Programmatically setting computed property of an itemController - ember.js

I have a template with the following code:
{{#each types itemController='type'}}
<div class='col checkbox'>
{{input type='checkbox' checked=isSelected disabled=notAllowed}}
<span {{bind-attr class='isSelected'}}>{{name}}</span>
types is set in setupController:'type').then(function(types){
controller.set('types', types);
//Having 2 other models here that I am setting and having an itemController for, exactly in the same fashion as types.
for the ArrayController which has the itemController.
NOTE: To clarify, I am using and setting 3 different models, which work pretty much in the same way as type, that makes this a bit more complicated.
Then the itemController itself:
App.TagController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
isSelected: function(key, value){
//bunch of code that does some stuff and returns true or false depending on value
App.TypeController = App.TagController.extend();
Now the problem: I have a resetbutton that should deselect all checkboxes and remove the span classes.
I would have thought about using an action (in the ArrayController) that sets all the isSelected properties to false, but I don't seem to be able to find a way to access and manually set that itemController computed property.
One thing I tried in the ArrayController is the following:
actions: {
resetFilters: function(){
this.get('types').forEach(function(type) {
//type.set('isSelected', false);
But unfortunately this returns undefined. And using jQuery manually to remove the class and uncheck the checkbox seems to work the first instance, but the problem is, the computed property doesn't get updated and that messes things up.
Any idea how I can achieve what I want?
If anything is unclear let me know and I will do my best to clarify.
Thank you.

You are setting controller.types, this will not work with itemController. You should always be setting an array controller's content property.
The following should work:
Then to set the isSelected:
controller.setEach('isSelected', false);
This assumes that controller is an instance of an ArrayController that has an itemController set in it's definition, e.g.
App.TypesController = Em.ArrayController.extend({itemController: 'type'});

store.find returns a PromiseArray, so it should be resolved first. You can set the types as follows in setupController:'type').then(function(types){
controller.set('types', types);
Or you can resolve types in the reset:
this.get('types').then(function(types) {
types.forEach(function(type) {
I would recommend the first one though.


Ember 2.3 how to use itemControllers in each loops?

Before anyone brings up components, I must state that I am aware that Ember is moving away from controllers and views completely and adopting the component structure. Right now, I am compelled to use controller/view in ember2.3 using the legacy-controller and legacy-view addons that have been provided here:
as part of the process to upgrade to Ember 2.3 (from 1.7).
Now, I have a route called recordTypes, which lists all recordTypes. in the legacy code, each recordType was then associated with an itemController 'recordType'. Like so:
{{#each result in searchResults itemController="recordType"}}
Surprisingly, this legacy syntax for Ember did not render anything to the page, but the following one did:
{{#each searchResults itemController="recordType" as |result| }}
The itemController recordType is a legacy Object Controller and the recordTypes controller itself is a legacy Array Controller.
Now, for each result I have a few actions that can be performed. For example, on clicking the result, the editResultName action was to be fired. This action, in the legacy code, was in the recordType controller. Therefore, clicking the item in the recordTypes page would then defer this action to the recordType controller, which would then happily handle the rest.
This is not being fired in ember2.3, even with the legacy controllers. What surprises me more is that this code can be found in ember-legacy-controller.js
export default {
name: 'ember-legacy-controllers',
initialize: function() {
Adds support for ArrayController in the legacy {{each}} helper
_arrayController: computed(function() {
var itemController = this.getAttr('itemController');
var controller = get(this, 'container').lookupFactory('controller:array').create({
_isVirtual: true,
parentController: get(this, 'controller'),
itemController: itemController,
target: get(this, 'controller'),
_eachView: this,
content: this.getAttr('content')
return controller;
_willUpdate(attrs) {
let itemController = this.getAttrFor(attrs, 'itemController');
if (itemController) {
let arrayController = get(this, '_arrayController');
set(arrayController, 'content', this.getAttrFor(attrs, 'content'));
Here, it does have a line that references the itemController. However, when this list of searchResults is rendered, and a result is clicked, the error I get is this:
Nothing handled the action 'editResultName'. If you did handle the action, this error can be caused by returning true from an action handler in a controller, causing the action to bubble.
The action is there for sure, but nothing in the itemController is being recognised. Unfortunately a lot of the legacy code I am updating has itemController loops and therefore it would be immensely helpful to be able to use itemController for the time being.
How can I use itemController like it used to be implemented?
Replacing an itemController.
Create a component from the contents inside the each helper. The itemController would become the js side of the component and the template code the template
From this:
{{#each result in searchResults itemController="recordType"}}
<span>result: {{result.title}}</span>
To this:
{{#each searchResults as |result| }}
{{result-list-item result=result}}

How to dynamically apply classes to objects in ember-cli?

I'm creating an app that has a listing of items and a series of filter buttons at the top. As the user applies different filters, I want the buttons to change style using CSS classes to show them as enabled/disabled.
I want to be able to write something like the code below, but it doesn't work.
{{#each category in category_options}}
<button {{action "filterCategory" category}} {{bind-attr class=":btn-small isFiltered(category):btn-active:btn-inactive"}}>{{category}}</button>
In this example, isFiltered is a computed property on the controller, and it looks at the query parameters to determine whether the specified category has been applied as a filter.
From the reading I've done, it sounds like you can't pass parameters to computed properties. I've come across answers mentioning helpers, bound helpers, and components, but I haven't been able to sort out which one I need, or how I would apply it in this situation.
To clarify the example, imagine I have a series of buttons that filter on various tags:
Filter for: <Cats> <Dogs> <Rabbits> ... # imagine an arbitrary number of these. dozens, maybe
When a user clicks Cats, it triggers filterCategory, which sets the model.category query parameter to ['Cats']. If he then clicks Dogs, model.category becomes ['Cats','Dogs']
Following the latter case, I want the Cats and Dogs buttons to have the class btn-active.
I would like to define isFiltered like so:
isFiltered: function(buttonname) {
if (this.get('model.categories').containsObject(buttonname)) { # pseudocode
return true;
else { return false; }
Passing buttonname into the function makes it easy to do the comparison for every button and determine if it's in the filter.
If this overall approach is the wrong way to go about things, what's the right way to do it?
1)As component you can do something like below:
in template
{{#each category in category_options}}
{{category-button category=category selectedCategoies=selectedCategories action="filterCategory"}}
component template
export default Ember.Component.extend({
tagName: 'button',
classNames: 'btn-small',
classNameBindings: 'isFiltered:btn-active:btn-inactive',
isFiltered: Ember.computed('category', 'selectedCategories', function(){
return this.get('selectedCategories').contains(this.get('category'));
click: function(){
this.sendAction('action', this.get('category'));
2)Or you can make your categories as array of objects like so
{name: 'category1', isActive: false},
{name: 'category2', isActive: true},
And then change isActive flag as you need.
In controller:
categoryObjects: Ember.computed('category_options', function(){
return this.get('category_options').map(function(category){
Ember.Object.create({name: category, isActive: false});
actions: {
filterCategory: function(category){
And in template:
{{#each category in categoryObjects}}
<button {{action "filterCategory" category}} {{bind-attr class=":btn-small category.isActive:btn-active:btn-inactive"}}>{{}}</button>
I'm not sure how the rest of your code looks like but in general you would use model hook in your route to get query parameter, process it, if needed, and return with your model, let's say you would return model.category, then in your controller you would have something like this:
isFiltered: function() {
var category = this.get('model.category');
// do whatever you want here with category to return true or false
then in .hbs you would be able to write this:
{{#each category in category_options}}
<button {{action "filterCategory" category}} {{bind-attr class=":btn-small isFiltered:btn-active:btn-inactive"}}>{{category}}</button>
If you were to do this by your approach, you can get it working by making a Computed Property Macro and then looping over the category_options and creating computed properties as isCategory ( isRed, isBlue etc..)
But this won't be the right way to do it, You need to make those button components, which will accept the category_options and model.category and internally decide whether it should be active or not.

Accessing model data in router when using a view

I am looking for a way to access model data in a route when using a view to display model attributes.
<h2>New post</h2>
<form {{action save model on="submit"}}>
{{input type="text" value=title placeholder="title" id="title"}}
{{view "tinymce" value=text }}
View Template
<textarea id="tinymce">
export default Ember.View.extend({
templateName: 'views/tinymce-textarea',
didInsertElement: function() {
tinymce.EditorManager.execCommand('mceRemoveEditor',true, 'tinymce');
tinymce.EditorManager.execCommand('mceAddEditor',true, 'tinymce');
export default Ember.Route.extend({
actions : {
save : function(model) {
if (!model.get('title').trim() || !model.get('text').trim()) {
}, this.onFailedSave.bind(this));
Now, obviously this doesn't work, since model.text is never bound in the view, like it would be if I were to use the textarea template helper:
{{textarea value=text placeholder="text" id="text"}}
But this is just one of many (many) ways I have tried to get this to work, and I am at a complete loss as how one would access model attributes in the route when using a view. And it does seem like a pretty common usecase to me too.
I have failed to find information regarding this on SO or anywhere else, so if anyone is able to help me, thanks in advance! / AS.
So one of the main things that you're missing out is binding the view to the controller. This is actually really straight forward to do, but without it Ember doesn't know that it should propagate changes between the two. The first thing I would do is this:
{{view "tinymce" valueBinding="text" }}
This says that the views value will be binded to the controller's text value. Whenever view's value is updated, it will propogate to the controller and vice versa.
The next item to take care of is actually binding the value in the view. All you need to do is tell the input to bind it's value to the view's value. This can be done like this
{{textarea value="view.value" placeholder="text" id="text"}}
Try this out, and you can use this jsbin that I created as an example:
If you have any other questions just let me know, but this should solve your issues!

selection attribute in not working within a loop

I have select view within a loop, and I wanted to set the default selection on the drop down. I tried setting "value" attribute as well as "selection" attribute but nothing worked for me. I was trying to create jsbin to demonstrate the issue, but then it is giving me completely different issue which I don't see in my dev code though.
My controller is defined like :
App.AnswerController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
answerLayouts: function () {
return this.get('store').findAll('layout');
selectedAnswerLayout: null,
initialize: function () {
this.set('selectedAnswerLayout', this.get('store').find('layout', this.get('id')));
and in the template I am doing:
{{#each answers itemController="answer"}}
<td>{{view Ember.Select
prompt="Answer Layout"
and does't see answerLayouts as an array, but when I check {{answerLayouts.length}} it returns 3!
Here is a jsbin link that demonstrates the issue:
It's an issue with the old version of Ember, it was fixed somewhere between 1.0+ and 1.2
Ok had to do things bit differently to get things working. Rather than defining "answerLayouts" as a property, I defined it as an array and when the controller gets initialized, I populated the array and set the selectedAnswerlayout there like this:
App.AnswerController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
answerLayouts: Ember.A(),
selectedAnswerLayout: null,
initialize: function () {
var self = this,
selectedlayoutId = this.get('id');
if(layout.get('id') === selectedlayoutId){
Here is the working jsbin link :
I have realized that when we can define things in init, it's best to do so there. I have had issues with bindings when relying on computed property before. Lesson learned :)

EmberJS: Property Scopes in an ArrayController?

this is probably a grossly simple question to answer, so I apologize if I am cluttering this forum in advance.
I am displaying a list of items that share the same model and controller.
I made these items editable via a <button {{ action 'edit' }}> next to each item which toggles a boolean value of a property "isEditable" in the controller.
However clicking this button causes all items in the list to become editable because they all share the controller property "isEditable". The desired effect is to make a single item editable at a time instead of all items at once.
A simplified version of my template looks like this:
{{#if isEditing}}
<p>{{input type="text" value=title}}</p>
<button {{action 'doneEditing'}}>Done</button>
<span class="title">{{title}}</span>
<button {{action 'edit'}}><span class="edit"</span></button>
and the controller looks like this
App.ItemController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
isEditing : false,
actions : {
edit : function(){
this.set('isEditing', true);
doneEditing : function(){
this.set('isEditing', false);
Anybody know how to accomplish this? Is it because each item shares the "isEditable" property? If so, how do I get around this? I don't want to put this into the model because it's purely a display thing, even though I know I can get it to work doing that.
Thanks :)
By default the controller lookup within an {{#each}} block will be the controller of the template where the {{#each}} was used. If each item needs to be presented by a custom controller (to hold it's own state for example) you can provide a itemController option which references a controller by lookup name. Each item in the loop will be then wrapped in an instance of this controller and the item itself will be set to the content property of that controller.
So, I assume you are displaying the list of items using the {{#each}} helper. Therefore you can specify an itemController in the {{#each}} helper to hold the isEditable state on a per item basis. This would look something like this:
{{#each item in controller itemController="item"}}
Moreover you should define the defined itemController of type Ember.ObjectController like:
App.ItemController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
isEditing : false,
actions : {
edit : function(){
this.set('isEditing', true);
doneEditing : function(){
this.set('isEditing', false);
And for the list you should then have an App.ItemsController of type Ember.ArrayController:
App.ItemsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({});
See here for more info on the mentioned itemController support for the {{#each}} helper:
Hope it helps.