WSO2 RemoteUserStoreManagerService add user auto assign "Internal/everyone" role - wso2

We are using RemoteUserStoreManagerService admin service to add subscribers (end application users) to WSO2 system. Web service automatically assign "Internal/everyone" role to such an user. Even if we provide a list of desired roles for user into WS function.
Can we change such behavior? Can we turn off auto-assignment or we need to use some different API for creating subscribers?
Main problem is, that "Internal/everyone" role for default has maximum system priorities, we want manually assign desired roles for subscriber.

It's the expected behavior that 'Internal/everyone' role get assigned to each and every user. The purpose of having this role is to assign the permissions for newly registered users (If you want the newly registered users to be capable of login and change their password etc.).
If you do not want such functionality, you remove all the permissions from this role.
Hope this helps.


Assign different role to a group member

I am looking for advice on a not so particular situation.
I currently have roughly 20000 stores.
All stores have admins, managers and user roles.
An admin can create/manage any roles
A manager can create/manage only user role
A user can login and access custom functionality.
Any persona can be assigned to 1 or multiple store and can have 1 or multiple roles for that particular store.
StoreA has userA as Admin and userB as Manager
StoreB has userA as User and userB as Admin
At first, I converted my stores to be groups. But since roles are binded to the group, I would have still have 3 roles for each group (20000 groups and 60000 roles - Group StoreA, Roles: StoreA_Admin, StoreA_Manager, StoreA_User, etc...). Not sure if it is the right decision, And I am not sure about the performance.
Then, I kept the stores as groups, but instead of creating roles, I created custom multivalued attributes that saves the group uid. That worked in carbon, as well as the API, but the console doesn't like the multivalued fields. And if another role is introduced, I would have to create another field.
Any thought on how to approach this situation ?
We can map your story to IS groups and roles as follows.
Please note that groups and roles are treated as two separate resources since IS-5.11.0.
Refer to:
That separation is not clearly visible in the management console. So you can use the console application to create groups and roles.
Group used to represent a collection of users in the user store. One user can belong to zero or more groups.
Role is a collection of permissions. A role can have zero or more permissions.
We can assign a role either to a group/ a user.
Due to this statement:
A user can log in and access custom functionality.
We don't need to assign any role to normal business users specifically.No specific role is required to login into the business application via identity server basic authentication. In case your business application has a role-based access control need to assign a role to business users as well. Otherwise, every user will get login permissions upon successful authentication, it should be enough to do business operations in the application.
In your case, if any store's admin has the same set of permissions and any manager has the same set of permissions, you can't just evaluate the permissions and authorize the requests.
For eg: If user B is the manager of store A and admin of store B, he has inherited both admin and manager roles related permissions. But user B performs a request on store B, you have to authorize the request based on only the roles related to store B.

Grant all WSO2 users subscriber role by default?

Our organization has set up WSO2 API Manager 2.1, with a secondary user store binding to our organization's LDAP. We need all users from our organization to have a subscriber role by default.
We would prefer for there to be no need for users to use "Self Sign Up"-- and additionally, "Self Sign Up" appears to create new accounts, however all of our accounts are already in the secondary user store.
How can we configure the system to grant the subscriber role by default?
Is there any common ldap user group for the users? For example users who need to log in to the store belongs to X group. If so, you could assign subscriber related permissions for that group from API manager instead of assigning permissions to the 'everyone' role. (If you have configured the groups related ldap queries correctly you should be able to view them in the API manager carbon console. refer

AWS: Is there a way to make an user approve my app to do things on their behalf?

I am planning on a web page that creates an instance for an user using a specific AMI. Is there any AWS method to let the user approve my web application to do this using their credentials? (i. e. getting a secret token with certain privileges)
Similar to when you let a Facebook application have access to certain information of your profile. I am looking for a way to get a token from the user signed in so that I can create an instance for them.
I want to avoid the user the pain of doing all the manual steps of going to IAM, create a new user, get the token and then upload them to my site.
I looked into AWS Cognito but this doesn't seem to be what I am looking for.
Similar to when you let a Facebook application have access to certain information of your profile.
AWS and Facebook are not similar in any sense. Facebook is a web application. AWS something entirely different.
Facebook has users, but AWS has accounts, which in turn have users... but in AWS, don't need a user's permission to do things to resources -- what you actually need is an account's permission to do things to its resources, because resources are associated with the account, not the user.
I am looking for a way to get a token from the user signed in so that I can create an instance for them.
Users sign in to the AWS console. After this, there is no such concept as a user allowing an external application doing things under the "signed in" user's auspices.
The user has to have sufficient permissions to either create sufficiently-privileged temporary IAM credentials (such as with GetSessionToken or AssumeRole from the IAM API) and hand them over to you, or create an IAM user with sufficient privilege and hand the keys to that user over to you... or you provide them with the ARN of one of your IAM users, and your customer gives your user permission to perform the actions or assume a role in your customer's account, created for the purpose.
I want to avoid the user the pain of doing all the manual steps of going to IAM, create a new user, get the token and then upload them to my site.
That can't be avoided, by design... and, in any event, whatever exactly you are planning, your model seems flawed: it would only be a naïve user who would allow you to do this. I have accounts that are allowed to launch hundreds of instances concurrently. Does it make sense that I would allow a third party to have access to credentials that could run up a huge bill for me? (If AWS trusts a set of credentials to launch instances, then it trusts them to launch instances -- all the way up to the account's instance limits).
If you want a user to be able to launch an instance from your AMI, you can simply list it on the AWS Marketplace, or you can share the AMI with the user's account, or even just make the AMI public.

WSO2 IS multiple roles repositories

We have a lot of systems which have their own authorization mechanisms. Our goal is to expose all of them through IS so we can manage all of them in a single place.
Our users are authenticated in LDAP but their roles are spread through several databases. As far as I can see IS retrieves roles from the domain the user was authenticated. Is it possible to retrieve roles from all user stores ignoring the domain?
I've already tried both RemoteUserStoreManagerService.getRoleListOfUser and using claim
In WSO2 you can only assign roles to user if roles are in the same user store domain where the user belongs. If the role is an internal role, then you can assign that role to any users in any user stores.
What is the API Service you tried to retrieve roles? and Please explain more about your requirements.

NetSuite SSO only allows map to Admin? Can I switch to a different role?

I have managed to get my mapSSO / ssologin working as expected, except I can not seem to use any role other than admin. Is there a way to switch which role you are logged in as or mapped as when using SSO or will it always have to be an admin role?
inbound SSO can be used for any role, but the key item is that the FIRST mapping in any account MUST be an administrator. Once you have a mapping for an administrator you can set up additional mappings for other users/roles. I'm unsure whether you can map twice for the same user (once as admin, once as a sales person for example).