? For example, on my Macbook Pro/gcc, pointer writes definitely seem to be atomic.
This is mostly a problem for CPU architectures where the pointer width is larger than the width of the CPU architecture. For instance, on ATmega CPUs, an 8-bit architecture, the address space is 16-bit. If there aren't any specific instructions to load and store 16-bit addresses, at least two instructions are needed to load / store a pointer value.
See here.
Nearly each architecture is impacted as Daniel said. Unless memory alignment is enforced each write potentially results into several operations but also this fails if the address bus is smaller than the data bus. So you will most likely need writing code using locking mechanisms. This is anyway a good idea as you probably want your code to be portable. For some very special architectures these locking functions would simply be empty.
Pointers might not be atomic types on platforms that use a segmented address space, like MS-DOS or Win 3.x. But I'm not aware of any modern desktop/server platforms using this kind of architecture (at least at the platform's level).
However, even if a write is atomic from the point of view of the C compiler there might be other issues that come into play, even on modern desktop/server systems, especially when dealing with multicore/multiprocessor systems (caching, memory access reordering done at a lower level by the processor). 'Atomic' APIs provided by a platform deal with those issues using memory barriers (if required), so you still should probably use those APIs when trying to ensure that a memory access is atomic.

Noise with multi-threaded raytracer

This is my first multi-threaded implementation, so it's probably a beginners mistake. The threads handle the rendering of every second row of pixels (so all rendering is handled within each thread). The problem persists if the threads render the upper and lower parts of the screen respectively.
Both threads read from the same variables, can this cause any problems? From what I've understood only writing can cause concurrency problems...
Can calling the same functions cause any concurrency problems? And again, from what I've understood this shouldn't be a problem...
The only time both threads write to the same variable is when saving the calculated pixel color. This is stored in an array, but they never write to the same indices in that array. Can this cause a problem?
Multi-threaded rendered image
(Spam prevention stops me from posting images directly..)
Ps. I use the exactly same implementation in both cases, the ONLY difference is a single vs. two threads created for the rendering.
Both threads read from the same variables, can this cause any problems? From what I've understood only writing can cause concurrency problems...
This should be ok. Obviously, as long the data is initialized before the two threads start reading and destroyed after both threads have finished.
Can calling the same functions cause any concurrency problems? And again, from what I've understood this shouldn't be a problem...
Yes and no. Too hard to tell without the code. What does the function do? Does it rely on shared state (e.g. static variables, global variables, singletons...)? If yes, then this is definitely a problem. If there is never any shared state, then you're ok.
The only time both threads write to the same variable is when saving the calculated pixel color. This is stored in an array, but they never write to the same indices in that array. Can this cause a problem?
Maybe sometimes. An array of what? It's probably safe if sizeof(element) == sizeof(void*), but the C++ standard is mute on multithreading, so it doesn't force your compiler to force your hardware to make this safe. It's possible that your platform could be biting you here (e.g. 64bit machine and one thread writing 32bits which might overwrite an adjacent 32bit value), but this isn't an uncommon pattern. Usually you're better off using synchronization to be sure.
You can solve this in a couple of ways:
Each thread builds its own data, then it is aggregated when they complete.
You can protect the shared data with a mutex.
The lack of commitment in my answers are what make multi-threaded programming hard :P
For example, from Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manuals, describes how different platforms gaurantee different levels of atomicity:
7.1.1 Guaranteed Atomic Operations
The Intel486 processor (and newer
processors since) guarantees that the
following basic memory operations will
always be carried out atomically:
Reading or writing a byte
Reading or writing a word aligned on a 16-bit boundary
Reading or writing a doubleword aligned on a 32-bit boundary
The Pentium processor (and newer
processors since) guarantees that the
following additional memory operations
will always be carried out atomically:
Reading or writing a quadword aligned on a 64-bit boundary
16-bit accesses to uncached memory locations that fit within a 32-bit data bus
The P6 family processors (and newer
processors since) guarantee that the
following additional memory operation
will always be carried out atomically:
Unaligned 16-, 32-, and 64-bit accesses to cached memory that fit within a cache line
Accesses to cacheable memory that are
split across bus widths, cache lines,
and page boundaries are not guaranteed
to be atomic by the Intel Core 2 Duo,
Intel Atom, Intel Core Duo, Pentium M,
Pentium 4, Intel Xeon, P6 family,
Pentium, and Intel486 processors. The
Intel Core 2 Duo, Intel Atom, Intel
Core Duo, Pentium M, Pentium 4, Intel
Xeon, and P6 family processors provide
bus control signals that permit
external memory subsystems to make
split accesses atomic; however,
nonaligned data accesses will
seriously impact the performance of
the processor and should be avoided.
I have solved the problem, I did it by building up the data separately for each thread just as Stephen suggested (the elements where not of void* size). Thanks for a very detailed answer!

Can I force cache coherency on a multicore x86 CPU?

The other week, I wrote a little thread class and a one-way message pipe to allow communication between threads (two pipes per thread, obviously, for bidirectional communication). Everything worked fine on my Athlon 64 X2, but I was wondering if I'd run into any problems if both threads were looking at the same variable and the local cached value for this variable on each core was out of sync.
I know the volatile keyword will force a variable to refresh from memory, but is there a way on multicore x86 processors to force the caches of all cores to synchronize? Is this something I need to worry about, or will volatile and proper use of lightweight locking mechanisms (I was using _InterlockedExchange to set my volatile pipe variables) handle all cases where I want to write "lock free" code for multicore x86 CPUs?
I'm already aware of and have used Critical Sections, Mutexes, Events, and so on. I'm mostly wondering if there are x86 intrinsics that I'm not aware of which force or can be used to enforce cache coherency.
volatile only forces your code to re-read the value, it cannot control where the value is read from. If the value was recently read by your code then it will probably be in cache, in which case volatile will force it to be re-read from cache, NOT from memory.
There are not a lot of cache coherency instructions in x86. There are prefetch instructions like prefetchnta, but that doesn't affect the memory-ordering semantics. It used to be implemented by bringing the value to L1 cache without polluting L2, but things are more complicated for modern Intel designs with a large shared inclusive L3 cache.
x86 CPUs use a variation on the MESI protocol (MESIF for Intel, MOESI for AMD) to keep their caches coherent with each other (including the private L1 caches of different cores). A core that wants to write a cache line has to force other cores to invalidate their copy of it before it can change its own copy from Shared to Modified state.
You don't need any fence instructions (like MFENCE) to produce data in one thread and consume it in another on x86, because x86 loads/stores have acquire/release semantics built-in. You do need MFENCE (full barrier) to get sequential consistency. (A previous version of this answer suggested that clflush was needed, which is incorrect).
You do need to prevent compile-time reordering, because C++'s memory model is weakly-ordered. volatile is an old, bad way to do this; C++11 std::atomic is a much better way to write lock-free code.
Cache coherence is guaranteed between cores due to the MESI protocol employed by x86 processors. You only need to worry about memory coherence when dealing with external hardware which may access memory while data is still siting on cores' caches. Doesn't look like it's your case here, though, since the text suggests you're programming in userland.
You don't need to worry about cache coherency. The hardware will take care of that. What you may need to worry about is performance issues due to that cache coherency.
If core#1 writes to a variable, that invalidates all other copies of the cache line in other cores (because it has to get exclusive ownership of the cache line before committing the store). When core#2 reads that same variable, it will miss in cache (unless core#1 has already written it back as far as a shared level of cache).
Since an entire cache line (64 bytes) has to be read from memory (or written back to shared cache and then read by core#2), it will have some performance cost. In this case, it's unavoidable. This is the desired behavior.
The problem is that when you have multiple variables in the same cache line, the processor might spend extra time keeping the caches in sync even if the cores are reading/writing different variables within the same cache line.
That cost can be avoided by making sure those variables are not in the same cache line. This effect is known as False Sharing since you are forcing the processors to synchronize the values of objects which are not actually shared between threads.
Volatile won't do it. In C++, volatile only affects what compiler optimizations such as storing a variable in a register instead of memory, or removing it entirely.
You didn't specify which compiler you are using, but if you're on windows, take a look at this article here. Also take a look at the available synchronization functions here. You might want to note that in general volatile is not enough to do what you want it to do, but under VC 2005 and 2008, there are non-standard semantics added to it that add implied memory barriers around read and writes.
If you want things to be portable, you're going to have a much harder road ahead of you.
There's a series of articles explaining modern memory architectures here, including Intel Core2 caches and many more modern architecture topics.
Articles are very readable and well illustrated. Enjoy !
There are several sub-questions in your question so I'll answer them to the best of my knowledge.
There currently is no portable way of implementing lock-free interactions in C++. The C++0x proposal solves this by introducing the atomics library.
Volatile is not guaranteed to provide atomicity on a multicore and its implementation is vendor-specific.
On the x86, you don't need to do anything special, except declare shared variables as volatile to prevent some compiler optimizations that may break multithreaded code. Volatile tells the compiler not to cache values.
There are some algorithms (Dekker, for instance) that won't work even on an x86 with volatile variables.
Unless you know for sure that passing access to data between threads is a major performance bottleneck in your program, stay away from lock-free solutions. Use passing data by value or locks.
The following is a good article in reference to using volatile w/ threaded programs.
Volatile Almost Useless for Multi-Threaded Programming.
Herb Sutter seemed to simply suggest that any two variables should reside on separate cache lines. He does this in his concurrent queue with padding between his locks and node pointers.
Edit: If you're using the Intel compiler or GCC, you can use the atomic builtins, which seem to do their best to preempt the cache when possible.